Wrestlemania 50


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
I've seen a lot of people talk about wanting/thinking Hogan to show up at Wrestlemania 25. I'm not sure where the talk came from, or if it's possible, but it got me thinking. He's been around about 30 years...So, who that's around now, has a chance at appearing at Wrestlemania 50? They'd obviously have to be fairly new to the business, say within 5 or 6 years.

If everything pans out right, my guess would be Jack Swagger. He's already on his way to big things, by winning the ECW title this early in his WWE career. He has the talent to continue performing at a high level, and his mic skills are improving. If he's booked right, and stays healthy, I don't see anything stopping him from being a major heel for a while, and possibly still being involved with the company 25 years from now.
Well, it wasn't but a few years back we seen a Vince McMahon against Hulk Hogan match at WrestleMania 19. I'd venture to say by around WrestleMania 50 we could easily see a Triple H. v. Shane McMahon contest, for who continued to put the W.W.E. on the map.. long after Shane had taken the company from his Father. (or Triple H., either or)

My guess would be Randy Orton may very well be around by that time as well, but it'd be kinda hard for him with the injuries he's already racked up.

Out of the current wrestlers, I think arguably Jack Swagger has the best chance, but I don't see him being with the company that long if his run after the E.C.W. Championship goes south.
I'd say Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase Jr. They both have shown the pedigree to be in this business, they are working extremely well now, both are pretty young, and almost every living wrestling fan will have experience either or even both Cody, Ted, and their respective fathers in wrestling history. If these guys are around at WM50, that means 55 years of the Rhodes and DiBiase families in professional wrestling. Awesome.

And we'll have an LD here for it...
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I like your idea, but I am a little thrown off by your question. I assume you mean by 'appear at Wrestlemania' you mean in some form of wrestling capacity as I assume we could be just as likely to see a white haired HHH, a bald Michaels, or a grey haired Cena as we would young up and rising Swagger.

If we mean appearing, as in wrestling, then the list shrinks to the few and young, Swagger, as you mentioned, Orton could also still be wrestling in 25 years, as could Rhodes, DiBiase, Bourne and DH Smith. All those guys have legitimate chances to still be wresling at Wrestlemania 50 as they'd be between the ages of 54 (Orton) and 49 (Rhodes and Smith). A lot can still happen in 25 years and we'll have to see how long these guys hold up physically as well as if any of them will attain status and immortal icons which would allow them to easily be still wrestling into their 50's, like Hogan, Flair, Undertaker and Michaels. But as you said, Hogan was wrestling for 5-6 years before the first Wrestlemania, aside from Orton, none of these guys have wrestled 2 years in the WWE, they still have a long way to go, but if I were to choice two, I'd pick Orton and Rhodes.

Looking ahead, we have to find someone who's barely cracked the age of 20 to have a legitimate shot at wrestling at Wrestlemania 50. Ric Flairs son Reid turns 21 this February and if he proves to be anything like his father, or even better, then I think he certainly will have a much better chance at appearing at Wrestlemania 50 than the guys mentioned.

Going way deep into the crystal ball and pulling out legitimate fantasies that may never happen, imagine Wrestlemania 50, Michaels son, Cameron age 9, will be 34 at WM50, taking on Jericho's son, Ash age 5, will be 30 at WM50, in a final battle to settle the feud Jericho/Michaels had in 2008. That would be epic if it were ever to happen. Anyway, that's my views on who may be appearing/preforming at WrestleMania 50.
I don't think we will see anyone that long from now in a wrestling capacity.
The work rate is just too hard now with the daily grind, monthly PPVs and weekly shows. Hogan's career was heavily aided by the fact that he did not have to deal with this early on and was able to avoid a lot of nagging injuries current stars cannot duck.
I don't think we will see anyone that long from now in a wrestling capacity.
The work rate is just too hard now with the daily grind, monthly PPVs and weekly shows. Hogan's career was heavily aided by the fact that he did not have to deal with this early on and was able to avoid a lot of nagging injuries current stars cannot duck.

I agree, any single guy would be very lucky, but I think if any are around its the 2nd and 3rd generation guys that are around now and the ones about to join the main roster. As for Swagger, WWE would be lucky to keep him from joining MMA sooner or later.
I'm sure at Westlemania 50 Triple H and John Cena will still have the two world title belts and wrestling in the two main events. Triple H will probably own part of the WWE at the point too. Talk about being the smartest guy in world. Marry your rich bosses daughter and you pretty much have it made forever.

All joking aside at Wrestlemania 50 I think there is a posibilty that Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, and Ted Dibiese will be around. I think they're all still in their low 20s to mid 20s right now. Maybe if he becomes a star like his dad maybe Ric Flair's son Reid will still be in the WWE still at WM 50.
i think vince will be old and in a wheel chair by wm 50. stephanie and trips are in full control of wwe productions, and shane will be behind the scenes like linda is now. i don't even wanna try to guess who currently will make it to wm 50. it'll be funny if taker is still wrestling at that time just to keep his streak going! he can do a match once a year at wm, and issue some kind of challenge every year to anyone that's will to accept.
Id really be surprised if you seen anybody still wrestling then. Not necessarily because they would be too old to wrestle cause there are a few guys that would still be under 50 but because they simply wouldnt need to. That's the difference between this generation and previous ones and that is they make alot more money. Before only a couple guys made over a million a year now almost all of the bigger stars make that after PPV bonuses and things like that. For proof of that check out Batista's crib on MTV cribs. That thing was huge and he had a $300,000 Lambo and a few other luxury cars. 99% of the wrestlers back in the day couldnt afford things like that which is why many of them wrestled for so long. Plus I think alot of the wrestlers today are smarter with their money, many of them have other investments as well.
By the time WrestleMania 50 gets here, i doubt any of the talent today would be on the full time roster. Of Course it's possible for many of the superstars of today to be there in some compacity just not wrestling. I think Triple H will still be an on air talent maybe a GM role, Stephanie and Shane would be running things by then. John Cena and Orton would probably be like the Hogan/Flair's of today. It's really hard to say about Jack Swagger, I think the best is yet to come from him, if someone would've asked me this question a few years ago I would've said Brock Lesnar, but as of right now I would def say Cena or Orton.
I don't know about Swagger. I don't love the guy and I don't think he will make it as big as people think. Guys like Triple H will be the Ric Flairs and the younger guys will be pretty old as well. I really can see Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase, and Orton is pretty young to. So I don't know about Wrestlemania 50, but I can certainly see them in the main events of future Wrestlemanias. Hey, who knows, maybe if we're lucky we will say Undertaker going for 41-0!

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