Post Final Predictions in here
WZPC World Heavyweight Championship Match
Orangel123 (c) vs tdigle
WZPC Intercontinental Championship
Steamboat Ricky (c) vs C.M.
WZPC Tag Team Championship Matches
psykohurricane (c) v Paul Revere
Skullz Crack'Em (c) vs & Little Jerry Lawler
WZPC Cruiserweight Championship Match
A.J. vs Richard
TM vs klunderbunker
simpsons fanatic742 vs Showtime 24/7
The NSL F'n Show vs Rusty
Deadman vs The Age of Rated RKO
Tastycles vs Burke187
Nathan vs jtbsoon2b
wrestlingfan701 vs Pippen
crazymike0907 vs CDR
afromania vs splinter
randy ortons #1 fan vs hotwater10
TheOneBigWill vs Straight Shooter
murray reiss vs Cody Rhodes
jpfizzle vs DrFeelgood624
Danmen001 vs PlayTheGame
Unholy Profit vs Candice Michelle is HOT
Sparky vs Blizz
Mrs. KB vs Big Wes
SavageTaker vs Daly1888
Tim vs GeneralDisarray
WZPC World Heavyweight Championship Match
Orangel123 (c) vs tdigle
WZPC Intercontinental Championship
Steamboat Ricky (c) vs C.M.
WZPC Tag Team Championship Matches
psykohurricane (c) v Paul Revere
Skullz Crack'Em (c) vs & Little Jerry Lawler
WZPC Cruiserweight Championship Match
A.J. vs Richard
TM vs klunderbunker
simpsons fanatic742 vs Showtime 24/7
The NSL F'n Show vs Rusty
Deadman vs The Age of Rated RKO
Tastycles vs Burke187
Nathan vs jtbsoon2b
wrestlingfan701 vs Pippen
crazymike0907 vs CDR
afromania vs splinter
randy ortons #1 fan vs hotwater10
TheOneBigWill vs Straight Shooter
murray reiss vs Cody Rhodes
jpfizzle vs DrFeelgood624
Danmen001 vs PlayTheGame
Unholy Profit vs Candice Michelle is HOT
Sparky vs Blizz
Mrs. KB vs Big Wes
SavageTaker vs Daly1888
Tim vs GeneralDisarray