Wrestlers you have a no love/no hate thing with

Dr. Mantis Toboggan, M.D.

Dog The Bounty Hunter
By that I mean let's talk about wrestlers you have no love and no hate towards, you basically just don't mind them or really have an issue with acknowledging them.

Kane. He's just not tight. I don't mind seeing him anywhere on the card but I'm just not into him.
Mr Anderson. Guy can do a good promo and can wrestle adequately but he doesn't really have anything that makes me want to invest in him
Pretty much any of the WWE mid carders. Swagger, Kofi, anyone who performs regularly on NXT or Superstars. Ziggler used to be a part of this until everyone started losing their shit over him. He was fine as a little nothing in the mid card, but he's not a top tier talent.

Cody Rhodes is about the only mid card worker who is really worth watching these days. Truth too, unless he's actually wrestling.
The Miz - he doesn't bother me to the point where he's annoying, his in ring work is on par with everyone else at his level and his promos are usually solid

Jack Swagger - he's in that same grey area, he's a hell of an in ring talent, and his promo work is solid, I personally feel he's been a heel far to long and its hurt his development

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