WrestleZone Debaters League

Me v. DMan? Zomg

I can't shield myself from the stench of epicness that will emit from our debate, GD... last time you and I went at it we had a true barn-burner.

This one should be good... I really enjoy the subject, since it could go both ways easily. Good luck, man. And watch the racist comments :lmao: LOL.
Ok, maybe a little... but only because I'm excited. The first debate was a good one and it was controvercial. This time it's 100% fair, 1-on-1, and to the DEATH!!! :lol:
Boy that's been an exhausting week. Two weeks of no debating really gives you withdrawals. But kudos to FTS on this one, really took it to the limit again.

I believe we're done now on that debate as we both posted closing statements, so you can have an early judging if you wish TM.
Boy that's been an exhausting week. Two weeks of no debating really gives you withdrawals. But kudos to FTS on this one, really took it to the limit again.

I believe we're done now on that debate as we both posted closing statements, so you can have an early judging if you wish TM.

Ditto for Tasty and I.
Hey TM can I get an extension until saturday night? I'll have no computer till tomorrow and I'd love to respond to Gelgarin or at least post some closing arguments. It's cool if not though.

edit: or even till 3am tonight make help me squeeze something out?
I think GD and I are going to take this one to the wire.

I absolutely LOVE debating with GD. He doesn't lose his cool and act like an ass hole to get his point across. He's just a fact-filled, intelligent debator with good views. But, I still think he chose the wrong side of the debate. That will be his demise :)

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