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Wrestlemania Matches - The ECW Title


Dark Match Winner
Do you think that it will be Evan Bourne vs Jack Swagger at WM. There are no other legit contenders for the title and with Evan returning he could spark a fued with Jack Swagger. THis match would work very well because of these 2 seperate styles and how they contrast. THere is no current storline going on for a ecw title match at WM so i think that this tuesday it will begin.

Do you think this match could happen and is good. Personally i will certainly order WM if this match is on the card because bourne is amazing.

Sorry! I meant to say Matches in the title!
I was thinking we'd see Christian vs. Swagger, but I'm actually thinking Tommy Dreamer vs. Swagger...
The Dreamer storyline needs to move forward in the following weeks.
I think it'll be Swagger vs. Bourne. While it's a match I'm intrested in watching. I think it's a poor match to represent ECW. Yes, a poor match to represent a poor brand. But I think they could easily come up with something better. Even something including Miz or Morrison.

The crowd will show a total lack of intrest in a Bourne/Swagger match. A singles match involving those two, yet two more popular wrestlers in MVP & Christian are shoved into the MITB match.
Yeah, I think it's a great idea actually. I'm a fan of Evan Bourne and Jack Swagger so I think they can both put on a great match at Wrestlemania. The ECW Championship needs to be defended at the big show, for many reasons. It was defended last year, in a match that lasted 9 seconds. Hopefully this match actually lasts a while, so that it gives the title credibility but it will also give the participants credibility. I see people saying that Tommy Dreamer should face Swagger for the ECW Title at Wrestlemania 25, but I just can't see it happening.

First of all, we saw them have a feud not that long ago where they had multiple matches against each other, so why would I want to see it again just a few months later? Evan Bourne is a brilliant superstar. He's entertaining in the ring and has the true underdog look. I think he is a vital part of ECW at this moment in time and could easily be launched into the ECW Title picture. I'd take Bourne over Dreamer any day of the week.

ECW can't do much better than this anyway. John Morrison and The Miz will most likely face Carlito and Primo in a Tag Team Title unification match, while Christian is in the Money in the Bank match. I'm looking forward to seeing Evan Bourne fly around the ring once again, and I can actually see him beating Jack Swagger for the ECW Title at Wrestlemania, in what should be a tremendous match showcasing two guys who will most likely be the future of the entire company.
Evan vs Jack huh? hmm that sounds a bit too much of a MEH match to me. I really can't predict which way their headed right now. First it was Swagger vs Christian and now C is in the MITB. Well I hope they wont do something incredibly stupid as to put DJ Gabriel, Finlay or Henry in the match. But I would be really intrested if they were to make the match into an fatal four way extreme rules match with Miz, Morrison, Swagger and Bourne.
I think it'll be either Bourne vs. Swagger or Christian will win MITB and cash it in the day of WM and face Swagger. I think either will work rather well. I don't think we'll see Dreamer pushed till Backlash, because they need Dreamer to be forgotten about. Capt. Charisma is most likely still being punished for his TNA defection. So I see Bourne vs. Swagger at WM because they are the future of ECW maybe even WWE, I hope Bourne leg injury ddin't mess him up too bad like Rey's.
Well the only two ECW superstars left that I can actually see having a match at Wrestlemania that don't have a match yet are Jack Swagger(the ECW Champion himself) and Evan Bourne. So I'm going to go with the two of them facing off for the ECW title. I'd like to see Christian cash his Money in the Bank on Swagger but the WWE does not make much of an effort to push the ECW title as a legitimate world championship. So I'd rather Christian cash in on the WWE or World Heavyweight Champion and just have Bourne vs Swagger for the ECW title.
Right now I think ECW will suffer the same fate as it did last year. Battle royal followed by the winner getting an ECW title shot. Only this year it won't involve anybody who's over, and instead of getting it over quickly they'll go for 10 minutes. 10 very painful minutes.
I dont think the ECW title will be defended at Wrestlemania but if it is I think Swagger will go against Bourne since he's over with the crowd. When bourne comes back to ECW, he can cut a promo or speak with Long about giving him a title shot since Christian, Henry & finlay are all in this years Money in the Bank Ladder Match, maybe have Dreamer interrupts Bourne & says he deserves a title shot & they have a #1 Contender match next week to determined to faces Swagger, but I dont think Dreamer deserves a match against Swagger, we already saw him earlier in the year lose to Swagger & he's basically a jobber now.
With the addition of some sort of an ECW title match, if we even HAVE one, the main card will be up to 9 matches.

2. 25 Diva Battle
3. Hardy vs. Hardy
4. Jericho vs. Legends
5. Colons vs. Miz and Morrison
6. HBK vs. Taker
7. Cena vs. Big Show vs. Edge
8. Orton vs. Triple H
9. ECW Title Match

My point is, even without an ECW match on the card they have plenty of matches to fill the card. I honestly would rather them replace the tag team unification match and add a GOOD ECW match. If they're gonna half-ass it and make it a 10 minute bs match then they might as well give Morrison and Miz some airtime.

If they do a match I want it to be Dreamer vs. Swagger. Tommy Dreamer is the only ECW original left since Super Crazy was let go earlier this year. I want him to win the title back and defend it against Swagger in an ECW Extreme Rules match at Backlash.

I downloaded and watched the last ECW show a week ago. The matches in that show were, in my opinion better than our Wrestlemania last week. Tommy Dreamer was among those with a match on that night, and he had one of the best performances in my eyes. Bring the Extreme back to ECW and let Dreamer hold the title.
I think it'll be Swagger vs. Bourne. While it's a match I'm intrested in watching. I think it's a poor match to represent ECW. Yes, a poor match to represent a poor brand. But I think they could easily come up with something better. Even something including Miz or Morrison.

The crowd will show a total lack of intrest in a Bourne/Swagger match. A singles match involving those two, yet two more popular wrestlers in MVP & Christian are shoved into the MITB match.

I find this post a little strange. The crowd got well into Evan Bourne/Chavo: heck, they got well into a face/face encounter at PPV Cyber Sunday, Matt Hardy/Evan Bourne. I see no reason why they wouldn't be up for Swagger/Bourne. Swagger got great reactions when feuding with Hardy and if anything Bourne is more over anyway. No, I'm serious.

Miz and Morrison will be having a title unification match with the Colons, no? And while I agree that putting Christian in MITB is a bit odd - they surely could have gone for a Triple Threat with Swagger, Bourne, and Christian - they can always save that match for Backlash or something.

Swagger will retain, though. Or he'll get the belt back at Backlash if he drops it. Dreamer is putting Swagger over at One Night Stand FACT!
Dreamer, I don't think he'll have his title match till June, that's when his 'deadline' is.
Christian, I thought he would take on Swagger but now he's in MITB.
Finlay, been done to shreds.
Henry, see Finlay.
Bourne.... Evan Bourne.... I think it'll be him for sure, look at the other options... lame. Swagger and Bourne could open the night, sure the crowd might be quiet but us IWC can enjoy it! They're both young and have conflicting styles, i would really enjoy this match up!!!
I find this post a little strange. The crowd got well into Evan Bourne/Chavo: heck, they got well into a face/face encounter at PPV Cyber Sunday, Matt Hardy/Evan Bourne. I see no reason why they wouldn't be up for Swagger/Bourne. Swagger got great reactions when feuding with Hardy and if anything Bourne is more over anyway. No, I'm serious.

Swaggers match with Finaly at No Way Out got little to no reaction. It's a different thing being in the ring with Matt Hardy.

Bourne was over in his match at Cyber Sunday, but maybe that had something to do with Matt, or maybe he really is over.

But I'd be inclined to think that on a card with big matches like HHH vs. Orton, Hardy vs. Hardy, Bigshow vs. Cena vs. Edge etc. This will be a piss break for people. When else are the going to go? During the Diva's battle royal? I doubt it. battle royals aren't great, but people love Trish Stratus. Maybe the tag title match, but people are likely to wait around to see the titles being unified or whatever the stipulation is.

This match would be used to let the fans have a rest between two of the bigger matches.
They could have the Pre-Mania battle royal like they did last year, last year Kane wasnt even in ECW but left the champ. Bit of a long shot but i was looking at the Wrestlemania poster n everyone on the poster has a match.... except R-Truth, just a thought

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