WWE 2014: "The Changing of the Guard"

Oi, oi, here is the first SMACKDOWN here in my BTB. I like a different format for SMACKDOWN - it is less important in the grand scheme of things - so it's more of a summary of how things go. Some might even prefer it. Interested to hear any thoughts from you guys who are reading.



Friday May 9, 2014
Buffalo, New York

** BORN 2 RUN **


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Announce Team
Michael Cole
John “Bradshaw” Layfield

SMACKDOWN begins with the WWE World Heavyweight Champion coming out to cut a promo alongside his wife, the beautiful Brie Bella. After the “Yes!” chants calm down, Bryan tells Buffalo that the idea of facing Mark Henry three times in less than a week would intimidate most WWE superstars but that is exactly what he has done here; tonight, Stephanie McMahon agrees, the SMACKDOWN main event will feature Mark Henry and himself and he intends to avenge the DQ defeat from RAW. Bryan holds his titles high and says that he will fight anybody and everybody – wherever they want – for these titles but the fight should be about the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Bryan declares that he has been disappointed recently that one or two people have decided to try and intimidate his wife, Brie, and they should leave her out of it. Whilst Bryan would go to the ends of the Earth to fight for his WWE World Heavyweight Championship, there is nothing that would not do to protect his wife and people like Kane, Mark Henry and Stephanie McMahon should remember that next time they threaten to involve her in any way. Out comes Vickie Guerrero and she has some big news for Daniel Bryan straight from the Authority back in Greenwich, Connecticut – tonight, to avoid a repeat of RAW, the main event between Bryan and Henry will be a “No Disqualification” match. Bryan nods his head in acceptance but then Vickie has more; should Henry be victorious tonight, he qualifies for the Championship Scramble at Payback as well. Big announcements here to start SMACKDOWN and we have a big main event in store.

CESARO (w/Paul Heyman) vs. CODY RHODES (w/Goldust)
Despite some clear tension between them, it appears that the relationship between the Rhodes Brothers has survived – but will it continue to last here tonight? In a competitive opening match, Cesaro and Cody take the fight to each other and we see a glimpse of the future here in the WWE with both men showing why they are so highly rated. However, Rhodes breaks out some heelish moves in his desire to win … but still ends up getting hit with the Giant Swing. As the match winds on, Rhodes looks to have things in control but wastes some time when he needlessly taunts his older brother about the fact he is in control. Cesaro ducks the Beautiful Disaster and this staggers Cody enough for the Neutraliser and the victory at 10:07. Big win here tonight for Cesaro as he picks up another victory under the guidance of Heyman. After the match, Rhodes is frustrated and we see more problems between him and Goldust with Cody questioning why he didn’t come into the ring and distract Cesaro?

With the slated match being a singles match between Fandango and Sheamus, problems surface during the entrance of Fandango with his latest love interest, Layla, when his former “dance partner” Summer Rae makes her return. She immediately confronts Fandango and launches a tirade at him but it is Layla who decides to stand up for her man and slaps Summer Rae across her face. A catfight ensues and Fandango – whilst Sheamus watches on amused – is forced to pull Layla clear; Summer Rae responds with a slap to his face as well. As Fandango makes a threatening move towards Summer, she backs off but Fandango continues to advance on her … and walks into a Brogue Kick! When we return from commercial, the decision has been made and we have an inter-gender match instead. With emotions running high now, we have an exciting and interesting little match but it is Sheamus who has the final word when he hits a second Brogue Kick to Fandango before covering for the win at 5:43. Afterwards, Layla and Summer Rae continue to argue over their man but Sheamus backs off delighted to have scored the win here tonight.

In a dark corridor backstage, the three members of The Shield – Ambrose, Reigns and Rollins – address the fact that C.O.O. Triple H double crossed them on Monday Night RAW when he gave them the main event to earn their opportunity to be in the Championship Scramble but then revealed the opportunity was for one of them only and that they will determine who this week on RAW in a Triple Threat match. Ambrose claims that The Shield remain strong regardless of what Triple H tries to do, he says that they all have a desire to be the WWE World Heavyweight Champion but they also have a desire to seek out and put an end to injustice. Reigns takes over and declares that all three members of the Shield will be giving it their all this Monday on RAW and that the best man will win and move on to Payback to become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion – but it will not be at a cost of weakening themselves as a group. Rollins has the final words when he warns Ambrose and Reigns that he intends to be victorious – but he knows that they do too. However, after the match is over, after one of them is installed in the Championship Scramble, they will come back together and focus on the destruction of Evolution. Believe in the Shield.

With a match looming with Big Show for his United States Championship this coming Monday, US Champion The Miz claims that he hand-picked Khali here tonight as great preparation for the challenge to come. Miz, talking in the ring, declares that he is confident of beating the Big Show and walking away from RAW with the gold around his waist regardless of what the Giant thinks about him. However, Miz struggles in the match against Khali and seems to spend most of the time outside the ring and looking to pull a fast one on his opponent. In the end, Miz sneaks the advantage out and, when Khali is down on his knees, he manages to hit a modified Skull Crushing Finale to pick up a victory in 8:23. After the match, Miz again grabs the microphone and yells at the WWE Universe that he is proving that Big Show has no chance this Monday and that he will remain United States Champion … Cue a sneak attack from Big Show as he hits the WMD Punch and knocks Miz out cold. It seems that Show is heading into the match as the overwhelming favourite and we look like we’re going to get a new United States Champion.

After their promo earlier in the evening, The Shield back up their claims that they remain united despite their upcoming Triple Threat with a convincing win over Drew McIntyre, Jinder Mahal and Heath Slater here tonight. A Triple Powerbomb to Slater at the 3:38 mark is enough and the Hounds of Justice continue to look dominant going forward. Can they survive RAW this Monday night though? That is the big question!

SMACKDOWN announces that we will see a #1 contender match on RAW for the Intercontinental Championship when Fandango and Sheamus, who clashed earlier, take part in a Triple Threat with Dolph Ziggler also in contention. Renee Young asks Barrett for his thoughts but he declares he has some bad news for those three men; they are fighting for the right to fail. Barrett claims that it does not matter which man he faces at Payback – whether it be the dancing queen, the thick Irishman or the blondilocks – they will be defeated like Big E was at Extreme Rules. Just like all the idiots here in Buffalo, New York, they are destined to fail whilst Barrett continues his march into the main events here in the WWE.

Competitive outing with both teams giving it everything to try and advance into the Semi Finals and get themselves into contention to challenge for the Tag Team Championships of The Usos – sitting at ringside on commentary tonight. The experience of the Outlaws allows them to control the match for large periods but the unpredictable attack of the Mexicans allows them to stay in the fight and show that they are in with a chance. Mysterio survives the Fame-Asser from Gunn to the disbelief of the Outlaws and this proves costly when the 619 follows moments later. A West Coast Pop from Mysterio allows him to get the pinfall and it will be Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara, at 8:18, who advance to the Semi Finals.

For the third time in five days, Bryan and Henry take the fight to each other and we get a terrific main event on SMACKDOWN. With the carrot of being in the Championship Scramble dangling in front of Henry, he looks to pummel Bryan to oblivion and uses the advantage he has of being able to use whatever he wants as well. However, Bryan shows that he is not incapable of using weaponry either and he uses a steel chair incredibly effectively to take out Henry’s legs and knees and this leads to the World’s Strongest Man struggling to walk at times. The power of Henry, the quick thinking of Bryan, we have a great match here but it appears that Bryan has victory in sight when he locks in the “Yes” Lock! Henry makes it to the ropes but there is nothing in the rules stating that Bryan must release – the match is No DQ. However, Henry thinks quickly too and grabs the hair of Bryan’s wife Brie as she stands too close to the apron. Dragging her through the ropes, Bryan is forced to release the hold and protect his wife and he ushers her to the opposite side of the ring concerned that once more she has become part of his match. He turns to Henry and waits for him to get up … “Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!” chant the crowd before Bryan rushes over looking for the Busaiku Knee. Henry ducks though, the distraction of Brie gave him recovery time and he scoops Bryan up … WORLD’S STRONGEST SLAM DOWN THROUGH A SET UP TABLE! As the referee counts 3, Cole and JBL on commentary hype up the arrival of Mark Henry into the Championship Scramble come Payback; has he got the advantage over Daniel Bryan? Could Mark Henry become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion at Payback? SMACKDOWN ends with Henry mocking Bryan’s “Yes!” chant …





Sunday June 1, 2014
AllState Arena
Rosemont, Illinois


Championship Scramble

Daniel Bryan © vs. Batista vs. Randy Orton vs. Ambrose/Reigns/Rollins vs. Mark Henry vs. ???

Bad News Barrett © vs. Dolph Ziggler / Fandango / Sheamus



Monday May 12, 2014
Greenville, South Carolina



With the Championship Scramble match at Payback now set with four names, a fifth name is destined to be added tonight as the three members of The Shield – Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins – face each other in a Triple Threat match set up by C.O.O. Triple H last week. Whether the Game is deliberately trying to set The Shield up to implode from within or simply trying to ensure the very best quality of challenger to Daniel Bryan’s WWE World Heavyweight Championship, it is going to be a very interesting main event as we see the three team-mates compete against each other for the first time ever in the WWE. On SMACKDOWN, they defiantly predicted that they would have an amazing match, the best man would win and then they would get on with their quest for justice; the reality is that the prospect of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship can do funny things to relationships as we have witnessed in previous weeks with Evolution. Which member of the Shield will qualify for the Championship Scramble? And will the Shield’s existence be threatened here tonight from within?

SMACKDOWN saw the WWE World Heavyweight Champion demand another match with the World’s Strongest Man, Mark Henry, after he was defeated on RAW last week. Unfortunately for Bryan, the presence of Brie Bella in his corner again proved problematic as Henry used her to his advantage and took his chance to hit the World’s Strongest Slam to get the 3 count that qualifies him for the Championship Scramble at Payback. Although Bryan has warned against his opponents involving his wife in their problems, it continued on SMACKDOWN and now Bryan must be questioning whether or not to allow Brie to accompany him to the ring particularly after Henry slammed him through a table to close SMACKDOWN. With injuries heavily rumoured for the champion, it will be interesting to hear from Bryan tonight as he sets his sights on Payback and defending his title against Henry, Batista and Orton to name but three.

After their chilling destruction of John Cena back at Extreme Rules, Bray Wyatt and his family last week warned that their crusade to remove the liars and corruption from the WWE was far from complete and it appears that Rob Van Dam is their next victim after he was attacked post match last week on RAW. RVD has been medically cleared to return to RAW tonight and is sure to be demanding answers from the Wyatt Family; question is, will he get them? Or will the Wyatt Family continue to wreak havoc on the WWE?

After winning the Battle Royal last week on RAW by eliminating Cesaro, Big Show tonight cashes in his chance to become the United States Championship when he faces the man he once held Tag Team Championships with, The Miz. After winning the US Championship from Dean Ambrose a few weeks ago, The Miz has been running from Big Show but tonight he has no choice; he must face him with the title on the line. After warming up with a win over Great Khali on SMACKDOWN, Miz claimed he was not scared of Show but ended up knocked cold by the giant afterwards. With the champion seemingly the underdog, can Miz find a way to defeat Show and retain his title? Or will he be knocked cold as we see a new United States Champion?

Also on RAW tonight, we will see a new #1 contender for the Intercontinental Championship of Bad News Barrett determined as well as the next Quarter Final in the Tag Team Championship #1 contender tournament. Dolph Ziggler, Fandango and Sheamus – the latter two having their issues on SMACKDOWN this past week – meet in a Triple Threat to determine who will challenge Barrett for the title at Payback. In the tournament, RybAxel, who’ve looked good of late and were unlucky not to take the Tag Team Championships at Extreme Rules, face Santino Marella and Zack Ryder as they look to secure a Semi Final spot. Who will be the next challenger for the Intercontinental Championship? And which teams will join Mysterio and Sin Cara and Jinder Mahal and Heath Slater in the next round of the tournament?


Alexander Rusev vs. Alex Riley
Big Show vs. The Miz © (US Championship)
Cesaro vs. Cody Rhodes
Dolph Ziggler vs. Fandango vs. Sheamus (#1 contender match for IC)
RybAxel vs. Santino Marella & Zack Ryder


Dean Ambrose vs. Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins




Saturday May 10, 2014
Buffalo, New York


Predictably, Colter runs down Santino before the match begins for his Italian heritage but Santino and Ryder pick up the win at 6:49, thanks to a Cobra to the face of Titus, and gain momentum ahead of their Tag Team Championship #1 contender tournament Quarter Final with RybAxel this coming Monday on RAW.

The quirky Australian, Emma, wrestling alone without Santino by her side, defeats Aksana in a hard fought Divas match in 7:02. Emma forces the Lithuanian to tap out when she locks her in the Emma Lock before dancing around in the ring to the delight of the WWE Universe.

After a torrid few days where he lost the Intercontinental Championship to Bad News Barrett at Extreme Rules and failed to win it back on RAW, Big E looked to get back on track in the main event of Superstars against McIntyre. Despite the irritation of 3MB at ringside, Big E was able to survive and gut things out before hitting the Big Ending at 8:32 to pick up the win that gets him back on track. What next for the former Intercontinental Champion?




Sunday June 1, 2014
AllState Arena
Rosemont, Illinois


Championship Scramble

Daniel Bryan © vs. Batista vs. Randy Orton vs. Ambrose/Reigns/Rollins vs. Mark Henry vs. ???

Bad News Barrett © vs. Dolph Ziggler / Fandango / Sheamus



Monday May 12, 2014
Greenville, South Carolina



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Announce Team
Michael Cole
Jerry “The King” Lawler
John “Bradshaw” Layfield

The commentary team hype up tonight’s exciting edition of RAW – which member of The Shield will emerge victorious tonight when they face off against each other for the first time in WWE history and earn themselves a place in the Payback Championship Scramble. And speaking of the Championship Scramble, what condition is WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan in after being hit with the World’s Strongest Slam through a wooden table on SMACKDOWN? We’ll find out tonight but, first off, we are going to see if Big Show can claim his second United States Championship here in the WWE …


Smiling widely and looking confident, Show heads for the ring as replays of his triumph in the #1 contender Battle Royal last week are shown; will Show be able to defeat Miz here tonight and become the United States Champion?

** AWESOME! **


United States Champion

Despite the United States Championship over his shoulder, a distinct lack of the usual cockiness and bravado we have come to expect from Miz as he makes his way to the ring looking concerned. We see replays from his win over Khali on SMACKDOWN but also a replay of Show knocking him cold after the match before we return to the ring, the title belt is held aloft and the match kicks off RAW here tonight …




RAW kicks off with the excitement of a United States Championship match as The Miz looks to defend the gold he won from Dean Ambrose a few weeks’ ago against the 7-foot giant, Big Show. In the early stages, Miz is on the extreme defensive and is simply concerned with staying out of range from Show’s right hand. In and out of the ring he goes, frustrating the challenger, trying to find a chink in the armour of Show. When Show chases him out, Miz sneak attacks his challenger coming in – classic heel move – but for once, this doesn’t work at all. Show swats him away starts to go on the attack himself by slapping the hell out of Miz’ chest in the corner. As a slow pace develops, Show has complete control and the WWE Universe are firmly behind him here as he looks to put Miz away and become the US Champion here tonight. However, disaster strikes when an attempted big boot from Show fails and he gets his foot tied up in the ropes. A chopblock from Miz allows him to further tie Show up and he works away at Show’s leg here taking advantage. The referee threatens to DQ Miz but he simply smirks at this idea – he’d gladly accept being disqualified here tonight. Using his discretion – and also listening to Show’s protests to not disqualify Miz – the referee simply tries to stop Miz instead and allows the match to continue but by the time Show is released from the ropes, he is clutching his knee and Miz stands over him smirking as we head into a commercial break.


When RAW returns, Miz has control still and Show is struggling to put weight on his right knee that Miz has targeted and ripped at so far here tonight. Continuing to target the injured knee, Miz is looking a little more confident now and looks to be heading for victory when he hits a running jumping clothesline in the corner of the corner and follows up with a dropkick off the middle rope that sends Show tumbling. However, Miz can only keep Show down for 2 and is getting frustrated that he can’t put his challenger away here.

CLOSING MOMENTS: The turning point in the match comes when Miz himself decides to go for a boot to the face of Show himself; poetic justice from earlier as Miz misses and gets caught on the ropes as well. A look of anger in his eyes, Show hobbles towards Miz and decides to go for the brutal approach by grabbing the champion by the throat. He drags him away from the ropes and lifts him high … CHOKE SLAM! Has Big Show done enough to become the new United States Champion? Unfortunately, no, his knee gives out a little as he hits the Choke Slam and by the time he crawls over towards Miz for the cover, he has hold of the ropes and the count cannot take place. Dragging himself under the ropes, Miz goes on the run and looks to out of here as he grabs the United States Championship and heads off towards the ramp. Again, the official protests and refuses to start the count whilst Miz is on the run. Big Show, angered by Miz’ tactics, goes after the US Champion and catches him on the ramp. Seeing him coming, Miz hits a low drop kick to the knee and takes Big Show down once more. Stomping at the injured knee, Miz looks like a man possessed as he tries to put his challenger out of commission here. With the referee now counting both men out, Miz continues the assault … 6 … 7 … A gleam appears in the eyes of Miz as the referee hits 8. He rushes down towards the ring and slides in at 9 … 10 … BIG SHOW HAS BEEN COUNTED OUT!

WINNER: The Miz (09:04) [C/O]
The Miz retains the United States Championship

Despite the odds being seemingly against him, The Miz has found a way and retains his United States Championship in a cheap way – some might call it opportunistic – here tonight on RAW. However, as Miz looks to leave, he realises he has a problem; Big Show remains on the ramp and is blocking his path. As Show hobbles down the ramp towards Miz, the US Champion refuses to get involved in more action and flees over the guard rail and through the crowd towards the backstage area. Eyes bulging with rage, Show glares at the disappearing silhouette of the United States Champion and roars out in frustration.


When RAW returns, the arrival of the eerie Wyatt Family is signalled …


Bray Wyatt
Erick Rowan
Luke Harper

In the darkness, Bray Wyatt and his followers make their way towards the ring as the crowd hold their phones aloft and clap their hands. Once the lights return, Bray is sat in his chair with his microphone and he begins to explain why the Wyatt’s targeted Rob Van Dam last week on RAW. Wyatt claims that when he threw John Cena, the biggest liar and hypocrite here in the WWE, off the top of the steel cage, he removed the biggest danger to the children of the WWE Universe indefinitely. However, Bray claims, there are many other liars here in the WWE and it is time that they were dealt with too. Wyatt tells the story of the rattlesnakes in the grass and the threat they posed. He recalls that he was told to “get them before they get yours” and how he hunted down the biggest, baddest rattlesnake of them all and chopped off its head. “But I made a mistake, I left it there and carried on with life. I forgot about the other rattlesnakes in the grass, I let them live and I let them grow strong.” He recalls the day when the rattlesnakes reappeared and attacked the flock and how he felt ashamed of allowing this to happen. “But it won’t happen here. We destroyed the biggest rattlesnake of them all in John Cena, man, but there are others. Other liars, other hypocrites, other threats to you and I. Rob Van Dam, a man who tells you all how extreme he is but takes eight months off a year because his body can’t take it. A man who comes out here expecting your cheers but leaves when it suits him and leaves all of you alone.” Bray explains that Rob Van Dam is another snake in the grass and it is time for his head to be chopped off too, just like John Cena, just like every other liar here. “I will not rest until I have removed them all. Follow the Buzzards!”

As the arena descends into darkness again, RAW heads into a commercial break once more …


RAW returns with footage from backstage showing The Miz, United States Championship in hand and still in his wrestling gear, rushing down a corridor towards the parking lot. As he reaches a car, we hear a roar from behind him and he turns and looks round startled. The camera shows an irate Big Show, still hobbling, heading towards him and shouting at him to be a man and come back and fight. As Miz leaps into the car, Show reaches it and pounds at the doors and the windows but Miz floors it and exits the arena. Show roars out once more in anger as Miz’ car becomes a speck on the horizon.

At the announce desk, replays of Bray Wyatt’s ominous words from before the break are replayed and Michael Cole announces that tonight we will see Erick Rowan and Luke Harper in action against the afore mentioned Rob Van Dam and a partner of his choosing here tonight on RAW before we see that already in the ring, saluting the fans and goofing around, are Santino Marella and Zack Ryder who will be in action here tonight in the Tag Team Championship #1 contender tournament.

Curtis Axel

After their loss at Extreme Rules when they challenged the Usos for the Tag Team Championships, RybAxel are back in action here tonight and looking to progress towards another shot at the titles of the Samoan champions. However, tonight, in order to join Jinder Mahal/Heath Slater and Rey Mysterio/Sin Cara in the Semi Finals, they need to overcome the pairing of Santino and Ryder, an incredibly popular team.



It’s the power and brute force of RybAxel that takes control of this match in the early stages – in particular, Ryback who looks in devastating form as he takes Ryder to school in the early going. Without concern though, he allows Ryder to tag in Santino and repeats the trick as he emphasises how the strength and power he has makes the RybAxel team a major player here in this tournament. When Axel joins the match, he uses his more technical arsenal to also control the match and Santino finds himself cut off from the corner of the ring where a weakened Zack Ryder would love to tag in.

CLOSING MOMENTS: However, the comeback is on when Santino counters on Axel and hits the hip toss. Axel, stunned, tags in the “Big Guy” and Ryback comes on the offensive. Santino uses the splits to avoid contact and Ryback hits the corner buckles before the Italian his a series of kicks to leave him struggling in the corner. Tagging in Ryder, Ryback is sat in the corner of the ring and Ryder pumps up the crowd; “Woo! Woo! Woo!” before hitting the Broski Boot. Unfortunately, this is not enough to put Ryback away and he kicks out at 2. Ryder retreats and waits for Ryback to get to his feet … ROUGH RYDER! The crowd go wild as Ryder looks to have scored an upset win over Ryback here tonight! He hooks the leg but Curtis Axel rushes in and makes the save – though Ryback appeared to kick out anyway – with a kick to the back of Ryder. Angered, Santino steps in with the Cobra puppet on his hand and strikes Axel in the face with it – COBRA! Santino clotheslines Axel out of the ring and the pair of them crash to the floor as Ryder looks to finish the job in the ring. He climbs to the top rope and waits for Ryback to get to his feet before leaping off for a Missile Dropkick … Ryback catches him! Swinging him up onto his shoulders, Ryback shows incredible strength to transition Ryder into place and hit the SHELLSHOCK! It’s over! Ryback gets the 3 and RybAxel march on into the Semi Finals!

WINNERS: RybAxel (05:42)
RybAxel advance to the Semi Finals of the Tag Team Championship #1 contender tournament

RybAxel join the 3MB pairing of Jinder Mahal and Heath Slater as well of the Mexican duo Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara in the Semi Finals after a big win here tonight on RAW. On SMACKDOWN this week, it will be Los Matadores vs. R-Truth and Xavier Woods in the final Quarter Final before the Semi Finals begin on RAW next week. Are RybAxel on course to earn themselves another shot at the Tag Team Champions at Payback? As they celebrate, we see The Usos stood backstage nodding their heads impressed before the cameras switch to the Authority office where Triple H, suited and booted tonight, is talking on the phone. Into shot walk the rest of Evolution, Batista and Randy Orton, but there is tension in the air between the three of them right now. Hunter ends his call and addresses Batista and Orton by thanking them for coming to see him here tonight. He says that he recognises that there have been a few misunderstandings between them in the past week or so but tonight, he hopes, they are back on the same page and pulling in the same direction. “Remember, this is not about individual glory. It’s about getting the WWE World Heavyweight Championship away from Daniel Bryan. We can settle any differences we may have later.” Unfortunately for Hunter though, it appears that Batista and Orton are reluctant to be on the same page tonight. Batista brings it up first, he is not happy with Stephanie’s decision to involve Mark Henry in this Championship Scramble thing; “Why do we need a guy like Mark Henry involved here?” Orton then pipes up and reminds HHH that last week on RAW, he forced them into a Handicap match with The Shield - “Was that revenge for Extreme Rules, Hunter? Was that the C.O.O. putting us in our place?” It’s clear that Evolution is not a happy camp but HHH denies that he was getting revenge on the pair of them, he was giving them a chance at redemption and a chance to show The Shield that Evolution were better than them. Orton and Batista look unimpressed but then they turn on each other. Orton claims that Batista is the “weak link in the team” who tapped out at WrestleMania 30 and was defeated by Seth Rollins on RAW last week. Batista laughs at Orton and tells him that if HHH hadn’t made the stipulation he did for WrestleMania 30, he would have destroyed Orton and become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion - “You would have lost the title at WrestleMania 30 whatever the match was, Randy.” Triple H has heard enough and he orders the pair of them to get on the same page tonight – he says that tonight, they will be teaming up and getting along when they face R-Truth and Xavier Woods but then, on SMACKDOWN this Friday, they will get chance to end their issues with each other – SMACKDOWN’s main event will be Batista vs. Randy Orton! Huge announcement but how is that going to help things to improve in Evolution?


RAW returns with Renee Young and her guest, Cody Rhodes. Renee asks Cody about his recent reactions towards his older brother, Goldust, and suggests that Cody is blaming him for his recent run of defeats here in the WWE. Rhodes tells Renee that he has grown frustrated of late with the poor results he has suffered in the ring and that he has lashed out a little; Cody tells her that you always hurt the ones you love most and asks Renee who can say they’ve never had a frustrated rant at a loved one? “Tonight, I face a rematch with Cesaro and I am proud to say that my brother, Dustin, will be ringside with me and supporting me as usual.” Cody vows to make his brother proud and says that the Rhodes’ name makes him determined to succeed here tonight.

(w/Paul Heyman)

Back in the arena, the “King of Swing” is making his way towards the ring looking uber-confident as usual with Paul Heyman by his side looking smug as well. As Cesaro steps through the ropes, replays of his victory over Cody Rhodes on SMACKDOWN on Friday are shown before the entrance of his opponent tonight.


Looking determined, Cody Rhodes strides out followed by his older brother – is tonight the night that Cody gets his career back on track? In the ring, the two brothers shake hands before Cody’s attention turns to the man across the ring from him.

CESARO (w/Paul Heyman) vs. CODY RHODES (w/Goldust)


With vocal backing from the outside of the ring from his older brother, Rhodes goes on the offensive from the outset and we see a great opening to this match as both Rhodes and Cesaro throw their all into the match which is full of counter holds and technical wrestling. With both men giving it all they’ve got, the magnitude of the match becomes clearer – although there is technically nothing riding on it, both men are desperate to win and move themselves up the ladder here in the WWE. A collision in the centre of the ring allows RAW to take a break with both men down … Which of these two young superstars will come out on top here tonight?

CLOSING MOMENTS: When RAW returns, the match continues in a similar vein with neither man able to get a consistent amount of control in the contest and it swings one way and then the other until the pair of them spill through the ropes to the outside. As Goldust continues to encourage Rhodes, he gets a little close to the action and Cesaro at one point shoves him away teasing a few issues there as well. With Cesaro distracted, Cody looks to take advantage but Cesaro avoids his running attack and Rhodes collides with the ring steps to the dismay of the crowd. As Cesaro rolls into the ring, Goldust goes to check on his younger brother who is holding his shoulder; a back elbow from Cody Rhodes connects with the side of Goldust’s head! But did Cody Rhodes mean that? The announce team debate whether Cody knew it was Goldust or not, it appears he didn’t as he looks shocked when he realises what he has done. Sliding back into the ring, Rhodes continues to look back at Goldust with a look of regret … and Cesaro takes advantage as he whips Cody across the ring all of a sudden. EUROPEAN UPPERCUT CONNECTS! Out of nowhere, Cesaro is looking to finish this and is taking advantage of the lapse in concentration from Cody! NEUTRALIZER! Cesaro hits his big finish and makes the cover to pick up another victory here tonight!

WINNER: Cesaro (09:43)

Heyman is delighted as his client again picks up a big win and it seems as if the “King of Swing” is making serious headway here in the WWE; unfortunately, the same cannot be said for Cody Rhodes who is laid out as Cesaro looks down on him with a smirk. As Cesaro and Heyman exit, Rhodes gets to his feet and glares at Goldust once more. With the blame clearly put onto Goldust, Cody shakes his head in temper and storms out of the ring muttering to himself. Goldust cannot believe that he has taken the blame for the defeat again and, for the first time, the Golden One shows a little annoyance with his sibling.

Backstage, Renee Young catches up with the Tag Team Champions, The Usos. She asks them for their thoughts regarding the tournament to determine their #1 contenders and challengers at Payback so far. The Samoans declare that all three teams that have qualified for the Semi Finals so far have done so in impressive fashion and that they know, whoever emerges victorious come Payback, they will be in for one hell of a fight to hang on to their titles. Renee asks them for a prediction for SMACKDOWN on Friday when Los Matadores face R-Truth and Xavier Woods. The Usos refuse to give one but declare they have respect for both teams; however, they will make one prediction. After Payback ends, they will still be holding the Tag Team Championships. UUUUUH … SO!

Josh Mathews has also caught up with another of the champions here in the WWE; this time it is the turn of Intercontinental Champion Bad News Barrett to give his thoughts on the search for his Payback challenger and he begins with his famous quote; “Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m afraid I’ve got some BAD NEEEEWWWSSSS!” Barrett says that he does not respect any of the three men who will be competing later tonight in the #1 contender match for the right to challenge him at Payback. On one hand, you have Dolph Ziggler, a man famous for hanging off the arm of AJ Lee for a year and being knocked out by Alberto Del Rio when he finally had something to cheer about; you have Fandango, a ballroom dancer who prances around like a show pony with Layla and Summer Rae fawning over him but has never managed anything of note inside the ring; and finally, you have Sheamus, the Celtic Warrior, a man who has held WWE and World Championships but is more famous for his lack of suntan than his title reigns. Barrett tells the WWE Universe here in South Carolina that all three potential challengers need to concentrate on becoming more like him, a success inside the ring. “One thing is for sure though, South Carolina. Whichever of these men challenge me for the Intercontinental Championship at Payback, I can guarantee that the man they face is not famous for anything else other than this.” Pointing to his elbow, Barrett smirks, “This here guarantees that I am leaving Payback as the Intercontinental Champion regardless of which of these morons I face.” Smirking and laughing to himself, Barrett walks off camera as RAW heads into the commercial to close the first hour of the show.


RAW begins the second hour tonight with the arrival of the WWE World Heavyweight Champion …

WWE World Heavyweight Champion
(w/Brie Bella)

The crowd rise to their feet to salute their champion but when he heads out, dressed in jeans and a YES t-shirt, it is clear that Bryan is in a degree of pain here as he smiles weakly and can only lead a “Yes!” chant with one hand. Brie Bella is beside him and is carrying the WWE World Heavyweight Championship belt and they enter the ring together and a microphone is handed to Bryan to speak out. As the music fades, Bryan looks around him and smiles at the reaction but then gets serious. “I know that you all wanna’ see me in action here tonight but I’ll get straight to the point,” Bryan tells the WWE Universe, “After what Mark Henry did to me on SMACKDOWN last Friday, the doctors have ordered me not to compete here tonight.” A few boos at this announcement but Bryan smiles at them and says he wishes he could compete too. Bryan continues on and suggests that after what Mark Henry did on SMACKDOWN, putting his wife in harm’s way and then putting him through the table, he cannot wait to be given the all clear by the medical team and cannot wait to get his hands on Henry and teach him a serious lesson. “Who wants to see me kick Mark Henry all over the arena when I am cleared?” Bryan asks and the crowd respond with a big “Yes!” chant; however, this brings out the Principal Owner of the WWE, Stephanie McMahon.

Principal Owner of the WWE

As Steph strides out in her figure hugging black dress, she stops on stage and decides to address the WWE World Heavyweight Champion from a safe distance. She claims that she has heard nothing of the fact that Daniel Bryan has not been cleared to compete here tonight and says that she had him pencilled in for a match; it appears we have a dilemma here. Bryan responds by telling her that she is full of crap, she knows damn well that he has not been cleared to compete tonight, the doctors have told him to rest up and heal his back and neck. However, McMahon again shakes her head. She says that every single medic backstage has been spoken to personally by her and none of them feel that they should not clear Bryan to wrestle tonight. The crowd boo, this is clearly a set up on Bryan and who knows what Stephanie has forced doctors backstage to say in fear of losing their jobs. Stephanie goes on and declares that Daniel Bryan will compete tonight but Bryan again argues that he is not medically cleared. “Daniel, I think you would do well to remember right now that I am your boss. If I say that you are going to compete, you have no choice but to compete. I can tell anybody backstage or out here to do whatever I want – that includes you, that includes Brie, that includes that announce team and that includes the doctors …” Bryan shakes his head, he again tells Stephanie that he is not medically cleared and there is nothing she can do about it. Stephanie laughs and says that Bryan will be in action right now and he will face the World’s Strongest Man Mark Henry again here on RAW – or else she is going to strip him of his WWE World Heavyweight Championship for breach of contract. “But Daniel, I know that you are not 100% match fit so I decided to give you a little helping hand tonight. So, it will be Mark Henry in a 2 on 1 Handicap match … against Daniel Bryan … and Brie Bella.” Shock all over the face of Bryan and his wife, what the hell is Stephanie thinking? Before Bryan can complain though, Stephanie speaks once again, “And that match will begin right NOW!”


Mark Henry steps out and nods his head towards Stephanie McMahon in appreciation as the announce team declare that this is completely unfair and a disgraceful abuse of power on the part of Stephanie McMahon. However, the match is set and – on the boss’ orders – it will be Mark Henry vs. Daniel Bryan and his wife, Brie Bella, in a Handicap match here tonight.


RAW returns with Bryan, still in his non-wrestling attire, and his wife Brie in the ring with a match against Mark Henry here tonight; Stephanie McMahon is smirking as she watches on from ringside and it appears she is staying out here to watch the match, sadistic look in her eyes. As the referee signals for the bell, how will the clearly injured Daniel Bryan fare against the World’s Strongest Man? And can he keep his wife out of harm’s way?



Immediately, Bryan shepherds Brie out of the ring in the corner; the referee insists that she must hold the tag rope which upsets Bryan who wants to put her as far away from danger as possible. In the end, Bryan warns her to stay out of the ring and is clearly worried for her, so much so that he has turned his back on the dangerous Henry for far too long. The World’s Strongest Man attacks from behind and goes straight for the back and shoulders, where Bryan only moments ago identified his injuries, to devastating effect. For the opening minutes here tonight, Bryan is absolutely dominated and Henry looks to hurt him as he pounds away and slams him down harder and harder. However, Henry does not go for a pinfall, when the victory seems academic, and Bryan refuses the option from the referee of giving up; his pride means more to him. This makes a vicious circle for Bryan as his chances of retaining his title in three weeks’ time at Payback rescind further and further with every minute of domination by Mark Henry. At one stage, Henry, who of course is one of the five challengers at Payback, stands off and allows Bryan a free crawl towards his corner and the chance to tag in Brie. A worried look in her eyes, Brie stays well back and Bryan, gutting it out again, steers clear of the corner and tries to mount some offensive to Henry as he kicks out. Unfortunately, the kicks are weak and Henry is able to respond with a backbreaker; he then repeats the same move multiple times and drives his knee into the lower back of Bryan five times as the crowd watch on worried for the WWE World Heavyweight Champion who is clearly in huge amounts of pain. However, Stephanie McMahon looks delighted at ringside and continues to offer encouragement to the World’s Strongest Man as she yells out, “Punish him! Hurt him!” over the jeers of the crowd. RAW heads into a commercial with Daniel Bryan in a whole heap of trouble here on RAW …


When RAW returns at 7:36, the picture has changed little; Bryan is still writhing in pain and Henry is still in complete control to the delight of Stephanie. As the Principal Owner of the WWE continues to taunt Bryan and Brie as she watches on, Henry smirks and delivers more punishment to the back, neck and shoulders of the gutsy champion. But how much more will they do before they finally put him out of his misery here tonight?

CLOSING MOMENTS: It appears, as we tick into the 10:00 mark, that Henry and Stephanie have decided that enough damage has been done. With almost complete control, bar a few seconds of offence from Bryan prior to the commercial break, Henry signals to the crowd that it is all over and he drags Bryan’s carcass off the mat. WORLD’S STRONGEST SLAM! HENRY PLANTS BRYAN WITH THE WORLD’S STRONGEST SLAM! However, as he is about to make the pinfall, Stephanie yells out “No! Do it again!” to the dismay of Brie on the mat. Up goes Bryan again … WORLD’S STRONGEST SLAM! This is becoming uncomfortable to watch now and even JBL declares that that is enough. Standing over Bryan, Henry looks towards Stephanie and it is clear as anything now that he is Stephanie’s new tool of destruction, an arrangement that you have to assume will aid him come Payback and the Championship Scramble. With the crowd booing, the referee checks on Bryan and looks as if he is about to call the match off but Stephanie gets on the apron and orders him to let the match continue. As she stands at the ropes arguing with the referee, Henry laughs and yells “That’s what I do!” at the crowd before Brie has finally had enough and she snaps. She pulls Stephanie off the apron to the outside and slaps her hard in the face to the delight of the crowd. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” they chant but Henry creeps up on Brie and grabs her shoulders and the situation takes a dark turn. As Stephanie gets to her feet, a look of rage in her eyes, she glares and Brie and yells at her. “How dare you?” she yells, “Don’t you know who I am?” Struggling against the grip of Henry, Brie fears for her safety as Stephanie advances on her … SLAP FROM STEPHANIE TO BRIE BELLA! The crowd boo as Stephanie barks out more orders to Henry who rolls into the ring … YES LOCK! BRYAN SURPRISES HENRY WITH THE YES LOCK! Will Mark Henry tap out? Has Bryan got the energy to hold on here? The crowd are yelling for Henry to tap but he doesn’t and ends up reaching the ropes quite easily.

As the hold breaks, Henry retreats and recovers as Bryan wobbles to his feet; shoulder tackle from Henry and then a splash in the corner. Bryan clutches his stomach once more and is in dire pain; Henry picks him up once more … WORLD’S STRONGEST SLAM! A third Slam from Henry to an injured Daniel Bryan! Meanwhile, Stephanie attacks Brie once more and slaps her over and over before shoving her to the apron and grabbing her hand. She pushes Brie’s hand through the ropes as Henry drags Bryan over … NO! The crowd realise what is happening but there is nothing that can be done; tag is made from Daniel Bryan to Brie Bella! Boos ring out as Henry throws Bryan through the ropes to the outside and then drags Brie into the ring. As she spins to her feet, she realises what has happened and her eyes widen in fear as Henry smirks at her. WORLD’S STRONGEST SLAM! MARK HENRY HITS THE WORLD’S STRONGEST SLAM TO BRIE BELLA! And now, now, we have a pinfall attempt as Stephanie chortles on the outside of the ring … 1 … 2 … 3!

WINNER: Mark Henry (12:04)

As medics spill into the ring and tend to Brie – as well as more medics outside the ring with Bryan – Mark Henry celebrates the win and Stephanie McMahon raises his hand in victory to the anger of the crowd here in South Carolina. Boos ring out so loud that the music of the World’s Strongest Man can hardly be heard here, this has been an absolute horror show tonight for the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, his wife and his millions of fans. However, it appears that Henry is not finished as Stephanie orders him to cause more pain now. As he grabs Bryan though, the plucky champion reacts with a series of kicks and punches, he is enraged as he sees Brie laid out in the ring. Backing off Henry, Bryan waits for a second … RUNNING BUSAIKU KNEE! To the cheers of the crowd, Bryan plants Henry with the knee and knocks him down before staggering into the ring to check on his wife. As the medics tend to her, Bryan’s anger rises again and he heads out of the ring and picks up a steel chair before chasing after Henry who is now groggily making his way up the ramp. As Bryan rushes behind Henry though, chair raised to strike, Stephanie steps in front and Bryan pauses. Despite the encouragement of the crowd, Bryan lowers the chair and refuses to hit Stephanie but he tries to get past her. This distraction does the damage though as Henry blindsides the champion again before picking up the chair. Henry smashes the chair over and over on the back of Daniel Bryan before he wraps it around the ankle of the champion as well. The crowd urge against it but Henry laughs and smirks before leaping up and dropping all his weight onto the ankle and the chair. As Bryan writhes in pain, the shock of the attack courses through him and he is in more pain than we’ve ever seen him. With medics trying to calm Bryan and look at his ankle, Stephanie again raises the hand of Mark Henry on the stage and the pair exit to a chorus of boos. Has the World’s Strongest Man just ended the title reign of the WWE World Heavyweight Champion here tonight on RAW?






RAW returns with a sombre atmosphere at the announce desk as they replay the chilling attack by Mark Henry on Daniel Bryan and his wife Brie Bella before the commercial break; we then see live footage of Bryan being loaded into an ambulance with a groggy Brie Bella accompanying him. Although Brie appears to be coping with the effects of the World’s Strongest Slam, there looks to be genuine concern for the well-being of Daniel Bryan as he is loaded into the ambulance and Michael Cole announces that they wish him a speedy recovery.

Back in the ring, Alex Riley is stood in the ring ready for action here tonight.


Out strides the Ravishing Russian Lana and she informs the WWE Universe that the American Dream is a thing of the past. As the crowd jeer her, she said that America used to be the pinnacle of the wrestling industry but that since arriving here in the WWE, she has been disappointed with the level of competition her client has come across. She questions whether this is a sign of the once powerful America descending into mediocrity and a weak shadow of its former self. Unlike “Mother Russia” who is growing her borders and getting stronger every day thanks the great leadership skills of Vladimir Putin. As the crowd boo, Putin’s image flashes up on the screen but Lana smiles. She says that tonight, her client comes out here and will face another stupid American – whilst she points towards Alex Riley in the ring – and that he will be destroyed because he is, like America, weak. She then introduces Rusev and he comes out into the arena.


As Rusev and Lana make their way down to the ring, Alex Riley moves side to side as he prepares for one hell of a tough test here tonight. Can he spring and surprise and defeat the Bulgarian Brute here tonight? Or will Rusev, who gets in the ring and offers up prayers, slay yet another American and extend this undefeated streak still further?



CLOSING MOMENTS: Merciless performance and an almighty squash here tonight as Rusev destroys Riley, as promised by Lana, and extends the winning run in under 2 minutes. The fact it lasts that long is that Rusev toys with Riley a little and holds back on the orders of Lana. As soon as Rusev locks Riley into the ACCOLADE, the match is over and Riley taps out within moments.

WINNER: Alexander Rusev (01:45)

As Rusev and Lana salute their victory, Jerry Lawler tells the WWE Universe on commentary that he’s starting to think that there isn’t a man here in the WWE who is capable of defeating Alexander Rusev; every match he is so dominant. Cole argues that Rusev has yet to come up against the likes of Cena and Bryan but Lawler suggests that those men, if they know what is best for them, might want to avoid Rusev as long as they possibly can.

Backstage, we see an angry and emotional Cody Rhodes stuffing items into a bag; tonight, earlier, he lost for a second time to Cesaro and yet again blamed his older brother Goldust. Before Cody can leave though, his brother enters the locker room and suggests that they need to talk about things. Goldust tells Cody that he was checking on him earlier this evening and he understands that the elbow was unintentional but he is getting a little tired of the constant accusations that the losing streak that Cody is on is his fault. The younger of the Rhodes brothers glares and says that is exactly what he expected to hear from Dustin; it becomes a little personal as Cody says that he has always been a freak, a stain on the family and that they’ve always had to make excuses for his actions. “It was YOUR mistake, Dustin,” insists Cody, “Your mistake that cost ME my match tonight. You know what, I think I’ve just about had enough of it.” Cody shoves his way past Goldust, bag in hand, leaving the older brother looking hurt and annoyed.

Monday May 19

When the vignette advertising Jericho’s WWE return is finished, we see Renee Young in the interview pit and she introduces Rob Van Dam. She recaps the earlier message of the Wyatt Family, particularly the rhetoric of Bray Wyatt that RVD is as bad as John Cena for being a liar and a hypocrite, and then asks RVD for his response. RVD chuckles and tells Renee that whatever Bray Wyatt thinks of him, one thing he is not is a liar – when he says he is the “King of Extreme” here in the WWE, it isn’t a lie, it is a proven fact. RVD says that from Bingo Halls in New York right up to the bright lights of the WWE and Monday Night RAW, he has consistently proven that he deserves that title and that tonight he is going to take pleasure in beating the hell out of Bray Wyatt and showing him why that is the case. Renee asks if RVD has found a partner to team with and he introduces Kofi Kingston, who comes bounding into shot, RVD says that Bray Wyatt might think he can attack who he wants whenever he wants but that it ends here tonight.


When RAW returns, it is time for the match that was hyped before the break …


Two of the more popular WWE superstars head out to a decent reception and head for the ring together with smiles on their faces. They appear to be happy to be teaming together here tonight as they look to pull off what would probably be considered an upset here tonight against two-thirds of the Wyatt Family.

(w/Bray Wyatt)

As the arena is plunged into darkness, the crowd see Bray Wyatt on the titantron announcing that “We’re here!” before the lights suddenly return unexpectedly. As RVD and Kofi are stood in the ring waiting for the Wyatts to enter, we see that Harper and Rowan are in the ring behind them. Realising what is happening, the babyface team spin round and are attacked by Rowan and Harper to the dismay of the crowd. As Harper and Rowan catch RVD and Kofi by surprise, the referee protests as he tries to separate the two warring teams in order to begin the match. As the beatdown of RVD and Kofi continues, we see that Bray is heading out now as well and he sits in the rocking chair laughing as he watches. Eventually, the referee gets some control and signals for the bell to ring and start the match.



The early attack causes problems for RVD and Kofi in the early stages as Kofi is isolated in the ring whilst RVD is forced to watch from the mat unable to get the tag. Harper and Rowan dominate and make frequent tags in and out as they look to put away Kingston. Aside from a couple of flurries of a comeback, Kofi looks to be in real trouble as Harper and Rowan use typical heel tactics to deny him the tag he desperately need. When Harper hits a huge clothesline on Kofi after a sneaky blindside shot to RVD, he goes for a pinfall and looks to have the match won until RVD breaks it up and a brawl ensues. The referee gets control back again but then, in the chaos that descends, RVD gets a tag from Kofi and goes on the offensive against Rowan.

CLOSING MOMENTS: As the match becomes more even and RVD and Kofi begin to compete a little better, the crowd get more into the match and Bray Wyatt on the outside becomes a little more concerned; less laughter now from the head of the Wyatt Family. However, this doesn’t appear to be concerning RVD as he goes on the attack and hits Rolling Thunder on Rowan before leaping to the top rope. As Harper looks to shove RVD off balance, a well-aimed kick from Van Dam staggers him back but this gives Rowan time to shoulder barge the turnbuckles and unbalance RVD who crotches the rope. Angry at this, Kofi leaps back into the fray and chaos resumes and the referee loses control of things. He elects to end the match as he cannot get the legal men sorted out and the bell rings for a “Double DQ” …

WINNER: N/A [Double Disqualification] (06:32)

As the fight resumes, Harper lays RVD out with a clothesline but then Kofi, after dropkicking Rowan through the ropes, hits Trouble in Paradise to the delight of the crowd. With Kofi standing tall though, Bray Wyatt enters the ring and clobbers Kofi from behind before laying the boots to him. Harper and Rowan get back to their feet and support him with the assault before feeding him back to Bray … SISTER ABIGAIL! As Kofi, wounded and hurt, rolls away, the Wyatt Family attention turns back to RVD who they attacked last week and now appear to be intent on attacking again here tonight. Another SISTER ABIGAIL follows and RVD is down and out before Bray is handed a microphone. Cradling RVD’s head, Bray laughs maniacally before speaking slowly and clearly … “John Cena … Kofi Kingston … Rob Van Dam … False idols, liars and hypocrites … BEWARE! You will all … Follow … the Buzzards.”


RAW returns with a replay of the Wyatt Family’s attack on Kofi and RVD after their match ended in a Double DQ before we see Dolph Ziggler backstage, warming himself up, ready for action here tonight as he faces Sheamus and Fandango in a Triple Threat match to determine the #1 contender for the Intercontinental Championship currently held by Bad News Barrett. However, as Ziggler is preparing, Bo Dallas walks into shot and approaches the former World Champion. He holds his hand out to Ziggler who, suspiciously, takes it and shakes hands with the NXT newcomer - “Hi! I’m Bo Dallas …” introduces Dallas before smiling a beaming smile and moving on. Ziggler looks confused as the audience laugh; who can remember Ziggler doing that once upon a time?

Back in the ring, it is time for the Triple Threat match here on RAW …


To the usual decent pop, the Celtic Warrior comes out and slaps hands with the children lining the aisle before stepping into the ring and saluting the crowd by pounding his chest and yelling out “Brogue!” – it looks like Sheamus is focused on setting up a ‘Battle of Britain’ Intercontinental Championship match by winning here and heading on to face Barrett, from England, later down the line. As Cole suggests that the former WWE and World Champion has to be the favourite here tonight, King suggests that he has been in a little slump so far in 2014 and needs to get gold back around his waist to get back on track.


Dancing his way to the ring, along with the beautiful Layla, Fandango heads out looking for an opportunity to go for his first singles title here in the WWE tonight as he looks for the #1 contender spot. As he dances down the ramp, replays of his problems with Sheamus last Friday on SMACKDOWN are aired as Sheamus’ protecting of Summer Rae led to a Brogue Kick for the dancer. As Fandango, back live, enters the ring, he scowls at the replay being shown on the ‘tron and talks down at Sheamus who smirks at the memory of Friday night.


One of the biggest pops of the night as Dolph heads out looking excited by the opportunity he has here tonight; as he shouts out to the crowd and salutes the crowd, Ziggler heads for the ring with a purpose. Once in the ring, Ziggler pours scorn on the words of Fandango and leaps from right foot to left foot as he prepares for action here tonight. As all three men are now in the ring, the match is about to start when …

WWE Intercontinental Champion

As the Intercontinental Champion heads out, all three competitors in the ring turn their heads and Barrett, dressed in shirt and trousers with the gold over his shoulder, has a microphone. Barrett says that right now we have this match between Ziggler, Sheamus and Fandango but, unfortunately for the audience here in South Carolina, “I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news!” Barrett says that we have a Triple Threat match to determine the #1 contender to his title here tonight but without him, without Bad News Barrett, this match will only achieve one thing – it will completely suck. “However, the winner will face myself at Payback for this title – and you will see me, Bad News Barrett, in action, defending my Intercontinental Championship with all the class and style you have come to expect.” Barrett declares that he declared that 2014 would be his year; and so far, it has been. Once Barrett finishes, he heads for the announce desk and joins Cole, JBL and Lawler on commentary as the match to determine his next challenger begins in the ring.

TO DETERMINE#1 CONTENDER (Intercontinental Championship)


The match gets off to a fast start as Fandango, looking for a quick advantage, kicks Ziggler in the gut and then brawls with Sheamus as their feuding from Friday night continues here on RAW. However, Ziggler quickly gets back into things and we have a tit-for-tat opening few minutes as all three men get some shots in on each other with nothing much to suggest which man will emerge victorious. However, it is the Irish brute Sheamus who gains the first big advantage when he strikes Ziggler with the 10 Beats of the Bodhran whilst he has him trapped on the ropes; as Ziggler drops to his knees, red marks on his chest, Sheamus then repeats the trick by countering an attempted clothesline from Fandango and throwing him into the ropes as well for the same move. A shoulder charge from the Celtic Warrior sends Ziggler flying off the apron before he suplexes Fandango back into the ring and gets a 2 count as we head into the commercial break.


When RAW returns, we continue on with the even contest as Ziggler has been able to stop Sheamus’ momentum – via a Fame Asser that we see on replay – but his advantage doesn’t last long either. On commentary, Bad News Barrett claims that these three men are not in his league and that giving them false hope like this is actually cruel on them; back in the ring, Ziggler looks to hit the Zig Zag on Fandango but the dancer grabs the ropes to counter. As we move past 10:00, either of these three could win the match and challenge for the title at Payback.

CLOSING MOMENTS: Things get interesting as Ziggler looks to hit the Zig Zag once again, this time on Sheamus, but again it is countered. The Celtic Warrior responds with an attempted Brogue Kick but Ziggler ducks and comes off the ropes … and walks straight into White Noise from Sheamus! Looking to sneak a win, Fandango rolls Sheamus up and gets a 2 but then whips Sheamus to the corner and hits a step up enzuguri kick in the corner that swings the match in his favour. With Sheamus down, Fandango heads for the top rope and appears to be looking for the Leg Drop from the top when suddenly …


Dancing alone, Summer Rae, the former dance partner of Fandango, heads out looking fantastic as usual to the annoyance of Layla who is ringside. The delay on Fandango is costly too, he leaps off the top rope looking for the Leg Drop but Sheamus rolls clear and Fandango hits the apron hard. Clutching his thigh muscle, Fandango struggles to his feet … BROGUE KICK! SHEAMUS STRIKES WITH THE BROGUE! However, before the Celtic Warrior can get the 3, Layla scrambles into the ring and lays over her partner to the annoyance of the crowd. And, it seems, to the annoyance of Summer Rae, she enters the ring and drags Layla by the hair out of the ring. Catfight! Layla and Summer Rae scratch and claw outside the ring but Sheamus looks to pull them apart instead of focusing on Fandango. With Ziggler back in the ring, Fandango looks for a sneaky roll up again and gets 2 on Ziggler but the former World Champion is up quicker … ZIG ZAG! ZIGGLER HITS THE ZIG ZAG ON FANDANGO! Spotting Sheamus coming back in, Ziggler drop kicks the Celtic Warrior as he climbs to the apron and then makes the cover on Fandango … and gets the 3!

WINNER: Dolph Ziggler (12:22)
Dolph Ziggler becomes #1 contender for the Intercontinental Championship

Big celebration from Ziggler who gets a huge win here tonight thanks in part to the distraction caused by Summer Rae but mainly due to his opportunism. As Sheamus shakes his head annoyed with himself outside the ring, Summer Rae staggers away smiling that Fandango, the man who cheated on her, failed here tonight. As Ziggler salutes the fans, Barrett stands below the ring and holds the title high for all to see. At Payback, it will be Bad News Barrett defending the Intercontinental Championship against Dolph Ziggler in what is sure to be a great contest.


When RAW returns, R-Truth and Xavier Woods are already in the ring ready for action here tonight as they prepare for a huge test of their skills as a team ahead of their SMACKDOWN match with Los Matadores this Friday in the final Tag Team Tournament Quarter Final.

Randy Orton

Despite the absence of Triple H with them, the remaining two Evolution members look imposing as they head down the ramp towards the ring looking a huge test here for Truth and Woods. In the ring, Batista and Orton’s comments earlier are replayed and we see that both men have their sights on the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan despite their membership of the Evolution team and appear more focused on their Championship Scramble at Payback rather than supporting each other here tonight.



CLOSING MOMENTS: As you would expect, little resistance from the Truth and Woods team as Batista and Orton plough through them and get a morale boosting win to prove they can still get on the same page. After a Batista Spear to Truth, Woods gets the tag and eats the RKO from Orton as well to get the 3 count and a victory here tonight for the Evolution pairing.

WINNERS: Batista & Randy Orton (02:34)

Despite the win, there still appears to be a little tension in the ranks of Evolution as both Batista and Orton signal that they will soon be the WWE World Heavyweight Champion before a heated discussion between them over which of them is right and which is wrong. Both men are booed for signalling their intent but they don’t appear to care – both men, along with Daniel Bryan and Mark Henry confirmed so far, will be in the Championship Scramble and looking to walk out of Payback with the title over their shoulders. However, which member of The Shield will be the one to emerge victorious tonight and earn one of the two remaining spots? Tonight’s main event features Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins in a Triple Threat that threatens the existence of The Shield; can they survive this one in tact here tonight?


When RAW returns, an angry Big Show, who was earlier cheated out of his chance to win the United States Champion by The Miz, barges into the General Manager office and looks to intimidate Brad Maddox who is in there on his phone. Show tells Maddox that Miz’ actions earlier tonight, when he took a tainted Countout victory to defend the title, were cowardly and that he deserves another shot. At first, Maddox appears reluctant but then, after seeing the fury in Show’s eyes, he relents and makes the title match official – The Miz will defend the United States Championship once more against the Big Show this Friday on SMACKDOWN. Satisfied, Show backs off and tells Maddox that when he sees him next Monday night on RAW, he will be the United States Champion.

Renee Young is shown on screen and she knocks on the door of Triple H hoping to get a word ahead of tonight’s main event. The C.O.O. heads out of the office and accepts the offer to speak; Renee asks him why he chose to put The Shield in a match here tonight turning against each other? HHH says that he’s heard a lot of bullcrap this past week since he made the match – people saying that Evolution fears The Shield as a complete team and that they’re worried that The Shield as a trio in the Championship Scramble may lead to another WWE World Heavyweight Champion that the Authority does not want. HHH says this is rubbish, he wants the best man possible to wear the title around his waist and that one of the three men in The Shield have an awesome opportunity at Payback to become, for the first time, the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Renee asks HHH if he has selected the sixth man for the Championship Scramble but he simply smirks; “I’m dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s on that one, Renee, but I assure you that this man is worthy of a shot at the title come Payback. Let’s just say that he is eager to return at Payback and prove that he is the … Best in the World, shall we?”


When RAW returns, Michael Cole recaps many of the matches and segments we’ve seen this evening – The Miz retains the United States Championship, the assaults by Mark Henry on not just Daniel Bryan but Brie Bella as well, the Wyatts attacking RVD for the second week running and Dolph Ziggler earning the right to challenge Bad News Barrett at Payback for the Intercontinental Championship. However, speaking of Payback, it’s now time to identify the fifth man who will compete in the Championship Scramble – but which member of The Shield will it be?


Dean Ambrose
Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins

United for now, the three members of Shield head through the crowd and enter the ring ready for this match; but will the goodwill between them continue after the match has ended and one of them has set himself apart from the rest? JBL suggests that Roman Reigns’ power makes him the favourite in his opinion and Lawler agrees; he believes the Authority would fear Reigns more than any other. In the ring, Ambrose, Reigns and Rollins pull back to separate corners before the bell is rung … Who is going to go to Payback and challenge for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in just under three weeks?

TRIPLE THREAT MATCH (for place in the Payback Championship Scramble)


Touching fists in the centre of the ring beforehand, Ambrose, Reigns and Rollins have clearly made a deal to give it their all and fight it out like men as we get off to an even start. The power and strength of Reigns is there for all to see as he is able to get the first element of control in a frantic start against his two stable mates but the cunning of Ambrose and the speed of Rollins lead to the pair of them working together – inadvertently – to take Reigns back down as Rollins springboards off the ropes into a clothesline to the Samoan. Looking for any advantage he can get, Ambrose sneaks up on Rollins and surprises him with a DDT and, for the first time tonight, he takes control of the match. No sign, yet, of any ill feeling, just three guys looking to get the win here tonight; will it continue like this? As Ambrose notices Reigns getting to his knees, he hits a dropkick to the face and this sends Roman tumbling to the outside where Ambrose follows, perhaps seeking to put Reigns down out of the way for a minute. However, Reigns fights back at the foot of the ramp and they trade blows until Rollins flies over the top rope … Suicide Dive! With all three members of The Shield down on the floor outside the ring, RAW takes its final commercial of the night …


Back from commercial, Rollins and Ambrose are wrestling in the ring once more and footage from the break is shown of Ambrose running Reigns into the ring steps, the first ‘unnecessary’ move of the night. As Ambrose gets the better of Rollins, he whips him into the corner and then hits a knee to the gut as Rollins staggers out before picking up the 2 count. Lifting Seth up onto the turnbuckles, Ambrose climbs up after him and looks to be setting for a superplex when Reigns, recovered from his encounter with the steps, makes his way back over and grabs Ambrose as he stands on the middle ropes. He hits a powerbomb that crashes Ambrose down but the count is broken by Rollins leaping down in time and breaking it at 2. Now, there is a little more dissension as Reigns confronts Rollins over it; Rollins protests his innocence but the wily Ambrose takes advantage again as he stumbles up and hits a knee into the back of Reigns. He stumbles forward and collides with Rollins, Ambrose with a cheeky roll up on Roman Reigns but just a 2 count and the match continues. As Ambrose and Reigns trade punches, Rollins climbs the ropes and comes off to hit a plancha to Ambrose before ducking Reigns’ attempted big clothesline and hitting a sudden, soccer kick to the side of his head. Has Rollins done enough? No, just a 2 count!

CLOSING MOMENTS: Heading for home now and all three men are giving it their all despite their allegiances towards each other. The first big move of the evening comes when Ambrose looks to hit Dirty Deeds on Reigns; the Samoan fights clear and shoves him away and straight into the right boot of Rollins … SUPERKICK! However, there is no chance of pinning Ambrose at this point as Rollins has Reigns to deal with. An attempted Spear misses and then the pair of them collide and crash heads together … All three members of The Shield are down here and the first man to his feet will surely have an immense advantage. That man is Roman Reigns, he of the Samoan skull which, as we all know, is harder than others, he staggers back to the corner whilst Ambrose and Rollins struggle. However, as The Shield battle in the ring, there is a commotion as Triple H, Randy Orton and Batista come out from the backstage area and head down towards the ring. As Rollins gets to his feet, narrowly beating Ambrose, Reigns steadies himself … SUPERMAN PUNCH! The crowd love the sight of this and it looks as if Roman Reigns could be closing in on a spot in the Championship Scramble at Payback here. He retreats to the corner as Ambrose gets up … SPEAR! REIGNS HITS THE SPEAR ON AMBROSE! Things are looking good now for Roman Reigns, he kicks Seth Rollins in the gut and lifts him high … POWERBOMB! A one-man Powerbomb, apt in the circumstances, looks to have Reigns home and dry, he hooks the leg of Rollins for the victory … 1 … 2 … NO! Triple H drags Reigns off Rollins and drags him out of the ring where Evolution begin their assault on the Samoan. What the hell is this?

As Roman Reigns is hit with heavy right hands from Evolution, Ambrose and Rollins are down and out; Evolution have cost Roman Reigns the chance to appear in the Championship Scramble. As Reigns is ran into the barricades, HHH looks pleased with their work here tonight and smirks as the crowd jeer and boo. In the ring, Ambrose is up first, he grabs Rollins and sets up as Evolution walk away to the stage to watch. DIRTY DEEDS! Ambrose strikes with Dirty Deeds to Seth Rollins … 1 … 2 … Rollins grabs the ropes! Ambrose looks around in shock, he cannot believe this has happened. Clutching his head, Dean takes a moment to consider what happened before dragging Rollins off the mat … Small Package! Rollins with the surprise small package … 1 … 2 … 3! Rollins steals the win and will head to the Championship Scramble!

WINNER: Seth Rollins (11:53)
Seth Rollins qualifies for the Payback Championship Scramble

As Rollins back off, arm held aloft by the referee, Ambrose looks stunned; he appeared to have that match well in hand there but, out of nothing, Rollins caught him and steals the victory. However, as JBL calls it on the announce desk, all’s fair in love and war. On the outside of the ring, Evolution look pleased with themselves as they slap each other on the back in celebration; whilst there was no affiliation to Rollins or Ambrose, they appear delighted to have denied Roman Reigns his spot in the match and clearly saw him as the danger to their chances of winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Sat with his back against the ring, Reigns is seething with rage as he glares up at Triple H, Randy Orton and Batista; they just cost him his chance to become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion and he is not happy with that. As RAW wraps up, we see an agitated Dean Ambrose looking shocked at the manner of defeat, we see Roman Reigns angry with the interference of Evolution … but one man is celebrating respectfully … Seth Rollins will challenge for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Payback!



US CHAMPIONSHIP: The Miz © defeats Big Show via C/O to retain the US Championship
RybAxel defeat Santino Marella & Zack Ryder to advance to the Semi Finals of the Tag Team #1 contenders tournament
Cesaro defeats Cody Rhodes
Mark Henry defeats Daniel Bryan & Brie Bella
Alexander Rusev defeats Alex Riley
Kofi Kingston & RVD defeat Erick Rowan & Luke Harper
Dolph Ziggler defeats Fandango and Sheamus to become #1 contender for the Intercontinental Championship
Batista & Randy Orton defeat R-Truth & Xavier Woods
Seth Rollins defeats Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns to qualify for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Scramble at Payback



Sunday June 1, 2014
AllState Arena
Rosemont, Illinois


Championship Scramble

Daniel Bryan © vs. Batista vs. Mark Henry vs. Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins vs. ???

Bad News Barrett © vs. Dolph Ziggler

The Usos © vs. Winner of Tag Team Tournament


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