WWE 5 years from now?

Basically all superstars from the Attitude Era will have completely fizzled out. The only one that could maybe last another 5 years would definitely be Triple H, and his ties with the McMahon family only helps. Main event scene will probably be Orton, Cena, Miz, Morrison, Punk.
I believe in 5 years the wrestling business will be booming again and WWE and TNA will be a lot closer in competition with the WWE still ahead of course. I see the main eventers being as follows :

- Cm Punk - Ted DiBiase Jr
- John Morrison - MVP
- The Miz - Cody Rhodes
- John Cena - Jack Swagger
- The Miz - Edge
- Randy Orton - Drew McIntyre

Hopefully 5 years from now we will also be out of the PG era or close to it being over with. Vince will make few if any tv appearances around then. Raw will hopefully have a permanent GM. Also Smackdown and Raw will become even more intertwined with each other yet again and will neither will be the A or B show as both will be written in excellent fashion.
The only thing that can really hurt them is something like the Government bans wrestling or Vince dies. They will still be by far the leader in the business and still making huge money, and building new revenue streams. Nothing will really change but the talent.

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