Wrestling dreams

Mr. Artistic guy

Better Off This Way
I had this weird dream the other night. I was stranded with a couple of guys and my younger sister (who was actually a girl I used to know from work. This was quite weird because I fancied her in the dream and I remember how it was really weird that I was into my sister).

So we were stranded on the roadside and after a point in time Teddy Long pulls up. We're thinking 'great' and I try to get into the car and Teddy Long, almost as if a ring pull doll, says 'Hold on a minute playa'. Dude picks up my not-actually-sister and leaves the rest of us there. Holla Holla and all that. Turns out he really is a playa.

Not long after this, Stephen McMahon and hunter pick us up and I start explaining this story to HHH. Stephanie is driving. He's trying to keep a straight face but I actually make him crack the fuck up with the story because the way it happened in the dream, was actually quite funny.

So does anybody else have any wrestling dreams?

There was also another less detailed one where I won the US title from Roman Reigns a couple of months ago but I was afraid of flying so I had to exclusively defend the title in central Europe.

I'm still not sure why they put the strap on me...

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