WrestleZone Debaters League

I'll start soon Phoenix. I'm finishing up Gelgarin vs. FalKon, and want to start another thread for the Stadium. I'm trying to get it all done though.
Sorry if I messed up with editing and what not. I had to leave for a few minutes, and though it'd be easiest to just post and edit later. If you need me to do anything else, just tell me.
Gelgarin, just to let you know, I'll have my rebuttal up either tonight or tomorrow afternoon. I took a long nap and now I am doing homework so I don't know when I'll be done with it.
Phoenix, yours are done. D-Man, I'll get to the ones I haven't done of yours tomorrow. IC, do you still have debates that need judging? That question goes for everyone else as well.
I still need one more judge for my Week 2 debate. TM, Tdigs, Ty and Dave have already judged on it - someone like Murfish, Marquis or Ech? Any other judges I can ask?
Keep PMing those judges guys!

Ill be judging your round tomorrow, still 22 hours to go there.

And All Start selection goes out tomorrow. If anyone doesnt want to be included in the All Star Game, PM me.
Would it be a good idea if we kept the WrestleZone Debator's Legaue up after the tournament? Like, if there is an argument between two posters that have gone on forever, for example Sly vs. Takerfan, give them some time to debate in there to finally end the discussions.
Would it be a good idea if we kept the WrestleZone Debator's Legaue up after the tournament? Like, if there is an argument between two posters that have gone on forever, for example Sly vs. Takerfan, give them some time to debate in there to finally end the discussions.

Terrible idea.

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