WWE Acquires Original WWWF Title Belt

The Boss

'The Boss' Of Pro Wrestling
F4WOnline.com is reporting WWE recently acquired the original WWWF title belt worn by Bruno Sammartino, apparently for display in the long-rumored physical WWE Hall of Fame.

Dan Lambert of American Top Team (MMA) is a title belt collector and mentioned in an interview that WWE contacted him about the WWWF belt, which he owned. Lambert didn’t say when he was contacted, but he got a few other championships from WWE in exchange for the original title.

WWE’s Hall of Fame is rumored to be built in the Orlando, Florida area whenever it is announced.

Now is the old NWA United States title belt that was originally worn by Buddy Rogers and then Sammartino as the WWWF World title?

Is it the first belt made specifically as the WWWF title (which was stolen and had to be replaced)?

Or was it the third one which Bruno is mostly associated with that he lost to Ivan Koloff?
They had found the US one when Bruno was inducted into the Hall of Fame and had it on hand to show him, but it's possible that they had just borrowed it at that point. If that is the case, it could be the one they are buying now.

Either way,i'm curious as well.
I'm assuming that it is the original NWA U.S. belt since, as stated above it's discovery has been confirmed. But since Rogers Rogers wasn't mentioned it's possible that this is not the belt being referred to. I would really like it to be the second (the first one made exclusively to represent the WWWF title) so we could maybe find out the story behind it's disappearance.

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