WrestleZone Forum Files #5: How Does The Shield End? (Get on the Main Page!)


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Today’s Topic: How will the Shield end?

The Shield is back and rolling along with Roman Reigns as Intercontinental Champion and Dean Ambrose/Seth Rollins in the hunt for the Tag Team Titles. The team doesn’t have the best history though and there’s always a chance they could self destruct at any moment.

How do you see the team ending this time around? Betrayal? Going their separate ways? Something else? Let us know and see if your comment is one we can believe in enough to make the main page.
The only way The Shield can end is if it goes down in a fiery blaze of glory. It's exactly what happened last time, it's inevitable that it's going to happen again with this revival.

So how does it play out? Simple, Dean Ambrose turns his back on his brothers; having never trusted Seth to begin with and being slighted by Roman's success. You can let Roman go after the World title, giving Dean the I.C title in the process, then you let Ambrose and Rollins go to WM for the title. Boom. Fireworks. Just like that, you have two blockbuster matches for WrestleMania.
A Roman Reigns heel turn seems fairly unlikely. With the WWE's attempt to force Reigns into the top spot in the company, there's a good chance we may never see a full fledged Roman Reigns heel turn. A Seth Rollins heel turn has been done before and made for entertaining television. He seemed to fit naturally into the role and was arguably the top heel in wrestling for a year or so. But it is doubtful the WWE will rehash that storyline. That leaves us with Dean Ambrose.

When the Shield arrived, Dean Ambrose was the forefront. He got the most air time and many predicted he would in fact be the most successful of the group. As Roman slowly gained crowd support, he rose up as the leader of the Sheild. Utilize that. Roman stepped over Ambrose and took the spotlight from him when Ambrose was slated to be the next breakout star from the three man group.

It's Ambrose's time to shine now - and I mean really shine. While Ambrose was certainly WWE Champion his character was never that big of a deal. His reign will be remembered for dropping the title to Styles in what would be Aj's first championship reign in the WWE. That's where Dean lost "it" for me. His matches became predictable. His promos became forgettable. Even to this day he's become complacent. Ambrose is just going through the motions.

Dean needs this. More so than Seth Rollins or Roman Reigns. His character needs a heel turn more so than anyone currently on the WWE roster.

It's an easy enough story to write. Have The Sheild work perfectly together one night and combust the next with absolutely no foreshadowing. This creates opportunity for Ambrose to be the next big heel in the company. Stop the corny jokes and tone down the lunatic gimmick. Give him promo time and have him be slow and methodical. Pair him up in a feud with Reigns after Roman takes the title off Brock. That'll solidify him as one of the company's top guys - more so than he already is. It's really the only way this should go.
I'm pretty much with Hamler on this. Dean Ambrose had a lot of things going for him but he's sort of drifted more into the realm of an afterthought than the other Shield members. Rollins is a workhorse, someone that's going to be counted on to deliver strong matches night after night for the next decade, Reigns is Vince's pick and, like it or not, that's how it's gonna be and Dean is someone who's sort of fallen by the wayside. Of course, some have pointed out that some of the fault may lie with Ambrose himself as more than one star, writer, fan, insider, etc. has accused him of becoming lazy and complacent.

I'd personally like to see Ambrose return to the heel he was during the first year or so of the Shield. He was colder, more calculating and more opportunistic in a way that I thought suited him. That's not to say that Ambrose hasn't been entertaining, he has in my opinion, but I also don't think he's really lived up to his potential; I think he's gone as far as he can as the "Lunatic Fringe" as a babyface and I'd like it to be him who ultimately undoes the Shield the 2nd time around. I'd settle for Reigns if he were going full out heel but that's not gonna happen anytime soon, if ever.

As to how it goes down, both the sudden meltdown and slow burn have their advantages. When Rollins suddenly turned on the Shield the night after they beat Evolution at Extreme Rules, nobody saw it coming and it immediately helped establish Rollins as a top heel with great heat. If they went such a route, then I most certainly wouldn't want Ambrose aligning with a heel authority figure, don't ally with Stephanie or Triple H as it'd be nothing more than a rehash of Rollins joining the Authority. Keep the loose cannon aspects of him but do away with the goofy mannerisms and up the ruthlessness. A slow burn can also be fun if it's executed in the right manner; if they remain a group to WrestleMania, or past, then we could see Reigns as Universal Champion, maybe Rollins could be the IC champ after winning it in tournament, ladder match, elimination match, etc. and that would leave Ambrose sort of in limbo. Both of his brothers had gained singles success and, barring separation via a Superstar Shakeup, they'd have the only singles titles, Ambrose is too big to be a Cruiserweight and it'd be seen as a major demotion for him I think, so eventually snapping as jealousy consumes him is a possibility.
I'm in two minds about this one, being as it really doesn't feel the same as it did before. It just appears that with Lesnar not being around the WWE needed something for Reigns to do while waiting for Mania, so the Shield was resurrected, but it's not the same. The only one wearing the old Shield gear is Ambrose, they all come out to their own theme's for individual matches, so can we really said the Shield is back or just in name only.

Anyhow in a answer to the question of what will happen to them I offer the following. The Shield will never really split up for good. They will be more like an Evolution or DX, and can always reunite when the going get's tough.

I do agree thought that Ambrose is the one that will snap this time. Reigns doesn't have the where with all, Rollins has been there done that, so Ambrose it is.

How it will happen is anyone's guess, jealousy, not trusting his brothers or just fed up with always being the red headed stepchild of the group. When it does happen though it will be spectacular. Ambrose can out heel most of the roster if anyone who has ever seen him in the indies can attest. The WWE has just scratched the surface and if they fully get him go, we are in for a treat.

His matches now are very predictable and they need to let him off the leash just a little. His mic work is superb and he can put on one hell of a match when needed.
The way i see it, it's a case of who need a freshen up the most out of those 3 and while a lot of fans would want roman to turn on the other two and begin is heel run as wwe universal champion, i feel like out of the three shield member, Ambrose need it more then Reigns and Rollins.

So the way i see it. i wouldn't do the break up right away after mania because the heel turn wouldn't take like they wanted it considering the kinda of crowd they get over mania weekend. Have the turn happen on the next raw PPV or the Raw after that when you have more normal crowd. I would have ambrose drop shuttle hints for a couples of months that he's about to turns heel and then after Reigns defend the title at whatever PPPv that comes after mania, Ambrose comes in and double cross Reigns and start beat him up which brings in Rollins for the save and he got knock out by ambrose with a steel chair shot before hitting both of them with a dirty deed on the steel chair. Then you have him got the heel promo of a lifetime the following day on raw. Just let him be the most out there he can be and you have a championship program with reigns and then go a revisit the rollins feud if he's still on raw after the title match.

The other option would be to just keep them together until the superstar shakeup and send either Reigns or Rollins to smackdown.
It ends next with the draft or superstar shakeup or whatever they are calling it this year. Maybe next. No one in this group needs to feud again any time soon. We've gotten enough of that over the last few years. I guess heel Roman would feel fresh but I've lost faith in this happening so I'm guessing that they go out with a whimper instead of a bang.

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