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Wrestlers That You Enjoyed, But Now Hate.

One to Remember

Championship Contender
This is gingto be the reverse of another thread. What wrestler did you innitialy like or began to like only to grow tired of and finally despise?

I have to go with some popular ones.

Triple H
I liked him c. 2000-2 but soon I felt like WWE had went into Hunter overload and he began to use back stage authority and pliticking to keep the top spot in a manner so blatant calling him arrogant would be an understatement.

Hollywood Hogan
I loved the NWO and had always hated what Hogan stood for from 1986-1996. I thought him leg dropping Savage at Bash at the Beach '96 was the moment he truly became a revolutionary in this sport. But as time went by he held down other performers in WCW, bogarted the Big Gold, created an atmosphere of endless swerves, dusty finishes, and rule breaking in WCW that made the whole show a circus, and upon the airing of back stage dirty laundry I come to find out he was sucking off of WCW and the biz as a parasite with no goals of helping it replenish itself. He would contribute to the demise of an entire company then show up on WWF programming only to mascaraed as a masked super hero.

I felt like although the timing was horribly off the NWO of 2002 could provide the dream matches and dynamics a '90s fan of wrestler would orgasm over. Instead he selfishly ruins the storyline by resulting to nostalgia and becoming some Hulk/Hollywood hybrid.

Rey Mysterio Jr.
I loved him in WCW because his speed reminded me of the flash. He epitomized the soul of lucha more so then any luchador on the roster. His character was so believable and his speed was soo insane he made realistc compensations for his stature. The Rey Mysterio of today has gottn all ethnic and looks out of place. His moves are down to a select few which you'd have to be knocked out to even be in a position to be set up in. He's moved from his roots and now is mediocre.

Jeff Jarrett
You knew the ol' Slap Nut Killer himself would be brought up. Believe it or not the Jeff Jarrett from the early WCW days and the WWF's "federation years" was entertaining to me. He was a southern heel strait from the old skool and I liked that. As we came into the Attitude Era he got a revamped look and became obnoxious. He then would jump ship to WCW and participate in aridiculous reformation of the NWO and then began o dominate the top of the card and win his World titles through the most unorthodox of matches. This is when he became just to damn scandalous. He went o to form NWA-TNA and then he tried to become its Triple H which was a huge miscalculation on his end. Then I here about him getting marginalized by the management of his OWN company for being with Kurt Angle's wife, which isn't a crime anyway. Jarret to me equal scandal and drama and the spils system.
Personally those are the only 4 that I truly dislike and the only 4 I can think of right now.

Rey Mysterio Jr - I've never understand what was the big deal about him.. Not even in WCW

Triple H - I know characters grow but all I can think of with Triple H is pre SummerSlam 1997

Jeff Jarrett a.k.a. Ain't I Great - Sucks to me maybe I can't forget about him singing country music or was that the Road Dog Jesse James

Hulk Hogan - Just old and needs to go away far far away but I still have love for the Hulkster

Maybe I'm just living in the past and need to get over it....................
In the mid 90s Mysterio embodied a style of wrestling unseen in America. He got us out of the mindset that said the big guys ruled the day. He was like the Anti-Vader..

As far as Hogan's age in 2002 when he took on the Rock he was 48 or 49. That I can tolerate, Flair being 61 I can not..
Oh theres a lot but one that sticks out to me is...Kane.
I used to think he was a decent worker and his gimmick was entertaining at times, then the mask came off.....
now he's just so incredibly boring in the ring and his storylines (ranging from Katie Vick, to the Lita baby angle) are the most unbelieveable rubbish I've ever had to sit through as a wrestling fan. and his promo's. My god his promo's. There just so forced, him talking in that stupid supposed to be scary voice and then that stupid laugh....ugh. (I haven't seen his recent promo's mind.)
First off great post. And I got a pretty big list but I'll post a few.

John Cena - One of my favs up until about Summerslam 2005. Once he turned into Super Cena I just couldnt stand him anymore. He says the same thing pretty much every week and he is a sub par wrestler.

Triple H - Now that I know of his influence backstage to get a lot of what he has recieved, cant stand him.

Kane - My favorite wrestler of all time until the end of 2005. Once his fued with Edge had run its course he became completely irrelevant, his title run is about 7-8 years too late. Just dont care for him at all.

Hogan/Flair - Both for the same reason, they wont go the hell away. Their time is done, step out of the spotlight (If you can even call TNA that). Go home, stop ruining TNA, your days are done.

Bischoff - Pretty much for the same reason above, he isnt what he use to be and is irrelevant as well.

Rey Mysterio - Much like Cena its the same story every time. Tired of him.

Double J - Respect him but my god im tired of seeing him.

Kevin Nash - Almost didnt want to add him to the list. He is one of my all tme favs despite the fact I know he is an egomaniac and manipulated his way to the top. But then again thats what everyone does. His time is done, he looks like Father Time, go away.

Jeff Hardy - He's done. He's a druggy, he cant top his high flying performances in the past and he is living off his fan base much like Hogan and Flair except he is 20+ years younger.
There's not a lot of wrestlers I hate anymore, and the few that I do hate, I have always hated. Usually when I like a wrestler, I like them forever. But I have had maybe two exceptions.

One wrestler I used to like was Jeff Jarrett. Not a lot to say about him, just that I used to think he was entertaining, and in the present day I think he's just boring. I don't hate him at all though, I don't even dislike him, it's just that I don't usually care about any feud he is involved with anymore and I can't get into his promos anymore, etc

I also liked Orton once upon a time. But I was never a huge fan of him. In 2006 and 2007 I liked him, maybe only because I disliked Cena so much though. But I also liked the Legend Killer gimmick and the smugness and everything, maybe just because I like obnoxious characters like that. Then as soon as he became "the viper" and started that IED crap I lost any interest I ever had in watching him. His matches were never particularly stellar IMO but I loved the way he played his gimmick, and then when he ditched that, he lost the only thing I liked about him. I don't hate him though, I just don't care about him at all. Unlike JJ I'd probably go out of my way to NOT watch Orton though, which is why I mentioned him.

I try not to jump on wrestlers bandwagons so my list isn't very long. But yeah, there is no wrestler who I once liked that I now hate, only ones that I stopped caring about.
I have plenty, so here comes a big list......

Hogan - Should have retired at least 10 years ago. Too much of an ego, never puts anyone else over, over-rated.

Flair - See Hogan.

Rob van Dam - lots of talent, too lazy/drugged up to try and make himself any better. (all of the same reasons that everyone has ALWAYS hated Sean Waltman lol)

Jeff Hardy - see RVD.

Sheamus - looked so dominant when he first came in. Then he won a title, and I can't remember him winning a single 1-on-1 match cleanly. He looks weak and pathetic these days, despite trying to act like the Sheamus of old.

Rey Mysterio - Too injury prone. His speed has gone, and that was what set him apart from everyone else. And I can't stand the 'Ultimate Underdog' gimmick. And his finisher sucks, big time.
I did used to be a HUGE Hogan fan. But then with hearing how crazy and F'ed up his son was to pretty much leave a kid brain dead, and you heard the jailhouse tape and how there was ZERO sympathy from him. I was like :wtf:, how can you sit there, knowing these tapes are recorded and that at a moment's notice someone could try to make these public, why would you put yourself in that kind of position? Then you see the pictures of him applying sun lotion to his daugher's butt crack? How close is this family? Then you see him dating the spitting image of his daughter?! Someone please page Dr. Sigmund Freud, I think this whole family has some serious issues, then don't get me started on the ego trip when he buys into TNA, and you immediately see WCW part Deux. Its all something that a blind man could see, which is terrible to say. The only reason I still have my Hogan action figure is because it was given to me by my dearly loved Uncle who passed away and he always would have me watch Hogan matches with him as a little kid. But other than that, I could care less when he takes a dump and posts it on twitter.

Rey Mysterio Jr- Okay, I got into a Smackdown kinda late in life. My friends and I got into it right after Eddie G. died. At first I was digging the whole small guy/underdog bit. But then I realized "That's ALL he does!!!" He's always the poor helpless underdog. I mean, there's a time when you gotta stand up and take accountability and quit whining all the time. I mean especially the fact that the set up for the 619 is always becoming so predictable now?? One of my guy friends always tells me when SD is on and Rey is on "I remember on WCW, when Rey was so quick, and so fast...and he would do this...and this...and this...And now all he does is limp around the ring every few weeks and cry about how he is denied something."

Jack Swagger- Okay...I like his ability, but I LOVED him even more back in his ECW days when he'd bounce down to the ring and do his little push ups and be that cocky heel. This whole "All American American, look at my trophies" thing where he doesn't even smile or do anything impressive just makes me like "Please...just show some kind of emotion. Even your dad seems to have better range of character."

Flair- I used to admire everything this guy stood for. I used to think he was one of those people who stood by his word. That he was a straight shooter. However, his retirement match at WM24, he didn't really stay retired very long. That is what ticked me off, and that kinda was a spit in the face of HBK and HHH, two of his biggest supporters through everything. Especially HBK since that match is what made the end of his career. If I was HBK, I'd almost meet him in an alley just to superkick his teeth down his throat for what he did, its almost like a "Screw you, so that match didn't really count anyway" gesture is what Flair kinda did.

XPac, Scott Hall- These two jerkos, granted, they had great moments in the PAST. But that's where it was. Then all the the screw ups they've done, the moment Hogan is in charge, its like they can come in to TNA and try to get back in the top again. Even insiders could've told you that would be a bad idea. But Hogan gives them what they want, even though NWO was a great faction, but you look at each person individually and they are all screwed up in their own way. Hall stumbles to the ring each time, seemingly not knowing where he is, and XPac then stiffs the organization on appearances. Yet how many of the regular talent would kill to get primo time on tv and its given to those 2 ass clowns?

Kevin Nash- So again, most of my argument same as XPac and Scott Hall. Great moments in the past, and he is a self admitted ego maniac, and self proclaimed person who is only about the money and basically would do anything for a buck or as long as the glory is all about him. He is good about dishing out the criticisms, but when its given to him, thats when he gets drunk and goes on a twitter rant about how he could care less about the company...blah blah. Well Nash, you're certainly not 30 years old anymore, and there are TONS of young ones waiting to push you out of the way if you feel that way truly. You are no spring chicken, and you certainly did better as an X-Division advisor, maybe try stepping down and give your body a rest.
For me it's MVP. When he was the cocky heel, "I'm better than you," I really liked him. I think he progressed a lot when he was sort of being mentored by Chris Benoit. His ring attire was unique, his arrogance was off the charts, and he was good enough in the ring to be a bonafide heel and an interesting WWE superstar.

Then came his face turn, the whole "ballin!" nonsense, and now I cannot stand him. He went from an interesting heel to a bland and generic face, and I have lost any interest in him I used to have.

I fear the same thing is in the process of happening with John Morrison as well. I really liked him as a cocky arrogant heel, either with MNM or the Miz or solo. Now as a face, I don't like him nearly as much as I once did. I hope they do something interesting with him soon, and I'd love to see him turn heel again. If not, I fear he's heading down the same path as MVP for me.
there are five main wrestlers brought up I must address, Kane, Flair, and the Outsiders.
First off the Big Red Machine:
ScruffDog said:
KANE please put your mask back on

I know know its been like 8 years, but still

PLEASE put your mask back on
I am a huge Kane fan. He is in fact still my favorite wrestler. He first became it because I loved him but at this point I can't find a new favorite so he remains so by default. Kane did have a reign as ECW champ but it was really meaningless. People like to say that the old Kane was a lot stronger with his mask but you forget how strong he was when it first came off. You forget what he did to RVD after they lost the match to keep his mask and when he destroyed Austin for trying to give him a pep talk. The main problem was management was destroying Kane's potential. He had the ability to be to the WWF what Big Van Vader was to WCW in the early '90s. I think him not using the voice tool was a plus at one point but today it would be nicer to see him have it.. I don't know how to create a scenario to warrant its use though.

The problem with Kane is they did not let him go back to the main event c. 2001-4 when he was much stronger and a lot younger. I'd recall he's go a hundred and ten percent only to still end up losing his matches. Management toyed with him. Then now giving him a title he was owed half a decade ago mostly because his heyday was half a decade ago is a tragedy and a shame. I waited 11 years for Kane to get the title again and now it feels very anti climatic.
Kane AND Glenn Jacobs was screwed.

Ric Flair:
There has been an uproar from alot of the wrestling fans about his return post-retirement.
1. There was not a reasonable expectation that he would stop. And with the likes of the Iron Sheik, Abdulla the Butcher, and esteemed Terry Funk, the latter who I'd love to pay to see even at this point in his dusty ass life I can not blame him.

2. I think perhaps a retirement match is misunderstood by some fans. The retirement match at WM against HBK was to prevent him from wrestling in a wrestling match. I realize since in wrestling there is a lot of non wrestling non ring related action that this seemed misleading but Flair has not wrestled on WWE TELEVISION since.. An unsanctioned street match or w/e does not count and does not even have to be entertained on screen by the other athletes..

3. His return to TNA and possibly his return to the ring. There is no wrestling world, in the confines of wrestling canon the universe is partitioned and based on organizations. So whatever happens in WWE has no bearing on Flair in TNA. In the TNA universe Flairs retirement, reign as RAW GM, or gangster days with Evolution are not recognized as ever happening.. Kinda like how what Dusty Rhodes and Harley Race did not have their prominence in the NWA acknowledged in the WWF.. You sometimes start from scratch but thats not always a shot at another promotion..

Kevin Nash aka Diesel:
Tougie said:
Almost didnt want to add him to the list. He is one of my all tme favs despite the fact I know he is an egomaniac and manipulated his way to the top. But then again thats what everyone does. His time is done, he looks like Father Time, go away.
He was one of my favorites in the WWF and WCW. When I was younger I had no idea how much of a manipulator he was or how much drama and hardship he created back stage. That pattern most likely continued in to the NWO rehash McMahon cooked up. I actually came to despise Nash after reading his statements, hearing the thoughts of other business people, and various shoot interviews. But I feel like he rehabilitated himself in TNA. I don't know if he grew the fuck up and stopped becoming selfish or if he hit hard times and needed to help TNA so TNA could help him but he has been behaved. He has not ran interference with the brass, he has not attempted to infiltrate the brass, he has not agitated for Hall and Waltman's return, and he spoke up for the younger guys. Unlike in WWE and WCW were he was injury prone he has stayed fit in TNA and gets around good for his age. I think angst towards Nash at this point is largely historical or based on anti-originals fervor in the TNA fan universe and the TNA locker room.

Scott Hall aka Razor Ramón:
I am not sure if the things he does out of character should have any standing on his wrestling character even if it trifling or interferes with a card.
I can't stand him because I hate drunks and can't talk to one in real life without reaching a point of altercation.. However I still think Scott Hall has a great move set, a lot of charisma, mic skills to envy, a good look, and at one point a deserved spot in the main event. I felt like when he was a lot less antiquated regardless of how stupid and unprofessional he acted if sobriety was found and maintained he would just assume his main event spot like that. So my main issue today is the fact that "Razor Ramón" and "Scott Hall" are played by a blockhead with no drive and no reliability. If he dyed his hair, grw back his beared, and got his head out of the gutter I would accept him back as either character without question..

Sean "the 1-2-3 Kid/the Cannonball Kid/the Lightning Kid/Syxx/X-Pac" Waltman:
X Pac heat is defined as following: heat drawn by performers in whom the fans are not interested in any capacity and do not want to watch. Heel characters are supposed to be booed (ie. Roddy Piper in his early WWF years, Bret Hart during his "Canadian hero" angle), and a negative crowd reaction generally means that the fans are interested in the wrestler and will pay money to watch him out of hope he will lose or be humiliated by the babyfaces. However, for a wrestler drawing go-away heat, the crowd ignores face or heel alignment and boos the wrestler because they are actually bored with or have disdain for the performer (not the character) and would rather watch someone or something else. This type of heat is often expressed by audience chants of "boring" during the wrestler's promos, or during matches where that particular wrestler is currently dominant or in receipt of the spotlight. "Go away" heat is generally not acknowledged by announcers as it indicates that an element of the product is failing to go over with fans.

Sean Waltman has an entire reaction named after him.. I thought the 1-2-3 Kid was awesome when he beat Razor Ramon. I thought he was a good addition to his tag team partners when he was the little guy and they were the power based behemoths. He had the speed and the agility and in fact charisma. In the NWO, Syxx was kinda the little guy but he also was pretty scrappy. He was the quintessential Generation X guy and in the '90s that was what was up. I never liked X factor but I also never exhibited X-Pac heat to X-Pac. He left a poor taste in my mouth after I saw him on the Surreal life and revelations of some Syd and Nancy time relationship between Waltman and Chyna came to light. It also became evident to me that after he had become Syxx he had reached a point where his career would always need to be piggy backed to another top name so that he could remain of interest. For the last 5 or so years "Syxx-Pac" has tried to go it solo and its just been a complete failure.. I don't know if I can say I now hate "Syxx-pac" because I actually like another persona and his personal drama which strictly speaking has no relevance is effecting my view of Syxx-Pac..
there are five main wrestlers brought up I must address, Kane, Flair, and the Outsiders.
First off the Big Red Machine:
ScruffDog said:
KANE please put your mask back on

I know know its been like 8 years, but still

PLEASE put your mask back on
I am a huge Kane fan. He is in fact still my favorite wrestler. He first became it because I loved him but at this point I can't find a new favorite so he remains so by default. Kane did have a reign as ECW champ but it was really meaningless. People like to say that the old Kane was a lot stronger with his mask but you forget how strong he was when it first came off. You forget what he did to RVD after they lost the match to keep his mask and when he destroyed Austin for trying to give him a pep talk. The main problem was management was destroying Kane's potential. He had the ability to be to the WWF what Big Van Vader was to WCW in the early '90s. I think him not using the voice tool was a plus at one point but today it would be nicer to see him have it.. I don't know how to create a scenario to warrant its use though.

The problem with Kane is they did not let him go back to the main event c. 2001-4 when he was much stronger and a lot younger. I'd recall he's go a hundred and ten percent only to still end up losing his matches. Management toyed with him. Then now giving him a title he was owed half a decade ago mostly because his heyday was half a decade ago is a tragedy and a shame. I waited 11 years for Kane to get the title again and now it feels very anti climatic.
Kane AND Glenn Jacobs was screwed.

Ric Flair:
There has been an uproar from alot of the wrestling fans about his return post-retirement.
1. There was not a reasonable expectation that he would stop. And with the likes of the Iron Sheik, Abdulla the Butcher, and esteemed Terry Funk, the latter who I'd love to pay to see even at this point in his dusty ass life I can not blame him.

2. I think perhaps a retirement match is misunderstood by some fans. The retirement match at WM against HBK was to prevent him from wrestling in a wrestling match. I realize since in wrestling there is a lot of non wrestling non ring related action that this seemed misleading but Flair has not wrestled on WWE TELEVISION since.. An unsanctioned street match or w/e does not count and does not even have to be entertained on screen by the other athletes..

3. His return to TNA and possibly his return to the ring. There is no wrestling world, in the confines of wrestling canon the universe is partitioned and based on organizations. So whatever happens in WWE has no bearing on Flair in TNA. In the TNA universe Flairs retirement, reign as RAW GM, or gangster days with Evolution are not recognized as ever happening.. Kinda like how what Dusty Rhodes and Harley Race did not have their prominence in the NWA acknowledged in the WWF.. You sometimes start from scratch but thats not always a shot at another promotion..

Kevin Nash aka Diesel:
Tougie said:
Almost didnt want to add him to the list. He is one of my all tme favs despite the fact I know he is an egomaniac and manipulated his way to the top. But then again thats what everyone does. His time is done, he looks like Father Time, go away.
He was one of my favorites in the WWF and WCW. When I was younger I had no idea how much of a manipulator he was or how much drama and hardship he created back stage. That pattern most likely continued in to the NWO rehash McMahon cooked up. I actually came to despise Nash after reading his statements, hearing the thoughts of other business people, and various shoot interviews. But I feel like he rehabilitated himself in TNA. I don't know if he grew the fuck up and stopped becoming selfish or if he hit hard times and needed to help TNA so TNA could help him but he has been behaved. He has not ran interference with the brass, he has not attempted to infiltrate the brass, he has not agitated for Hall and Waltman's return, and he spoke up for the younger guys. Unlike in WWE and WCW were he was injury prone he has stayed fit in TNA and gets around good for his age. I think angst towards Nash at this point is largely historical or based on anti-originals fervor in the TNA fan universe and the TNA locker room.

Scott Hall aka Razor Ramón:
I am not sure if the things he does out of character should have any standing on his wrestling character even if it trifling or interferes with a card.
I can't stand him because I hate drunks and can't talk to one in real life without reaching a point of altercation.. However I still think Scott Hall has a great move set, a lot of charisma, mic skills to envy, a good look, and at one point a deserved spot in the main event. I felt like when he was a lot less antiquated regardless of how stupid and unprofessional he acted if sobriety was found and maintained he would just assume his main event spot like that. So my main issue today is the fact that "Razor Ramón" and "Scott Hall" are played by a blockhead with no drive and no reliability. If he dyed his hair, grw back his beared, and got his head out of the gutter I would accept him back as either character without question..

Sean "the 1-2-3 Kid/the Cannonball Kid/the Lightning Kid/Syxx/X-Pac" Waltman:
X Pac heat is defined as following: heat drawn by performers in whom the fans are not interested in any capacity and do not want to watch. Heel characters are supposed to be booed (ie. Roddy Piper in his early WWF years, Bret Hart during his "Canadian hero" angle), and a negative crowd reaction generally means that the fans are interested in the wrestler and will pay money to watch him out of hope he will lose or be humiliated by the babyfaces. However, for a wrestler drawing go-away heat, the crowd ignores face or heel alignment and boos the wrestler because they are actually bored with or have disdain for the performer (not the character) and would rather watch someone or something else. This type of heat is often expressed by audience chants of "boring" during the wrestler's promos, or during matches where that particular wrestler is currently dominant or in receipt of the spotlight. "Go away" heat is generally not acknowledged by announcers as it indicates that an element of the product is failing to go over with fans.

Sean Waltman has an entire reaction named after him.. I thought the 1-2-3 Kid was awesome when he beat Razor Ramon. I thought he was a good addition to his tag team partners when he was the little guy and they were the power based behemoths. He had the speed and the agility and in fact charisma. In the NWO, Syxx was kinda the little guy but he also was pretty scrappy. He was the quintessential Generation X guy and in the '90s that was what was up. I never liked X factor but I also never exhibited X-Pac heat to X-Pac. He left a poor taste in my mouth after I saw him on the Surreal life and revelations of some Syd and Nancy time relationship between Waltman and Chyna came to light. It also became evident to me that after he had become Syxx he had reached a point where his career would always need to be piggy backed to another top name so that he could remain of interest. For the last 5 or so years "Syxx-Pac" has tried to go it solo and its just been a complete failure.. I don't know if I can say I now hate "Syxx-pac" because I actually like another persona and his personal drama which strictly speaking has no relevance is effecting my view of Syxx-Pac..

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