Wrestlings Most Intresting Gimmicks

Well, its not a single person, but I think the n.W.o. (New World Order) was a great gimmick in itself. I mean, a lot of people who weren't internet known thought that Scott Hall & Kevin Nash were still with the W.W.F. & to have them come from the crowd, & do stuff in the back.. it played off beautifully for the first year or two. So to have a huge number of people tune in to W.C.W. because they keep thinking another star they'd JUST seen on W.W.F. was going to suddenly show up.. I think it was a gimmick that worked wonderfully.

Then you have the fall-out in E.C.W. with the b.W.o. (Blue World Order) I never truly seen it, because sadly I wasn't a fan of E.C.W. (or more importantly, didn't know a lot about them until August '99) but from the clips, & older tapes.. it seems that this parody (sp?) truly played off well from the n.W.o.

Finally, if its characters, then a lot of people have already listed a bunch, but my picks would be as follows.

Goldust: Because his character was unique & will never be another one like it. It was widely speculated that he was actually gay, only for the character to reveal that it was all mind-games.

Raven: My all-time favorite character, huge vocabulary, some of the absolute best promos.. & then you add in the cross angle, & the deal with Sandman's son, not to mention a handful of others..

Scott Hall's alcohol issue: Again, a handful of wrestlers with personal problems have brought that into storylines.. but Hall really had huge issues with it.. & for them to turn it into a storyline was pushing a HUGE issue. I mean, what if (or even did it?) push Hall over the edge & deeper into his personal demons??

Eugene: Only in the W.W.E. can they pull off his character like they have.. & NOT have anyone bringing down hell upon them for it. Its almost similar to the movie "The Ringer." (which was approved BY the Special Olympics)
Eugene:Although now the gimmick is done and old is somewhat pointless at the beginning he was more over than everyone and it was funny to see him come out every week.And for those who say hes not talented go watch a match with him using his real name Nick Dinsmore and then come talk to me.
Well one of my favorites that did not last very long due to Roddy Pipers departure was the reinvented Sean O'Haire. I saw him do a promo at a raw taping after a dark match and it was with out a doubt one of the top three promos that I have EVER seen. Pitting him with Piper was genious. He would come down dressed in a black trench coat, for those that dont remember this. I would say this was back in 03? I just remember his closing line was something along the likes of "Im not telling you anything that you dont allready know"

Please someone else remember this.

i thought that was a wonderful gimmick, it is a shame he didn't stick around would've like to see what they could've done with him, BRING BACK SEAN O'HAIRE!!!! but besides him I would have to say, when Cactus Jack got "amnesia" and forgot how to wrestle that was pretty good stuff, as well as BookDust, probably some of the funniest stuff WWE has put out right there
The Boogeyman: Maybe I go too far when I say Boogey's gimmick reminds me of Papa Shango but The Boogeyman seems to be as interesting as he is unorthodox. I remember watching a lot of his matches and most of the time, the fans get excited and bewildered about Boogey's worms and other actions. I hope he has a lasting impression in the WWE but I wish he would've been hell only because I've never known of a monster under my bed to be a good guy.

Golddust: For many of the reasons already stated plus I really enjoyed his backstage shenanigans with Booker T.

There are others but most of you all have already pointed most of them out.
the best and most interesting gimmick of all would always be the undertaker's gimmick.there hasn't been a gimmick better than his and it still continues.i think its one of the longest gimmicks around (besides its cut from 2000 to 2004)but the fans always loved it
glacier was very different but i would have to say probably the loose cannon somebody already posted here what id basically have to say but needless to say it was very interesting.

Glacier gimmick was a rip off of SUB-ZERO from Mortal Kombat.

The best gimmicks in wrestling (in no particular order):

1) The Undertaker - Superb, you just can't go wrong, I remember family and friends over mine who did not like wrestling like the undertakers appearance/entrance/theme, simply excellent.

2) The Brood - Awesome, real dark moody thing going on their, and of course who doesn’t like vampires! Was really freaky at times but had such an impact.

3) Hulk Hogan which I'm surprised not many mention this was a semi-spin off of the incredible hulk from marvel comics (I’m pretty sure there was some (c) issues here and there), Hulking out! Remember? That’s still crazy to watch.

4) Gold Dust, it was very disturbing to watch him, period.

5) Sid Justice / Psycho Sid, damn I miss this guy, so intense, so crazy, I wish he does come back just for a couple of Psycho bombs
i hav 2 say my top 5 are:

5 - Sandman, just brilliant how a guy hoo swings a cane around gets a reactoin like that did u hear them when thy thot he won that battle royal on raw?!

4 - D-x as faces was pritty funny as i hadnt seen anything like it b4.

3 - finlay and hornswoggle - we all know y lol

2 - matt hard v.1 - just thot it was hillarious and original

1 - vince mcmahon evil owner - i nvr watchd wcw but was pritty unique 2 me and thr wasnt a borin or predictable moment 4 me
I would have to say the Godfather from WWE! He was a sharp dressed pimp and was surrounded by beautiful hoes! I loved to watch him come to the ring with the girls lined up behind him. The HOEEEEEEEEEE Train! He just amazed me with the stuff he would come up with.
I may be alone in this but I'll have to say Doink. Doink as a heel would play mindgames with opponents & he really could wrestle. When he arrived it kinda caught people off guard. You'd think a guy in a clown suit would just get laughed at but Matt Borne took the role and played it to the T.

I've always hoped for the Doink character to come back. Matt Obviously wouldnt play the role but if you put a skilled wrestler in the suit with a mean streak it could work, but only if he's heel. I actually thought they were gonna have Eugene play the role when he started to flip out with all that "I'm special" stuff. I think he did play doink a couple times but it wasnt the same. Ya know? All in all I'll say the gimmick would STILL go over with todays crowd if done right & would be a perfect fit for RAW or ECW.
A few have mentioned Goldust, and confessed their confusion at what exactly they were shooting for. Well, for those that don't remember the strong 'Hollywood' references when Goldust debuted it's easy to forget that the original idea was for him to be a 'wrestling copy' of the famous Oscar statue. He was originally intended to be an asexual character who used his sexual indifference to confuse and throw off his opponents, ala his IC title feud with Razor Ramon. Rhodes pulled this character off beautifully by committing to it 100%. When he put on the make-up he ceased to be the son of 'The American Dream' and actually became Goldust.
one of my fave gimmicks was waylon mercy. spivey had the chance to tak eit to a main event level but never got to cause of an accident. the good guy who likes to hurt people routine was brilliant and reminded me of robert de niro in cape fear.
I saw this already but I honestly believe that Sean O'Haire could've easily had one of the greatest gimmicks known to wrestling with that Devil's Addvocate role it really should have been something great but it fell short. I was always a big O'Haire fan and how could you not be.
Someone stole me induction, the Cactus Jack Amnesia Gimmick. But to add to it, he actually became homeless and they filmed segments of him living on the street.

Hakushi in the 1995 circa WWF. Very enigmatic and skilled performer, I thought there was no way he could fail. Check him out teaming with Hayabusa vs. Team Extreme RVD and SABU ECW days, youtube that shit.

Fake Sting in WCW. They missed the boat with this one, they shouldve gotten a skilled up and comer to play the role and break out with it.

Akeem. I thought it was hilarious but in retrospect what the hell was up with that? Someone 'splain to me. How did OneManGang become so "Slick"?

The Honky Tonk Man - Corny as hell sure. But in his day, like what the fuck an Elvis impersonator gone awry? Pretty funny he pulled it off and he made the swinging neckbreaker look pretty good. I'd say Honky Tonk was a good version of Jeff Jarrett.

Bam Bam Bigelow - He was 300 lbs., had a tatooed head and performed diving head butts on the constant. Need I say more?

Skinner - Like what was his gimmick? he was from the austrailian outback? Why was he so fucked up?

The Chris Jericho run on gag he had with David Penser, WCW's ring announcer at the time, it was like an Ike and Tina Turner relationship.

Owen Hart in the Nation of Domination, as "the black hart". That is just good writing, come on. I can't believe that did that shit haha.

Raven's flock. Always though that was a great two birds/one stone situation for up coming talent and emphasizing Ravens uncanny ability to captivate.

HHH and Kane = Necrophilia. Like wow, honestly as a vulgar "edgy" highschooler I'd make these "taboo" jokes to make people uncomfortable...can't believe Vince ok'd that shit.

Tugboat - he was the first to break the kayfabe white gloves characters in the WWF. A true visionary.
I think the "Rated-R Superstar" gimmick is very interesting. Back when it started it was one of the only reasons why I tuned into RAW each week. It was interesting because it was so different, it reminded me of Steve Austin. I still can't beleive that they went with a live sex celebration. That's what gave RAW ratings. EDGE TO RAW!

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