Independent wrestling superstar Player Uno has wrestled around the world making a name for himself with his videogame inspired character. He’s wrestled for Chikara, Ring Of Honor, Dragon Gate USA and Pro Wrestling Guerilla and taken his love for games and crafted a character from it.
Player Uno has had gear inspired by Mario, Luigi and Wario along with wearing NES and SNES colour themed tights. He is also in a tag team called The Super Smash Brothers with Player Dos, naturally. His love for videogames shines through out the gimmick and while he isn’t specifically ripping anything off his influences are ridiculously obvious.
His list of finishers is further evidence of his fascination, since it includes moves called the Bubble Bobble Buster and the Dig Dug Driver.
I can't believe it hasn't been mentioned yet..
Both Kofi Kingston and MVP have stated in interviews that they have been influenced by Eddy Gordo from the Tekken series, but it is Kofi Kingston who probably has the most in common with Tekken’s Brazilian Capoeira artist.
Similarities between the two lie in their laid back style, as well as the obvious visual comparisons of both having dread locks and wearing colourful outfits and of course the high flying, athleticism.
Kingston has said that “it’s characters like that that I like to take from because of how they stand out.” You can certainly see the influence of Gordo on Kingston, from his spinning kick finishing move the Trouble In Paradise to his signature move the SOS.
Sure, before Vladimir Kozlov the insanely muscular, dominant specimen from Russia was pretty common in wrestling, – even the character of Zangief was inspired by a wrestler with the same name – but Kozlov shared many similarities with Zangief from the Street Fighter games.
Kozlov debuted and ascended through the ranks in WWE earning a title shot incredibly quickly. His slow, plodding, brute force style of grappling was reminiscent of The Red Cyclone, a hulking embodiment of pure Russian power, and his stalking around the ring, was incredibly similar to Street Fighters’ resident grappler.