Wrestling jargon

Stein Lager

Current WWF Champion
Ok so I've always loved wrestling. I watched wcw and wwf in the late 90s. I just got into wwe again after wm27 and was quite ignorant of wwe 2001 - 2010 until I looked back into it all after I got full frontal back into the wwe. Ok enough self-indulgent rambling, a point I would like to raise.

Now take this as an alternative conversation (god forbid) to cm punk vs cena, triple h taking over, waa waa waa cenas the champ again, waa waa waa cm punk came back to early, just stop bitching and enjoy the show for goodness sake!!

The one thing that always drew me into wrestling and to a much greater point the IWC was the terminology. The jargon, the lingo. Face, heel, getting over, smarks, marks. I love it all. Am I the only one who feels so closely knit with other wrestling followers and the iwc? Having this language we all share so naturally yet if others read it they would be completely lost? A few times for me branched out into conversations with non wrestling followers.. I thought things were going well with this girl I was seeing and when I realized she did like me I told my mates I thought I was over with her... One mate (a wrestling follower) laughed while my other mate (a 'non believer' as I like to call him) was like huuuuh?!?
Anyway, my question is do you ever use this fantastic lingo we have outside of wrestling??

*oh and if this is just a tweak too random, mods feel free to delete, I'm really high right now.
I love using wrestling jargon. I use it for everything in everyday life. After sex I'll ask my girlfriend "did you pop?" or if I know I'll be like "yea you popped". Shit like that, I love it.

My newest favorite wrestling lingo is "shit the bed" which is basically what it sounds like. I'll use it when talking baseball with my brother "the Braves shound win tonight as long as Hudson doesn't shit the bed again".
Umm, I use the term stiff a lot. Like when people are really rough. I have used pop because you can apply that to concerts and other things.
I use "heat" a lot. Sometimes people get it. Lol I remember telling my friend I had "heat with my parents". Good times.
Yeah I've used it for a few years now when talking to my brother, my current and ex-girlfriends, various friends who follow the business (regardless whether they're "in" the industry somehow or just watch on tv) and even when I email Daffney and have exchanged stuff when I had a Facebook account with people like Sinn Bodhi etc.

It's like others who are deep into something and use the lingo first accidentally and then embrace it and use it often.
I love it too! It's like "our" own language, that people of "the normal world" can't understand!

Typical Average Fan Convo: Hogan and Austin just faced the Brothers of Destruction. Undertaker made Hogan bleed, but Hogan and Austin came back and won with the 1,2,3!!!! I was very happy!

Typical Mark Convo: Dude, Hogan and Austin locked horns with kayfabe brothers Taker and Kane! Hogan bladed after a chairshot by Taker. Then Austin and Hogan went over them cleanly. Dude, I marked the f*** out!!

Simple stuff like that. It's kind of like our own little way of communicating without spoiling it for the average fan, ya kno?
First, anyone who talks like that clearly doesn't mind wasting a lot of breath over one sentence.

I learned a lot of lingo and carny talk when I was training and working, which has followed me around. I use heat, and babyface and heel in too many conversations. It's hard to explain to women sometimes, haha. I also use gimmick, for everything. Anytime I can't think of a word, in any situation, it ends up being a gimmick. I don't talk about wrestling a lot, but some words do pop up in general conversation.

I also last week tried to explain to some people at work that rap took old wrestling carny talk and made it socially relevant, about the same time wrestlers stopped using it. To say, 'In the Hizouse' is pretty kayfabe. It's actually, the language of kayfabe. Little tidbit for ya.
This guy I work with who is a wrestler uses gimmick a lot. Such as "hey, can you hand me that gimmick?" Or "so, what's the gimmick?" As for me, I like calling other guy "candy ass". It usually get awkward after that though.
I tend to use "mark out", "jobbing", "heat", "face/heel" alot. Most of my friends who don't follow the business kinda get it. I never really had to explain it to anyone...well except some female friends.
I use heat and botch a lot. I mean, like, people use heat for trouble (e.g. opposing views, cops, etc.) And botch is self-explanatory. Stiff too! I don't use pop 'cause, well, I'm sure if I asked "hey yo, did ya hear dat pop from the crowd when Punk came out?" someone might believe I heard an actual pop rather than the crowd cheering. Maybe I should say "did ya hear da crowd pop" instead.

Am I the only one who doesn't think heat, botch, and stiff are exclusive pro-wrestling terms?
When talking with my buddies I use the phrase "pop" quite often, for example when talking about the crowd at a music concert.

Me and my friends sometimes talked about giving a girl the jackhammer or that you "piledrove" her when talking about fucking her

We regularly call each other "candy ass" or "jabroni" and text each other with phrases like "woooooo!", but that is all just for fun.

Also, one particular friend of mine calls having a shit "laying the smackdown!" hahaha

I dont think I really use any wrestling lingo or jargon in serious conversations though, but if I think of anything I will post it.
I have, in daily conversations with my friends, esepcially when it comes to sports. I won my last year's fantasy football league, and bragged about how the "Champ is here" with my friends. Ill talk about how I beat them into "submission", and how they tapped out" when facing me in the league.

When it comes to my family, Ill use it occassionally. When my wife used to point out all the "good" about me, Id tell her with a smile "You think you know me." Ill throw in the occasional "ground and pound" reference with her when its come to relations, just in jest. But Ive really cut back on it, as she hasnt been happy about some of the things Ive said in the past.

Im sure Ive used it elsewhere, and when it comes to me, Ill be sure to post about it again.
I use wrestling jargon sometimes. Heel turn and push are the ones I use the most. Pretty much anyone understands what pushing a person or product is. I refer to heel turns in video games and movies as such, and people tend to know what I mean. When they don't I explain that heel is just another word for a villain. I don't use much other jargon in conversations with people that are not wresting fans because they wouldn't understand it and just makes conversations akward.
I try to avoid it, but considering what I do, it's difficult not to use the same terms, but sometimes with different meanings. It's pretty obnoxious, IMO, if someone cannot have a general conversation without using jargon tho. -- But, I'm a girl. :p
Funny and dangerous story about this. I love Bobby Heenan's shoots, and I've developed a love of the term 'ham-and-egger' for an underachiever. For a while, I limited this usage to e-mails.

I play a lot of poker. I played at a really nice Midwestern room. Located in Hammond, Indiana(some of you see where I'm going with this). Hammond, by the way, has a larger than normal minority population.

Won't bore you with poker details, but everyone had about 300 bucks in front of them in a No-Limit game. One older, down on his luck guy bought in for 50. In two hands, he ran his stack to 115 and left. Everyone began to mutter about how that's bad etiquette, etc.

Oh, small thing, dude was black. And I said, "You can't let the ham and eggers get to you."

I'm sure I'm imagining this next part, but I swear I heard a record screech while everyone stared at me. I realized what it SOUNDED like I said(sound it out, do NOT repeat the phrase) and quickly spelled it out, with Lanny Poffo, pitch-perfect diction.

If it wasn't for Urban Dictionary on my Android, I might've gotten tossed out and jumped. I still feel nervous about going back there.

That one doesn't get used, as much. "Buried", "Heat", "green" and "Getting Over" are my favs. I love to say "The sh*ts", but it usually just gets confused with "the sh*t", which is the exact opposite.
As a big MMA fan as well as a big wrestling fan, it is a little bit easier to use some wrestling jargon when talking about MMA. I often use the terms promo, heel, and pop with regards to MMA, and outside of that the term heat comes up pretty often as well. Also enjoy paying homage to the Rock by using the term monkey ass frequently.

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