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Wrestlemania: Face VS Face


Mid-Card Championship Winner
WrestleMania 23 was the most successful WrestleMania ever at the time. And sure, Trump vs. Vince was pretty big, but a lot of that credit goes to HBK/Cena and Batista/Undertaker. Those were 4 giant faces in the WWE that fans were dying to see face off against each other.

That's what made Hogan/Warrior, Taker/Shawn and Rock/Cena work so well too. People like seeing their favorites face off against each other. Heels still have their value in wrestling, but it's to put over the faces and make them into bigger stars. Once you build up two huge faces, having them face off at WrestleMania is a no-brainer.

In today's climate, I can see a bunch of other big face vs. face matches be huge if WWE decided to go that route again.

1. Undertaker vs. John Cena- This is the big one. We NEED this match. But of course no one wants Cena to lose to UT for some reason. It could be a huge seller though.

2. CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan- Huge match there. Two solid wrestlers with lots of backstory and huge fanbases. I think a match where both of them are faces could be huge.

3. John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan-
Now, Cena/Bryan wasn't as successful as WWE hoped, but I think Bryan is far more over now than he was at the time. He was getting solid wins, but he wasn't a main eventer YET. Now he's clearly a staple in the main event and can probably get some big $$ off a rematch with Cena.

4. Batista vs. Roman Reigns- Turn Reigns face, build him up as the new Batista and have him face Big Dave 1-on-1 at Mania. I think it could be a passing of the torch moment. Of course, only if Roman lives up to the hype.

Sadly, what we'll probably get Batista/Cena again and a Randy face turn before we get any of these. Oh well.

What face/face matches would you guys like to see main event Mania??
My perfect WM face/face match would be Cena & CM Punk. This is what Punk would need to forever cement his legacy in the WWE, a main event mania match with Cena where he goes over and gets the title. That would be the absolute perfect main event for me, however it doesn't appear to be going that way. CM Punk has been very vocal about wanting to headline WM, why hasn't he yet??? They need to do it now, before Punk gets too tired and retires.

Taker/Cena would also be a match I would want to see. He is the only current star on the roster who I would actually believe he could end the streak. This also needs to happen before Taker gets too tired and retires.
In my mind punk is on his way to face HHH which makes more seance than home verdins Cena Cena should vs Bray Wyatt in an I quit match imagine the Wyatt's costing Cena the elimination chamber
Before the ref locks the door the lights will go off and out comes the Wyatt's and attacks Cena.
He could have many good promos about how Cena is an object used by the machine. This could also get the Wyatt's more over as heels and will give Cena a descent pop.
Punk should vs Kane at the EC after he costs punk the rumble this will result in punk taking on the head of the authority HHH

I still think Bryan vs Batista in a world title match at WM would be best for buisness as Dave is a commodity wrestler like the rock in a way and would give Bryan his Benoit Mania moment
this year they played with heel vs face concept.
Brock vs batista for wwe title after ec brock will be a active wrestler so he can win the title from randy and give randy a time off for wm.

Brock vs batista where batista wins it
cena vs bray in match where bray wins it
Bryan vs sheamus where sheamus wins it
Taker vs shield where taker wins it
Punk vs hhh where punk wins it
Cody vs goldust loser leaves wwe where cody wins it
The usos vs NAO where usos wins it
big e vs mark henry where big e wins it
I really enjoy seeing face v face matches often because it requires better writing beforehand. It's not as simple as bad guy doing something antagonistic; good guy wants revenge. Fight.

If we are looking at face v face matches this WM then there are two options that stand out for me. Cena vs Taker and Cena vs Bryran.

Cena/Taker is right now my dream for Mania. It is a feud we haven't seen since Cena reached this level and I'm desperate for it. There is the element of doubt as there is always the chance that super-Cena gets to end the streak. He shouldn't but I'd still love to see this. The build-up I guess could start with Taker confronting Cena and go from there. Neither would be playing the typical heel. There wouldn't be, for example, any mocking of the dead which is fine for a heel but not Cena.

The other is Cena v Bryan for the belt. Cena beats Orton and Bryan wins the Rumble. This is a match that I think could definitely work heading into Mania. The only issue I have is Bryan beating Cena clean, twice. We know it would be a great match and Bryan would surely have to win meaning Cena loses to him twice. Again, it could work and the feud would be interesting no doubt.

I'd love to see something involving Punk as well. Punk vs Cena or Bryan would be great options. However, Cena/Punk would definitely be more effective with Punk portraying a heel.
For the love of god why? Why? Why? Why? How many Summer Slam Main Events are going to be re-booted as the Mania main event????? NO NO NO NO NO to Cena vs Bryan. We saw it at Summer Slam, and we saw Cena vs Batista at Summer Slam then that same Mania. Then we saw HHH vs Brock at Summer Slam and then at that same Mania. Stop!!!

I personally never liked the idea of Punk against HHH ....again, at this Mania. Their first storyline was soooo similar to this with HHH in charge and in cahoots with Johnny Ace and Nash. This is the same shit with the Outlaws involved. Wwe creative is at an all time worst when it comes to writing. The talent is plentiful but damn, get some new writers already. I'm tired of rematches... So tired.

Same goes for Orton vs Batista. Please not again. They've faced off enough already. The ability is there to have a card full of FRESH matches but all I'm hearing is recycled garbage.

Now back to the topic on hand....

Face vs Face best possibilities to Main Event Mania is:

Cena vs Punk (2 best in the business), then have Bryan vs Undertaker (Taker is the higher power behind his new Ministry- The Wyatts) OR Punk vs Bryan (best wrestlers and best friends would be my pick with Cena vs Undertaker as co-main event. Then let Brock and Batista go at it.

So if I had my way and Stone Cold, The Rock and HBK were all a no go...

Bryan vs Punk (WWE World Title)
Cena vs Undertaker
Batista vs Brock


Cena vs Punk (WWE World Title)
Bryan vs Undertaker
Batista vs Brock

would be the top 3 matches....after that you can have Orton vs Jericho and HHH vs Reigns.

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