WTF are they doing with the Tag-Teams

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I don't know if anyone has posted this, but there's a good chance that the reason for splitting up America's Most Wanted might be more than kayfabe - Chris Harris may have needed to take some time off, either due to an injury or for some other reason. Perhaps that was the reason behing the split. It also allows for James Storm to get put over as a heel.
The Naturals were never able to draw character. I mean come on. They were so plain. They worked good as a tag though I'll give them that but maybe they can work togeather as singles. Well Andy Dogalus is said to have left the company but Chase Stevens is still their and I think he is in line for a push because of his loyalty. I think the Naturals falling apart isn't all there fault. Shane Dogalus was there to add some flavor to the group but he never accomplished that.

Americas Most Wanted breaking up was a bad move.They are one of the best tag team to this date. They were way over as heel and should of never break up. I just can't see them doing singles even if they did before comming togeather. AMW had all the elements of a great tag team. Mic Skills, Talent, Charisma and a hot chick helping them cheat.

VKM should get back into the title hunt as soon as there down with this womens divison angle. You barely see a three way tag team feud in TNA. So how about do something like that with VKM, Team 3D and LAX. It would change things up a bit. I mean that's how WWE's Tag team kicked off at a point. Back in the day they had a 3 way feud with E & C, The Dudley Boyz and The Hardy Boyz. They can have a tables match, a ladder match and to end it a ladder match.

What the hell are they doing? If this is because the division is over-crowded they are fucked!!!

The X division is not over crowded. After what happened at Final Resolution, it seems that Austin Starr and Chris Sabin are the only heels while everyone else are faces. Also what does the X division have to do with the tag division? I'm a bit confused on what you said there.

Bringing in the Briscoe Brothers is a good idea. They can be another top face and heel tag team. They had a nice run in ROH and are still having a good run in ROH. So why not add them to TNA and give them a good run. Briscoe Brothers also had a good run in CZW, the place they got famouse for there hardcore background.

Serotonin are still undercards and only 2 member of Serotonin are in the tag divison and that is Maverick Matt and Kazarian. They have alot of in ring talent. Not that much charisma or mic skills but they have Raven for that. I would agree and prefer Naturals over them becuase Naturals get over more and actually have charisma and mic skills.
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