Wrestling fans should support TNA

shattered dreams

Hexagonal Hedonist
TNA and Hogan have made plenty of curious decisions over the past few months but the most egregious IMO has been the way they have promoted their product in relation to WWE. Constantly talking about how they are the best and are going to take over while declaring war on a company that is obviously well more established has been a huge error. What they should be saying is just give us a fair chance to entertain you. Polarizing the fanbases has led to excessive critiquing of the product. For every negative in TNA there is a positive if not two.

What I am advocating is the death of this odd myth that you cannot enjoy both as a wrestling fan. They tried to sell wrestling fans on this during the original monday night wars. Was pro wrestling better when the two companies were competing or after one "won" the war? The competition produced one of the high points in pro wrestling history while after the competition died it did not take long for the product to reach a low point. Do not make the same mistake twice. There is no monday night war right now. Any wrestling fan can watch both WWE and TNA easily. Both companies have good and bad things going. If you legitimately totally dislike one that is fine do not watch it. But do not let a silly pointless bias and excessive nitpicking lead you to miss good stuff from the "other" company.

A real fan of pro wrestling would be supporting both instead of obsessing about the differences and who is better to the point of a fault. If the majority of the wrestlers involved on either side are rooting for the opposition because they know it is best for the industry, Why aren't you?
Ok, First off I mean no dis respect when I say this but...Are you crazy? TNA is the GRAVEYARD and anybody who's whatched their programing beyond the X-Division knows it.

TNA is where the olde Studs and WWE rejects go out to pasture, and much like the IWC they are caught somewhere in the 90's Other than the aformentioned X-Division what realreason does anybody have to watch TNA other than a quick trip down memory lane or LACY VON ERICH? (yea I said it)

Thruth is for most guys TNA is and alternative to wrestling in high school gyms or falling off the wrestling map. And for others its simply a paycheck. TNA reminds me alot of FCW as a place where the younger guys go to home their skills until they get called up to the main roster. I mean honestly besides Jeff Jarrett who ever had dreams as a child of becoming TNA (world) Heavyweight Champion?

TNA is a joke. Hogan is trying to relive the glory days while the rest of the guys are trying to re-create the attitude era. Its just a matter of time before WWE buys them out or panda enegry drops the program entirely in either case 90% of those guys will end up un employed or as jobbers to the NXT rookies(lmfao)
I am not obligated to watch ANY wrestling show. If/when TNA improves their product drastically, giving me a reason to watch, maybe I will. But, I do not have to watch a fucking thing if it isn't good enough. I can turn off a horrible football game and still call myself a football fan, so I reserve the right to do the same with wrestling. In my opinion, TNA doesn't give me reason enough to watch, so I don't.

And honestly, I get sick of TNA fans trying to claim you have to watch TNA just because its on or you aren't a real wrestling fan. BULLSHIT. As a matter of fact, I don't have to watch your awful show if I don't want to.
I am not obligated to watch ANY wrestling show. If/when WWE improves their product drastically, giving me a reason to watch, maybe I will. But, I do not have to watch a fucking thing if it isn't good enough. I can turn off a horrible football game and still call myself a football fan, so I reserve the right to do the same with wrestling. In my opinion, WWE doesn't give me reason enough to watch, so I don't.

Don't get me wrong..if people like WWE then more power to them, I just don't like it anymore, I don't know...it just feels too safe where as TNA has the "anything can happen" vibe.
It all comes down to personal taste.
I agree with Shattered Dreams, I watch both shows because i actually like both shows and i like seeing a difference in style and seeing different people wrestle. Sure TNA has its problems but so does the WWE. There doesnt need to be competition, sure it does a lot for both compaines as they try to put out their very best product but we dont need Hogan constantly coming out, telling people that they need to watch TNA instead of WWE because TNA is better and WWE sucks or whatever.

They should just have their show, advertise for it, put on a great show and hope that people tune it. Also so many people in here constantly complain about how much TNA sux and how its unwatchable. If you are really dissastifed with the product then by all means stop watching but if you really want the company to succeed but just dont like what they are doing at the moment then watch the damn show!

People refusing to watch is not going to tell Hogan or Dixie or whoever that they need to fix things, its going to kill the company. Also choosing to watch even though it sux will not tell management that they should continue doing things as is because the ratings still wont be great but at least they will now they have loyal faitful fans.
A REAL wrestling fan will watch both shows? I twouldn't be surprised if a lot of people are probably thinking right now; "fuck you you self righteous prick".. or something relative to that. Seriously. I think TNA fans need to get over themselves. I'm not obligated to watch anything I don't find entertaining or good by my own standards and opinions, it certainly doesn't make me as it doesn't make anyone else who doesn't watch less of a wrestling fan. What a ridiculous thing to even imply. I think a REAL wrestling fan wants to see a REAL wrestling show and TNA isn't that in my, or many people's opinions. If TNA can't get the audience they want, if TNA can't get the ratings they need, or if TNA dies off it's not the fault of fans not being REAL wrestling fans and supporting them, it's because TNA was unable to be successful in offering an alternative to WWE and a wrestling show that people wanted to watch and get behind. That's TNA's fault, not anyone elses. I, and any other fan, don't have to watch anything we aren't going to enjoy. Give me a product I want to watch and I'll watch.
I tried supporting TNA between 2008-2009, most of it was just utter shit. The end of 2009 was brilliant. Finally everything was perfectly balanced and it was working. Then Hogan and his crew joined. I continued to watch TNA for 2 months and eventually gave up at the start of March as it just sucked. 2008-2009 mostly was bad but what TNA now is just pathetically terrible. I like wrestling overall and will watch all products unless they are so bad there is no point to it. Right now TNA is so bad that I cannot watch it.
Wow this seems like a TNA bashing thread.

But I agree that watching one or the other doesnt make you any less of a wrestling fan. Watch what you enjoy. They both need each other anyway as competion makes you better. Nobody wants to see a football team play against themselves.

Personally, I watch and like TNA more. I will watch RAW on certin parts but no Smackdown or other WWE shows for me. I just feel like they arent really trying. I have nothing against the WWE but I'll start watching when they give me somthing to be entertained by.

Doesnt make me any less of a wrestling, thats just my opinion. I just hope that real wrestling fans dont let a grudge or some kind of loyalty for one company or the other stop them from watching what they think is the best show.
TNA and Hogan have made plenty of curious decisions over the past few months but the most egregious IMO has been the way they have promoted their product in relation to WWE. Constantly talking about how they are the best and are going to take over while declaring war on a company that is obviously well more established has been a huge error. What they should be saying is just give us a fair chance to entertain you. Polarizing the fanbases has led to excessive critiquing of the product. For every negative in TNA there is a positive if not two.

What I am advocating is the death of this odd myth that you cannot enjoy both as a wrestling fan. They tried to sell wrestling fans on this during the original monday night wars. Was pro wrestling better when the two companies were competing or after one "won" the war? The competition produced one of the high points in pro wrestling history while after the competition died it did not take long for the product to reach a low point. Do not make the same mistake twice. There is no monday night war right now. Any wrestling fan can watch both WWE and TNA easily. Both companies have good and bad things going. If you legitimately totally dislike one that is fine do not watch it. But do not let a silly pointless bias and excessive nitpicking lead you to miss good stuff from the "other" company.

A real fan of pro wrestling would be supporting both instead of obsessing about the differences and who is better to the point of a fault. If the majority of the wrestlers involved on either side are rooting for the opposition because they know it is best for the industry, Why aren't you?

Apparently WWE fans are illiterate. I wish I could claim to be surprised. At least the sheer ignorance displayed in their posts makes my point. Is it a coincidence that the TNA fans posting in here seem respectful of both but WWE only fans are overstating random ravings about TNA's product? All I am saying is if you like pro wrestling and do not watch TNA make sure it is for the right reasons. I personally find it hard to believe fans of pro wrestling find the entire TNA product devoid of merit.
TNA and Hogan have made plenty of curious decisions over the past few months but the most egregious IMO has been the way they have promoted their product in relation to WWE. Constantly talking about how they are the best and are going to take over while declaring war on a company that is obviously well more established has been a huge error. What they should be saying is just give us a fair chance to entertain you. Polarizing the fanbases has led to excessive critiquing of the product. For every negative in TNA there is a positive if not two.

What I am advocating is the death of this odd myth that you cannot enjoy both as a wrestling fan. They tried to sell wrestling fans on this during the original monday night wars. Was pro wrestling better when the two companies were competing or after one "won" the war? The competition produced one of the high points in pro wrestling history while after the competition died it did not take long for the product to reach a low point. Do not make the same mistake twice. There is no monday night war right now. Any wrestling fan can watch both WWE and TNA easily. Both companies have good and bad things going. If you legitimately totally dislike one that is fine do not watch it. But do not let a silly pointless bias and excessive nitpicking lead you to miss good stuff from the "other" company.

A real fan of pro wrestling would be supporting both instead of obsessing about the differences and who is better to the point of a fault. If the majority of the wrestlers involved on either side are rooting for the opposition because they know it is best for the industry, Why aren't you?

Last time I checked it is a free market dude, failing companies dont deserve to be propped up. Next you will asking us to bailout TNA.
Shattered Dreams, if WWE fans are illiterate, than TNA fans lack reading comprehension skills. Most WWE fan complaints against TNA not because they outright hate it like Michigan hates Ohio State, but because they see severe deficiencies in how TNA does business. A lot of WWE fans watched both the Fed and WCW in the 90s, not because it made them "real" wrestling fans, but because both programs offered them something that interested them. It isn't about "totally disliking" TNA just because they are competition for the WWE, its about not being forced to watch a program that doesn't match your interests.

Star-Ratz's post, though a completely unoriginal copy/paste/edit from mine, brings up an interesting point. You never see WWE fans trying to tell TNA fans that they have to watch the WWE or they aren't a real wrestling fan...its always you TNA fans trying to tell WWE fans that. If TNA can significantly upgrade its product, if they can give me a compelling reason to watch, I might. Most WWE fans don't hate TNA just for the sake of hating TNA, I think. I suspect most are like me, in that they would be willing to watch, if it were a better show. Its just the attitude that we have to support it just because its wrestling is what rubs a lot of us the wrong way.

TNA has to earn my viewership, they don't get it by default just because I like watching pro wrestling.
It's been a little while since I've come across a thread like this. It just makes the TNA fanbase seem sooooooo desperate. Watching TNA doesn't automatically make you a "real wrestling fan". As I've said in numerous posts, there are far too many TNA marks that constantly try to hype TNA's product as something much better than it actually is. I honestly and truly do fail to understand why so many TNA marks absolutly MUST try to make it seem as if TNA is perfect or that TNA is real wrestling. Seriously, are people supposed to just love every angle, storyline, match or promo just because it's done in TNA? What an absolute load of shit. There are far too many TNA fans that suddenly get hostile if you don't have as high of an opinion on the TNA product as they do. To me, they're the ones that are actually the sheep that some of they try to label WWE fans.

We've all heard and we all know that competition is a good thing. I believe that and I accept it. However, just because TNA puts something out doesn't automatically mean that it's something of quality. If I don't like what I see, I'm not going to pretend that I do, nor should anyone else. Not everything that the WWE does or puts out is great. Some of it is and has been outright shit. If the WWE puts out stuff that turns viewers off, then that's on them. Why should TNA be held to a different standard?
When did anyone say anything remotely similar to TNA is perfect? Hostility factor? Look at this thread and the TNA board. It is a nonstop bashfest. What I find remarkable is that if you even suggest not all of TNA sucks you get attacked by multiple people. That is vastly overstating the shortcomings of TNA. What I cannot figure out is why the general sentiment is that people watch WWE to focus on the good and TNA to focus on the bad even though both companies have their pros and cons. If you gave TNA a fair chance to entertain you and decided it was not for you that is fine and I never said otherwise. However, there really seems to be a double standard on how people view the two products. What I find most confusing is why prowrestling fans would celebrate TNA failures like it was a good thing for the business.
I would like to know how many WWE fans and how many TNA fans actually know about this bussiness beyond the ring. We have people on both sides of this WWE vs TNA fight. Out of all these comments I didnt read a single thing about some of the things that really matter. Talent for one thing. Why TNA is in this war or why WWE is in this war. Who puts on a better show more often. The fact of the matter is this: WWE has better talent. Even Hornswogle has more talent than A.J. Styles. MOST of the WWE talent want to entertain where as Hogan and the rest of that locker room just want money and i know vince just wants money too but this isnt about the people that run the show its about the people in the ring. And WWE's worst show was probably the Jerry Springer guest host and even that was better than TNA's best show which was probably back in the VERY early days of TNA. But its not about ANY of those things I mentioned to be honest except entertaining the fans. The fans on here taking about "real wrestling fans". Can any one tell me what that is? I already know what a "real wrestling fan" is i just want to know if anyone else has a freakin clue as to what they are talking about. I want to hear from atleast 3 people please. Just 3 people answer my question. What is a "real wrestling fan"? The 3 people I want to hear from is a WWE only fan a TNA only fan and a fan of both. Lets see what yall think about that question. I am a WWE only fan. TNA is just a WCW re-run. Plus I am a wrestler myself and WWE has ALWAYS been my company. I probably will never make it there but regardless it is still my company. now to those 3 types of fans please respond to my question about a "real wrestling fan".
When did anyone say anything remotely similar to TNA is perfect? Hostility factor? Look at this thread and the TNA board. It is a nonstop bashfest. What I find remarkable is that if you even suggest not all of TNA sucks you get attacked by multiple people. That is vastly overstating the shortcomings of TNA. What I cannot figure out is why the general sentiment is that people watch WWE to focus on the good and TNA to focus on the bad even though both companies have their pros and cons. If you gave TNA a fair chance to entertain you and decided it was not for you that is fine and I never said otherwise.

Look at the current context in which you are posting in, a ratings disaster of a premature run on Mondays marred by dumb move after move booking wise. How can you expect people to be positive about the product, you are being totally irrational.

However, there really seems to be a double standard on how people view the two products. What I find most confusing is why prowrestling fans would celebrate TNA failures like it was a good thing for the business.

The problem with TNA is that the promotion isnt a likable underdog promotion. Merely it is a loser promotion with some naive/dumb woman who has a shit load of money who doesn’t know how to run a Wrestling promotion who rarely learns from her mistakes.
When did anyone say anything remotely similar to TNA is perfect? Hostility factor? Look at this thread and the TNA board. It is a nonstop bashfest.

You're basically insinuating that you're not a "real wrestling fan" if you don't support both. Now, maybe that's not how you mean it, but that's how it's coming out. Nobody is buying into your position. If someone loves TNA, great, if they love WWE great. If you watch either or both, that makes you a wrestling fan in my view. However, nobody owes either company anything. If TNA fails or succeeds, it's because of the product they put out. That goes for any company no matter what that product might be whether it's toothpaste or rocket fuel.

What I find remarkable is that if you even suggest not all of TNA sucks you get attacked by multiple people. That is vastly overstating the shortcomings of TNA. What I cannot figure out is why the general sentiment is that people watch WWE to focus on the good and TNA to focus on the bad even though both companies have their pros and cons. If you gave TNA a fair chance to entertain you and decided it was not for you that is fine and I never said otherwise. However, there really seems to be a double standard on how people view the two products. What I find most confusing is why prowrestling fans would celebrate TNA failures like it was a good thing for the business.

I personally don't see it as overstating the shortcomings of TNA at all. I've been watching TNA for about four years and I used to think it was actually pretty decent. However, the past 6+ months have been the worst TNA has been for as long as I've been watching, in my opinion. Hulk Hogan is the center of attention in TNA, the X Division barely registers as a pale shadow of what it once was, the Knockout Division is pointless, the Tag Team situation in TNA is stagnant, etc. These are not things that people are just pulling out of thin air. These are subjects that many fans have been complaining about for a long while now, so why should they support a company that's putting out a product that they don't like? I admit that it's true that there are some that do put TNA down without having even given it a chance and that is unfortunate. At the same time, that doesn't mean that the comments that many others that have given TNA a fair chance have made regarding the problems within TNA are any less valid. It just means that there are some sheep out there that simply don't want to form their own opinion. As for celebrating TNA's failure, well that's very much a two way street. When it appeared as though TNA was potentially going to be competition for the WWE, many TNA fans were practically licking their chops at the possibility, no matter how remote, of WWE going under. I personally don't celebrate the fact that TNA is failing but that's on TNA, not anyone else. TNA took a gamble to go up against the WWE and it ultimately didn't pay off. Instead of gaining new ground and viewers, TNA ultimately took several steps backward. If viewers were turned off by the TNA product, that's not the fault of the viewers.
So wait just because we don't fully support TNA that makes us not Wrestling Fans? Ive been a Wrestling Fan for almost 20 years and Ive grown up with the WWE (then WWF). They have and probably always will be my Favorite Wrestling Company but at the same time I watched WCW,ECW,and I watched Smokey Mountatin Wrestling when it was on TV down here in Atlanta. I try to watch TNA sometmes but they just leave me with a poor taste in my mouth when I do. TNA doesn't leave me with that feeling Oh I have to see what happens Next Week,WWE can still do that for me. Plus im tired of them shoving Hulk Hogan down my throat,nothing against Hogan Ive always liked him but he needs to Retire finally and why TNA is making him basically the Main Focal point week in and week out is beyond me. Everyone else on the Roster just seems to fall in behind him and say oh yeah we're here too don't forget us.

TNA should focus on being TNA and not Rehashing the nWo,Attitude Era,and Edgy Storylines like Orlando Jordan's deal but don't get me started on that. So I don't hate TNA but they just don't do it for me IMO.
I'm not going to watch TNA simply because it's the underdog product. It's a stupid reason to support one show over another. The Monday Night Wars aren't about fans bickering on internet forums about which show we should support. It's about companies doing their best put out the best product and entertain the most fans -- basically, putting out a better product. In my opinion, I think the WWE is doing a better job of that, so I will stick to watching Raw on Mondays, and watching repeats on Thursdays (or, at this point, watching live on Thursdays).

When TNA decides to put out better shows, perhaps I'd be more interested in watching it on Mondays over Raw.

That being said, I don't understand the body of your post. Your title says, "Wrestling fans should support TNA" but then your text tells me that everyone should support both. You're sending out contrasting messages here.
That being said, I don't understand the body of your post. Your title says, "Wrestling fans should support TNA" but then your text tells me that everyone should support both. You're sending out contrasting messages here.

Thanks for actually reading the post and responding to what was it in it instead of what many have done (significantly less thanks when upon further review you red repped me with the gloriously specific and justified reason "you are an idiot", I thought you got it; my mistake but I will leave the rest of this as it was originally intended). That is true and I entitled the post the way I did partially to draw people in and partially to attempt to draw a distinction which may exist between WWE only fans and wrestling fans. Now I will admit that in the IWC it is not that often we see the true WWE only fans but it is interesting to discuss nonetheless. I do feel TNA only fans or indy only fans have some of the same failings of WWE only fans (as people who actually read discovered). The thread title is not contrasting because there is nothing mutually exclusive about supporting TNA or any company which is kind of my point.

The main reason I specifically spent more time on TNA is they are having growing pains right now while WWE is chugging along essentially per the norm. I think that ANYONE who enjoys prowrestling and strictly only follows one company is missing out on stuff they could enjoy. If they made a determination the amount of stuff they were missing from "others" was not worth their time after watching with an open mind that is fine. If they are picking a side in a fake war and treating the shows differently then that is not smart in my book. Stating the obvious that WWE is more established and then using that as justification for "everything in TNA sucks" is just too pervasive.

I personally don't see it as overstating the shortcomings of TNA at all. I've been watching TNA for about four years and I used to think it was actually pretty decent. However, the past 6+ months have been the worst TNA has been for as long as I've been watching, in my opinion. Hulk Hogan is the center of attention in TNA, the X Division barely registers as a pale shadow of what it once was, the Knockout Division is pointless, the Tag Team situation in TNA is stagnant, etc.

While I would probably agree with you about TNA being a little better before this whole Hogan stuff I would disagree about the magnitude of the falloff. Notice you did not mention the TNA Championship as being something that has taken a hit. Before Hogan etc came in I was fond of saying/thinking TNA had everything better than WWE on the under card but often times the championship picture came up way short. I know little of the business of wrestling but people often talk about those top guys being what makes the company money and seems to make sense with WWE excelling in this area. To me it looks like TNA sacrificed their exciting under-card to try and build the main event picture into something better. Even with Abyss there they have taken big steps in the right direction (I think IWC hates on Abyss too much in general but this Abyssmania is legendary bad, kind of like the distinction between John cena "sucking" and the people that book Cena being the ones that actually suck).

Without letting this thread degenerate into the silly subjective comparisons that polarizes the fanbases to begin with, I will say I find it a tad bit confusing that you cannot watch TNA anymore because there is no cruiserweights, the women wrestling is pointless and the tag division is stagnant. Why? Does WWE have any of those things? It is an obvious no to me on the first two and I would be willing to debate the tag divisions in another thread. Visibility of the titles aside I think TNA is still better but I am glad WWE put some effort into not killing off another division. It sounds like you started watching TNA for similar reason that myself and many others did. Problem is for TNA to continue like they were they would always be a supplement to another product (WWE) instead of attempting to become there own individual mainstream company. I will agree it would be nice if they could maintain more of what got them there and still have hope once they get the main event picture established they will work harder on the other divisions.

Jack-Hammer said:
I admit that it's true that there are some that do put TNA down without having even given it a chance and that is unfortunate. At the same time, that doesn't mean that the comments that many others that have given TNA a fair chance have made regarding the problems within TNA are any less valid.

Agreed all the way through. I would fully support you in not watching TNA because you obviously have done more than what I asked and have an informed opinion, even if I might not agree with it. My displeasure is not with people like you and if I insinuated you are not a wrestling fan it was not my intention in the least. I was focused on the unfortunate individuals you refer to at the beginning of this statement.
Thanks for actually reading the post and responding to what was it in it instead of what many have done (significantly less thanks when upon further review you red repped me with the gloriously specific and justified reason "you are an idiot", I thought you got it; my mistake but I will leave the rest of this as it was originally intended).

Oh, I "got" your message until I, *gasp*, disagreed with you. Now I'm just another typical member of the IWC who "doesn't get it." Okay.

That is true and I entitled the post the way I did partially to draw people in and partially to attempt to draw a distinction which may exist between WWE only fans and wrestling fans. Now I will admit that in the IWC it is not that often we see the true WWE only fans but it is interesting to discuss nonetheless. I do feel TNA only fans or indy only fans have some of the same failings of WWE only fans (as people who actually read discovered). The thread title is not contrasting because there is nothing mutually exclusive about supporting TNA or any company which is kind of my point.

Why are you imagining some dichotomy between WWE fans and wrestling fans? How come it's not possible for you to believe that some people just don't enjoy the product that TNA is offering? Is it really that hard to believe? I enjoy WWE, but not TNA. That doesn't not make me a wrestling fan.

I still don't understand what you're trying to say. The title of this thread is "Wrestling fans should support TNA." Then you went on to say that it was a misleading title only created to draw people in, but then you said it was titled this way to make a distinction between WWE fans and wrestling fans.

From what it sounds like, you're either an obnoxious forum poster who deliberately misleads readers into false page views, deserving of the red-rep I threw at you a few posts back, or you've completely lost sight of what a wrestling fan is.

The main reason I specifically spent more time on TNA is they are having growing pains right now while WWE is chugging along essentially per the norm. I think that ANYONE who enjoys prowrestling and strictly only follows one company is missing out on stuff they could enjoy. If they made a determination the amount of stuff they were missing from "others" was not worth their time after watching with an open mind that is fine. If they are picking a side in a fake war and treating the shows differently then that is not smart in my book.

Any shortcomings TNA are facing right now are no one's fault but their own. They brought in Hogan, Bischoff, Flair, and moved to Mondays to compete with a show that NOBODY thought would lose viewers. That was their own fault, and is partially the reason why their Thursday-repeat shows got higher ratings than their Monday show. Not only does this fact throw your "everybody only sticks to one promotion" theory right out the window, but it also destroys your made-up dichotomy between WWE fans and other wrestling fans.

Stating the obvious that WWE is more established and then using that as justification for "everything in TNA sucks" is just too pervasive.

No one has ever used WWE as a justification for why TNA sucks. If you want to point me in the direction of someone that's done that, please do so, so I can proceed to that thread, and trash all over that post. I have never seen "TNA sucks because Raw has awesome video packages," as opposed to, "TNA sucks because their video packages are low quality and boring."
OK, so what I'm taking away from this thread is that you want us to put aside our petty problems with TNA? Is that right? Let me know if I'm going off-track...

The petty problems I have with TNA..are not petty to me. They have no structure, IMO. They are far too excessive in EVERYTHING they do..once again, IMO. They have less talent than the company they are claiming to be in competition with...IMO (maybe actual talent is comparable, but they do not have enough time to showcase it). They are too inconsistent in everything they do...In My Opinion.

I'm not going to list off every problem I have, but what I'm trying to say is that those problems, are MY problems. Those are the things that turn me on to WWE more than TNA. From 1991, until sometime in 1999, I was as big of a fan of WCW as I was WWF. I felt they put on a comparable show to WWF's. So I have never "taken sides," personally. But what I watch on Impact is not what I feel to be a really good show.

I will watch TNA because it's wrestling. But that doesn't mean I have to like the majority of what I am seeing. I keep watching TNA in hopes they will improve. Should they pander to someone like me? No. But I don't feel as though I am alone in being upset over what TNA is putting out there.

I would love to have another 'War.' It's great for wrestling. But TNA is not competing right now, no matter what Hogan says. They aren't competing. I would LOVE for TNA to improve their product, market it, and become as big as the WWE. I hope that happens. But until then, I can complain about it all I want...because I watch it, I buy PPV's, etc. They get my ratings every week, so I feel I have the right to have a negative opinion if that's how I feel. And right now, that is how I feel.

I'm not "bashing" TNA. I watch it so that can't be considered bashing it. That is supporting it. Hoping it gets better IS supporting TNA. If I was just some "basher," I would hope they fail. I want them to succeed, and watching what I am watching now, I don't believe that can get it done. I hate to break it to you, but if everyone who had more than a few problems with TNA stopped watching completely, TNA would probably have a lot more problems.
OK, so what I'm taking away from this thread is that you want us to put aside our petty problems with TNA? Is that right? Let me know if I'm going off-track...

The petty problems I have with TNA..are not petty to me. They have no structure, IMO. They are far too excessive in EVERYTHING they do..once again, IMO. They have less talent than the company they are claiming to be in competition with...IMO (maybe actual talent is comparable, but they do not have enough time to showcase it). They are too inconsistent in everything they do...In My Opinion.

I'm not going to list off every problem I have, but what I'm trying to say is that those problems, are MY problems. Those are the things that turn me on to WWE more than TNA. From 1991, until sometime in 1999, I was as big of a fan of WCW as I was WWF. I felt they put on a comparable show to WWF's. So I have never "taken sides," personally. But what I watch on Impact is not what I feel to be a really good show.

I will watch TNA because it's wrestling. But that doesn't mean I have to like the majority of what I am seeing. I keep watching TNA in hopes they will improve. Should they pander to someone like me? No. But I don't feel as though I am alone in being upset over what TNA is putting out there.

I would love to have another 'War.' It's great for wrestling. But TNA is not competing right now, no matter what Hogan says. They aren't competing. I would LOVE for TNA to improve their product, market it, and become as big as the WWE. I hope that happens. But until then, I can complain about it all I want...because I watch it, I buy PPV's, etc. They get my ratings every week, so I feel I have the right to have a negative opinion if that's how I feel. And right now, that is how I feel.

I'm not "bashing" TNA. I watch it so that can't be considered bashing it. That is supporting it. Hoping it gets better IS supporting TNA. If I was just some "basher," I would hope they fail. I want them to succeed, and watching what I am watching now, I don't believe that can get it done. I hate to break it to you, but if everyone who had more than a few problems with TNA stopped watching completely, TNA would probably have a lot more problems.

I am confused why you think I would disapprove of such an approach. Essentially everything you say is the type of approach I was advocating. I would love for someone to show me where I said everything in TNA is perfect and everyone should love every minute of what they are putting out there. I never did because that would be stupid. TNA most definitely has problems. I think there might be a tendency to exaggerate how bad the entire product is based on some of these negatives though. There are many forms of support and as long as someone is engaged in at least one that is beyond good enough to me.

Oh, I "got" your message until I, *gasp*, disagreed with you. Now I'm just another typical member of the IWC who "doesn't get it." Okay.

Well did you get it or not because one paragraph later

Anonymous Mozzarella said:
I still don't understand what you're trying to say.

you continue to claim it does not make sense to you while simultaneously claiming you got it. If misleading people through "curious" word choice makes one obnoxious and justifies such productive comments like calling someone an idiot then it would appear I was well within my rights to call you an obnoxious idiot but I will pass for now.

Anonymous Mozzarella said:
Why are you imagining some dichotomy between WWE fans and wrestling fans? How come it's not possible for you to believe that some people just don't enjoy the product that TNA is offering? Is it really that hard to believe? I enjoy WWE, but not TNA. That doesn't not make me a wrestling fan.

Call me crazy but given that there is a lot of wrestling out there other than WWE I think people that only watch WWE do often miss something, something they would likely get some enjoyment from. If they choose not to that is fine and does not necessarily make them not a wrestling fan but how exactly can you be a wine connoisseur if there are certain types you have never tried? What I think sadly got lost in this is that supporting TNA in whatever way someone feels is justified would seem to improve WWE, even if it is marginally.

Anonymous Mozzarella said:
Not only does this fact throw your "everybody only sticks to one promotion" theory right out the window

I guess this is further reason to question how much you got it because I would be interested in you telling me where I said everyone only sticks to one promotion.
you continue to claim it does not make sense to you while simultaneously claiming you got it.

You're confusing me not getting what you're saying with you not being clear on whatever it is you're trying to say. You're sending two completely different and contrasting messages. I don't know what you're trying to say, but what you're typing isn't it. Go back and re-read your posts.

If misleading people through "curious" word choice makes one obnoxious and justifies such productive comments like calling someone an idiot then it would appear I was well within my rights to call you an obnoxious idiot but I will pass for now.

Except I haven't mislead anyone. I don't make posts saying one thing just to attract viewers (basically, I'm calling you attention-starved) and then say something completely opposite in the body of my post. That's horrible forum-posting etiquette.

Call me crazy but given that there is a lot of wrestling out there other than WWE I think people that only watch WWE do often miss something, something they would likely get some enjoyment from. If they choose not to that is fine and does not necessarily make them not a wrestling fan but how exactly can you be a wine connoisseur if there are certain types you have never tried?

The problem with this, and the point I've been trying to make, is that you don't stop being a wrestling fan because you don't enjoy one of the two mainstream products on TV. Like I said, I don't even know where to begin watching things like Dragon Gate or HOF without having to pay for it, so I don't. And I don't enjoy TNA. If you think I'm not a wrestling fan because of it, then I can disregard your entire argument and stop posting now, because that's what we in the real world like to call a logical fallacy.

What I think sadly got lost in this is that supporting TNA in whatever way someone feels is justified would seem to improve WWE, even if it is marginally.

Except it's not my job to support a company I don't enjoy, simply because it makes the opposition try harder. It's THEIR job to entertain me, and they haven't done it, therefore I will support the WWE over TNA when the times comes to choose between the two. Basically, if TNA is doing a shitty job keeping viewers because they're putting out a shitty product, that's their own fault, and THEY need to do something to change it, not the viewer. It's just how the world works.

I guess this is further reason to question how much you got it because I would be interested in you telling me where I said everyone only sticks to one promotion.

I'm sorry, that was a mis-type. I meant to say that the people you're complaining about that ONLY watch WWE don't only watch WWE. The proof is TNA's higher ratings on their Thursday-repeat show.
I'm a real wrestling fan, and I barely watch the Big 2 right now. I want to; the idea of two wrestling companies doing their best to one-up each other each week still makes me a bit horny. But- and you may have noticed this- the quality of programming on RAW and Impact! (Smackdown is bad but honestly better than RAW right now) is atrocious. Why in the name of Katie Vick would I spend my free time doing something I'm not enjoying?

Here's what real wrestling fans should do. If you don't like the product, vote with your dollars. Find something else to watch. Quit buying tickets for shows you don't really want to see. If you think the product sucks, quit sending them your fucking money.

I believe you may have meant to say, "wrestling fans should give TNA a chance", which is something a lot of people haven't done. (Don't give them a chance right now. It's not pretty. Wait a couple of months, maybe things will get better.)
all you guys are so serious. "No..... TNA does not give me a reason to watch!!!!!!" "watch right now or else the fabric of wrestling will crumble." Personally I watch wrestling because i enjoy it. I watch Monday night raw and go to TNA during commercials or if I the segment I will not turn it back to raw for a while. Of course TNA is not putting out the very best wrestling show of all time. But its still enjoyable. If you don't enjoy some of the segments in TNA then your either bias of a liar. I am a fan of wrestling and I do like WWE more, but you should only watch what you like to watch. Nothing more, nothing less.

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