Wrestling Themes you would actually listen to.

Christian's theme: Just Close Your Eyes(Male Version) - It's good, it's catchy, I always sing along to it.

Edge's theme: On This Day - Same reasons as above. It's something I can listen to.

Shawn Michaels' theme: Sexy Boy - LOL. I needed this song for school, but it's on my iPod so that counts right? :p

Randy Orton's theme: Burn in My Light - Same reasons as Christian's/Edge's theme.
Nothing will ever be better than Demolition's theme. I can still listen to it to this day.

I don't like many of the modern day themes. Most of them are just generic radio friendly rock songs that usually have nothing to do with the character. Some are okay, but most of them are pretty forgettable.
Themes of the shows count, right? Because there aren't any current WWE wrestlers who have themes that I like. However the SmackDown! Theme that was used from around 2007-ish, "Rise Up" by Drowning Pool, is on my mp3 player. I love that song, and I personally think it sounds better without the crap editing that WWE gave it (they sped it up for no reason)

I do like a couple themes in TNA though. Brian Kendrick's is badass and Matt Morgan's has grown on me. There's a few other guys in TNA who have themes I like, but this is in the WWE section so I'll just leave it at that.
Nothing will ever be better than Demolition's theme. I can still listen to it to this day.

I don't like many of the modern day themes. Most of them are just generic radio friendly rock songs that usually have nothing to do with the character. Some are okay, but most of them are pretty forgettable.


This is exactly how I feel. I think it's probably because we've been around for the older generation of wrestlers and remember how the entrance theme song and entrance were just as important back then as the match itself haha.

This is basically why the Ultimate Warrior, despite his awful in-ring skills, was so popular...because his music and entrance was just so epic. It didn't matter how bad the match was because you just wanted him to win so you could hear it again haha.

Today all of the music sounds exactly the same and none of it is anything special. I find myself doing the exact opposite than what I used to do...and that's waiting for it to end.
The Miz - Just a great song. If you can find the version where the Miz says AWESOME in the beginning, it adds alittle something.

Jack Swagger - Another great song. Age Against the Machine just hit this song well.

The Nexus - Just downloaded it, and it already has 6 plays in 2 hours. Great song.

Edge - Come on. This song can pump you up.

CM Punk - If you like metal, then this is your favorite WWE theme. It was used for Randy Orton, then Judgment Day 2006, but with CM Punk it seems right.

Chris Jericho - Every version of this song is great.

John Morrison - Thats right. I said John Morrison.

RVD - His WWE theme. I dont listen to a bassline and a song thats only lyrics are "Rob Van Dam! The whole F'n Show!"
Let's see I've got so many music tracks from WWE (Partly because I'm a huge Audiophile) but my favorites have to be...

The Miz: "I Came to Play" Great song especially with his current character. It's perfect match.

Randy Orton: "Voices" Love this song! I sing it randomly when I'm bored and its one of the few WWE songs I know the words to completely.

Kane: "Slow Chemical" His Older Song. Was actually able to create a Music Video detailing the WWE Championship match at the first Elimination Chamber for a class. I don't have the video and it's been long gone. I wish I still had it...

Edge: "Metalingus" Another song that I love and gets stuck in my head so easily.

Triple H: "The Game" I think that it's the fact that this song is so recognizable and the fact that I'm a huge Triple H Mark. Everytime you hear this music you know that someone's in trouble.

DX "Break it Down" Iconic song...Need I say more?
Absolutely none of the newer ones other than Edge's.

I love Demolition's theme. In my opinion, the best ever.

Taz' theme - "Survive if I let you"

The Four Horseman have one of my favorites as is Steamboat's.

I like Mortis' theme.

Vader's WWF theme gets a lot of play from me, as does the old RAW theme "Thorn In Your Eye."

The recent ones just don't feel like wrestling themes to me at all. I'd rather listen to Honky's theme than themes like Nexus' or Miz.
I liked Christians old theme.
The Dx rapping song.
Drew McIntyre's theme.
Jack Swagger's theme.
Cm Punk's theme.
The recent ones just don't feel like wrestling themes to me at all. I'd rather listen to Honky's theme than themes like Nexus' or Miz.

This was pretty hilarious and I feel the exact same way. Honky Tonk Man's theme was so entertaining. The Million Dollar Man's?? I mean cmon. That was original, effective, and badass - and fit the character to a "T". That's the thing...they used to FIT the character. Now it's just like a microcosm of modern America where everybody is trying to sacrifice what people like and replace it with significantly worse options...just as long as they make an extra buck.

I liked Christians old theme.
The Dx rapping song. <------ When was this?
Drew McIntyre's theme.
Jack Swagger's theme.
Cm Punk's theme.
I gotta start off with Jack Swagger's theme! My absolute favorite right now. I crank it up a lot when driving, and is often times my favorite part of a show (lol). Like when Orton was facing three traded ECW stars last year, when Swagger's music hit out of nowhere, I popped like corn. Absolutely love it.

A totally random theme I find that I really like a lot also is Vance Archer's theme, of course now also used by his partner Curt Hawkins (since they don't have an official team name, I sometimes refer to them as Archkins, but that's a different story, lol). This one is great for when I'm driving fast on the thruway with the radio turned all the way up, haha

I have a bunch of other miscellaneous themes but only so many characters this will let me type, so I'll come back later with that list.
Randy Orton - voices, Love this theme ... its one i listen to everyday on my ipod

Sheamus - Love the lyrics to this song

Christian - (both male and female versions) - always loved the theme to this song wether its waterprood blonde or story of the year. If i could step into tna i love his first theme he had on there aswell 'take over'

John Cena- Sorry to burst the bubble guys but even after 5 years of the same cena theme i still have a feel for this track. Yes i am a cena fan but i wouldnt like to show this as a biased decision ;) ... its one i have always liked since day one.

Drew mcintyre- Slow paced but very nice lyrics and is one i listen to quite often.

Rock (hollywood theme) - badass simple as that.
Some of the themes I would listen to constantly,

1. Striker's Theme- just because I'm that sick and perverted, right Rox, i like hearing men TEACH me. LOL

2. RKO's theme

3. Christian's updated theme

4. Lita's theme

5. Edge's theme current, and his past Rob Zombie

6. Miz's song

7. CM Punks theme

8. Undertaker's Limp Bizkit song

9. McMahon-Helmsley "My Time" theme

10. Trish Stratus' theme

11. HHH's themes, "King of Kings" and "The Game"

12. Hawkins and Ryder (Edge-heads) "In The Middle of It Now" by disciple..i have the cd

13. Jeff Hardy's theme by Endeverafter

14. Drew McIntyre's theme song
To answer your question Prime, the DX rap song, which was done by Run-DMC was done during the Mike Tyson bit when he "joined" DX. it was only used once or twice, but was on the WWF anthology CD i believe
I'll listen to any remix, mashup, or basically anything that's not instrumental. These are the songs I have on my iPod right now:

Adelitas Way- Invincible (WWE Superstars)
Alter Bridge- Find the Real (Royal Rumble 2005)
Alter Bridge- Metalingus (Edge)
American Bang- Wild and Young (NXT)
Boy Hits Car- Lovefurypassionenergy (Lita)
Divide the Day- Let it Roll (Smackdown!)
Downstait- I Came to Play (The Miz)
Drowning Pool- Bodies (ECW)
Drowning Pool- The Game (Triple H)
Hoobastank- My Turn (Destination X 2009)
Jim Johnston- Fight (Summerslam 2002)
Kevin Rudolf- Let it Rock (Royal Rumble 2009)
Kevin Rudolf- I Made It (Wrestlemania XXVI)
Lynard Skynard- Still Unbroken (Breaking Point 2009)
Marilyn Manson- The Beautiful People (Smackdown!)
Marilyn Manson- This Is the New Shit (ECW)
Metallica- All Nightmare Long (No Mercy 2008)
Our Lady Peace- Whatever (Chris Benoit)
Papa Roach- ...To Be Loved (Raw)
Rev Theory- Voices (Randy Orton)
Saliva- Ladies and Gentlemen (Wrestlemania 23)
Seether- Out Of My Way (Zach Gowan)
Shinedown- Devour (Night of Champions 2008)
Sick Puppies- You're Going Down (Extreme Rules 2009)
Skillet- Hero (Royal Rumble 2010)
Skillet- Monster (Hell in a Cell 2009)
Teddybears- Cobrastyle (Summerslam 2006)

Yeah, that's a lot! Just goes to show WWE, and sometimes TNA, has a great taste in music.
I listen to the following theme songs . .
THE MIZ, CHRIS JERICHO, SHAWN MICHAELS, EGDE, THE ROCK (the one before the hollywood one), KURT ANGLE, RANDY ORTON (voices and take whats mine), DREW McINTYRE, EVOLUTION (triple h), TRIPLE H (the game and king of kings) and WRESTLEMANIA 26 KEVIN RUDOLF ft JAY SEAN, LIL WAYNE AN BIRDMAN (i made it) . . These are the WWE theme i still listen to :D
I really like Drew's and Christian's, but that's because I love Story of the Year.

My favorite though, is Mavens theme. I love that song and I don't even know what it's called or who sings it. I have it on my phone saved as "Mavens theme." That's also how I downloaded it.

I used to be big on Sheltons theme but it got old fast.
Ive listened to many of WWE's themes over the years, some of them only for a short amount of time because I was caught up in the current fad that was their persona and some that still stick with me until today.

When Im listening to music Ill pop in some songs like Triple H's them from Motorhead, CM Punk's theme from Killswitch Engage, Hogan's Real American them (not sure of the artist), and even Mark Henry's awesome theme by Three Six Mafia. But my all time favorite theme which I listen to all the time is:

Austin's Disturbed Theme


This song is so epically badass it makes everything look like ring around the rosey. I will blast this driving down the highway and rock out and I dont give a damn who sees. And if someone gives me a bad look Ill look at them and yell "3:16 Mother fucker!".

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