Wrestlemania 32: Brock vs open challenge


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I was thinking that a Wyatt Ve Lesnar co main event will suck. What if WWE pulled an angle where the night after Fast Lane, where Brock invariably gets screwed out of the title in the triple threat match then goes ballistic and destroys the Wyatts, Paul Heyman announces on Raw that at Wrestlemania, Brock Lesnar has an open challenge to anybody. They could tease opponents like Orton, Bryan or Cesaro or they could sign a legend to a one shot deal like Goldberg or Batista or whomever. WWE found really play it up, people will tune in to see who exactly accepts the challenge. Hell Austin could tease a match, The Rock could tease s match. They would have literally up to Showtime to sign whomever. I think it would be awesome and a first at Wrestlemania I believe. Thoughts
While I too have my doubts about a match with Wyatt, one of the last things I want to see is Lesnar obliterating them. Bray Wyatt has had enough incidents where he's been cost momentum already and it's impossible to make Lesnar look even more like a beast than he already does, so I see no reason to burn the Wyatt Family.

As for Goldberg or Batista, I'd rather watch a match with Wyatt. Goldberg is massively overrated both in terms of greatness and inside the ring and fans didn't exactly welcome Batista back with open arms a couple of years ago. A match against Lesnar at WrestleMania, in my opinion, and, ideally, should be something that benefits someone already on the roster and busts their ass wrestling year round. There's no benefit for guys like Goldberg, Batista or the Rock as they're just there for a massive payday.

Speaking of the Rock or Austin, it's just not gonna happen. For one thing, nobody buys into the notion of the Rock wrestling again because insurance companies will refuse to cover him while filming one of his action movies if he wrestles. Would a match with the Rock draw? Sure, I've little doubt of that. However, it's also a match that I don't think would be all that great and I think a lot of other fans would agree once the euphoria of the Rock having another match died down a bit and they thought about things. Austin, on the other hand, has spent the last several years teasing matches and, frankly, I'm tired of it. Usually, a few times a year, he'll say something about potentially having another match in order to get a buzz going, but that's as far as it goes. Also, Austin hasn't wrestled in well over a decade, has two bad knees, a bad neck and there's no guarantee that he'd even be medically cleared as WWE has strict guidelines for clearing wrestlers. Given Lesnar's highly physical style, and the fact that he's just flat out stiff as hell, I highly doubt Austin would come out of a match without being hurt.

Randy Orton is out injured and won't be cleared for WrestleMania. Cesaro MIGHT be cleared in time to compete, but the jury's out. As for Daniel Bryan, IF the latest reports of the WON are accurate, it's unlikely that WWE will clear Bryan to wrestle and there are discussions regarding a non-wrestling role within the company.

Realistically speaking, there aren't a whole helluva lot of options for Lesnar. Off the top of my head, the only matches available that I think have any real potential would be against either Bray Wyatt, AJ Styles, Kevin Owens, Dean Ambrose or a rematch with Roman Reigns.
I was thinking that a Wyatt Ve Lesnar co main event will suck. What if WWE pulled an angle where the night after Fast Lane, where Brock invariably gets screwed out of the title in the triple threat match then goes ballistic and destroys the Wyatts, Paul Heyman announces on Raw that at Wrestlemania, Brock Lesnar has an open challenge to anybody. They could tease opponents like Orton, Bryan or Cesaro or they could sign a legend to a one shot deal like Goldberg or Batista or whomever. WWE found really play it up, people will tune in to see who exactly accepts the challenge. Hell Austin could tease a match, The Rock could tease s match. They would have literally up to Showtime to sign whomever. I think it would be awesome and a first at Wrestlemania I believe. Thoughts

I have said it before and i will say it again that in no way, Bray Wyatt VS Brock Lesnar will suck. I still think it has the potential of being a awesome match. I am all on for it only if Bray has to go over.

As for the other veterans going against Brock Lesnar, No Please No. I dont want a replay of Brock Lesnar VS John Cena with this time Brock's opponent being a veteran like Rock, Austin etc. Randy Orton and Cesaro are not going to compete at Wrestlemania and i have doubts about Bryan getting cleared and more doubts about him being against Brock.

Realistically speaking, there aren't a whole helluva lot of options for Lesnar.

That's for sure. Isn't it ironic that WWE has virtually painted itself into a corner by booking Brock as so far superior to everyone else on the roster that there could be huge problems in finding someone for him to fight at the biggest event of the year?

Remember something; since WM draws more buyers than any other event, these additional buys have to be coming from folks who aren't true wrestling fans. Many are 'event followers,' people who want to be seen doing whatever they believe everyone else is doing.

To that end, the want star power; advertise the Rock as a participant at WM and they'll flock to their PPV providers.....they won't particularly care if he wrestles or not, imo.

Okay, so let's give these folks some names who might answer the call to Brock's open challenge:

Goldberg: The match sucked in '04 and probably would again. Plus, that was 12 years ago and many potential buyers wouldn't know who Goldberg was.

Daniel Bryan: If it can be medically arranged, it will happen, although viewers should prepare to be unpleasantly surprised at the massive difference in size between the two. Okay, so Daniel will deliver roundhouse kicks to the legs and Brock will stand there and take them, wincing in pain. Meanwhile, I doubt Brock wants to lose his monster image to Daniel......even as it's hard to believe WWE would bring Bryan back for a much-ballyhooed return.....and have him lose.

Roman Reigns: He's probably the best opponent for Brock but why would they have to bring this match to being with an open challenge? Wouldn't it be better to publicize it?

Steve Austin: The man is 50 years old and doesn't want to wrestle anymore. Plus, I can't see him wanting to participate in a match that is 'dropped in' at the last minute, with no prior publicity. In addition, Austin might get killed.

Kevin Owens: After Reigns, he might be the best option, although WWE would have to advance his cause quite a bit between now and April. The match itself would probably be dynamic.

So, I don't see the advantage of an open challenge for Brock. He'll kill someone who hasn't been in the ring for a long time, overpower smaller guys......and if WWE thinks just the name 'Brock Lesnar' would be enough to make people buy the event......without having a clue whom he'd be fighting......they might wind up regretting it.
This reminds me of three feuds.

Remember how everyone said that the Cena/Wyatt feud would suck and the matches would suck and how this untested rookie was coming in against a legend. What happened? Bray and Cena put on several MOTY candidates and had an awesome ass feud I wouldn't mind seeing again. The feud even teased Cena turning heel and looked as if it was was going to happen.

Remember The Undertaker vs. Bray Wyatt. Remember how it was a dream match until it was announced they were going to have a feud and a match. From there it was impending doom in peoples eyes. Everyone thought it was going to be a crappy match. What happened? It was a pretty good match. While it wasn't exactly "Match Of The Year." It was still a pretty good match.

Then let's move on to Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns. Remember how it was suppose to be "worse than Goldberg vs. Brock." What happened IT STOLE THE FREAKING SHOW!! and became one of the greatest matches of all-time.

My point to it is don't judge a match or feud before it even happens. Mainly if you've never seen it before. It's crazy though because the same people complaining was the same ones who wanted to see this match over Brock vs. Owens. And the same ones who wanted over Brock vs. Owens wanted Brock vs. Owens over Brock vs. Reigns II. Now I am see people wanting the originally rumored Brock vs. Roman match. It seems that no matter what WWE does to give fans what they want, they can't win for trying.

I personally wouldn't want to see it either. My ideal card would have been Cena vs. Reigns,Sting vs. Taker,Rock vs. Orton,Triple H vs. Rollins,Brock vs. Owens,Bullet Club (Balor,AJ,Gallows,Anderson) vs. The Wyatts but for all intents and purposes that isn't gonna happen now is it.
I'm pretty much set on the "They're gonna throw throw The Undertaker and Kane into the Brock Lesnar-Wyatt Family feud because we don't have anything else for them to do." thing.

"Because we're WWE and we have too many injuries and we don't know why our ratings suck, so we're just gonna throw feuds together and people are guaranteed to like it."
Brock Lesnar vs. Bray Wyatt is going to happen at WM32.

The last thing the Wyatts need is to get destroyed by Brock Lesnar.

You can't have a story or build with an open challenge, so it won't happen.
Brock is a tricky beast. Ordinarily I would say that making someone's opponent a surprise would be foolish because fans are more likely to invest when they know what they're paying for. However; in Brock's case he's marketable no matter who you throw against him.

Fans are pretty savvy these days, so it would be nearly impossible to surprise them with a newcomer to WWE. Someone would likely have to come back early from a legit injury to surprise anyone, and then you have someone who might go right back onto the shelf after getting obliterated by Lesnar.

I'm pretty sure that WWE is dead set on making Brock's WrestleMania moment into one where he single-handedly trounces the entire Wyatt Family. Maybe they'll use the stacked odds to justify a rare loss for Lesnar so that he can subsequently stomp through some high profile opponents as penance.
However; in Brock's case he's marketable no matter who you throw against him.

In cases like the house show in Toronto in which they plan to have Luke Harper oppose Brock, yes. In the Tokyo show, in which Brock opponent was Kofi Kingston(!).....also yes. In that event, the promotional poster didn't even include Kofi's name, which supports the theory of Brock being an attraction all by his lonesome, no matter who he's facing.


I wonder how Kofi felt, seeing that. Hi, Mr. 'also appearing!'

For the biggest PPV of the year, I'm not so sure. If Network non-subscribers are going to fork over $60, I would think they'd want something to hang their hats on; a good feud, or at least something to indicate that seeing Brock isn't the only reason to have interest in his match.

For the same reason, I think an open challenge would be a mistake. For Wrestlemania, it's better to have an interest in both guys in a match, even if one happens to be Brock f'n Lesnar.

In the case of Harper & Kingston, we know damn well who's going to win the match. At WM32, we shouldn't know in advance.
I would much rather see a Gauntlet Match featuring Brock Lesnar and the Wyatt Family than see a straight Open Challenge stipulation. For one thing, it gives all of the Wyatts something to do at Mania without making them interfere with everything else that is going on. And secondly, it could actually open the door to having Bray go over Brock and really taking himself to the next level in the WWE. And really, it is booking 101 as to how to go about it, right? We all know that Bray is going to cost Lesnar the match at Fastlane and it is going to set up some sort of altercation at WrestleMania this year. So why not have Lesnar and Heyman do their utmost to get Bray to accept a match with them? Bray agrees to the match but it is stipulated that it must be a gauntlet match.

Honestly, Brock is going to tear through Harper and Rowen in little to no time at all. But when Strauman comes to the match, it might give the rookie a little bit of time to prove his worth and really cement himself as a legitimate threat in the company. Obviously, Lesnar picks up the W against all three in the end before Bray comes in and the match itself goes ahead. With the damage that everyone has already did to Lesnar, it is comprehensible that Bray could do enough to go over Lesnar.

For the biggest PPV of the year, I'm not so sure. If Network non-subscribers are going to fork over $60, I would think they'd want something to hang their hats on; a good feud, or at least something to indicate that seeing Brock isn't the only reason to have interest in his match.

For the same reason, I think an open challenge would be a mistake. For Wrestlemania, it's better to have an interest in both guys in a match, even if one happens to be Brock f'n Lesnar.

In the case of Harper & Kingston, we know damn well who's going to win the match. At WM32, we shouldn't know in advance.

I'm with Sally on this one. While it's not a bad idea and has potential to be intriguing, Wrestlemania is not the time to do it. I mean, you can tease a match with The Rock, Goldberg, Taker, etc. but when it comes down to it, most people know there's not a shot in hell that any of these matches happen. And even if they did, than you just missed a great opportunity to build a Lesnar/Rock or Lesnar/Goldberg feud the proper way.

People do love to see Brock Lesnar. But when it comes to Mania, they want to see him in a serious, intense storyline culminating in a big match instead of just seeing him wrestle. There has to be some sort of doubt in peoples minds otherwise it just takes away from Brock's appearance altogether. This would be great for a B level PPV in which Brock is going to disappear right after, but not for Mania.
I like the idea...and for us that would be great. But for the "casual fan" the fan which will buy wrestlemania or WWE network based on their own interest with certain matches. An open challenge simply would not do. A Brock vs random returning legend would have to be built or at the very least announced, weeks in advance, to make sure maximum viewership and interest.
Surprise returns and debuts are saved for post Wrestlemania Raw, simply because wrestlemania has already generated the interest, and the following Raw is to keep the new or returning audience hooked on the product.
Brock versus one of the Wyatts at Mania? I'm not a fan of Brock but even I think he deserves better than any of those 4, especially that fat waste of main roster space Braun Strowman.
An open challenge would be cool because we have no idea who Vince will send out there, but the only problem is there is no story behind it to tell us why this person accepts Brock's challenge. A good choice here would be Kevin Owens but we all know what is going to happen.
We can predict who Brock's opponent will be, Brock will get screwed at Fastlane by the Wyatt's and than he will face Bray at WM32.
This is the only problem with the WWE it is to predictable we need surprises.

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