WWE Announces Huge Match For Tonight's Raw


WWE's announced that, in addition to The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family and another confrontation between The Undertaker & Brock Lesnar, a second main event match is set to take place: Daniel Bryan vs. Batista.

There's been no announcement from WWE regarding CM Punk's status for Raw tonight, obviously, but IF Punk does show up at Raw tonight, I think it'll happen during the Bryan vs. Batista match. IF Punk is there and if Bryan vs. Punk is the last segment on the show, Punk showing up just seems like a hot way to end the show.
I'm so pumped for Raw tonight, a lot more than last week. WWE is really trying to stack the deck against the Chicago crowd and I like it.
They have only booked this match because the Chicago Raw twitter account are planning to turn their backs on any Batista/Triple H segments. Crowd wouldn't turn their backs on Daniel Bryan surely.
I could see this opening the show, and Bryan somehow going over, just so the fans are ecstatic right from the get go and hopefully won't engage in further hijinks
I really hope they put a stipulation of Bryan getting into the title match at Mania with a win over Batista...and actually gets in it. As much as it would be a nice moment to see Bryan overcome Triple H always holding him down since Summerslam, I'd much rather see the awesome moment of that Mania crowd chanting YES! to close the show. However I have a feeling if they do add that stipulation, Bryan will get screwed by Triple H to create the Triple H/Bryan match at Mania :banghead:
Punk helps Bryan beat Batista, Bryan earns his way into the title match due to beating the #1 Contender, and Triple H is livid with Punk for screwing up his plans so he makes a match between them at Mania?

Like I've said all along, there's no way in hell Randy Orton vs. Batista main events WrestleMania. They're not going heel vs. heel in the biggest match on the biggest show of the year, and it baffles me that anybody thinks they would. I don't know what they'll do, but I do believe tonight is the night that changes.
Punk helps Bryan beat Batista, Bryan earns his way into the title match due to beating the #1 Contender, and Triple H is livid with Punk for screwing up his plans so he makes a match between them at Mania?

This. Great idea! The Chicago crowd would go nuts and would make for an awesome ending to the show tonight.

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