Wrestlemania Poll 2: Best Moment

Most memorable moment?

  • 3 legends kick off the show

  • WM 3 all over again (Cesaro wins the battle royal)

  • THE STREAK ENDS!!!!! (still can't believe it)

  • Bryan beats HHH,Batista,Orton in one night and wins the title

  • Real Americans split

  • other

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Dark Match Winner
At Wrestlemania 30 we seen alot of legendary moments.Some are considered the greatest moments in Mania history.We had seen The Streak end,3 of the 4 faces of the company's in one ring,Cesaro and Show repeating WM 3 (Hogan/Andre) to win the Andre The Giant battle royal,Real Americans split,Bryan becomes the face of the company.What was the most memorable moment from Wrestlemania 30
I'm a little confused here because the "Best Moment" and "Most Memorable Moment" aren't the same thing in this situation, at least not for me. The title of the thread is "Best Moment" while poll options lists the "Most Memorable Moment" so it's just not all that cut & dry.

The "Best Moment" was Bryan winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and delivering the huge payoff that fans wanted. Considering the ending of the streak, it's also a moment that the fans not only needed, but the show needed it as well. Daniel Bryan celebrating in the center of the ring, hoisting two titles, confetti flying all over the place and leading 75,000 people in a huge "YES!!" chant was a gratifying, feel good moment that was desperately needed.

Now, as for the "Most Memorable Moment", that can't be anything but Brock Lesnar ending The Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania. The absolute shock rippled throughout not only the wrestling world, but even through the mainstream media. Both Bryan's title win & the ending of the streak got mainstream press coverage, but the streak was the much bigger story. Taker's streak was the Rock of Gibraltar of pro wrestling; it'd withstood the passage of time and came to be viewed by fans as reliable as the sun coming up each morning. People watching at home or in the crowd didn't have the slightest clue how to react save that we were all just flat out shocked. It'll go down as an incredible moment that signaled a true changing of the old guard and one that could have potentially derailed WrestleMania XXX
The best moment was the biggest moment of the night. Brock ending the streak. It's something that between Shawn and Trips I though would eventually end. Once Taker beat them in 4 consecutive Mania's I thought it would never end. Personally I wanted it to end as I was getting sick of it and to see one of my favorites end it was just the icing on the cake.
Not to be confused with the biggest accomplishment, which has its own topic, the BEST moment of the night was Daniel Bryan's World Heavyweight Championship victory. After having had time to look back on it, I can say now that it has become my favorite ending to a Wrestlemania. After all he had to overcome ever since Summerslam more than 7 months ago, this has been a moment over half a year in the making. He defeated three legends in the same night in Triple H, Batista, and Randy Orton. The image of Bryan holding the belts as tens of thousands of fans chant YES in unison while having more confetti than I have EVER seen rain down on him, that's something I'll never forget. Now, the streak ending may have been a bigger impact, but this thread asks what the BEST moment was. The streak ending was an awful moment to me, despite it having the bigger impact. I vote that moment as the biggest accomplishment, however something negative does not equal being the BEST moment.
The MOST MEMORABLE MOMENT of Wrestlemania 30 was Brock Lesnar ending The Streak. Years from now, people will look back at WM and rewatch that match just for its historic value alone. It can be argued that it was the biggest, most memorable moment in Wrestlemania history and one of the biggest moments in WWE history.
I think the lasting image of Wrestlemania 30, will be one of the many shocked reactions of the fans in the Superdome when Taker didn't kick out of that 3rd F5....

Re-watching it, and seeing ppl getting to jump for joy at Taker kicking out of a 3rd F5, only to realize that he actually didn't and be completely out of words and having the arena in complete silence trying to figure what happened has to make it the Most Memorable Moment of not only WM30, but the MOST MEMORABLE MOMENT in Wrestlemania History,lMO.

Expect such clips to be played on and on as we move forward, because such a Streak was indeed Once in a Lifetime and will most likely never happen again in this day and age of technology.

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