WrestleZone Debaters League

I'll take it. Considering Ricky dropped out of the league, I don't think there will be a major problem.
Phoenix: 8(4)-1(0)-0
The D-Man: 7(5)-2(1)-0
General Disarray: 7(5)-2(1)-0
fromthesouth: 5(3)-4(4)-0

Little Jerry Lawler: 4(0)-4(3)-0
Milk: 3(1)-5(4)-1
Lee: 3(3)-5(4)-1
ztwhite: 3(2)-6(3)-0
jmt225: 2(2)-7(4)-0
MRC: 2(1)-7(5)-0

*The number in brackets are your confirmed wins and losses
I wll have a better idea perhaps if some other judges get going tonight. Marquis has give me his word he will have a big day or judging tonight, so I have a feeling that more will be uncovered. Miko is going to work on week 8 tonight. CH David is almost done his and Tdigle will be done close.
Everyone has had a confirmed win. Little Jerry Lawler got his first confirmed win last night to go along with his 3 non confirmed wins.
Tastycles: 7(5) - 2(2) - 0
Gelgarin: 7(4) - 2(2) - 0
IC 25: 7 (5) - 2(0) - 0
SK: 6(4)- 3(1) - 0
Lariat: 5(3) - 4(3) - 0
Hiphop: 4(4) - 5(3) - 0
Franchize1990: 3(2) - 6(5) - 0
Milenko: 3(3) - 6(6) - 0
SavageTaker: 2(2) - 7(5) - 0
Falkon: 1(1) - 8(6) - 0
I believe I just finished the last that needed my judging.

On my end I think you are done. Just check through rounds 3-9 and there should be an arrow beside them all if you have done them. Think you were responsible for all of them.

And I must say, thank you for your hard work David. The success of this league was largely in part of you. I look forward to the playoffs with you by my side!
I can confirm that I lost to Tastycles. If judges changed that by scoring me 5-0, I'd wonder about their sanity.

Tis only 9-6

If you get a 4-1 and a 3-2 in your favour, you will have won it. I think Miko and Murfish are set to judge that round.
Yeah I just double checked. I'm currently done judging what was needed.

And thank you for the kind words TM. Glad I could help, and the playoffs will be fun and I expect even better and tougher arguments.
If the playoffs were to happen today, it would be

Phoenix vs fromthesouth

This would be a return match from week 1. Phoenix was able to pick up his first win of the season in this matchup. But 9 debates later, it is anyone's game.

The D-Man vs General Disarray

Another early matchup, this time it was in round two when The D-Man took out General Disarray in a great battle.

Tastycles vs SK

This is a return from week 9, and these two don't even know who won the first battle. Would be an interesting debate to say the least.

Gelgarin vs IC 25

And who could forget this epic battle from week 8. Probably the best debate of the entire league, and the dust has yet to settle, with Gelgarin up at this point in it.
I had a great showing. Kinda surprised to be honest. Considering I'm apparently living off posts I made 6 months ago. Wouldn't mind a grudge match with FTS in the future.
You have been an excellent addition to the Debaters League. You came in here replacing someone I thought would work hard, and you showed him up. Fighting for that last playoff spot with SK.

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