Wrestlings Most Intresting Gimmicks

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
What do you think are the most intresting gimmicks in wrestling? Past or present. Not the best gimmick of all time, the most intresting.

Loose Cannon: This in my opinion is one of the most intresting gimmicks of all time. It was so real that a lot of people in wrestling believed it was legit. He cut amazing promos and iit felt so real. You genuinly felt that he was a loose cannon. You felt that he was capable of doing what he was saying.

Goldust: This is one of the strangest gimmicks of all time. I'm still not entirley sure what this gimmick was about. There was certinly a homophobic element to it. Not that many great matches. And not that many great angles. But there was just something really strange about it.
Goldust:Woah.He was just so weird.I mean his entrance and everything just kind of caught your eye.He did have a homophobic feel to him.I enjoyed some of his matches though.
I think the whole Billy Gunn/Chuck Palumbo gay thing was weird. You take to decent wrestlers and make them queers for what purpose. And then they get married, well almost married, but still. Rico's little ****** ass didn't help any either.
I think the whole Billy Gunn/Chuck Palumbo gay thing was weird. You take to decent wrestlers and make them queers for what purpose. And then they get married, well almost married, but still. Rico's little ****** ass didn't help any either.

I don't know if you have somthing against gay people, but it sounds like it the way to just described things there. There is absolutely nothing wrong with gay people.

And imo, one of the most interesting gimmicks, and surprising un-contraversial, was Eugene. I mean, he was a mentally ******ed wrestler, and no one though that was a bad thing the WWE was doing! Plus, about a month into his debut, he was probably the most over person in the WWE at the time, people wanted to see him more than they did then world heavyweight champ Benoit!
I agree with most of the gimmicks mentioned here and I'll add one to the list:

Mankind: It was just a freak that wore a leather mask and tore out his hair, yet he was terribly over with the fans.

And as the years went on, Mankind went on to have a personality. We knew he was Mick Foley, we knew he was a normal person underneath that mask but he was still a sick freak.

Yet he kept making us laugh with the things he said, with Socko, with the Rock & Sock Connection, etc. I guess it's applicable to all of the faces of foley.
Most Interesting Gimmick eh ? Mr Kennedy is a good Gimmick to be that cocky .... maybe not as Interesting but grabbed my attention was Dan Spivey gimmick where he was kinda a psycho( I forget the name of his character) Al Snow and Head was a interesting Gimmick. Blue World Order was good too. most of the Undertakers including Mean Mark Callous and Jason the Terrible.
Mick Foley is a wrestling God, take that Ric Flair.

Loose Cannon and Goldust, obviously two of the better gimmicks of the last 15 years or so. Pillman was so borderline with it, like Jake said, no one thought if it was real or worked. Goldust just broke down a lot of taboo issues in wrestling.
What about Raven, One of the greatest gimmick of all time, this guys ring physiology alone makes him great, he played the role of the evil, maniacal, twisted son of a bitch perfectly, and produced some of the sickest matches we've ever seen
Okay, this is dating back to 1995-96, but WWF (at the time) had a lot of strange, somewhat dull-stupid gimmicks. Does anyone remember "The Goon," or Duke "The Dumpster?" What about that "D.L. Hopper" guy thats gimmick was basically that of a plummer?

If you're refering to "over" gimmicks, then I loved the Eugene gimmick at first, but now its so sad.. I don't even care to see him. I also think they ruined Kane by unmasking him, even though he has grown more dominant. (at times, anyways)

On a final note.. I was more than happy when I heard Viscera was going to be given a new gimmick & turned into a bad ass again.. I was hoping for a revised version of "Mabel," but sadly got a mix between the love machine & Snitsky.. Viscera, or Big Daddy V, (who is suppose to be this generation's "One Man Gang") is nothing more than a very fat man, with breasts more around his body than Mark Henry.. & sadly.. he's the Teacher's Pet even.. such a sad beginning, when it could've been awesome.
As a long time wrestling fan I was very interested in the Jake Roberts "revalations" gimmick where he claimed to be a born again Christian. Knowing the trouble he had before it was interesting to see. I still don't know if he was for real or not, or if he fooled the WWE to get his job back. Either way it didn't last long.
Disco Inferno-I don't know why, but when I was like 8 and 9, I thought this guy was amazing. A guy from the 70's coming out and disco dancing, I don't know why, but that interested me.
The Brood-They were awesome. The entrance was one of the best entrances ever. Giving people blood baths completely freaked me out. A group of vampires, can't get too much more interesting.
Abyss-A big guy with a mask with James Mitchell as the talker. This guy was mysterious and Mitchell made him seem almost demonic. Then the whole story line with Sting kinda made me feel sorry for him.

For the people who mentioned Goldust, I am still not entirely sure of the gimmick, either. But I think he was supposed to be kinda like Boy George, from what I remember. It was an odd gimmick.
dang it, the man just stole my one original addition, the brood...I thought the music, the gimmick, the entrance, just everything was amazing....I reminded me of when the undertaker first debuted, and people were genuinely mezmorized and afraid when he would appear, it seemed as if the brood had the same effect....

Goldust of course...freaking incredible, especially for the generation it was done in, extremely daring stuff for the times, nothing like THAT had ever been done before, and the whole thing was just very very weird, but also had somewhat of a mezmorizing/ gripping quality to it, just pulled you in, mankind, was as well a very intriguiging, that pushed boundries....

edge was also rather interesting when he first debuted, what with all the mysteriousness, and hangin out in the rafters ....
One of the greatest gimmicks currently in the WWE that hasn't been mentioned I think is actually Vince McMahon as the phsycopathic boss. I mean, no matter what movie, TV show, or even reality your watching, NO other boss will beat up his employees, or do any of the stuff Vince does to them. The charecter and the person Vince are two different people, and we all know that, thats what makes watching him so amazing. You can always tell when hes serious (Dead wrestlr tribute shows, media appearences) and you can see when he's charecter (pretty much every other time you see him on RAW) Plus, he has the most known gimmick of EVERYONE right now.
I can't beleive Sting hasn't been mentioned, when he were black and white face paint, it were the first kind of gimmick like that i can remember. Also the brood, golddust.

For some reason, I also find Shark Boy quite interesting.
Vampiro I thought he wasvery interesting during his time in WCW. At first I thought he was a wannabe sting but I then began to see that he was alot different. The locks/braids was an interesting touch along with the face paint.

Goldust I was talking to my brother about his gimmick yesterday. How did they come up with a guy like him? I thought his whole entrance thing was the shit. Adding Marlena as his manager made him even more interesting. If you watched the Hall of Fame Induction 2007 where Dustin was inducting his dad, you realized that the fans enjoyed Goldust even though we never knew exactly who he was supposed to be.

Dean Malenko - The man of 1000 holds. I never quiet got his gimick but i still thought he was cool. I swore he has never changed his facial expressions when he talked or wrestled.

I can't beleive Sting hasn't been mentioned, when he were black and white face paint, it were the first kind of gimmick like that i can remember.

He was a rip off of the film the crow so it was hardly original, it was interesting though. Just wouldn't say it was one of a kind never been done...
He was a rip off of the film the crow so it was hardly original, it was interesting though. Just wouldn't say it was one of a kind never been done...

He might have been a rip off of the crow film, but no1 had done that in wrestling.

Also does anyone remember the Repo Man, did anyone else find his gimmick really good and original for the time?
Repo Man? No it was terrible. It was original but it was awful. To go from Demolition to that must have been a real kick in the teeth. That gimmick stunk of early 90's WWF. It didn't even have me fooled when I was 8. My first thought was: WTF?
Some have said that the Sting gimmick was a rip off of the Crow, while true, I think it was more of a rip-off of ECW's Raven, minus the violence. Honestly though, the Sting/Crow gimmick may have been the best gimmick of the last 15 years, and that is including the variations of the Undertaker. How a guy goes from being out going and charismatic in every way possible, then volunteers to do a complete 180 with the company and sit out a year, fucking amazing.
it made sting the icon that he is today, I guess thats pretty evident seen as he is still in that gimmick, not as strong as it were, but partly in it
Well one of my favorites that did not last very long due to Roddy Pipers departure was the reinvented Sean O'Haire. I saw him do a promo at a raw taping after a dark match and it was with out a doubt one of the top three promos that I have EVER seen. Pitting him with Piper was genious. He would come down dressed in a black trench coat, for those that dont remember this. I would say this was back in 03? I just remember his closing line was something along the likes of "Im not telling you anything that you dont allready know"

Please someone else remember this.
Ultimate Warrior: He was a real life cartoon character with the face paint and color coordinated attire. He would yell at the sky and to the "Gods" in his promos and even in matches. He was super human and had the "powers of the warriors". He was from Parts Unknown. It was a very over the top gimmick but was the Warrior pulled if off and got over big in the late 80s early 90s.
I always thought the Undertaker's deadman gimmick was pretty interesting. Come on, every time a gimmick like that has been introduced recently people have just shot it down and called it dumb, yet the Undertaker - a legend in the professional wrestling business - is most renowned for his time as the deadman, one of the most far-fetched gimmicks out there. Interesting, no?
How about when Al Snow used to come out with that mannequin head? I thought that was a bizarre gimmick. Do you guys remember that Australian wrestler Nathan Jones that WWE billed as Undertakers protege who did all that prison time? I think they could have done alot with that gimmick, but that also just faded away.

I know he wasnt really a wrestler, but I really liked Jason Sensation, the guy who did all the impersonations of The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels and Owen Hart.
glacier was very different but i would have to say probably the loose cannon somebody already posted here what id basically have to say but needless to say it was very interesting.

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