Wrestling personalities you dislike, but the rest of IWC likes?


is a happier and wiser man
Well, the IWC is infamous for getting totally behind a certain character, and then going against him all of a sudden.
Name one such wrestling personality (wrestler/manager/commentator) whom you don't like watching, but the IWC is very positive about.
For me, it would be Jim Ross. Nothing in the wrestling sites irritates me more than his constant bias in favour of WWE irrespective of the situation, his reluctance to speak in a direct manner, and further reluctance to speak up against what is unjust, as long as it is committed by WWE.
The most popular answer is going to be John Cena. The most common reason is how much hype he gets. So many praise him as Jesus in jorts. Of course the fact he has so many titles and constantly shoved down the fans throats doesn't help.
Stone Cold. He represents the attitude era. Many IWC think SCSA can do no wrong because the attitude era was 'cool' but most of them didn't even start watching wrestling yet and only want to be hip on hating the current product. Austin was no different than what Cena is today but IWC shit on Cena but praise Austin to the moon.
The most popular answer is going to be John Cena. The most common reason is how much hype he gets. So many praise him as Jesus in jorts. Of course the fact he has so many titles and constantly shoved down the fans throats doesn't help.

The IWC likes John Cena? News to me.

For me it's Sting. I find it hard to believe he still has such loyal fans sometimes. He has one of the most inflated legacies in the history of the business, is/was too much of a baby/coward to go to WWE, probably hasn't worked more than 30 matches in a calendar year since WCW folded, and hasn't worked a good one since he stopped bleaching his hair.
Seems like it to me. There are times here I can't buy a bad word about him. Just my opinion.

After giving it some thought, I have to admit that he seems to get a lot more love these days than ever before. I was one of the outspoken Cena critics when he was really dominating things, but even I've warmed up to him in my old age.

Another guy I thought of is Sheamus. I've said elsewhere that he just never clicked with me, but these days his full-blown cartoon character persona drives me nuckin' futs. I've really enjoyed different matches/programs he's been a part of, but I've never liked him. I do acknowledge his talent and appeal, though. Just not my cup o' tea.
For a time the answer was Stone Cold. I really didn't like him when he was dominating in 98 and 99. Things started to change for me towards the end of his run and all the times he has come back. While he was always solid on the mic, it seemed to me like he really came into his own during his last active years. That's when he developed the style he uses to this day which I really like.

A perfect example of this is his work at WrestleMania XXI when he was going back and foruth with Piper. His style is fast talking, pointing out various aspects of his opponet, while leaving the perfect opening for the fans what chants.
Haha.. I was going to make this thread after the other thread died down.

Anyway, my answer is Kurt Angle. I just cant stand the guy. Never could.
He is a great technical wrestler, and that is about it. I feel he has zero charisma, no ring presence and negative mic skills. Also, he was never really a draw and is a dope head.
Ryback and Sheamus. Two big guys who bore me to tears inside the ring with their crap finishers and underselling. Sheamus is just Irish Cena and Ryback is Monster Cena, except that the original Cena can work a match.
A couple of years ago it was The Miz. After the buzz around him died down there wasn't anybody in particular until the serious Ziggler love popped up a few months ago. Of all time maybe Jeff Hardy? Never really liked him outside of the first tag team run, until like 2001.
Dolph Ziggler fo sho. The dude sucks. People really need to get that through their heads. He's pretty awful on the stick, his look is extremely dated, and his overselling makes his matches unwatchable. Fuck him.

Oh, and Shawn Michaels, for all of the above, and the fact that he gets so much love, despite being the "man" during one of the lowest times in WWE history. He damn near torpedoed the entire company. Fuck him too.
Damien sandow I don't like him I never have and he isn't growing on me either I don't know what it is that makes me hate him but everyone on here has praise for him
I at least got the Ziggler love Pre-briefcase as at least then he knew how to put something that resembled a coherent match. Afterwards though the continued support for the guy just baffles me as he's become a parody of himself.
Sabu, RVD, Taz, Sandman and other such ECW originals. Complete lunatics. If anyone thinks wrestling is real, just make them watch a match with these guys in it.

When RVD was facing Cena during ONS, it's funny how the fans were screaming "Same old shit." at Cena, when he was the one actually doing different moves and n the other hand, their precious RVD was the one doing the same moves he had been doing for a decade almost.
Ziggler. I can't comprehend how people see world champion material in him. He looks like Billy Gunn and isn't nearly as over.
Damien sandow I don't like him I never have and he isn't growing on me either I don't know what it is that makes me hate him but everyone on here has praise for him

I can understand people not being in love with Sandow.

I'm a big fan of the gimmick as it pertains to the mic work and backstage segments, but his wrestling style really makes me hate to watch him work matches. He is somewhat generic and far too deliberate in the ring, but it admittedly does fit the cerebral and refined nature of the character.

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