WWE 5 years from now


Getting Noticed By Management
Alright try to to picture the wrestling industry 5 years in the future. Give me your opinion on where the WWE will be. Will the WWE have gotten more popular or less popular, why or why not? Who is going to be at a main event level? and what could be a possible headliner for wrestlemania?

Overall, will the mentality of the creative team in the WWE change and would fans be treated to something new? or would be still getting the same shit? Will WWE still be geared to kids or will the attitude style of entertainment return? and if it does what/who will be the driving force behind it?

Will triple h still be wrestling and possibly beating ric flairs title record or will he be retired for good? what about the undertaker or some of the other veterans of today?

TNA could be incorporated into this, if you think that they can pose a legitimate threat to the WWE within this time frame. Perhaps causing another wrestling boom?

Those are many, many, many different questions which should make for some interesting conversation/argument. Im actually VERY curious to hear what people have to say about this topic.
well this is what i think. tna will rule the wrestling world. hornswoggle will be WWE champ, triple h will be jobbing to jobbers. and wwe will only have one ppv a year which is wm.

na in all seriousness. in fives years WWE will get more popular with the up and comign of evan bourne, the hardys are still young. and all the Crusierweights in the WWE little kids will love it and the adults will love the matches.

for me Triple H will match Ric flairs record at 16 and no one will beat that record for a few years unless Cena is still in there. Undertaker will retire at wrestlemania 28 with a unbeaten streak of 19-1-0. that oen beign a draw and that will be to michaels both being un able to continue. Jeff ahrdy will have a few more reigns. the tag team will become better than ever and the US championship will be no more. ECW one night stand will no longer be a ppv but it will happen once every 2 years. and teh scamble match will be at every unforigven for 10 years. evan bourne will eb the champion in five years. kennedy will be the main heel in the company, MVp will be released because well i dunno. and Orton will be face in exacltly five years. edge will win a few more IC titles and jericho and edge will team up to win the tag team gold.
I picture the WWE quite similar to what it is now. I think there will be some retirements, such as Shawn Michaels and the Undertaker. I think Triple H will probably still be in the WWE in five years. Some of the young wrestlers in the WWE now will be in the upper mid card. Hopefully by this time, we have see a New Hart Foundation as well as a proper run for the legacy wrestlers. That in itself could be a feud, the Hart Legacy vs the Orton led Legacy. I think Kennedy will have shaped into a great wrestler. I see the tag teams being taken care of better, but the mid card being lowered even more. John Cena will still be tops in the WWE for at least ten more years. Really, I don't see much difference in general, besides Vince officially retiring in about seven years.
WWE should have very significant changes in 5 years time. Hopefully, the WWE will have a creative team with a bunch of people who are actually creative. 5 years should be just enough time for the new comers (such as Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, DH Smith, and Ted DiBiase) to shine and show that they mean business. Orton and Cena will still be young 5 years from now and I would not mind seeing them rule the WWE for that long. Unfortunately, Undertaker will be retired by then, but hopefully he will remain undefeated at Wrestlemania. Also, I feel that Triple H (at age 44) will still be with a full-time wrestler, knowing damn well that his body can no longer take it, but he will be the last person to admit that. I hope that Rey Mysterio's son, Dominick will be on the verge of being in the developmental territory and Eddie Guerrero's daughters will train to become WWE divas. Vince McMahon COULD step down as the chairman of WWE, but at age 68, he could still be able to do stuff. Finally, I really hope that WWE is a lot more interesting in 5 years and don't have the same shit now.
I think either Ring of Honor or TNA or both will become a legitimate threat to the WWE & cause another wrestling boom. I do think that Triple H will still be wrestling in 5 years but HBK & Undertaker won't but the WWE will also have a new creative team & their young stars (such as Evan Bourne, Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase & Jack Swagger) will be in the main event scene with Randy Orton & John Cena. I think TNA will finally go back to the TNA of old & stop being WWE Lite by pushing their young guys & get rid of guys like Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, Sting & the rest of the old fuckers that's hogging all of their resources. If Ring of Honor can get more noticed, get 1 or 2 recogniseable names, keep putting on great shows & make more money then they can also get up to the level of WWE & TNA & hopefully cause a major threat to both companies.

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