Wrestlmania 8-Man Match To Become A 7-Man?

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Well, today was the WWE Axxess day and this morning, Vladimir Kozlov had a match against Tyler Reks. However, after the match, The Corre came out and fucked him up royally. Using the Steel Steps to crush his shoulder against the Ring Post, he ended up looking like this;


I highly doubt that's make-up and if it is, it's fucking good stuff. You can see a video below and the bruising come up on his elbow. The beatdown starts at around 8:00 in.


So, what do you think??
Will The Corre find a way to take out Santino and make it 4 on 2? Or will Kozlov have a replacement tomorrow night??
Shit I didn't think it was that bad, if he is hurt that bad, replace him Kofi next person who makes sense. Althoug hopefully he fights.
Probably Kofi, which I'll be cool with, but I REALLY want it to be Diesel.
Yeah, I want Diesel to be the replacement. Makes sense since he talked garbage about Barrett before he was in WWE. Plus Diesel is much more of an attraction then Kofi, even if Diesel can't wrestle.

I hope it's Big Daddy Cool.

They might throw Christian(or Kofi) in just so they can get some wrestling out of the match. Big Show, Kane, Santino and 52 yr old Diesel ... I'm guessing it won't be a 5 star match.

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