Wrestlemania Triple Threat Main Event?


Occasional Pre-Show
So let's say, Sheamus defeats Randy Orton inside the chamber (after Wyatts ruins John Cena's chances, and Triple H ruins Daniel Bryan's chances, Christain and Cezaro tossed out fairly) with Batista having his title shot at Wrestlemania XXX, could we possibly see "Sheamus VS Batista VS Randy Orton" at Wrestlemania XXX? I personally like the idea, but I'd like to know what the rest of the Wrestlezone Community would think of this possible Triple Threat for a main event at Wrestlemania XXX.
Well, first off, I think the Shield are going to have a triple threat match at Mania 30 against each other, so I doubt there will be 2 triple threats at the event.

But, with regard to the question, I would not really be interested in seeing these three fighting for the title at Mania. I think the crowd would be booing all 3 competiors because Daniel Bryan is not in the match, so I don't think it would go over well.

The WWE fans seem to be backing Bryan pretty strong so I don't see any WWE Championship match going well without Bryan in it.

I personally think It will be Orton vs. Batista for the title but it won't be the last match on the card. That will go to Bryan vs. Triple H. so Bryan can beat the Authority and end Mania with a Yes chant. That's how I see it all unfolding.
I'm not a fan of the triple treat main event. I like sheamus, Orton is okay, I hate Batista.

In my opinion, if we can go back to December and rewrite everything, the WM30 card that would sell the best would be:

- Punk vs Bryan WWE Championship match
- Sting vs Taker?
- Brock vs Batista?
- Cena w/Hogan vs Sheamus w/Piper?
- Shield vs Wyatts (or Shield Triple Threat breakup match and Bray vs Ryback - get Ryback back on track)
- Triple H vs Orton
- 4-way Ladder Tag Team Championship Match (Brotherhood, NAO, Usos, Real Americans)
- Jericho vs Ziggler
- RVD vs Kofi

Throw a Divas match in there and a couple Legend spots and you have a great WM card that the FANS will enjoy.
Please god no. Triple threat Mania main events are horrible. A traditional one on one match is always best. This is why they are most common. The only thing I could accept other than that is a fatal four way elimination because eventually the best two will be left standing and face off for the title.

Also, Sheamus is not deserving of a title shot already in my opinion. I don't think anyone would understand why DB wouldn't be in his place.
i think sheamus should feud with del rio in a rubber match. They had an incredible feud over on smackdown. This should settle their score once and for all. PPl would pay money to see the two going stiff against each other. I think theres money to be made between the two. Sheamus vs Del rio in a 2/3 falls singles competition. This is easily the third headliner of mania. This is doable.

The story needs to begin as early as next week to setup the feud. Have sheamus airs out his grievances to the universe and authority. Del rio comes out making the challenge calling out chu wa wa. There needs to be a package of video in reminder to fans of their past history, elevating the importance and value of the feud. The emotion and storytelling would be off the chart. Both sides would cut incredible promos against the two, in similar fashion to rock and austin playing up one to another.

It could work. Have Del rio face Sin cara at EC in the final rubber match in determine who is the overall better lucha talent in wwe. An interference involving sheamus would be huge, it will have the same level of impact when goldberg interfere in the lesnar vs guerrero match. The interference would lead the outcome of cara coming out on top, the reaction would be tremendous similar to guerrero winning the wwe title. The wwe universe would come unglued. Think of the potential.
i think sheamus should feud with del rio in a rubber match. They had an incredible feud over on smackdown. This should settle their score once and for all. PPl would pay money to see the two going stiff against each other. I think theres money to be made between the two. Sheamus vs Del rio in a 2/3 falls singles competition. This is easily the third headliner of mania. This is doable.

The story needs to begin as early as next week to setup the feud. Have sheamus airs out his grievances to the universe and authority. Del rio comes out making the challenge calling out chu wa wa. There needs to be a package of video in reminder to fans of their past history, elevating the importance and value of the feud. The emotion and storytelling would be off the chart. Both sides would cut incredible promos against the two, in similar fashion to rock and austin playing up one to another.

It could work. Have Del rio face Sin cara at EC in the final rubber match in determine who is the overall better lucha talent in wwe. An interference involving sheamus would be huge, it will have the same level of impact when goldberg interfere in the lesnar vs guerrero match. The interference would lead the outcome of cara coming out on top, the reaction would be tremendous similar to guerrero winning the wwe title. The wwe universe would come unglued. Think of the potential.

See, here's the thing. Without the title, the universe doesn't seem to care for these. Whilst I think the Goldberg/Lesnar/Guerrero thing you spoke of got the reaction it did, was not only because it involved the WWE Championship, but also because Lesnar and Goldberg are/were seemingly bigger than the championship. And because Guerrero finally reached the top of the mountain.
if DB is not wrestled for title. Then wwe had one of wrost wm moment.

If HHH wants to fight at wm then fight with randy orton.

eventhough in ec if DB not winning the title then then whole arena booed the champion. So give DB a win at ec and main event wrestlemania as a champion.

My card will be this

If cm punk is not there
Bryan vs batista wwe title match
Hhh vs orton
Taker vs brock
Cena vs bray
shield triple threat
Del rio vs rey
I dont know what sheamus will do
I think I can speak for most DB fans when I say, I don't want him to get the strap at EC just to lose it at WM, so if that's what you are going for, then I say no way ... if he retains, then fine ... I also think most fans want him to have his moment at WM ... but I don't think it will happen.

I think Bryan will get screwed at EC, face off against Trips at Mania 30 for a title shot at Extreme Rules. ER is his home state, so I think if he is gonna win the strap, it would be there (if not Mania).
WWE is in a very awkward position now. The Triple H vs. Punk WM match is likley to be dropped due to Punk walking out. So this leaves Triple H without an opponent, logic dictates that it should be Daniel Bryan that should face Triple H at WM due to their backstory.

Here's the problem Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan is sure to make perfect sense even more so than Triple H vs. Punk. However this leaves a hole in the WWE World Heavyweight Title Match, there is a great chance this match will get boo'ed by the live audience and WWE cannot afford to do that to their main event at WMXXX.

So I propose this solution. Since we are at WMXXX the 20th anniversary of WMX why don't we book the main event similar to that?

Let's say Daniel Bryan gets screwed out of the title at Elimination Chamber by Triple H or the "Machine". Somehow DB gets a WWE World Title Shot but also challenges Triple H for at a Match. So we now have a Yokozuna/Luger/Bret Hart situation.

Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan will face each other off first. Then later in the evening Batista will face of Randy Orton for the World Title and whoever wins that match defends the title against Daniel Bryan.

This does three things
- First it fixes the issue of Triple H being left w/o an opponent
- Second this keeps Batista his World Title Match he got by winning the Rumble
- Daniel Bryan looks great by beating Triple H (I assume so) and wins the World Title in a one on one match and gets his revenge against Orton.
WWE is in a very awkward position now. The Triple H vs. Punk WM match is likley to be dropped due to Punk walking out. So this leaves Triple H without an opponent, logic dictates that it should be Daniel Bryan that should face Triple H at WM due to their backstory.

Here's the problem Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan is sure to make perfect sense even more so than Triple H vs. Punk. However this leaves a hole in the WWE World Heavyweight Title Match, there is a great chance this match will get boo'ed by the live audience and WWE cannot afford to do that to their main event at WMXXX.

So I propose this solution. Since we are at WMXXX the 20th anniversary of WMX why don't we book the main event similar to that?

Let's say Daniel Bryan gets screwed out of the title at Elimination Chamber by Triple H or the "Machine". Somehow DB gets a WWE World Title Shot but also challenges Triple H for at a Match. So we now have a Yokozuna/Luger/Bret Hart situation.

Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan will face each other off first. Then later in the evening Batista will face of Randy Orton for the World Title and whoever wins that match defends the title against Daniel Bryan.

This does three things
- First it fixes the issue of Triple H being left w/o an opponent
- Second this keeps Batista his World Title Match he got by winning the Rumble
- Daniel Bryan looks great by beating Triple H (I assume so) and wins the World Title in a one on one match and gets his revenge against Orton.

That could make a lot of sense. I mean, they made a big issue over Bryan being in two matches in previous events / Royal Rumble during the opening segment of Raw. Maybe, Bryan gets screwed during the Chamber, and Bryan will get to take on HHH at Mania with the stipulation being if he wins that match, he gets the winner of the Orton v Batista title match to end wrestlemania.
I don't mind that, I don't buy Sheamus as a WM Main Eventer and don't think Batista or Orton can carry it. The crowd will shit on it. Cena vs Lesnar vs Batista vs Orton is what I want to see. Then DB breaking the streak. I won't believe Punk's situation isn't a work until the entire card is announced. Even then maybe not lol.

I don't think DB wins the strap until Extreme Rules in Seattle. Maybe he ends the streak, or they could do HHH vs Bryan and if Bryan wins, he gets one last title shot at Extreme Rules. I'd really hate to see Bryan vs HHH though. I think the crowd will shit on a WWE title match not involving DB unless DB gets a chance to end the streak. I say this because I think ending the streak is the only thing higher in value than the WWE title.
Adding anyone but Bryan to the title match is a waste of time, it will still be crapped on, WWE have drawn the line IMO and maybe they think this is making for good TV, genuinely pissed off fans vs WWE management may be this years shooty angle or something, very strange times.
I actually felt Sheamus would win the EC match and title if they were still going with the Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan match at Wrestlemania which reports have stated. But that was before CM Punk left the company, so I really do see Bryan vs HHH the way to go now, makes the most sense. Sheamus, in my opinion, would be better suited in the Authority as their guj for hire, he is much better as a heel, is best friends with HHH ebhind the curtain. Opens up alot of cans of worms. I guess it really depends on whether Sting is facing Taker or Lesnar, as Taker vs Sheamus would be a great match and Taker could have a snug match without getting monstered like Lesnar would do if he could be booked to be the machine that he has been
I guess it really depends on whether Sting is facing Taker or Lesnar, as Taker vs Sheamus would be a great match and Taker could have a snug match without getting monstered like Lesnar would do if he could be booked to be the machine that he has been

I actually was hoping for the possibility of a Sheamus vs. Undertaker match-up, I know it's probably now the most popular choice, but I really do think they could work a good match with one another. Sheamus is an excellent brawler and good for a big man, and so is Undertaker. Sheamus can work well with big men, he's gotten good matches out for Big Show in the past, I think even with Undertaker's age working against him, he could work a good match with Undertaker as well.
I would like to not see a triple threat. A 3way match used to be a novelty and occur because there was 3 guys deserving of the top spot, now it's just a way to use bodies and 1 person generally get's jobbed and there's tons of rest spots. It's one thing to be able to truly work and sell a match but it's a whole different story to sell for two people at the same time effectively without someone getting marginalized.
So let's say, Sheamus defeats Randy Orton inside the chamber (after Wyatts ruins John Cena's chances, and Triple H ruins Daniel Bryan's chances, Christain and Cezaro tossed out fairly) with Batista having his title shot at Wrestlemania XXX, could we possibly see "Sheamus VS Batista VS Randy Orton" at Wrestlemania XXX? I personally like the idea, but I'd like to know what the rest of the Wrestlezone Community would think of this possible Triple Threat for a main event at Wrestlemania XXX.

I couldn't see Sheamus in the title match. They really hadn't build him up to be in a match up that big.

Honestly, I could see him facing Kane at Wrestlemania. His position now reminds me of Orton's from 2012/2013 (before he won MITB and feuded with Bryan)

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