Wrestler Concerns


A Post Is Worth A Thousand Words
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With the uprise in injuries, suspensions, firings, and so forth, there seems to be a lot of things to be worried about in the realm of wrestling superstars. So what are some of the things you're concerned about?

Some of my concerns:

1. Jeff Hardy seems to be slowing down a lot lately and it looks to me like his back and possibly his legs are killing him. He's in the best spot of his career, and most likely going upwards on top of that, but what if he finds himself injured or just too beaten down to run with his momentum? Could Hardy's body be reaching a point of zero tolerance for pain, forcing him to become a shell of his former self, ruining his chances to be at the top in the future?

2. Triple H seems to be too comfortable to try anything different. Its the same old mic segments, the same old promos, the same moves in the same order, etc. If you see one Triple H feud, you've seen them all. Is he just too set in his ways that he is going to do this until he retires?

3. Edge has been on a rocky road lately. He was receiving a TON of heat by screwing the Undertaker out of the title in the past year, but most of that heat seems to have been transferred over to Vickie, as the fans just can't stand her. That takes the focus away from Edge, who has been winning most of his matches (or even still losing) due to 5 on 1 team ups, making him look a little weak. The TLC match at ONS helped Edge a lot in my opinion, as he looked pretty strong and didn't really rely on the other 4 too much. However, now that the Undertaker isn't here (and its stale anyway), who does Edge have to feud with to keep going at full stream? A feud with Batista is just going to zap all the energy out of Smackdown. Is Edge's current championship reign going to become stale before it really even begins and hurt his credibility?

4. Regal's on his second strike. His push was going very well up until his suspension. Did that kill his upward climb 100% and prevent him from meaning anything when he returns?

So what are your concerns? Angle's neck won't heal? Shelton will never get a personality over with the fans? Samoa Joe is too bland for his own good? Kozlov becoming the next Snitsky?
I have to agree about Angle. While I never competed at his level I did wrestle in high school and college. As a result I broke my back twice and live with constant pain at 40 years old. He has made his money and his legacy...he needs to consider his quality of life now before its too late.

Jeff Hardy...I suspect he is a Jake Roberts waiting to happen...just my opinion.

Regal was a suprise. I thought he had been clean..maybe he still is technically, but this is a HUGE blow for him.

I also worry about Kane. He has been a shell since he lost the mask. Lately he is slowing and slowing...I think his days are numbered.
I was worrying about Big Daddy V/Viscera. He was beginning to become extremly obese and I hope he is getting treatment. He may not be anyones favorite wrestler, but as a fan, I care about them and hope them well health. Hopefully he can come back a slimmer man, and still compete. I hope fans wont treat him dfferently if he became thinner, even though he doesnt get much of a reaction as it is.
I was worrying about Big Daddy V/Viscera. He was beginning to become extremly obese and I hope he is getting treatment. He may not be anyones favorite wrestler, but as a fan, I care about them and hope them well health. Hopefully he can come back a slimmer man, and still compete. I hope fans wont treat him dfferently if he became thinner, even though he doesnt get much of a reaction as it is.

Yeah I forgot about mentioning Nelson. He really needs to take the weight loss to heart. Not only do I think he'd be a better wrestler if he lost a few hundred pounds, but he'd be SOO much healthier. 500+ pounds is way too much to go throughout your life. He wouldn't be nearly as imposing as a monster character, but I'd hope that the fans might give him a nice little pop, sort of how the fans were clapping when Big Show mentioned how much weight he loss.

The same could be said for Mark Henry, but it seems like he might be mostly muscle. Still, the guy's huge.
Big Daddy V is meant to be on the next season of the biggest loser.May be a rumor
There are alot of things to worry about in regard to Jeff Hardy. He's on his last strike with the company AND his in-ring high-flying maneuvers have surely adversely affected his health and wrestling endurance. I mean, Im sure Hardy still has enough left in him to deliver spectacular matches for several more years (as long as he stays clean that long), but he will probably have to retire fairly early. And, as other posters have stated, Im sure his post-career life will be filled with alot of pain.
Jeff Hardy concerns me because as has been mentioned, he is on his second strike. Since he came back from suspension, he always looks as if he is in pain. At first I thought he was just acting, but now I'm not so sure. I've started to think that his second ban might have come from taking too many/non-prescribed painkillers. If that is the case, it doesn't bode too well for the future.

I think that Kurt Angle needs to take a look at his priorities. If he was released from the WWE with health concerns, and is still wrestling two years later with neck problems, I think he is going to end up with serious problems in later life.

Another one that concerns me is The Undertaker. He's had to take a few months of with injury both this year and last year, and he's always been a fairly injury prone. I think it might cause him to finish in the next two years. I know he's getting older, and presumably he would be finishing soon anyway, but I'd hate for him to finish after getting injured in the ring and not having a proper farewell.
apart from kurt angle + jeff hardy, the wrestler im worried about the most healt wise is REY MYSTERIO. hes had some sort of dodgy surgery to come back sooner rather than go through proper surgery which would take months of rehab but be much better in the long term. apparently his knees are so bad that its a miracle hes still walking. i've read reports on other sites stating that alot ofthe wrestlers backstage are geniunely worried for him. as am i.
whatever. Angle crippled is still better than half the roster.

then he could say "I won the WWE title with useless freakin legz!!!"

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