WWE 2006 The Year that Was...or could have been

Christian Battlez

Getting Noticed By Management

Intercontinental Championship
Ric Flair (c) vs Edge w/Lita​

Edge and Flair lock up and Edge places Naitch in a side headlock. Flair pushes Edge into the ropes then backs up and hits a back suplex. Flair now starts stomping away at Edge's left knee. Flair drops a knee on the injured area and continues to work it over. Edge rakes at Flair's eye to get him off and as Ric is clutching his eye the referee admonishes Edge and the match continues. Edge now has the advantage now as he works over the back of Flair. He lifts Flair up and hits three consecutive backbreakers before attempting a pinfall. Not getting the three count Edge is now getting frustrated. He locks Flair in his inverted sharpshooter and begs Flair to submit. But Flair fights on and reaches the ropes. Edge drags Flair to his feet by his hair now and Flair fights back with a knife edged chop followed by some right hands and more chops. Flair is starting to get back in it now. Flair clips the knee of Edge and locks him in the figure four now. Edge is about to tap out when Lita gets up on the ring apron with Edge's Money In the Bank Briefcase. The ref is distracted by Lita and Edge taps out but the ref never saw it. Flair breaks the hold and grabs Lita by the hair forcing her to drop the briefcase. The ref makes Flair let go of Lita and tries to eject her from ringside. While he's distracted on the ramp trying to get rid of Lita Edge grabs the briefcase and clocks Flair in the skull with it. Edge slides the briefcase under the ring and covers Flair. Lita heads up the ramp to the back so the referee comes back to the ring and counts the 1..2..3. Here is your winner and the New Intercontinental Champion Edge!

Womens Championship
Trish Stratus (c) vs Mickie James

The bell rings and Mickie is looking longingly at Trish. Stratus goes up to Mickie and slaps her in the face yelling get your head in the game. Mickie retaliates back with a right hand. Mickie then stares at her hand and starts screaming how sorry she is at Trish for hitting her. Trish is shocked but continues on. She puts Mickie in a side headlock and slams her down to the mat keeping the pressure on. Mickie starts to slowly get to her feet and shoves Trish into the ropes and delivers a hard forarm into the back of Trish. Mickie starts screaming apologies at Trish again and Trish yells back its a wrestling match Mickie. Trish goes for a dropkick and Mickie backs up causing Trish to fall slat on her face. Mickie then applies a boston crab she starts to apply pressure but Trish is way too close to the ropes and grabs them. Mickie pulls her into the middle of the ring and starts to apply more pressure. Trish scratches and claws her way over to the ropes again. Mickie breaks the hold and picks Trish up and slams her to the mat. Then she starts pulling her own hair and screaming at the top of her lungs. Trish attempts a schoolgirl rollup but only gets a two count. Mickie is pissed and she sends a hard chop to Trish's throat and then hits the Mick Kick and goes for the cover. 1..2..3. Here is your winner and the new Womens Champion Mickie James!

Loser leaves Raw Match
Jerry Lawler vs Gregory Helms​

Lawler is screaming that Helms needs to learn some respect. Helms spits in Lawlers face and the match is underway. Helms with a go behind and then a kick to the back of the hamstring of Lawler. The King is down to one knee now and Helms delivers a step up enzuiguiri. Lawler is down on his back but sits up. Helms runs off the ropes and delivers a low dropkick to the face of Lawler. He goes for the cover and gets a two count. Helms starts pulling Lawler to his feet and Lawler is fighting him off with shots at the midsection now. Lawler lifts Helms up and hits a vertical suplex. Lawler now drops two fists on Helms. Before heading to the top rope. Lawler is about to drop the fist from the top when Helms jumps to his feet and leaps up top and hits a belly to belly suplex. Helms taunts Lawler now by hitting three consecutive fist drops and then signals its time to finish him. Helms pulls Lawler to his feet and nails a sickening PILEDRIVER! The fans can't believe it and Greg goes for the cover but the ref is waiving it off and asks for the bell. Lillian comes up to the ring and the ref whispers something in her ear. The winner of the match by disqualification Jerry The King Lawler!

Triple H vs The Big Show

Triple H and Big Show lock up and Show instantly throws a headbutt at the game. Triple H is staggering around now and Show throws another headbutt sending Trips down to the mat. He steps over Triple H crushing his ribs and the Big Show is in control. Big Show plays to the crowd as Triple H tries to get to his feet. Big Show pulls him up by his hair and starts punching Triple H in the ribs. He is throwing lefts and rights and Triple H is dazed. The cast on Show's hand is causing more and more damage to the game with every shot. Show places Triple H up against the turnbuckle and chops his chest with the cast. Triple H is gassed now and has to think quickly. He grabs Big Show's hand covered in the cast and hangs it over the top rope causing Show to scream in agony. Triple H with a chop block now taking Big Show down to the mat. Triple H is stomping Big Show's injured hand and is now in control. Triple H runs off the ropes and drops a knee on Big Show's injured hand. Big Show is screaming in agony now as Triple H puts him in an armbar wrenching Big Shows hand out of its socket in the process. Triple H thinking he has done enough damage now goes for the Pedigree but Show counters with a back drop. Triple H gets to his feet and is grabbed around the throat. Big Show hits the Chokeslam but doesn't go for the cover. Instead he waits for Triple H to get back to his feet and nails a hard right hand with the cast on and gains the 1..2..3. Here is your winner The Big Show!

WWE Championship Elimination Chamber
John Cena (c) vs Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels vs Kane vs Carlito vs Chris Masters​

Angle and Michaels start the match off with a series of counters and amateur wrestling takedowns. Angle gets the advantage after catching Shawn coming off the ropes and hitting a belly to belly suplex. Angle is in control now and is stomping away on Shawn's lower back when Carlito comes in from his containment chamber. Carlito is hitting lots of high impact offense. Angle and Michaels both throw him against the ropes and he catches them with a double reverse springboard elbow. Carlito is in control when the Big Red Machine comes in and instantly cleans house. He grabs both Angle and Michaels by the throat and hits a double chokeslam. But is unaware Carlito came off the top with a crossbody block. Kane catches him and sets him up for a Tombstone Piledriver when The Masterpiece comes in. He clubs Kane in the back forcing him to drop Carlito. Kane grabs Masters by the throat but instead of chokeslamming him he throws him right into some Sweet Chin Music.1..2..3.​

Chris Masters has been eliminated​

John Cena enters the match after Masters is eliminated and cleans house himself. Kane tries to chokeslam Cena but gets kicked in the midsection and hit with an F-U. 1..2..3.​

Kane has been eliminated​

Carlito is behind Cena when he gets up and catches him with a Backstabber. 1..2..3.​

John Cena has been eliminated​

There is guaranteed to be a new WWE Champion. Its down to three men Carlito,Angle,and Michaels. Angle and Michaels are fighting in the corner when Carlito comes over and taps Angle on the shoulder and slaps him in the face. Angle is furious and goes to town on Carlito.Angle goes for the Angle Slam but Carlito slides off his shoulders right into Sweet Chin Music and right back into position for an Angle Slam. 1..2..3.

Carlito has been eliminated​

Its down to the two men who started the match Angle and Michaels. Both men are exhausted but keep fighting on. Angle goes for the Angle Slam but Shawn slides off and hits Sweet Chin Music. He goes for the cover 1..2..kickout! the match rolls on. Shawn attempts another superkick but Angle grabs his leg and locks in the Ankle Lock. Shawn won't tap and rolls through Angle keeps his grip. Shawn gets back to one foot while Angle has the other one. Shawn pushes off the one foot and hits Sweet Chin Music with his captured Ankle for the 1..2..3! Here is your winner and the NEW WWE Champion The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels!

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