The Match That Made You The Fan You Are...

I started watching wrestling when i was a freshman in highschool, about a month or so before WM 21. I think the build up for that WM was what hooked me. Cena getting in trouble by the law for messing with JBL, Batista challenging HHH, "Cowboy" Bob Orton pleading for Taker to give mercy on Randy but randy giving a sneak RKO anyways, and of course, the Big Show-Akebono build up. I will never forget Luther Reigns trying to push over a truck and failing and then Show coming up and flipping it. Priceless
What made me a wrestling fan is when my Stepbrothers came over and we rented Royal Rumble 1990 and Survivor Series 1990. Up to that point, the only wrestlers I knew were Hulk Hogan and Roddy Pipper. I also used to think that Wrestling was just boxing without the gloves.

I was about 7 or 8 then, and I've been hooked ever since.

Back then, the wrestlers in the WWF were really cartoonish. Which was right up my alley.

Next thing I knew, I was watching Superstars every Saturday Morning.
I've said it on here several times, the match I first remember watching was Wrestlemania 2 and it's main event, Steel cage Match; Hulk Hogan vs. King Kong Bundy. I knew I watched wrestling before, but this was the first time a visual impression was actually left.

I remember the bandages on Hogan, and being worried about the Avalanche from King Kong Bundy, however, the image I remember is the beginning of the match. Hogan, standing atop the Steel Cage, looking at Bundy. Hogan rips his shirt off revealing the bandages, but also wearing the championship belt. Freaking awesome.
For me it was the interview segment where Ultimate Warrior has been cursed by Papa Shango (my favorite gimmick of all time). I was flipping through the tv when all you see is this huge man convulsing on stage as black ooze comes out of his mouth. Just frickin awesome to see when you're like 10.
I think i became a wrestling fan when i was around 7 and i got a Wrestlemania 15 tape for my birthday. I had watched wrestling a little bit at friends houses and enjoyed it but i didn't have Sky TV. The Rock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin just captured me. From then on i had to buy every wrestling toy, video game and tape i could get unless they were WCW toys ofcourse, i only watched it in 2000 on a free channel and even then i realised it sucked shit.

After that i guess the matches that really hooked me in 2000 were HHH vs Mick Foley at the Royal Rumble and the 6-man HIAC. I remember talking about the Cell match for days before and after it and i really liked Kurt and was happy he won.

Then ofcourse in about 2004 i started coming onto backstage wrestling sites and my innocnece was taken away. :evil3: . But at least that gave me the drive to look back at matches before my start as a fan and start looking at Bret Hart classics.

To sum up. Stone Cold and The Rock made me a fan which eventually turned me into an IWC asswipe who marks out for Kurt Angle.
I can say I vividly remember being 10 years old and watching Summerslam '91 live on PPV and flipping out over the Bret Hart vs. Mr Perfect match for the IC title. I had already been a fan and a big Bret Hart mark, but the excitement of that match is the first time I really remember being blown away. I would never stop watching. I'm 28 now and that's the match I always go back to.
The match that did it for me was the Hell in the Cell at King of the Ring '98. Before this, I was only a small time fan watching the show whenever I saw it on T.V. But since I was only like 5 who could blame me? This was not only the 1st Pay Per View I was witnessing, but the 1st show that I actually watched and payed attention to. After I saw the Hell in the Cell, I was stunned. I immediately ran to my brother and asked him everything about wrestling that he knew (he was a fan since 82). I watched the old tapes and started to follow WWF as if it were a religion. I know that Hell in the Cell '98 is now cliche to say that it is the match got that me hooked, but it's the truth.
Not sure that a particular match got me hooked but certainly from the time I watched Sting, I've been a fan ever since.
Like somebody else in this thread (sorry, don't remember the name), I too was actually vaguely familiar with wrestling for many years before I became a full fledged fan. For many years, I knew of 3 wrestlers, Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior and Sting. Oddly enough I owned a Hulk Hogan wrestling buddy and an Ultimate Warrior wrestling buddy. This was probably 7-8 years before I became a big wresting fanatic.

I can almost credit becoming a fan to being such a mark for the Rocky movie series. I Absolutely loved those movies as a kid and I remember seeing Rocky 3 for the fist time and seeing this giant man of a wrestler named Thunderlips (Hulk Hogan). From there I was starting to wonder about pro wrestling and a buddy of mine invited me over to watch Monday Nitro one day,

I think in November or December of 1998. I remember being interested in what I was seeing but not quite that enamored with it yet. Then that same friend got WCW/NWO Revenge for Christmas. I started playing that game and just absolutely loved it. Then I finally caught my first full edition of Monday Nitro at home and that is when I got hooked. It was ironically the show that a lot of people say was the night WCW began to die.

January 4, 1999, Georgia Dome. The scheduled main event: Goldberg vs Kevin Nash in a rematch from Starrcade. The match didn't happen as you all know because of this storyline in which Miss Elizabeth claimed Goldberg had sexually harassed her. Goldberg spent 2 and a half hours at a local police precinct answering questions while the main event became Hulk Hogan vs Kevin Nash. Just before the main event, Goldberg was released and headed back to the Dome. As I watched the ill fated "Finger Poke of Doom," Goldberg arrived in via police escort. He busted out of the car and took off through the arena finally into the ring and initially destroyed the reformed NWO. I was hooked! I actually didn't get to see the Lex Luger heel turn and the beat down of Goldberg because my cable went out. But either way, seeing this house of fire and powerful man that was Goldberg, I knew I had to keep watching and over 10 years later, I still am. Thanks Bill!
The match that made me the fan I am is the Hardy's vs. Edge and Christian ladder match from No Mercy 99. What can I say that match had a huge impact on me. It was a crazy good match in my opinion, I am a huge fan of ladder and TLC matches. I think that some of the other matches that had an impact on me were the matches with Hardy's, Edge and Christian, and the Dudley's. I am a fan of high flying moves and less interested in the technical aspects but I can appreciate a good technical match.
Woahhh Great Wrestling Stories, Mens I Really Don't Remember A "match That Took Me Into The Fan I'm Today" Im Not Only A Fan, Im Planning To Travel To Usa To Train To Become Professional Wrestler, Though, I Have A Friends-associates Local Wrestling Federation Based In My Home Country Just To Kill The Fever......... I Think.. I Love Wrestling As A Bussiness And As A Sport...

Now Going Into The Question, I Now I Have Been Watching Wrestling Maybe Since 1996 Or '97, But I Don't Remember Any Match From That Time As I Was Just 4-5 Years Old, But Since I Remember There Have Been Some Matches And Moments That Hooked Me Into Wrestling:

*stone Cold As Wwf Champion In 1998

*the 2001 Invasion Storyline (seriously I Enjoyed It, I Was A Kid And I Thought It Was Real, That Wcw Was Taking Wwe Over, And I Always Prefered Wwe Over Wcw)

*the Rock Vs. Brock Lesnar Summerslam 2002 (despite Rock Loss That Night)

And Ever Since I Grew Up A Little Bit....

*hbk Vs. Hhh Vs. Benoit Wrestlemania Xx

*batista Vs. Hhh Wrestlemania 21

*edge Wins World Title Smackdown May 11, 2007

*edge's Entrance At Wm 24 Last Year...... Huge!!!!!!!!
I started watching in 3rd grade, which for me is 16 years ago and would be in the wrestlemania 9 area. I wasnt ordering paper views that young but the two oldest things I can remember watching were The Undertaker with paul bearer and he had a fued with Papa Shango and the other one was HBK and his fued with Razor Ramon that lead to the Ladder matches that I was only able to see clips of but the fued was really cool.
I remember the first time that I watched wrestling. My friends were really big fans of it, and they inbited me over to a WrestleMania 3 party. I wasn't really paying attention; I cared more about baseball then. But man, when I saw Hogan slam Andre, I was hooked for the next 16 years. I stopped watching in 2003. In Sept. 2007, I was on YouTube for a work project on steroids in wrestling. I looked up "WWE" on it and I saw Orton vs. Foley at Backlash 2004. The match got me hooked and even better I got better feedback from my boss.
The first time I watched wrestling was Smackdown around the time of Batista vs. Khali in a Punjabi Prison match I remember the ME was Khali vs. Rey, Finaly ran in and hit rey with his shalaylay (i don't know how to spell it) then Cena who was guest commentator came out and said Khali you may be a monster but you've never been locked in a cage with an animal. I also remember Matt Hardy and MVP having a push up contest where mvp tripped up Matt by moving his hand.
The match that got me hooked is the first match I can recall seeing, which was Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes in a cage match for the NWA World Title back in 1985. I just remembered how much I wanted to see the funny fat guy win, and he I can look back on the match not only for it's historical significance, but also because I got hooked with that match.
for me it was Rob Van Dam vs. Jerry Lynn at the 1999 living dangerously ppv for the ECW TV Championship

Of all the responses I've seen on here so far this one is the one that made me smile. A very underrated match from two amazing wrestlers. It's also kinda wierd that there's not more mentions of ECW (not WWECW) on here.:robvandam:
there was one PPV that got me hooked, which i brought 6 months after it happened. This was summerslam 00'. The hardcore match between Shane and Steve Blackman was entertaining, the TLC was amazing and the main event triple threat between Angle HHH and The Rock was good, especially because of the emotion between Angle and HHH at that time. I can not pick the match on this card that got me hooked, i think it was just a combination of the even as a whole. I watched it around the time of No Way Out 01, where there was again quite a solid card, which was followed by the greatest WM of all time, so early 2001 was when i was hooked, but summerslam 00' did it.
Huge WWE fan, but I'm going to have to go with Hogan VS Sting at Starcade 1997. I remeber wanting to see the NWO fall so bad. Plus they spent like a whole fucking year hyping this match. I really wanted to see Sting win the belt. Bret Hart was the special enforcer. The other match that comes to mind is The Rock VS HHH for the WWE championship at Backlash 2000.
originally it was bret hart vs owen hart in the steel cage at survivor series 2004 i believe but lost interest sometime in '95. Dunno why, I was 8.
What got me back involved was Steve Austin running over The Rock's car in a monster truck. Wasn't a particular match but the one that kept me and my friends talking at the time was Summerslam 99 main event (Austin vs Triple H vs Mankind).
I had been watching wrestling since about mid 2000, but what actually got me hooked was when I ordered summerslam '00 on PPV, and I saw the Shane and Blackman hardcore match, the first TLC match, the Jericho and Benoit 2 out of 3 falls match, and the triple threat match for the WWE title. I still have it on tape somewhere and every once in a while bust it out and watch it and it's still fresh to me.
The match that really got me hooked on wrestling was the shelton benjamen-hbk Gold rush tornament match on RAW. before that i was only a casual fan just watching it here and there at a mates place but now i watch every wrestling show show on cable in australia.
I'm gonna go a bit leftfield here bcos I first got into wrestling proper when my dad made me 3 videos taped frm the sports channels 1 of which was the latest wwf ppv: kotr 95, I've heard since then that this is considered 2 b 1 of the worst ppv's ever but I had nothing 2 compare it against at the time and I was only 10yr old, anyway it was the kotr quarter final match between hbk and kama that really got me interested, I couldn't believe some of the stuff micheals was doing! It ended up being a double countout I'm sure but everytime I watched it I'd be hoping micheals won and each time I was as dissapointed as he was but since then I became a huge hbk fan, and I guess I started watching at the right time as not long after the attitude era arrived.
The first thing that got me into wrestling was when I was stuck in a hotel room in Scotland when I was about 10. I think it was The Rock vs Chris Benoit for the WWE Title on Smackdown. I'd never seen anything like it before, and I latched onto the theatre of it straight away.

But to say what MADE me the fan I am today...

I'd been watching wrestling for about a year or so when the Undertaker defended his WWE Undisputed Championship against Jeff Hardy in a Ladder match.


This match had it all... I knew wrestling was pre-arranged but I had no idea that matches could be so close, so intense. A strong rivalry with two wrestlers that I loved at the time (and still do), and the end of the match with Jeff getting his hand raised by the Badass Heel Undertaker was something special. Brilliant match, heart in mouth stuff, and this is definately the match that made me the fan I am today.
What latched me onto wrestling was the formation of the nWo back in 1996 but what made me the fan I am today wasn't necessarily a match. No it was the entire Attitude Era that put my ass permanently in a chair & made me watch wrestling. I loved all the controversial shit that they did like the Austin-McMahon rivalry, the formation of DX, Undertaker-Mankind Hell In A Cell match & all the divas acting & looking like hoes was all good entertainment to me. God I miss those times.
The match that got me hooked would be Randy Savage vs. The Honky Tonk Man from Saturday Night's Main Event in October 1987. This isn't my favorite match and there have been many, many better matches, but this turned me from casual fan to obsessed fan. It's the match that hooked me for life. Now I was only eight years old at the time and had been watching for about a year, but I made it a point to never miss a show after that. The dramatic attack on Miss Elizabeth and exciting rescue by Hulk Hogan got my eight year old mind into noticing the storylines rather than just big guys fighting each other.

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