Wrestlemania XXXII - The Usos VS The Dudley Boyz


This match has been made official for the big show and I couldn't be less interested in it. There's just no sizzle for this program and the "no more table" schtick has played itself out, at least for me it has.

Personally, I'd rather they put this feud off until after WrestleMania and put these teams in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. There's just too many other things going on right now and it's a little late in the game to make this particularly interesting.

Maybe they'll make this match part of the kickoff show, but I doubt it.
I'd like a show of hands from anybody with strong feelings either way with this match.

I kinda hope Bubba gets the Bradshaw post-Mania overhaul. The Dudleyz are done as a team.
I would really want this on the pre-show along with Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal. If it gets on the main card, It will come off as a filler match at Wrestlemania.

I have no reason to get invested in this feud as it has been lackluster and destroyed my interest in both the teams.

About the tag division, New Day would get LoN mates which We have already seen but still we will get it again. Lucha Dragons is no-more since Kalisto is US Champ. I have a feeling that New Day might lose titles at Wrestlemania but I hope that its not true so that New Day can lose to Enzo/Cass once they are called up.

Interestingly I love Barrett and like the other three of LoN too but still their booking hasn't been good enough to make me excited for them
Has pre-show written all over it.

That's the only reason i'm thankful for this, because between this and the ATGBR, perhaps the pre-show is all filled out, and Ryback Vs Kalisto wont get bumped.
Honestly, I have no issue with this being on the main PPV. Ryback vs Kalisto and Lana vs Brie Bella should be on the pre-show. If you have only all of the good matches on the regular show, the crowd will burn out and the show will be heavily criticized that much more specifically for that reason. The idea of The Dudleys being on the pre-show of WrestleMania is kinda ridiculous and the other match being talked about for being on the pre-show should not have been on the pre-show last year.
This match has been made official for the big show and I couldn't be less interested in it. There's just no sizzle for this program and the "no more table" schtick has played itself out, at least for me it has.

Personally, I'd rather they put this feud off until after WrestleMania and put these teams in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. There's just too many other things going on right now and it's a little late in the game to make this particularly interesting.

Maybe they'll make this match part of the kickoff show, but I doubt it.

I agree. However, the sooner the feud is done the better. I don't see anything coming out of this besides the winner faces New Day...again.

I think The Dudleyz win at WM. It's been a while since they had a win but the Usos beat them at Payback and The Dudleyz win the final match at ER and move on to face New Day. Maybe face New Day vs. heel Dudley Boyz would bring a different dynamic to their feud this time.
Another worthless and meaningless match on a card that's become loaded with them.

This match has been confirmed for the pre-show, to no one's surprise. It makes sense, though. While the program has been lukewarm at best, all four can work. At the very least, it will be a good-not-great match. That's a good role for a pre-show.

There is a small shame in this. Yet again, the Usos are left off of the main card, and going over Dose Damn Dudleys will mean a little less on the pre-show. I can't help but think that there were better alternatives for the whole tag team division at WrestleMania. Oh well.
Seeing this match added to the pre show brings to question if the Five on Five Diva's match makes the main card. If so it is just a travesty.

To the point I also have luke warm feelings about the match. It will be entertaining at moments and the should be payoff off, the Dudley Boyz going through the tables, will get a nice pop. I will say, while not very interesting, at least they've put time building this match. Personally I'd like to see the Dudley Boyz go over and the next night on Raw we find out they are nothing but SAWFT.
This match gets a lots of hate for some reason. This is a damn midcard match. Have you seen any Wrestlemania before 1999? The cards literally had jobbers competing in them and now people are bitching because Ryback vs Kalisto gets to happen.

Ryback can be a great heel and I'm sure this match can be entertaining.

If there is anything to bitch about is why wasn't this heel Ziggler vs Kalisto in a one-on-one match, with them tearing down the place and Ryback in the ladder match. But I kinda like what they've been doing with the IC title so I'm not complaining that much.

EDIT: Oh shit, I had the wrong post open. I'm so sorry everyone :p
4 matches in the pre-show is like a match card all on its own, eh? Personally, I like it. The WWE has 6 whole hours to fill with wrestling and the injuries to some of the bigger players has helped ensure that everyone is getting a fair crack of the whip this year. Honestly though, this match is just yet more filler from the WWE. It's a shame because there's guys are genuinely good tag teams. I really think that they will deliver a decent match if they are given the time to do it. The Usos have been very serviceable over the last few years and the Dudley Boys have a huge legacy in tag team wrestling. Why not give them a match at WrestleMania? Truth be told, it's not a match that I'm particularly thrilled about but it'll do to pass the time during the pre-show.

I think the Dudley Boys win this.
I'm really surprised these two teams aren't doing more. I remember 3 months ago it was like some unwritten rule that the Dudley's were going to get their 10th WWE Tag title and defend them at Mania. It's a shame they didn't turn heel sooner as they're putting in some good work with the limited amount of time they're given.

Anyway, this match should be good as long as both teams are motivated. Don't really care who wins but I'm guessing it'll be the Duds. There has to be more in store for them...
I'm kinda bummed that this match got on the pre-show. I mean, it's the Dudley's first Mania in over a decade and they get pre-show. The Usos (who could have benefit from this) still can't get a taste of the main card. Pre-show or not I'm still looking forward to this match as I like both teams. There are a lot of matches that are on the pre-show. I can't help but wonder if the DVD collector's set will have all the matches from the pre-show. Hopefully they do.

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