Wrestlemania Main Events rate 1,2,3


Getting Noticed By Management
Put the following matches for Wrestlemania in order of most anticipated to least (or lesser) anticipated

-John Cena vs The Rock
-HHH vs Undertaker (Hell in the Cell, special guest Referee Shawn Michaels)
-CM Punk vs Chris Jericho (WWE Title)

I gotta say for me they're all quite anticipated but I say

Cena/ Rock, #1, close 2nd HHH vs Taker and #3 Punk vs Jericho.

Each week it seems like all 3 of these mainevent are getting better, almost competeting with one another. What are your ratings?
Team Johnny vs Team Teddy #1

Punk vs Jericho #2

Bryan vs Sheamus #3

Rock vs Cena and Taker vs HHH are only on my list of things I do not give a fuck about that are happening at WM28.
1. Cena vs. Rock

2. Taker vs. HHH

3. Punk vs. Jericho

I would like to put Punk vs. Jericho at #2 but there isn't as much effort being put into that match as there should be. Still plenty of time though.
1. The Rock vs. John Cena
The only think that could top this match would be Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. John Cena…just like the only think that could top Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock would be Hulk Hogan vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin…

2. Undertaker vs. Triple H
The Streak, to me, is more and more important every year, because this could be the last match.

3. CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho / Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus
The WWE World Title matches will always be important, but this year, at my age, I’m more interested in “My” Era.
Team Johnny vs Team Teddy #1

Punk vs Jericho #2

Bryan vs Sheamus #3

Rock vs Cena and Taker vs HHH are only on my list of things I do not give a fuck about that are happening at WM28.

Posters like this make me laugh.

You're probably the same type of person who belittles big time bands and only give credit and praise the underground and lesser known bands because its the cool thing to do.

Dont bullshit a bullshitter.
Posters like this make me laugh.

You're probably the same type of person who belittles big time bands and only give credit and praise the underground and lesser known bands because its the cool thing to do.

Dont bullshit a bullshitter.

I like some underground bands, but the majority of them are shit, so I would say off hand that any, and every band that you like is probably complete shit weather its a underground band or big popular band.

Currently listening to the David "Bowie Earthling" album, which I downloaded just to hear "I'm afraid of Americans" which is a collaboration with Trent Reznor of NIN. Two of my favorite artists on the same song, ZMOG!.!

And I've been open about the amount of fucks I do not care about Rock vs Cena since Rock vs Cena was announced for WM28 last year. I fucking cannot stand the Rock.

As for Taker H, the other two matches the two have had, have been shit, why would I be excited and/or give a fuck about the 3rd one?

the Team Teddy vs Team Johnny as my #1 pick was a joke, but I give far more fucks about Bryant vs Sheamus and CM Punk vs Jericho than I do the two other matches everyone has a hard on for
I like some underground bands, but the majority of them are shit, so I would say off hand that any, and every band that you like is probably complete shit weather its a underground band or big popular band.

Currently listening to the David "Bowie Earthling" album, which I downloaded just to hear "I'm afraid of Americans" which is a collaboration with Trent Reznor of NIN. Two of my favorite artists on the same song, ZMOG!.!

And I've been open about the amount of fucks I do not care about Rock vs Cena since Rock vs Cena was announced for WM28 last year. I fucking cannot stand the Rock.

As for Taker H, the other two matches the two have had, have been shit, why would I be excited and/or give a fuck about the 3rd one?

the Team Teddy vs Team Johnny as my #1 pick was a joke, but I give far more fucks about Bryant vs Sheamus and CM Punk vs Jericho than I do the two other matches everyone has a hard on for

Well much like your joke about Teddy vs Johnny, I was joking about what type of music you like....because as you would say, "I couldn't give 2 fucks."

I'm interested as to why you think the Taker/HHH match at WM 17 was shit...you're the first person I've heard rag on that match. Last year got a little criticism but that was expected coming off of 2 outstanding Undertaker Wrestlemania matches with Shawn.

Bryan/Sheamus has a crap build with a title that lost it's prestige a long time ago. Sheamus winning the title won't exactly propel him to the top of the company...yet you're more interested in this than HHH/Taker inside a HIAC with HBK as guest ref.

I'm just not buying it, bud. I know you don't give a shit about what I think....but I'm here to tell you I think you're full of shit. Stop trying to impress people....because they don't give a fuck either.
Yeah, don't pay attention to French Kiss. Chance are, anything you find interesting, she will find it shit.

So it's a chick?


I just find it funny that "She" doesn't care about the main event even though "She" is an obvious John Cena nut hugger with that signature of "hers."
Well much like your joke about Teddy vs Johnny, I was joking about what type of music you like....because as you would say, "I couldn't give 2 fucks."

I'm interested as to why you think the Taker/HHH match at WM 17 was shit...you're the first person I've heard rag on that match. Last year got a little criticism but that was expected coming off of 2 outstanding Undertaker Wrestlemania matches with Shawn.

Bryan/Sheamus has a crap build with a title that lost it's prestige a long time ago. Sheamus winning the title won't exactly propel him to the top of the company...yet you're more interested in this than HHH/Taker inside a HIAC with HBK as guest ref.

I'm just not buying it, bud. I know you don't give a shit about what I think....but I'm here to tell you I think you're full of shit. Stop trying to impress people....because they don't give a fuck either.

I don't find Undertaker vs Triple H entertaining. Undertaker has had some good matches, but not vs Triple H.

Sheamus won the Rumble, that should be enough hype alone going in. The fact that the month prior to Bryant winning the title, Bryant wasn't even featured on Smackdown for 4-6 entire weeks. Interesting dynamic to build on, and very experimental in terms of a typical WHC match at WM, because it features two completely new people in the WHC/main event picture on the card.

Christian, Orton and Henry all helped elevate my level of interest in the WHC over the past year. I've actually preferred the WHC scene over the WWE title scene over the past year.

I've seen Taker vs H, twice at WM. Ive see HBK vs Taker twice at WM. Whoo fucking Hooo. Rest holds, false finishes, reversal/stolen finishers and a lot of laying around will take place during this encounter, which will be a lot of what I've seen before from the combination of the three at WM.
1) Big Show vs Cody Rhodes

2) The Rock

3) Randy Orton vs Kane

4) The pissing contest between Taker, HHH and Shawn Michaels

5) Potential Santino title defense
1) Big Show vs Cody Rhodes

2) The Rock

3) Randy Orton vs Kane

4) The pissing contest between Taker, HHH and Shawn Michaels

5) Potential Santino title defense

Big Show and Rhodes eh? Cool....I can't wait to see that too. I will be up all night the night before just thinking about what they are going to do and how the outcome will play out

What's with these people in this thread trying to be different? It's fuckin hilarious.

Sooooo, Punk/Jericho will be your piss break huh? Or maybe you'll order another pizza and refill your bong during that match? That's just filler anyways....unlike the must see Big Show/Rhodes match...

I love the internet.
Big Show and Rhodes eh? Cool....I can't wait to see that too. I will be up all night the night before just thinking about what they are going to do and how the outcome will play out

What's with these people in this thread trying to be different? It's fuckin hilarious.

Sooooo, Punk/Jericho will be your piss break huh? Or maybe you'll order another pizza and refill your bong during that match? That's just filler anyways....unlike the must see Big Show/Rhodes match...

I love the internet.

You know, that post I made, unlike most of the stuff I post in this section, was devoid of sarcasm of any kind. That's how I genuinely feel about the card.
Rock vs. Cena
Undertaker vs. Triple H
Bryan vs. Sheamus

I love Jericho and Punk. But I love Bryan more. <3
The Rock vs. John Cena
Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk
Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus

I'm anticipating Bryan/Sheamus more than I am Triple H vs. The Undertaker, however I am still looking forward to the latter. This years card is definitely Wrestlemania quality, so far I'm looking towards every match.

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