Wrestlers TNA should release

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Abdul Bashir - He sucks plain and simple. A guy with a terrorist gimmick that can barely draw heat and has no ring skill. Just a waste of a roster spot.

Kiyoshi - No explanation needed.

Consequences Creed - Horrible on the mic and for a high flyer he doesn't entertain me very much.

Rob Terry - Worst wrestler ever?

Cody Deaner - They didn't re-sign Petey Williams but they wasted money on this piece of garbage.

Shark Boy - Great x division guy but if they ain't gonna use him then no reason to keep him around.

Jay Lethal - Such a wasted talent. He has the skill to carry the x division or even be a part time main eventer but as long as he has the Macho Man gimmick he's gonna be nothing but a comedy jobber.

Plus TNA should bring back Petey Williams and maybe Sonjay Dutt. They need to have some credible challengers for Red's title.
Abdul Bashir - He sucks plain and simple. A guy with a terrorist gimmick that can barely draw heat and has no ring skill. Just a waste of a roster spot.

How do you know he can't still draw heat? He hasn't had any time to cut a promo in months, and he's had three(?) televised matches since August...He's a decent in-ring worker, and given some time, he can definitely be valuable.

You must be forgetting that the X Division is in dire need of heels right now, also.

Kiyoshi - No explanation needed.

He's certainly not "the future", but I think it's too early to say he's worthless to the company. He's been around for about a year, and has spent most of that time being a lackey for World Elite. Again, he's a heel that the X Division can desperately use.

Consequences Creed - Horrible on the mic and for a high flyer he doesn't entertain me very much.

Horrible on the mic? Since when? I happen to like his promos from the feud with Bashir, and the vignettes they were cutting for him were pretty good. I've also never viewed him as a high-flier. He's a basic wrestler with some added agility. With his character being so simple, there's no need for his promos to be on the level of guys like Angle or Foley.

Rob Terry - Worst wrestler ever?

Agreed. I've actually started a thread on this. He's being rapidly phased out of the British Invasion, and there's not much left for him. I figured he'd grab the Fired case, but he's not even in the match, so maybe they'll write him off, and give him some time to train, and hopefully come back with something worth watching.

Cody Deaner - They didn't re-sign Petey Williams but they wasted money on this piece of garbage.

Again, I can't help but agree. His short time messing around with the KO Division was actually booked right, and cut off before it got out of hand. After that though, there's nothing for him. He'll grab the Fired case at Final Resolution, and that'll be the last time we have to worry about watching him.

Shark Boy - Great x division guy but if they ain't gonna use him then no reason to keep him around.

No! Not Shark Boy! He's a fan favorite, and the moment he reappears in the Impact Zone, the place will explode. He's certainly not title-contender worthy on any level, but he's serviceable for a few matches and appearances.

Jay Lethal - Such a wasted talent. He has the skill to carry the x division or even be a part time main eventer but as long as he has the Macho Man gimmick he's gonna be nothing but a comedy jobber.


In my thread asking who would breakout next year, I said Lethal would be that guy. You said yourself that he has the ability to carry the X Division. You don't just let that go...

Plus TNA should bring back Petey Williams and maybe Sonjay Dutt. They need to have some credible challengers for Red's title.

Agreed on both accounts. They'd be solid heels in the X Division, and as I've stated previously here, that's a big need...Maybe the only need...
Abdul Bashir - He sucks plain and simple. A guy with a terrorist gimmick that can barely draw heat and has no ring skill. Just a waste of a roster spot.

Kiyoshi - No explanation needed.

Bashir and Kiyoshi are jobbers for TNA – losing them means you force mid-carders who might have a shot at breaking the job mold to revert back to pushing other talent because you fired the guys they'd normally use to help elevate guys in squash matches. Though I don't particularly care for either of them, I don't really think either needs to be fired.

Consequences Creed - Horrible on the mic and for a high flyer he doesn't entertain me very much.

Creed I've never liked, and I nick-named him Consequences Cena because of the ridiculous push he got from the company for absolutely no reason other than the fact he was boys with A.J. Styles. Again, not sure I'd outright fire him, but with Lethal going the singles route, I'm not really sure what's left for Creed, so perhaps firing him would be a healthy thing for his career by allowing him to go wrestle in the independent circuit, or move onto the WWE?

Rob Terry - Worst wrestler ever?

Terry I agree whole-heartedly with. The guy is awful. A total "McMahon" body, unfortunately without the brain or act to match.

Cody Deaner - They didn't re-sign Petey Williams but they wasted money on this piece of garbage.

Deaner I'd also let go of at this point considering his only appeal ended once he separated from ODB & the feud with the Knockouts & The Beautiful People.

Shark Boy - Great x division guy but if they ain't gonna use him then no reason to keep him around.

Is Shark boy even still employed by TNA? He hasn't been on TV in ages.

Jay Lethal - Such a wasted talent. He has the skill to carry the x division or even be a part time main eventer but as long as he has the Macho Man gimmick he's gonna be nothing but a comedy jobber.

I disagree – I actually think he's being booked just fine right now. The Black Machismo Invitational should help to solidify him if they can give him a payoff with a match against Savage himself, and I have a feeling he should have a decent break-out in 2010 in the X-Division, or at least with the Invitational itself.

Plus TNA should bring back Petey Williams and maybe Sonjay Dutt. They need to have some credible challengers for Red's title.

I've always loved Williams, but I'm not sure there's really a place or reason to bring back either him or Dutt back unless MCMG get a major tag-titles push, which would effectively remove them from the X-Division. Otherwise, I think it's doing just fine with Sabin, Shelley, Red, Bashir, Homicide, Suicide/Kaz and Lethal.
Abdul Bashir - He sucks plain and simple. A guy with a terrorist gimmick that can barely draw heat and has no ring skill. Just a waste of a roster spot.

What do you mean can't draw heat? He drew a ton of heat upon arrival and has taken a backseat since he is with World Elite now. And last I knew he never had a terrorist gimmick per say, more of a supporter of the Middle East since he is Middle Eastern. And has no ring skill? Are you kidding? He has ring skill just doesn't get much time to show it off.

Kiyoshi - No explanation needed.

Like NSL said, he may not be the greatest but he is by far not the worst. Do you just want the World Elite to disband or what? If so then say so. Kiyoshi is fairly good when given a chance.

Consequences Creed - Horrible on the mic and for a high flyer he doesn't entertain me very much.

Good wrestler actually and had a pretty good push. TNA would be smart to re start that push and have him feud with Jay Lethal.

Rob Terry - Worst wrestler ever?

I will give you that he is not the best wrestler ever, but he is no where near the worst. Once again would you just like to see World Elite break up? Personally I would like to see where TNA is going with them.

Cody Deaner - They didn't re-sign Petey Williams but they wasted money on this piece of garbage.

We are in agreement here actually. I think Deaner is a waste of a spot on TNA as well. He is the poor mans Santino. TNA would be smart to resign Petey Williams and let Deaner go.

Shark Boy - Great x division guy but if they ain't gonna use him then no reason to keep him around.

He is pretty good at putting over the younger talent. Just because TNA is not using him does not constitute them releasing him. The WWE is not using Edge right now, should they release him? I don't know if Sharkboy is injured or not but did that ever cross your mind to his where abouts or maybe that he is working with young talent behind the scenes.

Jay Lethal - Such a wasted talent. He has the skill to carry the x division or even be a part time main eventer but as long as he has the Macho Man gimmick he's gonna be nothing but a comedy jobber.

How dare you sully the good name of Jay Lethal. He is the future of the TNA x division and has been one of the faces of it for a couple years now. One of the most talented performers TNA has around. He is actually pretty good on the mic and in the ring and is not a comedy jobber. Just because he does comedy bits does not make him a jobber like Santino. DX do comedy and they win the majority of their matches. I see Lethal win much more then I see him lose and I guess TNA putting the X division title on him on 4 occasions means nothing, my mistake.

Plus TNA should bring back Petey Williams and maybe Sonjay Dutt. They need to have some credible challengers for Red's title.

I think Lethal and Creed are both credible challengers for Red's title, in fact I don't think Red is that credible champion in his own right. TNA is doing with him what they did with Senshi a few years ago. He will hold the belt until one of the bigger X division names is freed up to do more. When Lethal is done with his legend matches I envision him beating Red and holdind the belt for a good time.
Cody Deaner, Rob Terry and Shark Boy I definitely agree with. Cody Deaner is a walking abortion, that's really all I can say about him. Rob Terry is hands down the worst wrestler on the TNA roster and contributes absolutely nothing whatsoever to the World Elite or the British Invasion. Shark Boy just seems like a parody of a parody and is the kind of ridiculous gimmick that makes me roll my eyes with disgust before I change the channel. He's a decent worker, but he hasn't been on TNA television in about a year or so and only works dark matches. I just have no interest in the guy whatsoever.

As for the rest of them, well I dunno. Jay Lethal and Creed have talent, but they need to be repackaged big time. To me, Jay Lethal is little more than a joke right now and needs something fresh. Would I call him a comedy jobber right now? Yeah, probably. I think his gimmick is getting kind of ridiculous and he jobbed clean to Jim Neidhart a few weeks ago. It's awful the way TNA's using him right now. Bashir and Kyoshi...well they don't offer anything to TNA aside from being used to help get others over, so at least they have some sort of use.
The only guy I'd fire from TNA is Kiyoshi. He doesn't speak english and has nobody to translate. How the hell does he even get around backstage if nobody understands him?

Rob Terry? I would first send him to a wrestling school. If in 3 months he can't work a decent match, the n scrap him. Unless they can make a manager out of him. But since I haven't heard him on stick, I can't.

Shark Boy? Why aren't they at least using him for some comedy skits? He's great on the mic, he gets a great pop, and can be quite marketable. At least have him as a backstage interviewer, or something.

Bashir? He's terrific worker. He draws heat by just showing his head.

Now that I think of it, I'd fire Lacey Von Erich too. Unless they get her on Playboy, I see no use for her. :lmao:
The only ones I would fire that I don't see them doing anything meaningful in the future. Are Shark Boy and Cody Deaner. Both are just comedy jobbers and Shark Boy was alright when he was a tag team with Curry Man. Nowadays he is just there sitting at home getting a pay check. I don't know if he is in the company but if your not going to use him why keep him.
I would fire Deaner and Terry. Both guys do absolutely nothing for the company. Rob Terry is the worst wrestler I've ever seen, and with him being phased out of the British Invasion/ World Elite, I can see him disappearing into obscurity, although, something NSL said in another post got me thinking, a man of his size and stature, that's the type of guy Hogan would want to beat, so he might be sticking around even though he is horrible. And as for Cody Deaner, the only good thing he's done was lose to ODB and end his little thing with the KO title. Deaner has done absolutely nothing note-worthy really, and I can't see him sticking around much longer. I hope he goes and gets the fired case.
The only ones I would fire that I don't see them doing anything meaningful in the future. Are Shark Boy and Cody Deaner. Both are just comedy jobbers and Shark Boy was alright when he was a tag team with Curry Man. Nowadays he is just there sitting at home getting a pay check. I don't know if he is in the company but if your not going to use him why keep him.

Actually Shark boy isn't getting a pay check by sitting at home because if you remember the report about how most guys in the company get paid per apperance.

Besides I don't understand why people get bent out of shape and want a guy to get fired because he hasn't been on tv in a while. What does it matter to you? Are you paying his checks..no.
Lacey Von Erich is the first one that comes to mind…even though she shouldn’t be considered much of a wrestler. She’s good to look at but she offers nothing else. TNA's knockout's have never been known for their looks so she is useless. She is also atrocious in the ring and does not offer any entertainment to me whatsoever. She really isn’t that good of a wrestler if she is considered one and I don’t know what TNA saw in her. At least Angelina was decent in the ring.

Cody Deaner is another one that is atrocious. He isn’t funny nor is he entertaining in the ring. TNA is just wasting money on this fucking joke of a wrestler. Money that could be used to bring in actual talented wrestlers from other countries such as Japan or Mexico or to contract wrestlers in the Indies.

Rob Terry is atrocious too in the ring. But I’m sure someone’s going to come in here and say that he isn’t supposed to be a wrestler and that he is a bodyguard. Honestly, I don’t care. I watch TNA for the wrestlers. Not some guy who is a terrible wrestler when he wrestles. He could be good in the future, but that we’ll happen once he gets some real training.

Honestly, there’s a ton of wrestlers TNA could fire and replace with good ones but I’m going to leave it at that.
I really think as much as this sounds stupid is they need to let Nash go because he really isn't as good as he once was, and without the mafia what is his purpose, just like steiner, they can help the younger guys out by giving them advice and what not but they are a waste of money that TNA could be using to either bring in more wrestlers( free agents or not), or use it to make the product better by either redoing the impact zone or something.
I really think as much as this sounds stupid is they need to let Nash go because he really isn't as good as he once was, and without the mafia what is his purpose, just like steiner, they can help the younger guys out by giving them advice and what not but they are a waste of money that TNA could be using to either bring in more wrestlers( free agents or not), or use it to make the product better by either redoing the impact zone or something.

Nash's mic skill alone makes him wort keeping around IMO. Plus for his size and age he can still work pretty good matches when he has someone talented to work with. But Nash is also one of my all time favs so I'm biased aswell.
if i would have been asked this question lets say a couple of weeks ago i would have said without a doupt in my mind jesse neal , jethro hollyday and cody deaner buut now

Jesse neal has a new bad ass gimmick with team 3D that i kinda like

Jethro hollyday is already gone (thank god)

so this leave only one man the king of the knock outs Cody Deaner just one question about this hunk of trash why of why does he had to feud with women the last guy who feuded with a women (and lost is jeff jarret well tahst the most memorable one) so now that the deanner of meaner is done getting his ass (and manhood) handed to him could he pease get his thank you note and leave FOR EVER

P.S Nash Rules The Work Love Him To Death
I'd have to say any WWE rejects, and all people over 35 except Kurt Angle. That would give more ring time, more mic time, for newer stars that get no time. And less of the same garbage we've watched out of those characters for over 10 years.
I'd have to say any WWE rejects, and all people over 35 except Kurt Angle. That would give more ring time, more mic time, for newer stars that get no time. And less of the same garbage we've watched out of those characters for over 10 years.

You're cutting a lot of fat off there...

You're list cuts out AJ Styles (worked in WWE before TNA), Daniels (38), Matt Morgan ("reject"), Lashley (reject), and a bunch of others. You'd essentially kill the main event, and leave no credible people to go for the gold.

Guys like Nash and Steiner have spent the last few weeks/months investing in the future of guys like Lashley and EY...I don't see the need to cut them out of the picture at all.
Just to play devil's advocate here, Rob Terry's sole job right now is to be big, adding an intimidation factor to a faction consisting mostly of cruiserweights. Whether you like them or not (and in no particular order), Sid, Ezekiel Jackson, Batista, Mark Henry, Tomko, and even Nash have been used in this same capacity before. Most of those names have gone on to hold multiple titles. I'm not saying Terry is capable of doing this (or should), but it's possible that with a little training and time he could become a decent enough performer. Given that he has the 'look', I think they should hold onto him for a little while longer, give him some training, and see if they can make something of him before sending him off to Mcmahon land, where he can be the next Nathan Jones. I guess you could make the same argument for Lacey. Give them a few months, then drop the axe if there are no signs of improvement.

That being said, if I were in charge of TNA, I would fire both of there asses in a minute if it meant bringing back Petey Williams....

As for Deaner, the sooner he is gone the better. I would also add Kip to the list, if he hasn't been released already.
I'd have to say any WWE rejects, and all people over 35 except Kurt Angle. That would give more ring time, more mic time, for newer stars that get no time. And less of the same garbage we've watched out of those characters for over 10 years.

I never understand people who say stuff like this. Going by your theory then WWE should get rid of Undertaker, Triple H, Jericho and Big Show just cause they got their start in WCW.

Matt Morgan and The Pope are 2 of TNA's promising young talents in the company. They look like stars TNA can build their future around. WWE either didn't know ho to use them or just didn't wanna push them so why punish them just for being "rejects" of another company? It's no different than a baseball team releasing a player. Does that mean no other team should sign them if they are talented?

And why get rid of everyone over 35? Daniels is easily one of TNA's top performers. Abyss is awesome. Nash and Steiner are great on the mic and right now they are helping put over the fuure of the company like EY and Lashley. Sting and Foley are icons and great to have around as long as TNA doesn't make them world champs again.
I think TNA is keeping most of their contracted performers -- even the less talented like Rob Terry, Cody Deaner, Lacey Von Erich -- on the roster in hopes of expanding their broadcasting time soon. For nearly a year, TNA has been teasing an expanded TV product. To move forward with this, the company will need not only main event and mid-card talent but also lower-tiered/jobber wrestlers as well. If Bashir/Deaner/etc. are released, who are they going to allow people like Desmond Wolfe to dismantle in seconds to build momentum and heat? Would you really rather see him destroying top name X-Division stars, or is it better that he tears apart Deaner this week then squashes Shark Boy next?

I think the answer is obvious.
Id fire Creed he is just plain horrible plus he threw up in the ring LOL.
Id also fire that big strong guy in the British Invasion he is just terrible in the ring.Id keep Cody Deaner for comedy effect sort of a redneck Santino.I would keep Lacey around until Angelina Love gets her visa taken care of.
You're cutting a lot of fat off there...

You're list cuts out AJ Styles (worked in WWE before TNA), Daniels (38), Matt Morgan ("reject"), Lashley (reject), and a bunch of others. You'd essentially kill the main event, and leave no credible people to go for the gold.

Guys like Nash and Steiner have spent the last few weeks/months investing in the future of guys like Lashley and EY...I don't see the need to cut them out of the picture at all.

AJ was never part of WWE, he only did about 2 or 3 appearences for Velocity or what ever programming they had. He was never under contract. This is what he said in a interview.

AJ Styles is homegrown TNA just like Joe and Daniels and the rest of the X division. Im not pointing directly at you but I juse hate it when people associate AJ with WWE, it's the same as putting Sting with WWE or HBK with WCW.
When I first saw Rob Terry debut in TNA I turned to my friend and said "if a guy who looks like that couldn't make it through WWE developmental, he has to be the absolute worst wrestler in the world." If he had any modicum of talent he'd be British Batista (Welsh, whatever) by now. At any rate, I'm surprised so many of you are talking about how bad he is in the ring, when I've been watching Impact weekly and have never seen him used in any actual wrestling capacity.

I'm disappointed with how Bashir went from basically starting the World Elite to being a guy in an orange shirt in the background. Then again, that fucker stole four of my Milwaukee's Best (about 1.50) last time I saw him in person, so fuck him. Kiyoshi is just kind of there, so I suppose you could get rid of him, he only seems to be an extra man for four on fours and five on five matches, but then again, it's not like they've ever really tried doing anything with him. Shark Boy I'm not sure really counts as he only shows up once in a blue moon and I assume he isn't getting paid other than those few times. COnsequences Creed is kind of ho-hum, but Jay Lethal is still going strong.

I'd have to say the only people I'd get rid of are Russo and Ferrara. They have a great roster, the only reason the product is so bad is the booking and writing the past couple of years has been atrocious.

Nash and Steiner aren't really an option to get rid of as you just lost Booker T and you need to have some famous names around, especially considering fellow NWOer Hulk Hogan comes back. I personally hate Samoa Joe and am not fond of Morgan or Lashley, but for some reason everybody else seems to like them, so I guess you gotta keep them around.

If I could get rid of only one wrestler though, I would definitely say Amazing Red. His flippidy-doos don't make up for having no in-ring psychology and being a ninety pound weakling. If the crowd likes flippies, than why don't they bring in Jack Evans from AAA, he can actually sell a match while he's at it. While we're on the subject, let's get rid of Don West too.

Other than that, I think TNA has a pretty solid roster, much better than WWE RAW at any rate and maybe as good as Smackdown.
I don't think TNA needs to get rid of anyone. Sure Rob Terry and Cody Deaner are pathetic wrestlers, but TNA needs chumps to throw out there and get their asses kicked. If Abyss goes out every week and gets his ass kicked by Raven and Stevie, Abyss is a bumb, but if Abyss goes out every other week and destroys Deaner or Kip James, he's a badass. Then when Raven and Stevie kick Abyss' ass it is more credible. See it's a chain reaction. Every company needs jobbers to make the other guys look good. I don't know why so many people think that every wrestler on the roster needs to be on tv or involved in a big angle. NOT every wrestler is worthy of a push. TNA keeps chumps like Deaner employed so guys like Morgan or whoever can go out and destroy him to build themselves up. If anything I think there should be more chump wrestlers thrown out into matches to help build up other guys. You need the scrubs to help elevate the rest of the roster. It all seems so obvious.
Out of all people you mentioned, Rob Terry is the only one I have a problem with. The guy has a golden look, and is total shit in the ring. He really doesn't do anything most of the time. but stand around with his shirt off, and interfere in a bunch of matches. Serioulsy, with a look like the one this guy has, he could be a world champion. He would just have to cut passable promos, and be some what average in the ring.
AJ was never part of WWE, he only did about 2 or 3 appearences for Velocity or what ever programming they had. He was never under contract. This is what he said in a interview.

AJ Styles is homegrown TNA just like Joe and Daniels and the rest of the X division. Im not pointing directly at you but I juse hate it when people associate AJ with WWE, it's the same as putting Sting with WWE or HBK with WCW.

But by definition, AJ was "rejected" by the WWE because they never offered him a contract after a couple of try-out matches.

I agree with those that say that there doesn't need to be anyone released right now. You need wrestlers to job, especially if TNA adds more programming, which would probably benefit those that people on here want released.
Who should TNA release? After looking over their roster there are some that come to mind.

Abdul Bashir
He's only useful as a member of World Elite. It depends on the future of that stable. If and when they split up, get rid of him. He'd be a waste of a spot on the roster after that.

Cody Deaner
I hate him and so do many others. They might keep him around as a jobber, but still.... Get rid of him.

Doug Williams & Rob Terry
The only member of the British Invasion that doesn't suck is Brutus Magnus. I say get rid of the other two, even world elite doesn't need them.

Only useful as a member of World Elite. Once they split up he will be even more pointless than Bashir. Keep him around only until World Elite splits up, then get rid of him.

Jesse Neal
Didn't care for him when he debuted and was being mentored by Rhino.... and I don't really care for his new persona either. I'll give it a chance though and see if I change my mind. Otherwise.... get rid of the guy.

Hmmm, guess that's all I can think of. There are some others that I don't particularly like, but TNA can still use those people, so I won't list any of them because I do not feel they are a waste of a spot on the roster.
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