WTF happened to Evan Bourne?


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Seriously. He used to be the only reason I watched ECW. Everyone was marking out for him and he seemed to be destined for greatness in the WWE. Hell, a lot of people were already saying he'd be the next ECW champion. Then he was injured and I havent heard much from him since. I know he's already returned but after his return match I havent heard jackshit about him. So where the hell is he and is there a reason that apparently his push has been derailed?
He's been feuding with Mark Henry and Tony Atlas for the past few weeks and had a few matches on superstars... i thought you said you watched ECW? If your gonna start complaining about not seeing a wrestler on a show... i dunno, maybe you should watch the show...

As for Bourne, he's stuck in a mid card feud atm but that doesn't mean his push has been derailed, just delayed temporarily
WWE probably came to the conclusion it was worthless pushing him. He's small, bland and that jumpy moves will only get you so far.

Then again, he's defeated Mark Henry the past couple of weeks so they can't have given up on him completely.
I think right now, the WWE is testing him by setting him up against different superstars. Their probably trying to see if Evan could one day become a champion who can put on good matches with many different people who's styles vary from his.
WWE probably came to the conclusion it was worthless pushing him. He's small, bland and that jumpy moves will only get you so far.
Then again, he's defeated Mark Henry the past couple of weeks so they can't have given up on him completely.

Tell that to Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio.

Anyway, Bourne is currently fueding with Mark Henry. I don't know why he's stuck in a mid-card fued with a guy about 4 times his size. But anyway that's what he's doing. Surprisingly they don't put on bad matches, but personally I'd like to see him put on RAW and see him wrestle people like Matt Hardy, Kofi Kingston, and MVP. As a matter of fact, that seems like a good fatal-four way match for the title. I'd definately like to see him fued with Hardy, it would be very entertaining.
Jeff Hardy & Rey Mysterio can work long matches in the WWE style. Bourne hasn't proven that he can do anything other than some flashy jumps at this time.

A move to Raw is the last thing he needs right now.
Evan Bourne is a flash in the pan. Hes all exciting and flashy, but it'll fade. Afterall, he's no longer doing anything new and innovative in his matches. Hes repeating the things he's already done. When he begins either continuing to add new, unseen (on WWE Television) moves, he'll start to grow again, until those moves get old and repeated.

The reason why I feel Bourne won't work, is because unlike that of Mysterio & even Hardy to a degree, Bourne has no character. And especially no "voice". Hes just some quick, jumping bean, that people love to watch - but only because they know hes going to half attempt to kill himself. Think Benjamin, only white.

Bourne had his best shot at proving he could become a Champion at Cyber Sunday, and it was a good match.. but on a Brand thats once again altering to the bigger style of Wrestlers (Swagger, David Hart Smith, Vladimir Kozlov) and trying to push those that are still relevant, (Finlay) there just isn't any room for a guy who seems like hes going to be killed if hes ever caught.
He was fine until he got injured, and Tyson Kidd showed up on ECW. Bourne is still great to watch, but he is currently being booked like Rey Mysterio, in his feud with Mark Henry.
I would of liked to see him move to Raw or Smackdown and put in the IC or US title picture where he could face guys simular in size, rather than feuding him with Mark Henry.
If he hadnt just come back from his injury a few weeks before WM25, I beat he would of been in MITB, and my money would of been on him taking the prize over CM Punk.

As far as the whole "WWE Style" goes, he has that shit down, him and WOOWOOWOO had a good match on SuperStars a week or two back
i think they are just being careful for a minute. i mean with all the injurys taking place lately, they dont wanna push a guy who is gonna seem "injury prone". ya know? Kennedy got a push, but he stayed injured alot. Just Sayin. they dont wanna waste a push if the guy is gonna be injured all the time.
I think Bourne is doing just fine. You have to remember he did get injured so I think WWE are just having him test the waters all over again. Before Bourne got injured the fans ate him up and loved him. Mysterio gave him a rub, he had some decent promos with Mysterio and Kane. He had great matches with most of the people he faced. In fact when Raw and ECW had their little thing where each other's wrestlers can be featured on their programs Bourne was almost on Raw as much as he was on ECW. So they definitely saw something in Bourne. He got injured and right now there just testing him out again to see if the fans still care about him. He'll do just fine I mean have you seen some of the matches he has put on the last few weeks on ECW and Superstars, I mean he is doing just fine it's just right now he has no storyline.

Maybe towards the end of the year we'll see him chase the ECW title again, but he's young let the boy marinate. I ain't going to lie I'd love to see the guy on Smackdown. If they really can't find anything for Evan Bourne in the near future I say team him up with The Hurricane and this would serve two purposes: 1. It gives the Hart Dynasty a team to fued with 2. It adds more depth to a tag division that supposed to span over 3 brands.

But I wouldn't worry about Evan Bourne I think eventually he'll reclaim the place he was at before he got injured. I agree that he definitely would have been in Money In The Bank had he not got injured, but I definitely don't think he would have won the briefcase. You would have to do a lot of convincing to make Bourne look like a legitimate threat to Edge, Orton, Cena, and Triple H(It's possible but due to the aforementioned wrestlers I doubt they would let Bourne go over at this stage of his career. He needs to be built up first).
Yeah, he's just getting started with his time in WWE. Give him time. With the two examples given most often, Hardy and Mysterio, it's going to take a long time for him to get on top of the ladder.

Now, some might argue the ECW title is just a stepping stone to before getting moved up to the red or blue show.

It seems they move one or two people from ECW a year, and the last few years they have always been former ECW champions. So if any one moves this next year, it's going to be Swagger or Christian before Bourne, which is fine by me. He's crazy talented, but he's going to need to log some crazy hours before he's taken seriously. And I know it can be done.

What I'm saying is, he's fine where he is. Give him time.
Evan is now on Raw so he is definatelly getting that chance you are talking about, and hey maybe you will even see him around this time.

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