Wrestlers That Are All Hype And No Talent

I agree with everyone on that list except one.

Ezekial Jackson9 Big Zeke started moving up the ECW card and became the last brand champion. Where has he been since and how much longer will he remain in the memory of fans? A momentum killer his stupid is an ominous sigh for his career in WWE.

He's been injured.That's where. Now depending on how he is used upon his return is a whole different story. But Zeke has the look to really do something good, we'll just have to wait to see if they actually use it.
Most overhyped wrestler of the moment - The Miz... People go on about his promo skills - outside of "really, REALLY!" and "I'm the Miz and I'M AWESOME", I cannot think of one memorable moment from one of his promos. I don't hate his wrestling credentials, I just don't think they're of a sufficient level to main event given his size (name another wrestler of his stature main eventing? Y2J, Christian, Guerrero - these guys have/ had similar statures but the diff was they excelled in the ring).
Honorable mention: Edge - the Rated R Superstar is really struggling with PG era WWe.

Worst hyping of a superstar - Christian. Nothing, nil, nada - he just walked out on ECW - redebuting on the third brand with no fanfare:wtf:
Honorable mention: Scotty Goodman, as Colt Cabana was one of the few Indie guys to come into the E with charisma and mic skills. Such a frickin waste!

Couldn't live up to the hype - I'll have to agree with previous poster Marks R Us on his choice of Glazier - massive build up before his debut, 5 minute entrance, mediocre wrestler.
Honorable mention: Probably be regarded as controversial but Hulk Hogan's face arrival on WCW. He walks in as a face, defeats NWA/WCW legend Flair in his FIRST match. It's amazing looking back now that we all didn't see the swerve coming!
Randy orton is a great wrestler with talent btw .
I would have to say John cena , he's overly dramatic .. he gets punched 1 time and makes it seem like a train hit him .. he can't wrestle maybe he should join boxing or tennis or somethin .. triple h isn't all that great neither he's only good with a sledge hammer .. who else ? John morrison and Evan bourne , they suck.. if the wwe took away their high flying moves they would be nothing .. lay cool could beat them .. there's like 20 more but Ima just not comment on them .
Most overhyped wrestler of the moment - The Miz... People go on about his promo skills - outside of "really, REALLY!" and "I'm the Miz and I'M AWESOME", I cannot think of one memorable moment from one of his promos. I don't hate his wrestling credentials, I just don't think they're of a sufficient level to main event given his size (name another wrestler of his stature main eventing?

Worst hyping of a superstar - Christian. Nothing, nil, nada - he just walked out on ECW - redebuting on the third brand with no fanfare:wtf:

I'll have to agree with previous poster Marks R Us on his choice of Glazier - massive build up before his debut, 5 minute entrance, mediocre wrestler.

Honorable mention: Probably be regarded as controversial but Hulk Hogan's face arrival on WCW.

His drive and the fact that he has loved wrestling for the past2 decades are his credentials. I remember him flying over the banister on RR:Back 2 NY and he was so vocal and unshamed to show his love of the sport. I remember when they got him the Winged Eagle replica on one ep too. I just love his pride, i love his love. Hes gonna get there because hes having the time of his life and they are giving him a slow build up strait from the old skool.

As far as Chrisitian is concerned I am still confused on many levels. Was his reign in ECW an award for years of service in the WWF or for leaving his perch in TNA? Either way I don't see your point blasting his debut in that brand if he came to dominate it. It may not mean much overall though for a guy trying to be a WWE guy I guess..

As far as Glaciar was concerned I remember his long walks to the ring on WCW Saturday Night. He was a streetfighter or double dragon rip off. That odd character Dustin Rhodes played in WCW also had a big entrance and went no where. Mortus and Wrath did too. In the case of WCW it wasn't how you debut so much as where.

As far as Hogan was concerned WCW wanted to take off from where the WWF left off. Hogan's canon starts in his AWA years then spans every orginization he is in. Hogan's '93 ills in the WWF would naturally be his '94 ills in WCW. They really had no choice but to turn him heel. Boos and changing attitudes can't drain a wrestler's charisma or star power because its in him not creative or the fans. They reconfigured and re-utilized Hogan.
Jabroni Beatin' said:
He's been injured.That's where. Now depending on how he is used upon his return is a whole different story.
Really? Well thats just bad luck n timing then. I didn't know that at all. When did it happen because he looked good on the final ECW brand airing? Thats just really bad timing.

Matter of fact I am glad you brought that to my attention.
Then he got injured and wet back down the card? Zeke better do his history homework so he can grasp the severity of the timing of his injury. Yeah none of you guys remember the Rikishi thing :icon_neutral:
Dolph Ziggler. They continue to try and try and try with him, but he is the epitome of average and utterly forgettable.

How uninteresting is he? He's made Vickie Guerrero less interesting. She was the most hated character in wrestling, and Dolph Ziggler, the black hole of heat that he is, wiped it clean.

There is a reason he's had character after character and push after push, that they don't seem to get. It's because he's absolutely forgettable and replaceable in every conceivable way. If Dolph Ziggler disappeared and Nick Nemeth came back in a year with a new gimmick, who would really notice or care?
Samoa Joe comes to mind.

I'm not a huge Indy follower but I do catch names from time to time (like Paul London, Kendrick, Danielson, Low-Ki, Joe before they were all on TV) and I was pretty excited to see Joe come to my television years ago.

I'm still here waiting for Joe to show up. Most Indy guys who 'make' it rarely disappoint me, but Joe has done nothing. I have yet to find him entertaining and I really hate to listen to him go on and on...and on about whatever it is he goes on about.

Sorry IWC but I think Samoa Joe has zero talent.
*FREEZE chuckling*

I REITERATE! No one is as TERRIBLY OVER HYPED and OVER RATED as the MIZ! I can NOT begin to understand how and why he is getting MAIN EVENT STATUS! He has mediocre promos. He couldn't intimidate a HIGH SCHOOL senior. He is a PUNK with absolutely no wrestling or tough guy background! He doesn't perform well in the ring. He doesn't even have a signature wrestling style! SO ONCE AGAIN I AM IMPLORING SOMEONE TO EXPLAIN YOUR LOVE FOR THIS GUY! HE SUCKS! I don't get it.. He has had two US TITLE reigns... Numerous Tag team reigns and he is just GARBAGE! PLAIN AND SIMPLE GARBAGE!!

Will someone please tell me why he gets props...

I'll do one from WWE and one from TNA.

Edge - Okay, this guy is so fucking overrated it's ridiculous. Half of his fans probably just like him for his entrance. Edge used to be pretty good, up until a few years ago. His injuries have just fucked him over recently. But he's still all hyped up and played off as one of the top guys in WWE. Why? He can't work a match for more than 5 minutes without looking like complete shit. He just looks out of shape, and I feel like he's going to re-tear his ACL any day now.

Abyss - Outside of hardcore matches, what the fuck can Abyss do? If he's ever World Champ, count me out. He just looks like a fucking goof in the ring, and his selling is atrocious. If he knows more than like 5 moves, let me know. Yes, he can cut a decent promo and play a psychotic heel decently, but all that ends when he actually steps in the ring.
Will someone please tell me why he gets props...
Because he's awesome. I kid, he gets props because his gimmick is genre savvy.
So...the miz has no talent? Really? Really? Justify the basis of that statement?

His ring work can't back up his mic work? Funny, because I know everytime I tune into wrestling on TV I'm there to see clinics.

His mic work is monotone? First off, false. It's douchey. And that is bad for a heel, why? His character is too genre savvy currently to fall to classic wrestler tropes. Yet, he still plays with the audience.

Your post comes across as you like the tough guy types, but I'm sorry. It's a brave new world. You think Edge counts as a tough guy type? Even Orton originally? No? This TV wrestling world ever since the attitude era has been about being cocky and cutting. And Miz screams that. He doesn't need to win clean, because that's not his character. He knows he doesn't deserve his accolades, but he wants it. And will do what he can to get it.

I'm sorry, guy. You're championing a dead age. Sure, indy circuits still do things like that, but those types of performers are boring to the masses. And as much as I hate to agree, in this case the masses know what's going on.

On topic; Orton. I'm the opposite of those that defame the miz. Orton is so one note IN the ring and on the mic that I could not care less when even a hint of him shows on the screen.

Can't agree with the masses all the time, I guess. Oh, and things that don't need to be said. Jeff Hardy. Poor poor Jeff Hardy.

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