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WrestleMania Re-Write


Getting Noticed By Management
This is a thread for all the fantasy bookers out there...and i know theres a lot of you.

Choose any WrestleMania in history that you think did not reach its full potential. Re write the card and/or the outcomes of the matches on the card in order to improve that wrestlemania. You can re-book the entire show, just a few of the matches on the show or only one match, its up to you. Just find a way to make the show better. Ill go first as an example.

WrestleMania 18

Scott Hall w/Kevin Nash vs. Steve Austin- instead of austin winning this match i would have put scott hall over in order to show the dominance of the NWO. After the match hall and nash could have kicked the shit out of Austin some more and left him a bloody heap in the middle of the ring.

Chris Jericho w/Stephanie vs. Triple H for the Undisputed Title- for the finish of this match the ref would be down, and Jericho would have the upper hand and would be looking to put Triple H in the walls. Then stephanie comes from behind and low blows chris jericho. Its a swerve. Triple H nails the pedigree and the ref comes to and counts the fall. Hall and Nash come out and throw Triple H and Stephanie NWO t shirts and they all stand tall in the ring, triple h holding the undisputed title. Triple H would then take hogans place as the leader of the NWO.
Had I booked Wrestlemania 18, Jericho and HHH would not have even been in the main event. It would have been Undisputed WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin defending against Hollywood Hogan with the nWo at ringside. Austin would retain and Hogan would put him over, rightfully, then the nWo would attack Hogan for failing, Austin would run back to the ring, stunner Hall and Nash and offer Hogan a beer. Hogan accepts, thus turning face and Hulkamania returns as it did. Nice, eh?
Wow theres alot of matches that i wish could have been re-writed. Lets go with wat you guys said so far..hall vs austin..that match was decent at best the built up to the fued I actually did enjoy but the match not so good austin was pretty much done so he wasnt in top shape but hall obviously is fat and old now so it was dissapointing. HHH vs Jericho was actually good so i would leave that alone. And the whole austin vs hogan thing would be stupid lol.

I would have done something about Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar because that match had the potenaial to be amazing but the match was a complete peice of shit match was terrible all they did was stare at each other the whole time and then boom spear goldberg wins match sucked.
When I saw this thread, the first PPV I thought about even before reading the posts was WM 18 LOL. Don't get me wrong, it was a good Wrestlemania but to this day, I still think Rock-Hogan should have closed out the show. Usually I say the title match should close out Wrestlemania but in case I would have made an exception because the 68,000+ fans wanted to see Rock-Hogan more than any other match. Rock-Hogan was clearly the biggest match of the card, heck it might have been the most anticipated match in Wrestlemania history. So I would have put the title match right before Rock and Hogan. That is one change I would have made.

The other changes I would have made would have been to make the Fatal 4 Way a Ladder match. And I would have put Edge and Booker T in the IC Title match to open the show. Edge and Booker T was ok but the fued and match were rushed so I would have put the both of them in a more meaningful match. And I would have had Hall beat Austin thanks to Nash interference. So here would be my final card:

IC title
Regal (c) vs RVD vs Edge vs Booker T

European title
DDP (c) vs Christian

Hardcore title
Maven (c) vs Goldust

Kane vs Kurt Angle

Taker vs Ric Flair

Tag Team Ladder Match
Billy & Chuck (c) vs APA vs Hardyz vs Dudleys

Womens Title
Jazz (c) vs Trish vs Lita

Undisputed Championship
Y2J (c) vs HHH

Rock vs Hogan
Well pretty much every WrestleMania from 2001-current sucked in some way, sure there was awesome matches but overall it hasn't been anyhere near the level it had achieved during the Attitude era.

one match i woulda changed was WrestleMania 9 main event, that was just lame having Hogan get called out and beat Yokozuna after he just been in a marathon match with Bret Hart., better bet woulda been to straight beat Bret and then challenge Hogan in the next PPV. That did nothing except give Hogan a quick tick in the titles column

And the fact Bret never got a rematch from Hogan. hmmmmm..... nor in WCW.

then WrestleMania 10, Bret was involved in two awesome matches but what was the point of Luger, Perfect and Piper they fell flat IMO. So yeah get rid of those and have had it as straight one on one rematch with Yokozuna vs Bret Hart

or for that matter change all main events that involved special referees, they rarely had an impact.
Ill agree with the WrestleMania 9 main event needing to be re-booked. Instead of doing the stupid thing with hart losing to yoko and then hogan coming to save the day i think it simply should have been Hogan vs. Hart for the WWF Championship. That would be a high profile match and would signify Hogan passing the torch to Hart, because would obviously be going over. Unfortunately due to Hogan bullshit this probably wouldn't happen.
Had I booked Wrestlemania 18, Jericho and HHH would not have even been in the main event. It would have been Undisputed WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin defending against Hollywood Hogan with the nWo at ringside. Austin would retain and Hogan would put him over, rightfully, then the nWo would attack Hogan for failing, Austin would run back to the ring, stunner Hall and Nash and offer Hogan a beer. Hogan accepts, thus turning face and Hulkamania returns as it did. Nice, eh?

I think they were having some problems with Austin's attitude at this point in time, and that was why he was given the feud with Hall instead of Hogan ... and why The Rock got the big feud with Hogan.

Reportedly, Austin was also upset at how early his match with Hall was placed on the card, and expected it to be the final match or second to final match.
i think wrestlemania now is better than ever because they are in bigger venues better wrestlers(more athlethic) and better quality i mean i love 90s wrestling thats the era i grew up in but hhh vs warrior, the rock vs the sultan trrible matches the whole hardcore challenge thing at wm2000(wm16) horrible hhh vs kane eh big show vs mankind eh,. the fatal 4 match at wm16 was decent at best so the attitude era had its misses buddy. exciuding wrestlemania 21 and batista vs umaga wretslemania now a days are all good matches and theres alwaya a few gret ones1 with that said the match i would change would be hbk winning over cena. because cena just gt too big after that match and is a esulr 2007 was a horrible year after mania! also i would have had kurt vs taker at wm22 instead of mark henry. i would of had rey defeat Orton in a one on one march. and i would erase the entire wrestlemania 21 except kurt vs hbk and the MITB match
Ill agree with the WrestleMania 9 main event needing to be re-booked. Instead of doing the stupid thing with hart losing to yoko and then hogan coming to save the day i think it simply should have been Hogan vs. Hart for the WWF Championship. That would be a high profile match and would signify Hogan passing the torch to Hart, because would obviously be going over. Unfortunately due to Hogan bullshit this probably wouldn't happen.

The only problem is that you'd have had to re book from basically the Royal Rumble on. As that Rumble was the first where the winner was given the shot at the title at Wrestlemania. Plus Hogan didn't come back until a few weeks before Wrestlemania when Money Inc slammed the briefcase into Beefcake's face. Wouldn't have been near enough of a buildup for that type of match especially when they had been building the Yoko Hart match since late January of that year. The whole problem is that there isn't enough buldup now for the matches because of the monthly ppv's. This year's Wretlemania is similar to what wrestling used to be. There should be plenty of buildup this year for all matches.

As far as the fantasy booking this thread is for I'd already rewrite this years. I think it should be HHH vs. Taker for the title, Edge vs. Orton for the title. They need to go outside the box once. You could allow the fans to choose who is heel and who is face and start new angles from there. And MITB shouldn't feature all mid tier guys either. I'd put in HBK, Cena, JBL, Umaga, Mysterio, Koslov, MVP and R-Truth. Then you could have an Intercontinential Title match and tag titles match as well.
At wrestlemania 19 the wwe had the perfect opportunity to have the austin vs. hogan match, but they failed and instead stuck austin in another filler match with the rock and had hogan feud with vince. The hogan vs. vince angle and match was pretty good but it could have been done at another time leading into another ppv. They should have had Austin vs. Hogan at Wrestlemania 19, it would have drawn soooo much. Then the rock could face someone else, possibly challenging the streak of the undertaker instead of having taker vs. hairy ass albert abd the big nasty bastard. Rock vs. undertaker would have been infinitely better.
Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg, all that hype for nothing. I would have made sure they gave 110% in that match, you think that given these were to be their last ever matches in WWE, they go out with a band, the fans owned them and I think they deserved to have their tails tucked between their legs for being such a let down after the past year they had!

Another match I'd book better is Kane vs. Undertaker at WM20, purely because Kane went down so easily, the match only last 6 minutes whilst their match at Wrestlemania 14 was about 20. All this did was prove how weak Kane has become, from being a hard guy to beat to a guy who goes down in 6 minutes.

Another match I'd redo is Angle vs. Orton vs. Mysterio, boy this one was messed up, purely because it was rushed and Triple Threats should last longer than 8 minutes. It was joke when you have Angle, the best they had on the night, Orton, a rising heel and Mysterio, the underdog and Rumble winner. This would be much longer and shorten a match like Cena vs. Triple H, I think I'd also have Orton go over and have Rey win at Backlash.
Wrestlemania 20.

Stone Cold vs. Goldberg - Okay, this one at the time would have been very unlikely due to Austins injuries. But c'mon, this is the match everyone wanted to see during 98-99 when both men were the top faces for WWF and WCW. I think the fact that they both looked very similar added to that hype for this dream match.

Brock Lesnar vs. Chris Benoit - I would've had Lesnar retain against Guerrero at No way Out and never brought Goldberg into the equation. This match would have tore the house down. Benoit would go over Lesnar but would not close the show. Benoit was one of the best ever but he lacked something that could make him a HUGE star - charisma. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think this match ever happened.

Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels - First off, I would have never had HBK win the elimination chamber. Personally, I would saved the 20th anniversary of Wrestlemania for HBK to finally regain the title after his 4-year hiatus. I think this would have been a far better choice than the triple threat match that did take place. I would have HBK keep on trying to regain the title all throughout 2003, but somehow always get screwed either by Evolution or someone else. Something I would have been is have a backstage promo of HBK sitting down in his locker room focusing on the match and have Jose Lothario come in and give him a little motivation speech about his past and specifically Wrestlemania 12 when his dream finally came true. HBK regaining the title after a career-threatening injury that sidelined him 4 years would have truly been a Wrestlemania moment.
First up...Wrestlemania 8

This was the first WM that they got SERIOUSLY wrong... WM7 had had 14 matches, while not all were classic they all had a storyline and a purpose, they were all built on TV. WM8 had several matches that seemed thrown together for no real purpose other than to debut talent. While Shawn, Owen and Tatanka's singles debuts at WM were ok... neither set the world on fire... and the biggest problem was the bottling Hogan v Flair... a decision that set WWE on a downward spiral for many years after...

Here's what I'd have done.

Opening Match

The "Rocket" Owen Hart vs Shawn Michaels

While both men wrestled squash matches at the show, against Skinner and Tito Santana respectively, I feel this match would have absolutely catapulted both guys into the upper midcard a lot quicker than they actually did... I'd have booked a fast paced, high flying bout backed with near falls... Sherri would have been the deciding factor in Shawn's favour but Owen would have nailed her and Shawn with a plancha after the bell to foreshadow his "not being a nice guy".

Next up would be
Tatanka V The Model Rick Martel...

The only match from the real show that I would keep intact... Same outcome...

WWF Tag Team Championship

Money Inc V Natural Disasters v Nasty Boys v Sgt. Slaughter & "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan

In reality there was a totally lame 8 man tag with and a nothing title defence... I would have the first ever "Fatal Fourway" match with these 4 teams under elimination rules... The rub here would be the heel turn of Jim Duggan, nailing Sgt. Slaughter with the 2 by 4 instead of DiBiase... Duggan would begin a major feud with the Sarge over his checkered past... Duggan would play the hypocrite card... that Slaughter could betray his nation yet be "welcomed back" by the fans... Money Inc would go on to feud with the Disasters and drop the belt as planned a few months later.

Randy Savage vs Jake Roberts: Loser Must Leave WWE

Randy and Jakes feud had got even uglier... with Jake succeeding in hitting Liz with the chair through the curtain though Jake was fearful of the Undertaker, who had stalked him following the attack, going so far as to bring a coffin to ringside during his matches... Savage vowed to end Jake's career in WWE, as his had "ended" a year before...

This would be a feast of near falls and violence, with both men getting juice "hardway"... Jake would use the snake attack again after a ref bump yelling "This one ain't de-venomised" a but the lights go out before he can make attack... When they go up... Taker is in the ring and nails the tombstone on Jake... Savage collapses onto Jake for the 3... this would draw the ire of Jake's new found ally The Mountie who remonstrates with the official... He demands the match be thrown out in favour of Jake... Jack Tunney appears and states there will be another match... Mountie Vs The Undertaker...

Mountie v Undertaker

Out and Out squash... lasts less than a minute...

Big Bossman v Sid Justice

Sid turned on Hulk Hogan at the Royal Rumble...drawing a challenge from Hogan's long time friend the Big Bossman. The match is short, high impact with the finish coming when a Bossman slam is blocked and turned into a Powerbomb... After the match Sid uses Bossmans own Nightstick and cuffs against him to "send a message" to Hogan.

Intercontinental Title #1 Contender Battle Royale


Repo Man, Berserker, Virgil, Tito Santana, Skinner, Davey Boy Smith, Iron Sheik, Bob Backlund, Hawk, Animal, Papa Shango, Koko B. Ware, Greg Valentine, Texas Tornado, Hercules, Brooklyn Brawler, Crush, Barry Horrowitz, Superfly Jimmy Snuka & Terry Taylor.

The match is notable for Hawk & Animal's shock involvement and inadvertant elimination of each other... this leads to a shoving match outside the ring before ref's break it up. The match has 2 former IC champions and two former World Champion in The Iron Sheik and Bob Backlund.

Davey Boy Smith is the winner, last eliminating Papa Shango and Crush as Shango tries to "put the hex on" Crush. Smith is elated as the announcement is made that Summerslam 92 is to take place in England, and he will be fighting for the IC title there...

Roddy Piper (c) V Bret Hart

The special guest referee for this match is a shock as former WCW and current WBF Bodybuilder Lex Luger makes an appearance.

This is a classic match without the blood the original had... finish comes as Piper finally loses his temper with Luger when he tries to prevent him using brass knux... Luger grabs the knux and nails Piper with them...putting Hart onto Piper and counting the pin...

WWF World Title

Ric Flair (c) With Mr. Perfect v Hulk Hogan

In the match the world wanted to see at WM8, We see 'Naitch use every trick in the book to try and beat Hogan... Hogan goes for his Hulk Up and hits the Leg-Drop of Doom... only for Sid to hit the ring and cause the DQ win for Hogan... Out of nowhere... The Ultimate Warrior's music hits and he bounds to the ring.. taking on Sid, Flair and Perfect and helping Hogan to his feet... The crowd roar approval as Hogan and Warrior stand tall once again... Though Flair escapes with the gold...
Next up...

Wrestlemania 9

How they conspired to screw it up two years in a row is beyond me... but they clearly panicked and decided "We need Hogan" back...

This one follows on from my earlier WM 8 booking and I will of course "fill in the gaps"...

IC Title

Davey Boy Smith v Shawn Michaels (c)

Davey Boy was successful in defeating Bret Hart at Summerslam, in his own backyard but lost the title in controversial fashion to Shawn Michaels prior to Survivor Series, suffering an arm injury in the process.

Davey Boy returned at the Rumble at number 9 and made it to the final four with Sid, Shawn and The Ultimate Warrior. Davey eliminated Shawn, only for Shawn to pull him out of the ring...

The grudge re-match was set for Wrestlemania 9 at Ceasars Palace. Shawn controls the match by using Sherri for distractions... but she is his downfall at the 15:09 mark when a mirror aimed for Davey nails Shawn... A running powerslam later and Davey Boy is again the IC champion... Shawn gets to his feet and hits Sweet Chin Music on Sherri before staggering to the back.

Rowdy Roddy Piper v Lex Luger

This match has been brewing since WM 8... A furious Piper showed up at several WBF events calling out Lex Luger, including moments after he won the WBF Championship... Finally Luger had enough and agreed to show up at the Royal Rumble 93 for Piper's Pit.
Luger explained that he respected Piper, but he deserved being knocked cold last year... Piper "pretended" to apologise for his bad behaviour before smashing Luger's WBF Championship trophy over his head... Luger made the challenge and Piper agreed that if he can't beat "a bodybuilder" he'll retire...

The match is an out and out brawl and ends with Piper being forced to submit to Luger's Torture Rack, thus ending his career...

An emotional Piper and Luger eventually shake hands and embrace as Luger announces he is now full time in the WWF.

Yokozuna vs Macho Man Randy Savage

'Zuna showed up just after the Rumble and has been plowing through the lower roster with his "Banzai" Splash. So far Sgt. Slaughter, Big Bossman and Crush have all fallen victim... Randy Savage is the next to feel the Splash as he is unable to stop the 500lb'er

Mr. Perfect v Ric Flair

Mr Perfect returned to action at Survivor Series, turning on Ric Flair to team with Randy Savage... Perfect and Flair have a classic technical battle with Perfect going over with the Perfect Plex.

WWF Tag Team Title

Legion Of Doom v The Steiner Brothers

After their "brawl" and mini feud after last years Wrestlemania, which saw a win apiece for both Hawk & Animal, the two reunited and captured the tag team titles at Royal Rumble from the Natural Disasters... Their joy was shortlived though when the Steiners made their debut moments later challenging LOD...

The match is brutal and the best Tag title match seen for years... Scott Steiner secures the win and the titles with roll up while on Animal's shoulders, causing Hawk to miss the Doomsday device...

Owen Hart v Ted DiBiase

Owen Hart has made a major name for himself in the past year... he beat Shawn Michaels at Summerslam and TV and was Sole Survivor for his team at Survivor Series pinning IRS and The Mountie... This sparked a feud with The Million Dollar man, who "bought" Hart House and threatened to bulldoze it if Owen couldn't beat him...

The whole Hart clan were in attendance for the match, with Stu being instrumental in the finish... Stu climbed the barrier to confront DiBiase while Owen and the ref was down... IRS nailed Stu from behind and as DiBiase prepared to stuff a note in his mouth, Owen quickly school boyed him for the win, thus winning back Hart House for the family...

Razor Ramon & Tatanka v Jim Duggan & Big Bossman

Duggan had been embroiled in a feud with Sgt Slaughter, calling him a turncoat... the two battled and led teams at Survivor Series... with Duggan's twisted version of reality fuelling his momentum he has become a dangerous almost evangelical member of the roster. The latest person to raise his ire is Cuban Razor Ramon, who eliminated him from the Rumble... Duggan has railed against the criminal element that he feels Ramon represents. Duggan has also critisised Native Americans and in particular Tatanka for their percieved "selling out"... Duggan has found an ally in the newly heel Big Bossman, who has renounced his "uniform" for a more militaristic look...

The match sees the team of Ramon and Tatanka mis-communicate but emerge victorious...

Sid v The Ultimate Warrior

Sid and The Warrior have been feuding since Summerslam, when Sid viciously attacked Hulk Hogan, putting him on the shelf... The two eliminated each other at the same time in the Royal Rumble match, making it impossible for the planned clause of the Rumble winner recieving a title shot... Sid, feeling cheated once again vowed to end the Warrior's career... Sid emerges victorious...

Undertaker v Bam Bam Bigelow

Undertaker has been targeted by newcomers Bam Bam Bigelow and Rick Rude... The end comes with Bigelow taking out the Undertaker by nailing him with the urn...

Bret Hart (c) vs Rick Rude

Bret Hart has held on to the title since late just prior to Survivor Series after shocking the world by beating Ric Flair... Hart has had a "fighting champion" attitude, and has defended the belt several times on RAW and PPV defeating the likes of Big Bossman, The Mountie, Shawn Michaels,Rick Steiner and Randy Savage. With RAW going live in February, the world was shocked to see former IC Champion and then US Champion Rick Rude appear from the crowd and attack Hart.

Rude then signed an official WWF contract and brought in his new stable "The Company" with its first member being revealed as Bam Bam Bigelow...

The match is see saw with near falls a-plenty... Rude is really the top heel in the business right now and WWF was right to spend the money to get him back from WCW... the finish comes when Bigelow comes to ringside only to be intercepted by Davey Boy Smith... who proceeds to nail Bret with his newly won IC title!

Rude is the winner and World Champion and The Company control both the singles titles and they are soon joined by The Steiners the following night on RAW.

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