Wrestling match that made you a Pro Wrestling Fan?


New Member
I'm sorry if this has already been covered. I was wondering if anyone has a specific match that made them a Pro Wrestling fan, or one that made them sit up and take notice, and they were like "whoa, I gotta watch this every chance I get!"

For me it was one particular match:

Prior, living in Omaha, NE I'd flip through the TV a little and catch a bit of AWA Wrestling on Saturdays but for the life of me, I have no idea who people were.. Then 1 night, flipping thru the channels, and see this match come on, Piper vs Snuka. I was instantly hooked, and became a fan of Roddy Piper that night.
The next morning, I'm out on my bile, and I hear one of my friends talking to another friend about what happened. I reply "Isn't Roddy Piper great??" My friend looked like he was gonna run after me, "Piper ran away like a coward from Snuka!"
There wasn't a match that really made me a wrestling fan.

We had 1 hour per week of WCW on TV in the early 90s and Sting was being pushed as the lead face at the time. 'Flyin' Brian, The 4 Horsemen, The Steiner's, Vader, Rick Rude etc.

The problem was, WCW PPV's were hard to find on VHS, WWF was a lot easier, so as a kid, it was a struggle to follow.
I wouldn't say the match made me a fan, but Bret Hart vs Roddy Piper at Wrestlemania 8 made me look at wrestling differently. I was getting away from super hero's and getting more into sports so I started to enjoy the matches more than the characters. I realized that after this match. Then I watched Bret vs Bulldog and knew it was something special. Still holds up to me as the greatest match of all time.

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