Wrestlemania build or the big summer storyline?


I'm from Winnepeg you idiot!
So it seems every year we have 2 big periods in WWE. First we have the WM build and show itself then we have the big summer

So what I'm asking is....

Which do you look forward to the most? The Road to WM and the show itself or the big summer angle and why?

I like the summer better because you never know what to expect, the road to Wrestlemania is basically a huge build up to disappointing matches
Well the difference between the 2 is that the expectations for WM are always alot higher. When you're going into the biggest show of the year they ususally have to rely on all the top guys to deliver as they should. But in the summer there is more freedom to try something new when the expectations arent so high. So thats why in a big summer angle your more likely to see a group of new guys show up and take over (Nexus).

Basically I think most people are more satisfied with the summer angle because the expectations arent so high.
I've enjoyed the big Summer storyline in recent years because it has generally being unpredictable, whereas yes the Road to Mania is typically the same year after year ie Rumble winner picks who he will face on the RAW after the Chamber PPV with hitting his finisher and then typically saying 'I'll see you at Wrestlemania when I'll take your title'.

I would like to see WWE start off a big Mania storyline the night after Summerslam this year though, maybe leading to a Lesnar/Taker match or heaven forbid Punk/Austin. If that did happen it would thankfully take off a pointless few months like the build towards to Cena/Rock, in fact the match doesn't have to be set in stone from that date.
I love both the build to Mania and the Big summer storyline. In recent years I have preferred the Summer (Nexus, Punks Pipebomb). No knock to the Rock/Cena build, it's just that these past 2 summer stories have been huge and unpredictable. Unfortunately the end of the Nexus angle wasn't the greatest. I am really anticipating what WWE have cooked up for us this summer and I really hope it doesn't involve the Brock/HHH angle
i prefer the Sumner angle reason being i enjoy Summerslam alot more then Wrestlemania and especally recently the summer angles have been way better then the Mania bulids i am looking foward to seeing what they will be doing this Summer
I really like both, but I still prefer the Mania build up. It's Mania after all. I know the expectations are high, but Mania time is the one time of year I just open up and enjoy everything they are doing. I give everything the benefit of the doubt and just take it all in. I love the big summer storyline to, but in my mind nothing compares to Wrestlemania season and its build up.
Mania is more predictable to an extent because the seeds are planted early, it's good storytelling and should be that way since you have more casual eyes. The summer is more unpredictable and experimental.

Personally, I don't think anything beats the road to Wrestlemania. From December on it's a bunch of fun. Guys coming back, the Rumble, etc. Summer is fun but in a different way. It's almost apples and oranges.

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