WrestleZone Fourms

Despite the fact I would never wear it in public, I still want one. Mostly so I can smirk uncontrollably with glee at the people who don't get one. :D

For the 30 best posters (ranked on how cool you are (judged by TM)).

I think CraveOnline should buy these for us. We can wear them to shows, we can wear them to wash the bathrooms, and we use use them as rags... in the bathroom. I don't care what you do with them, I think it is just something cool the forums could do for us:)

I've actually chatted with Chris about letting me get a licensing right to sell Forums shirts...
Screw it

We need a WZ crest. Then we puchase blazers with said crest. Then we meet up at live events with khaki's, oxford shirts, and the infamous WZ blazers.
Screw it

We need a WZ crest. Then we puchase blazers with said crest. Then we meet up at live events with khaki's, oxford shirts, and the infamous WZ blazers.

It should be an option. Those of us who want blazers, can get them, those of us who want sleeveless T shirts, can get them. It shows the diversity of the group
It should be an option. Those of us who want blazers, can get them, those of us who want sleeveless T shirts, can get them. It shows the diversity of the group

That works, but do consider how badass the NJ contingent would look in a grouping at a live event with our blazerish uniforms and shit.
Maing T-Shirts yourself is pretty cheap. If i'm not mistaken Becca had an HBK-Aholic T-Shirt made. Plus I don't think Crave would Spend money to make T-Shirts to promote a Forum most of them don't give a shit about.

HHD is from Holland
There is a guy in the lost thread from Mexico
One guy from Germany in the complain thread
And some bitchy person from France.
Polley met some guy from Ireland on here.

HHD is from Holland
There is a guy in the lost thread from Mexico
One guy from Germany in the complain thread
And some bitchy person from France.
Polley met some guy from Ireland on here.
Sorry about that then. I thought you were trying to be a smart ass.

Originally Posted by Mrs. KB
I did :D. It cost £8.

56.16 French Francs

165.99 pesos

8.56 Euro (Holland & Germany use the Euro now)

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