WWE 2011: Booking Things Right


Dark Match Winner
This will be done with EWR, so I will not be writing the descriptions myself.

Alberto Del Rio
Alex Riley
Big Show
Chris Masters
CM Punk
Curt Hawkins
David Hart Smith
David Otunga
Dolph Ziggler
Drew McIntyre
Evan Bourne
Jack Swagger
John Cena
John Morrison
Kofi Kingston
Michael McGillicutty
The Miz
Rey Mysterio
Santino Marella
Skip Sheffield
Triple H
Tyler Reks
Vladimir Kozlov
Zack Ryder
Beth Phoenix
Brie Bella
Eve Torres
Gail Kim
Kelly Kelly
Nikki Bella

Brodus Clay
Chavo Guerrero
Cody Rhodes
Daniel Bryan
Ezekiel Jackson
The Great Khali
Heath Slater
Jey Uso
Jimmy Uso
Jinder Mahal
Johnny Curtis
Justin Gabriel
Mark Henry
Randy Orton
Sin Cara
Ted DiBiase
Trent Barreta
Tyson Kidd
Wade Barrett
William Regal
Yoshi Tatsu
Alicia Fox
Rosa Mendes

WWE Championship: John Cena
United States Championships: Kofi Kingston
WWE Divas Championship: Brie Bella
WWE Tag Team Championships: Nexus

WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Randy Orton
WWE Intercontinental Championship: Wade Barrett

Ezekiel Jackson vs Trent Barreta : Jackson hits a right hand. Ezekiel Jackson fires off some right and left hands. Flying shoulder tackle by Jackson sends Barreta to the mat. Big backdrop on Barreta, executed well. Barreta blocks the suplex attempt. Barreta uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Barreta crushes Jackson with a big legdrop. There's a two count on the pin. Jackson reverses a waistlock. Massive backbreaker, Barreta got planted. Early reports indicate that the back was *not* actually broken, so the move's name should actually be backhurter. There's a two count on the pin. Lifting DDT by Ezekiel Jackson, looked good. Pin, but Barreta is out just before the three count. Barreta drops out the back of a Ezekiel Jackson bodyslam attempt. Trent Barreta scores with a back heel kick on Jackson. Jackson ducks a wild right hand. Ezekiel Jackson with a spinning neckbreaker on Barreta. Trent Barreta gets knocked to the ground by Jackson. Trent Barreta gets locked in the Torture Rack! Submission victory! Justin Gabriel comes running down the aisle with a chair! Ezekiel Jackson is just leaving the ring...and Gabriel scores with a brutal chair shot! Ezekiel Jackson falls to the floor holding his head. I'm going to give this a ** rating because i'm in a generous mood. Winner: Ezekiel Jackson

Christian is in the ring, and he calls out Randy Orton. Orton runs down and hits the ring, and they brawl all the way back into the aisle, and eventually out of sight backstage.

Chavo Guerrero vs Sin Cara vs Tyson Kidd : Spinning back kick from Tyson Kidd. Tyson Kidd hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Sin Cara counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Second rope flying axe handle, Tyson Kidd goes down. Chavo crushes Sin Cara with a big legdrop. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Second rope flying axe handle, Chavo goes down. Chavo reverses a Tyson Kidd hammerlock. Sin Cara \ Chavo whip Tyson Kidd into the corner. Sin Cara whips Chavo Guerrero in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Vicious kick to the teeth from Sin Cara. Akira Maeda would be proud. Stiff high kick on Sin Cara by Chavo Guerrero who has evidently been watching some old AJPW tapes recently. Sin Cara powers out of a Chavo Guerrero headlock. Hard back suplex on Tyson Kidd. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? Sin Cara drives Tyson Kidd into the corner. Sin Tacha!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over. Almost a *** rating, but there were some bits that dragged, so **3\4 instead. Winner: Sin Cara

Kane vs The Great Khali : Lame kick from Khali. Khali hits Kane with a plastic dinosaur. The Great Khali with a badly-executed spinning neckbreaker on Kane. Kane takes a vertical suplex. Kane counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Chair shot. Massive backbreaker, Khali got planted. Early reports indicate that the back was *not* actually broken, so the move's name should actually be backhurter. Cover for a two count. The Great Khali takes the advantage after a i-block-your-punch-you-don't-block-mine routine. The Great Khali hits a bulldog off the ropes. Cover for a two count. The Great Khali scores with a crappy looking standing spinebuster. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Kane pushes out of a The Great Khali hold. Kane slams The Great Khali. Kane drops an elbow...but misses. Fate can be so cruel. The Great Khali with a badly-executed spinning neckbreaker on Kane. Jinder Mahal comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Kane turns around. Jinder Mahal spins Kane around. Jinder Mahal hits the Sands of Time! Mahal leaves the ring, the damage done! Cover gets three. The Great Khali pinned Kane. Khali and Mahal beat away on Kane, leaving him spread-eagled on the canvas. I'm going to give this a ** rating because i'm in a generous mood. Winner: The Great Khali

Legacy are backstage. They hyped themselves up, talking about what a great team they are.

10 Man Battle Royal (For The WWE Intercontinental Title) : Rude Awakening on Justin Gabriel by Mahal. Gabriel receives some punishment. Barrett bodyslams Heath Slater. Heath Slater got thrown over the top rope by Barrett. (Elimination # 1) Yoshi receives some punishment. Barrett threw Yoshi Tatsu over the top rope. (Elimination # 2) Gabriel uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Gabriel went for the elimination, but Jimmy Uso held on to the ropes. Stun Gun from Ted DiBiase! There used to be this blonde guy in WCW in the early 90's who used that...i wonder what happened to him? DiBiase drives a forearm into the chest of Gabriel. DiBiase slams Cody Rhodes down. Double arm suplex by Ted DiBiase, Rhodes hits hard. Driven DDT by Justin Gabriel. The ring shook violently, instantly making it better at selling than some of the current roster. Gabriel tried to get Cody Rhodes over the top rope, but Gravity made the save. Cody Rhodes hits some punches. Wade Barrett was eliminated by Rhodes. (Elimination # 3) Rhodes bodyslams Justin Gabriel. Rhodes threw Justin Gabriel over the top rope. (Elimination # 4) Jey Uso receives some punishment. Rude Awakening on Jey Uso by Rhodes. Weak headbutt on Jey Uso by Jimmy Uso. Jimmy Uso with a badly-executed spinning neckbreaker on Jey Uso. Rhodes gets caught with a short powerbomb from Bryan. Bryan tried to eliminate Cody Rhodes, who hung onto the top rope. Jey Uso gets caught with a belly to belly suplex from DiBiase. Jey Uso got eliminated by DiBiase. (Elimination # 5) Running knee lift from Cody Rhodes. Rhodes hits a right hand. Rhodes takes a vertical suplex. Jimmy Uso tried to eliminate Cody Rhodes, who hung onto the top rope. Mahal gets caught with a short powerbomb from DiBiase. Jinder Mahal got thrown over the top rope by DiBiase. (Elimination # 6) Ted DiBiase uses move #193 (arm-BAR). Jimmy Uso got bundled out by DiBiase. (Elimination # 7) Super frankensteiner on Rhodes, who hit hard. Bryan tried to get Cody Rhodes over the top rope, but Gravity made the save. Double arm suplex by Daniel Bryan, Rhodes hits hard. Bryan tried to get Cody Rhodes over the top rope, but Gravity made the save. DiBiase slams Cody Rhodes down. DiBiase tried to eliminate Cody Rhodes, who hung onto the top rope. Rhodes gets caught with a short powerbomb from Bryan. Back suplex on Rhodes, which is a backdrop to you NOAH fans. Rhodes takes a back suplex. Bryan tried to eliminate Cody Rhodes, who hung onto the top rope. DiBiase tastes a high angle back suplex. It probably tasted like chicken. Bryan went for the elimination, but Ted DiBiase held on to the ropes. Vertical suplex by Ted DiBiase. DiBiase tried to eliminate Cody Rhodes, who hung onto the top rope. Cody Rhodes hits some punches. Flying shoulder tackle by Rhodes sends Bryan to the mat. Double arm suplex by Daniel Bryan, DiBiase hits hard. Ted DiBiase got thrown over the top rope by Bryan. (Elimination # 8) Vicious snap suplex! Cody Rhodes got whipped over hard. Wicked Tiger Suplex by Daniel Bryan on Rhodes. Rhodes ducks a wild right hand. Daniel Bryan got bundled out by Rhodes. Winner: Cody Rhodes

A black stretch limo pulls up outside the arena, and out steps Chris Jericho, making his anticipated return in the promotion! He looks around, then heads toward the locker room.

Christian vs Randy Orton (For The World Heavyweight Title) : Orton slams Christian. Randy Orton pulls Christian onto the table for a piledriver, but he uses a backdrop to survive. Rude Awakening on Christian by Orton. Flying shoulder tackle by Orton sends Christian to the mat. Christian counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Christian pulls Orton onto the table for a powerbomb, but he uses a backdrop to get out of the predicament. Christian hits a delayed suplex on Orton. Orton counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Spinebuster by Randy Orton. Randy Orton scores with a standing spinebuster. Christian pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Belly to belly suplex by Christian. Orton reverses a waistlock. Back elbow connects, Christian staggers backward. Orton climbs onto the table with Christian and hits a bodyslam through it for the win! Chris Jericho has a chair. Christian turns and takes a brutal shot to the head. Orton is next to take a hard shot. Jericho has demolished everyone! This gets a **3\4 rating. Perfectly Acceptable Wrestling. Winner: Randy Orton
Good show, the matches are decent. But you really need to get some promos in there. You cannot possibly build storylines without promos. That and a little bit more color in your formatting. Those are all the tips I can give you at this point, good luck.

Mr. McMahon announces a Steal: Mr. McMahon comes out to the ring and announces that he has stolen someone from another show. The new signing is Undertaker, who comes out and plays to the crowd. Mr. McMahon looks pleased with this steal.

Chris Masters vs Tyler Reks : Reks takes a headbutt from Chris Masters. Reks gets slammed. Big clothesline on Reks. Masters slams Tyler Reks down. Masters only gets knees on a splash. Running knee lift from Tyler Reks. Tyler Reks hits a shaky delayed suplex on Masters. Cover for a two count. Masters reverses a Tyler Reks hammerlock. Big piledriver on Reks. Cover for a two count. Lifting DDT by Chris Masters, looked good. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Tyler Reks avoids a Chris Masters avalanche. Chanelling the spirit of Misawa, Tyler Reks uses a forearm to the face. Masters blocks a punch. Flying shoulder tackle by Masters sends Reks to the mat. Tyler Reks is in trouble. Here it comes - Military Press Slam. 1....2...3, it's finished. Chris Masters offers a handshake to Reks...but he spits at Chris Masters and walks off! Worth a ** rating, but no more than that. Winner: Chris Masters

Dolph Ziggler vs Evan Bourne : Massive backbreaker, Bourne got planted. Early reports indicate that the back was *not* actually broken, so the move's name should actually be backhurter. Front legsweep slam by Dolph Ziggler, hit with precision. Dolph Ziggler scores with a standing spinebuster. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Big clothesline on Bourne. Cover for a two count. Evan Bourne ducks a clothesline attempt. Hard back suplex on Ziggler. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? Spinning bulldog in the corner, Ziggler is down. Dolph Ziggler pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Bourne walks into a jaw breaker. Evan Bourne gets whipped into the corner by Ziggler, and flips all the way over to the outside! Bourne stays down on the outside, hurt. The referee reaches a ten count, and this one is over. Dolph Ziggler slides to the outside and grabs a chair, then climbs back into the ring. Bourne turns around...and gets planted with a huge chair shot to the head! He is left down and out on the canvas. This gets a **3\4 rating. Perfectly Acceptable Wrestling. Winner: Dolph Ziggler vs Count Out

The three members of the Long Island Partying Colada's are backstage. They target Alberto Del Rio and tell him that it's going to be his end of days soon.

Long Island Partying Colada's vs McGillicutty and Otunga vs Skip Sheffield and Husky Harris (For The WWE Tag Team Titles) : Death valley driver by Michael McGillicutty, Zack Ryder got planted. Otunga DDTs Skip Sheffield. McGillicutty and Otunga whip Hawkins into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Mike McG gets slammed. Husky Harris throws the ladder into Otunga. Spear by Curt Hawkins. Zack Ryder scoops up Sheffield. Hawkins bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Ryder walks into a jaw breaker. Curt Hawkins drives the ladder into Mike McG. Death valley driver by Husky Harris, Curt Hawkins is down and hurt. Zack Ryder pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Sheffield gets a face-full of ladder. Brutal powerbomb on Mike McG. Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins climb the ladder and grab the prize for the win. **1\2 rating for a decent contest. Winners and New WWE Tag Team Champions: The Long Island Partying Colada's!

We see R-Truth sitting in the crowd, looking angry. He appears to be on strike due to WWE's censoring of him.

CM Punk is backstage. This should be good. He was laying a verbal beating on The Miz.

John Cena vs Rey Mysterio vs CM Punk vs The Miz : Big backdrop on The Miz, executed well. The Miz takes a headbutt from John Cena. Cover for a two count. Nice piledriver on The Miz. The Miz fights out of a grapple. Big clothesline on Cena. Hooks the leg for a two count. Massive backbreaker, Cena got planted. Early reports indicate that the back was *not* actually broken, so the move's name should actually be backhurter. Cover for a two count. John Cena ducks a clothesline attempt. Stiff chop lights up Mysterio. Tag to Rey Mysterio. Mysterio hits a dropkick on The Miz. Lightning kick by Mysterio on Mysterio. Spin kick by Rey Mysterio to the face. Springboard dropkick from Rey Mysterio. Nicely done. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Mysterio tags out to CM Punk. Vertical suplex by CM Punk. Lifting DDT by CM Punk, looked good. Hooks the leg for a two count. Running knee lift from CM Punk. Hooks the leg for a two count. Big piledriver on The Miz. Hooks the leg for a close fall. The Miz tags out to John Cena. John Cena hits a bulldog off the ropes. Flying shoulder tackle by Cena sends CM Punk to the mat. Stiff chop lights up CM Punk. CM Punk counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. CM Punk plants Cena with an exploder suplex. Undertaker comes running down the aisle and into the ring! John Cena turns around. Undertaker spins Cena around. Undertaker hits the Tombstone! Undertaker leaves the ring, the damage done! Cover gets three. CM Punk pinned Cena. A good *** rating. Your Winner: CM Punk!

The Raw GM announces a contract signing for Capitol Punishment right after the match. John Cena and Undertaker will sing a contract to face for the WWE Championship! John Cena and Undertaker are in the ring on opposite sides of a table, about to sign a contract to face each other in an upcoming match. John Cena signs it. Undertaker also signs it, but is immediately attacked by Cena, who drives the table into his ribs. Undertaker can barely stand. Attitude Adjustment! John Cena walks off, having won this battle.

Capitol Punishment Card So Far
John Cena(c) vs Undertaker for the WWE Championship
WWE Newsline

WWE bringing in a free agent signing period. Over night, Smackdown and Raw have agreed to put up 10 stars up for the signing period. All free agents who haven't been singed will be released. 3 former stars will be brought into this draft. Rumor is that 2 big names will be brought in and 1 midcard talent will be brought in. On the signing day which is tomorrow, the talents will be announced. Several stars backstage are afraid that they won't be signed thus they will be released.*

3 more matches have been announced for Capitol Punishment. These matches are CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio with the winner becoming number one contender. Kofi Kingston vs Evan Bourne vs Dolph Ziggler for the US Championship. The final is The Major Broskis vs Husky Harris and Michael Mcgullicuty, for the tag team championships.*

Christian injured again. At a live event, it's being reported that Christian ruptured 3 disks in his neck. *This injury would put Christian out indefinitely. An announcement is scheduled for Smackdown. This injury is said to put a lot of Dents in the Smackdown main event plan. This may have been the major push for the free agent signing.*
The Signing Prep

Raw Superstars who are available
CM Punk
David Hart Smith
Jack Swagger

Smackdown stars that can switch brands
Daniel Bryan
Ezekiel Jackson
Mark Henry
Tyson Kidd

The 3 Free Agents that can join either brand
Scott Steiner
Shelton Benjamin
Breaking News
TNA's AJ Styles has reportedly signed an advanced contract deal with WWE. WWE's website has a picture that says "Styles is WWE!". It's being said that the multi time world champion will appear on TV when his contract with TNA expires.
The Free Agent Signing Results

To Raw
Ezekiel Jackson
Mark Henry
Shelton Benjamin

To Smackdown
Alex Riley
CM Punk
Jack Swagger
Scott Steiner

Stars Being Released
David Hart Smith
Tyson Kidd

Stars staying on their original brand
Daniel Bryan
Christian's in a hospital. His neck is in a brace. Christian with all his energy starts to talk. He says that he'll be out for a whole year. He says this is the most pain that he's ever been in and that he's sorry to everyone. Christian ends the promo with saying good luck to Randy Orton.

Brodus Clay vs Jinder Mahal vs Yoshi Tatsu : Yoshi Tatsu scores with a back heel kick on Mahal. Clay hits a right hand. Mahal reverses a Brodus Clay hammerlock. Full nelson slam on Clay. Full nelson slam on Yoshi. Cover for a two count. Death valley driver by Brodus Clay, Jinder Mahal got planted. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Mahal blocks a kick from Brodus Clay. Spear by Jinder Mahal. Lifting DDT by Yoshi Tatsu, looked good. Yoshi Tatsu moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Buzzsaw Kick. 1....2...3, it's finished. **1\2 rating for a decent contest.

CM Punk is backstage. He says that back in the day, he had a rival. That rival was Bryan Danielson or Daniel Bryan. Punk says that he hopes to reginite the feud with Bryan. Punk says that not only tonight, but at Capitol Punishment, they'll be facing off.

AJ Lee and Hornswoggle vs Chavo Guerrero and Tamina : Chavo walks into a high dropkick from AJ Lee. Spin kick by AJ Lee to the face. Cover for a two count. Chavo counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Chavo hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Flying reverse elbow by Chavo Guerrero. Chavo tags out to Tamina. Big kick from Tamina. AJ Lee fights out of a grapple. AJ Lee tags out to Hornswoggle. AJ Lee \ Horny hook up Tamina, then hit a double suplex. Flying elbow from Hornswoggle, barely hitting the target. Hooks the leg for a two count. Hornswoggle uses a running dropkick into the corner. Tag to AJ Lee. Tamina walks into a face crusher variation. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Tamina powers out of a AJ Lee headlock. Tag between Tamina and Chavo Guerrero. Chavo uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Chavo Guerrero floors AJ Lee near the ropes and makes the pin. Chavo is using the ropes for leverage! The referee hasn't seen it: 1....2....3!! Chavo \ Tamina remain in the ring, celebrating their victory. Worth a ** rating, but no more than that. Your winners: Chavo Guerrero and Tamina

CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan : Bryan walks into a high dropkick from CM Punk. CM Punk hits a right hand. Daniel Bryan takes a butterfly suplex from CM Punk. Hard impact russian legsweep by CM Punk. If you're going to get impact, 'hard' is probably a good way to go. Bryan counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Stun Gun from Daniel Bryan! There used to be this blonde guy in WCW in the early 90's who used that...i wonder what happened to him? Super frankensteiner on CM Punk, who hit hard. Hooks the leg for a two count. CM Punk backdrops Daniel Bryan out of a piledriver attempt. Bryan takes a quick lariat. There's a two count on the pin. Northern Lights Bomb very nearly crushes the spine of Bryan. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Bryan ducks a wild right hand. Daniel Bryan snap suplexes CM Punk. Daniel Bryan misses a clothesline. CM Punk drives a thrust kick into the chest of Bryan. The time limit expires, and the referee declares the match a draw. Daniel Bryan extends his hand to CM Punk...but it is ignored! I'm slapping a ****1\4 rating on this. Your Winner: Draw

Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes are backstage. They're talking about Scott Steiner and Booker T. Rhodes says that Steiner and Booker T are ugly as sin. He says that himself and Ted are younger, better looking and bigger stars then they ever will be. Dibiase closes the promo announcing that at Capitol Punishment, it'll be himself and Cody Rhodes vs Booker T and Scott Steiner.

Randy Orton is in the ring for a match with Sheamus. When Orton gets in the ring, Orton gets attacked by Sheamus from behind. Sheamus beats down Orton until Jack Swagger's music plays. Swagger comes out and rushes the ring, attacking Sheamus and saving Orton. Swagger brings up Orton and shakes his hand. Swagger turned face in the process of this and debuted a new gimmick.

Jack Swagger vs Scott Steiner vs Chris Jericho : Chris Jericho uses move #193 (arm-BAR). Singapore cane shot by Swagger. S. Steiner ducks a wild right hand. Spear by Scott Steiner. Massive backbreaker, Jericho got planted. Early reports indicate that the back was *not* actually broken, so the move's name should actually be backhurter. Hooks the leg for a two count. Jack Swagger plants S. Steiner with an exploder suplex. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. S. Steiner reverses a waistlock. Scott Steiner smashes a Playstation console over the head of Swagger. Delayed brainbuster suplex, Jericho held that one for ages. Scott Steiner tries to get a big slam, but it is blocked when Jericho goes to the eyes! Chris Jericho quickly scores with a field-goal kick between the legs! Scott Steiner collapses! The referee didn't see the illegal blow! 1...2...3! Scott Steiner got screwed! *** rating, as it was good, but nothing too special. Your Winner, Chris Jericho!

Final Capitol Punishment Card
John Cena(c) vs Undertaker for the WWE Championship
Randy Orton(c) vs Chris Jericho for the World Heavyweight Championship
CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan
Scott Steiner and Booker T vs The Dashing Legacy
The Miz vs Rey Mysterio
Sheamus vs Jack Swagger
Kofi Kingston(c) vs Evan Bourne vs Dolph Ziggler for the US Championship
The Major Broski's(c) vs Husky Harris and Michael McGillicutty

Please predict for the prediction contest.

Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston vs Evan Bourne vs Shelton Benjamin : Kingston uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Standing leg lariat by Kofi Kingston on Bourne. Cover for a two count. Kingston tags out to Dolph Ziggler. Big backdrop on Bourne, executed well. Death valley driver by Dolph Ziggler, Evan Bourne is down and hurt. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Tag between Dolph Ziggler and Shelton Benjamin. Second rope flying axe handle, Bourne goes down. Bourne tags out to Kofi Kingston. Stiff high kick on Shelton by Kofi Kingston who has evidently been watching some old AJPW tapes recently. Shelton backdrops Kofi Kingston out of a piledriver attempt. Diamond Dust from Shelton Benjamin, Kingston is out. Cover gets three. Shelton Benjamin pinned Kingston. Bourne uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Bourne crushes Shelton with a running senton. Hooks the leg for a two count. Bourne hits a dropkick on Shelton Benjamin. Tag between Shelton Benjamin and Dolph Ziggler. Second rope flying axe handle, Bourne goes down. Running knee lift from Dolph Ziggler. Bourne counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Second rope flying axe handle, Ziggler goes down. Back heel kick off the second rope, Ziggler goes down. Pin, three count, it's over. Evan Bourne pins Ziggler. Bourne crushes Shelton with a big legdrop. Tiger suplex on Shelton, right from out of the Misawa playbook. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Shelton counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Shelton Benjamin moves in for the kill. Pay Dirt!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! A good *** rating. Your winner: Shelton Benjamin

John Cena's backstage. He's with Kane. He asks Kane to form a team with him tonight to fight The Miz and R-Truth because he's Undertaker's brother. After a little bit of debate, Kane accepts and we have the main event.

The Miz and R-Truth are backstage. They bad mouth Cena and Kane and say that they're not afraid of them. Truth says that at Capitol Punishment, the Truth will come out about John Cena.

Rey Mysterio vs Zack Ryder : Mysterio takes a headbutt from Zack Ryder. Running knee lift from Zack Ryder. Hooks the leg for a two count. Ryder only gets knees on a splash. Hard back suplex on Ryder. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? Spinning back kick from Rey Mysterio. Hard back suplex on Ryder. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? Mysterio drops an elbow...but misses. Fate can be so cruel. Big piledriver on Mysterio. Zack Ryder gets whipped into the corner. Mysterio charges in, but into a pair of raised boots. Ryder uses a roll up, with feet on the second rope! The referee hasn't seen it: 1....2....3!! Zack Ryder slides out of the ring to the floor, then turns and leaves through the crowd. He's happy to have the win, and evidently isn't going to hang around for Mysterio to get some payback. A good *** rating. Your winner: Zack Ryder

Big Show vs Alberto Del Rio : Big Show hits some punches. Big Show launches Del Rio into the cage wall. Big Show and Del Rio climb the cage....but both end up crashing back to the canvas after a struggle! Back elbow connects, Del Rio staggers backward. Rude Awakening on Alberto Del Rio by Big Show. Del Rio backdrops Big Show out of a piledriver attempt. Alberto Del Rio throws Big Show into the cage. Big Show walks into a jaw breaker. Del Rio climbs the cage...but Big Show is in hot pursuit, and they both end up back on the canvas. Big Show blocks a punch. Big Show hits a bulldog off the ropes. Death valley driver by Big Show, Alberto Del Rio is down and hurt. Del Rio counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Del Rio slams Big Show. Big Show pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Big Show climbs the cage, but gets pulled down by Del Rio! Rude Awakening on Alberto Del Rio by Big Show. Alberto Del Rio can barely stand. Here it comes - W.M.D.. Big Show and Del Rio climb the cage....until Alberto Del Rio gets knocked off by a right hand! Big Show climbs over the top for the win! Big Show offers a handshake to Del Rio...and he accepts it! No! Alberto Del Rio levels Big Show with a cheap shot right hand! Alberto Del Rio drops Big Show to the canvas. Alberto Del Rio quickly locks on the Rolling Cross Armbreaker! Big Show has been floored after the match. This gets a **3\4 rating. Perfectly Acceptable Wrestling. Your Winner: Big Show

Kelly Kelly is in the ring. Out from the back comes Dolph Ziggler, who climbs into the ring and begins threatening her. Shelton Benjamin comes running out from the back and slides in, blocking Ziggler from getting his hands on Kelly. They brawl, and Shelton Benjamin gets the advantage. Dolph Ziggler can barely stand. Pay Dirt!!! That shook the ring. Kelly hugs Shelton Benjamin for making the save.

Triple H vs Rhino : Triple H hits some punches. Rhino avoids a Triple H avalanche. HHH receives some punishment. HHH reverses an irish whip...and Rhino runs into the referee. Death valley driver by Rhino, Triple H is down and hurt. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out. HHH ducks a wild right hand. Back elbow connects, Rhino staggers backward. Massive backbreaker, Rhino got planted. Early reports indicate that the back was *not* actually broken, so the move's name should actually be backhurter. Hooks the leg for a two count. Death valley driver by Triple H, Rhino got planted. Pin, but Rhino is out just before the three count. Rhino counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Full nelson slam on HHH. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Triple H avoids a Rhino avalanche. Drew McIntyre comes running down the aisle with a chair! HHH and Rhino continue fighting, unaware of the intrusion. Drew McIntyre slides in and blasts Rhino with a chair to the head! McIntyre climbs out of the ring, the damage done! Rhino is in trouble. Here it comes - Pedigree. 1....2...3, it's finished. Drew McIntyre remains in the ring. Triple H pushes the referee away. Triple H spins McIntyre around. Triple H hits the Pedigree! *** rating, as it was good, but nothing too special. Your Winner: Triple H

John Cena and Kane vs The Miz and R-Truth : Big clothesline on Kane. Massive backbreaker, Kane got planted. Early reports indicate that the back was *not* actually broken, so the move's name should actually be backhurter. There's a two count on the pin. The Miz tags out to R-Truth. R-Truth scoops up Kane. The Miz bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Legsweep out of Nowhere. Where is Nowhere, and why do moves keep coming out of there? Does it have a factory? There's a two count on the pin. R-Truth hits a right hand. Kane blocks a punch. Powerbomb on R-Truth. Tag between Kane and John Cena. Bodyslam by Cena. Spear by John Cena. R-Truth kicks John Cena in the gut to reverse the momentum. Tag to The Miz. Big piledriver on Cena. Death valley driver by The Miz, John Cena got planted. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. The Miz slams John Cena. The Miz only gets knees on a splash. Full nelson slam on The Miz. The Miz can barely stand. Attitude Adjustment!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Undertaker comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Undertaker spins Cena around. Undertaker hits the Tombstone! John Cena has been left down on the canvas. *** rating, as it was good, but nothing too special. Your winners: John Cena and Kane
John Cena(c) vs Undertaker for the WWE Championship
Randy Orton(c) vs Chris Jericho for the World Heavyweight Championship
CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan
Scott Steiner and Booker T vs The Dashing Legacy
The Miz vs Rey Mysterio
Sheamus vs Jack Swagger
Kofi Kingston(c) vs Evan Bourne vs Dolph Ziggler for the US Championship
The Major Broski's(c) vs Husky Harris and Michael McGillicutty

There's my predictions. Excited to see the show. I'll make sure to drop you a review after it's up!
John Cena(c) vs Undertaker for the WWE Championship
Randy Orton(c) vs Chris Jericho for the World Heavyweight Championship
CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan
Scott Steiner and Booker T vs The Dashing Legacy
The Miz vs Rey Mysterio
Sheamus vs Jack Swagger
Kofi Kingston(c) vs Evan Bourne vs Dolph Ziggler for the US Championship
The Major Broski's(c) vs Husky Harris and Michael McGillicutty

Looking forward to seeing the results, the matches should be solid.
I will give you a review once you begin writing in a more complete style; not just describing matches.

John Cena(c) vs Undertaker for the WWE Championship

Randy Orton(c) vs Chris Jericho for the World Heavyweight Championship

CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan

Scott Steiner and Booker T vs The Dashing Legacy

The Miz
vs Rey Mysterio

vs Jack Swagger

Kofi Kingston(c) vs Evan Bourne vs Dolph Ziggler for the US Championship

The Major Broski's(c) vs Husky Harris and Michael McGillicutty

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