WTF are they doing with the Tag-Teams

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Getting Noticed By Management
Just reported on Wrestlezone is that they are breaking up the Naturals. JUST when The Naturals found the perfect attitude, TNA disbands its most promising young team. A few weeks ago they get all nasty, turn heel, get this meanstreak attitude and take out 3D. It was great, everybody was talking about the Naturals again. And then all that is undone last week, followed by news that they are disbanding. This hot off the heels of the AMW break-up.

Why has TNA just broken up its two best teams outside of LAX? What the hell are they doing? If this is because the division is over-crowded they are fucked!!! Id prefer to have The Naturals over Serotonin and Team 3D. So unless these break-ups are in preparation for a TNA debut for the Brsicoes, THIS SUCKS!!!!

And on the subject of the Briscoes, I think now is a pefect time to bring them on-board. AMW just broke up and then James Storm said it wasn't over for AMW...?? And what would be better than having the Briscoes debut as the new AMW? It would go perfect with their whole confederation gimmick in ROH.
Personally I never liked The Naturals but breaking up A.M.W. was a mistake. They have been together for a while but personally I did'nt think they were stale. Compared to Team 3D and V.K.M. they were as fresh as they have ever been. I think they might just be trying to make all the team's in the division more high profile. The Naturals looked very indy, I feel that T.N.A. are working on trying to make the promotion more recognisable. With teams like 3D and V.K.M. people channel surfing might recognise them and stay tuned in.

I dont know why The Briscoes have'nt been brought into T.N.A. sooner, they are the best team going at the moment and could be huge if given the oppertunity.
i agree with what you say about the Briscoes...dare i say they are the best tag team in all of North America? i see 2007 as thier year to step up and show the national audience what real tag team wrestling is all about
Dude calm down The Naturals sucked. Who cares if they spilt, As far as AMW, I'm split but I remember Vince Russo wanting to give Chris Harris a singles push back in there PPV only days, and it worked out pretty well. I beleive it was during the Road to the Cage series.and he was feuding with Jarrett and Raven. So it my work out for the best. They need another Top Face.
You act like theres no other Tag Teams in TNA?

Team 3D - There definatly going to win the Tag Titles soon.
LAX - Ya, you know about them
Serotonin - I guarntee are gonna have some kinda 3 person Tag Title angle
Hoytt and Killings - Killings keeps complaining about his role in TNA, maybe there going to push them?
VKM - After there little DX angle is over, I guarntee they get the Tag Titles.

And now you gotta think of some tag teams there gonna make.. Possibly Harris and Petey? No matter what, there Tag Team Division is stacked.
Youve got three teams winning the titles pretty soon.

Dude Team 3D was boring and stale way before they left WWE. maybe LAX can carry them to a decent feud. But thats a Big Maybe.

VKM couldnt put on a good match to save there lives.Rockabilly and Jesse James both suck so BAD. and this angle is way beyond stupid.

and Serotonin are jobbers, and unless you have the brillant Paul Heyman as your creative lead. Jobbers dont win Titles.
It's funny too. i think that Undertaker can beat anyone in TNa. ok not everyone but most of there roster. And he can certainly beat samoa joe. im just saying cuz this one guy like messaged me saying joe is better than the whole wwe and i wanna see that fight someday
That isnt exactly a tag division to be bragging about. AMW was there from day 1 and definitly deserved better. I always felt that the Naturals were on pace to eventually turn on Shane Douglas and break out on thier own. They did this to triple X also. In the past year and a half, Triple X, Team Canada, AMW and now the Naturals have broken up. To say TNA needs teams like 3D and VKM to draw ratings it just goes to show that the home grown talent cant get over.
You act like theres no other Tag Teams in TNA?

Team 3D - There definatly going to win the Tag Titles soon.
LAX - Ya, you know about them
Serotonin - I guarntee are gonna have some kinda 3 person Tag Title angle
Hoytt and Killings - Killings keeps complaining about his role in TNA, maybe there going to push them?
VKM - After there little DX angle is over, I guarntee they get the Tag Titles.

And now you gotta think of some tag teams there gonna make.. Possibly Harris and Petey? No matter what, there Tag Team Division is stacked.

I hope your kidding. You put 3D, Hoytt/Killings and VKM ahead of AMW and The Naturals. Not one of the aforementioned teams could hold a fkn candle to what these two (now disbanded) teams were capable of in the ring. VKM should do this war with DX/WWE thing for the remainder of their careers coz nobody wants to ever see them in the ring again. They are fanastic on the mic but thats where it ends. Killings is great but this whole thing with Hoytt is stupid. Can somebody pair the guy with someone worth the effort. Killings and Elix Skipper would be awesome. Team 3D, much like VKM, are way past their prime and are always a let-down when in the ring. Especially when you consider that there are teams like LAX, AMW and The Naturals to compare them to.

Harris and Petey is ******ed and I hope they end this Patriot Pete thing. The guy is a natural heel and for four years all we have ever known about Petey is that he hates America. Now he is a loyal patriot babyface who defends our honor. Its stupid. Put the guy where he belongs - providing a true challenge for the X-title as a top-level heel.

I stil think that bringing in the Briscoes as the new AMW and perhaps having James Storm as their manager hell-bent on taking out Harris would be a good way to bring them in. And would add so much to the division. At least this would make the AMW break-up seem worth it. But you can't say the same about the Naturals. These guys were the champions before all the victims of Black Thursday came to TNA. Ever since they have been misused. But this isn't the worst bit. With them now broken up, what is there fr either member of the team to do?? We know that Chase is a top-class wrestler and a very agile guy for his size, but can the X-Division take another contender. He'll just get lost in the mix all over again. And as for Andy Douglas - he'll be relegated to a jobber or as Wrestlezone reports, he may be gone altogether.
Team 3D will probably be winning the titles real soon (like in the next 3 months if not sooner), and Serotonin could become a good team if given enough time to build them up, also LAX, well you can't possiablly tell me these guys suck and keep a straight face, they're easily the best team in TNA right now, as for Hoyt/Killings and VKM, they both suck and need to be disbanded, Killings should be put with Skipper, and James Storm should join with somebody to create a new AMW, the briscoes should be brought in, and I could be wrong but it looks like Eric Young and Robert Roode may be joining togeter as a tag team again, VKM should just go away as they have nothing left to offer, if RVD and Sabu come to TNA then they could be ultilized as a tag team like Daniels and Styles were, maybe it's just me but Sabu and RVD vs. Lax, and RVD and Sabu vs. Team 3D(especially if it took place at Lockdown and was a table match,the one that requires you to put both opponents through the tables to win) sound like great matches to me
The Naturals would be good in WWE. Get them a old School valet, and put them on ECW or Smackdown.

I'd put them on SD!, just because SD! needs more teams to build their tag division around, and the Naturals vs. Kendrick & London sounds like a good match to me, I would also like to see them face off against the Hardyz because for some reason they always seemed to remind me of the Hardyz when they were first breaking into WWE, as for a valet they should put them with Michelle McCool, I think that would be a good fit, good idea by the way, i hope WWE actully tries to get them or atleast Andy Douglas since he looks to be done with TNA anyways
Just reported on Wrestlezone is that they are breaking up the Naturals. JUST when The Naturals found the perfect attitude, TNA disbands its most promising young team. A few weeks ago they get all nasty, turn heel, get this meanstreak attitude and take out 3D. It was great, everybody was talking about the Naturals again. And then all that is undone last week, followed by news that they are disbanding. This hot off the heels of the AMW break-up.

Why has TNA just broken up its two best teams outside of LAX? What the hell are they doing? If this is because the division is over-crowded they are fucked!!! Id prefer to have The Naturals over Serotonin and Team 3D. So unless these break-ups are in preparation for a TNA debut for the Brsicoes, THIS SUCKS!!!!

And on the subject of the Briscoes, I think now is a pefect time to bring them on-board. AMW just broke up and then James Storm said it wasn't over for AMW...?? And what would be better than having the Briscoes debut as the new AMW? It would go perfect with their whole confederation gimmick in ROH.
I think it's about time that they're getting new tag teams in the division. This change isn't for worse. It's for the better. AMW was great, but they started to get boring watching them in the same matches with the same people all the time. The Naturals, I can't explain why they broke them up. I hated the move as well. However, now they can give better shots to people who haven't received a good shot in a while. There was talk about teaming up Truth and Skipper. This would be a phenomenal tag team and would be much more entertaining than AMW was before they split up. Bentley and Kazarian (Serotonin) haven't got a real shot to prove themselves with the overcrowded tag team division and now they will. With less tag teams there'll be more spots for them to wrestle. They're both tremendous wrestlers with loads of talent. The tag team division is still great:

LAX: Hottest thing in wrestling right now in my opinion.
Team 3D: One of if not the best tag team of all time and are only getting better every time I see them.
Serotonin: They have tremendous talent and will put on great matches.
Truth & Skipper or Truth & Hoyt: They will put on numerous great matches guaranteed.
Also, I think eventually Eric Young and Bobby Roode will team up again and they were great together. They put on classic tag team matches in the past.
LAX=trash. Cryme Tyme would whoop those bitches asses and then steal their shit.
Is that your scientific position? Cryme Tyme is still very green and isn't anywhere near the quality of performer that Homicide is all by himself. The Cryme Tyme gimmick will run it's course like other one-dimensional sideshow attractions like the goddamn Bushwackers.
Okay. A couple of things here.

1) The Naturals: The Naturals were only good in matches against AMW and that was because AMW's ability to carry the other team. They had plenty of opporotunities to elevate themselves and failed in all of them. They'd fit in the WWE because they meet their style? Yeah, horrible to mediocre wrestling.

2) Team 3-D: Look if it were up to them, they'd still be called the Dudley Boyz. They're trying their best with what they have that Vinny Mac can't sue them for. I still see them as one of the great tag teams in wrestling history. Should they beat LAX, it will be official.

3) LAX: I got no problem with this team. Homicide has skill on his own and Hernandez is the big bruiser he's supposed to be and occasionally surprises you by doing stuff a guy his size shouldn't do. Only one that bothers me is Konnan. Balding Fatassed Loudmouth. Now that guy is stale. Set him aside, you have a very promising tag team in LAX.

4) Voodoo Kin Mafia: Like we didn't know that the Outlaws would pair up again in TNA. At least this is a lot more entertaining then the James Gang bit. In my opinion, BG James is a little more creative in this gimmick then as the James Gang or as part of the 3 Live Krew. I commend them just because they're saying (even if it's scripted) what everybody else already is thinking of the WWE.

5) Lance Hoyt and Ron the Truth Killings: Don't tell me that these guys don't have skill. They do. Truth, I knew about his talent. This guy needs to have some kind of gold and he's been needing a push since the 3LK and Lance Hoyt, he showed me some stuff as of late. It's a 6'8 or 6'9 texan doing luchador/x-division like moves. Don't expect the tag titles soon but would love to see it happen for these guys.

6) Serotonin: Or as I call them, Raven's new flock. They haven't won a single match whether tag or in singles. A shame since Kazarian and Bentley are pretty decent. Least I can say about Johnny Devine. Only thing this team is good for is getting their asses handed to them on a regular basis. Whether by other teams or by Raven and a kendo stick.

7) AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels: The two most promising of the X Divison as a tag team. Entertaining to watch to say the least. Tremendous moves and skill against anybody you put them against. A shame we never saw them take on other teams aside from LAX or AMW. Plus you gotta thank them for having a title other than the X-Title defended in Ultimate X. I'm down about the split up of this team. But what do you want? They got too much skill to be kept solely as a tag team.

8) America's Most Wanted: To this day, one of the greatest tag matches I've ever watched was Turning Point of 04 between AMW and Triple X in the six sides of steel. I never saw 4 guys just beating the crap out of each other like these guys did. Say what you want about AMW but stale, they were the farthest thing from it. They have skill on their own, I know that. But the last thing I want to see happen to both James Storm and Chris Harris is for these guys to end up meeting the fate of teams that have been split up like Harlem Heat or the Steiner Brothers. In Vince Russo's return, this is one of the dumbest moves he's made. As far as Petey Williams goes, I like that I can cheer for the guy because he still to me has the sickest move I've ever seen. That guy needs the X-Title somewhere down the road. And for those complaining about the "patriot petey", oh come on like AJ Styles or Chris Sabin's attitude adjustments have been much better. Of all the tag teams listed, this is the one that I hold in the highest regard of all of them. Don't care what the storyline says, we need AMW back

Bottom line, tag team wrestling everyday is starting to look like nothing short of a memory. At least in TNA do we see the tag team titles actually mean something. Least I can say about both tag titles in the WWE. They just toss them to whomever like they're tissue paper. Thats one thing TNA holds above the WWE. TNA's championship titles still hold a sense of value. WWE's titles nowadays mean next to nothing. But back to the topic, Tag Team wrestling needs a rebirth. We need all the tag teams that we can find.
TNA once had a great Tag Team Division but with all the Tag Teams slipping away, The Naturals, AMW, and even VKM (who dont even wrestle), all that is left is 3D and LAX
Yeah the Tag Team division isnt in it's greatest position right now, but it isn't really different from the other divisions. Russo is slowly but surely reorganizing the divisions more towards 'his vision'. I'm sure we'll begin to see new teams forming up in the next couple of months and a resurgence in the Tag division. That can already be seen somewhat with Killings and Hoyt, there's the hint of a 'new AMW', and I could see Lethal and Dutt being a team following the PCS. Also Serotonin will begin to be slowly built up soon and could be a good team as well.
people seem to forget about Shelly and Starr, if these guys wern't feuding over Nashs attention they could be a good tag team, and they should put Skipper and Senshi back together if they're not going to do anything with them in singles competition, and not to memtion that eventually Christian will probably be removed from the NWA title picture eventually and then him and Tomko can go into the tag division and dominate, so the way I see it the future could be bright for the tag division
The tag team division right now has hit a snag, it's true. But they'll recover. TNA has had rough spots before and recovered. Things will turn out for the best
I agree and i dont think they should have disbanded AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels either. They were one of the best high flying tag teams!
I think the greatest impact, no pun, on TNA tag teams was splittin up AMW. AMW carried the company's tag team division for a long time, and are by far one of the best tags in TNA, let alone pro wrestling. Not sayin that the loss of AMW will be a major kink in the TNA tag team division's armor, but definately a loss indeed. They can probably no doubt manage as singles competitors for the time being, but tag teaming is what they do best, and maybe we havent seen the last of AMW, we'll just have to wait n see how Russo books things in the near future.
I agree and i dont think they should have disbanded AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels either. They were one of the best high flying tag teams!

True, but they are mainly seen as single's competitors. I dont think they were supposed to be a long term tag team, and a split up was probably most likely. They manage well either way, though, and to tell ya the truth i woulda wanted them to be singles again and not a tag for too long. But they were an awesome team, nonetheless.
AJ And cd were very good, but as above they are seen as good singles competitiors, especially with the heel AJ now.
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