Wrestlemania 31 challenge at Wrestlemania 30


Pre-Show Stalwart
Does anybody see potential challenges or matches made for WM 31 on the night of WM 30? Sting confronting Undertaker would be good. Another one I was thinking of would Be Steve Austin vs CM Punk. There has been a rumor here and there that SCSA will play some kind of role, or at least show up at WM 30. Just think of Steve Austin calling out Punk and luring him back with the bait of a guarantee Main Event Match on next years WM card. Weather CM Punks walkout is legit or staged, the challenge would be very compelling. Which match would you rather have a year long build out of those 2? Are there any other potential year long challenges that you would love to see? Do you foresee any year long challenges happening in the future?
Sting vs Taker is the only obvious one. We could, maybe, maybe see some foreshadowing involving Austin or The Rock but that is extremely unlikely.

Taker is in the ring and Sting appears: Raw goes of the air and everyone is hyped. Not my first choice for Taker but it doesn't mean I wouldn't like to see it.
This is just me going out on a major limb here but here's 3 matches that I see them doing.
Sting vs Taker- (as everyone has pointed out) but if they don't get Sting or the deal falls through then I could see them doing Wyatt vs Taker. I'd love either match as both make sense and are similar in stories.

Cena vs Rock III- I don't want to see this at all but I totally see WWE doing this a third time as both of their mania matches did huge buyrates

Reigns vs Bryan- Reigns wins the rumble and challenges Bryan for the title. Face vs Face, huge match.

As far as the undercard, it's way too far off to even come close to a prediction. I don't see Punk coming back so soon, and as much as I would love to see Austin back in the ring, I don't think he ever wrestles again. I think he could probably host 32 in dallas but that's the most I see him doing.
Sting vs Undertaker looks a nailed on match for WMXXXI, possibly the retirement of both guys.

The rest is all if's & but's i.e. if the Rock comes back, does he have a final match with Cena or do they go with Rock vs Brock.
Remember when the crowd gave out a huge booing thunderstorm when Rock challenged Cena to a match at WM28? Yeah, well, same thing's gonna happen here. No one wants to see two icons face to face and announce they are going to battle somewhere *other than here*.

I don't think WWE is ever going to do this again. I wouldn't consider last time a failure, but it was definitely difficult to string along the audience for a whole year.
Nope, if Sting comes in, it shoulw be at RAW the next night, and they have no reason to announce the match that early.
No Sting. This obsession with Sting is nauseating. Actually I think Cena-Taker is in the works for Mania 31.
Does anybody see potential challenges or matches made for WM 31 on the night of WM 30? Sting confronting Undertaker would be good. Another one I was thinking of would Be Steve Austin vs CM Punk. There has been a rumor here and there that SCSA will play some kind of role, or at least show up at WM 30. Just think of Steve Austin calling out Punk and luring him back with the bait of a guarantee Main Event Match on next years WM card. Weather CM Punks walkout is legit or staged, the challenge would be very compelling. Which match would you rather have a year long build out of those 2? Are there any other potential year long challenges that you would love to see? Do you foresee any year long challenges happening in the future?

I'd love to see any of those happening but in this day and time. It seems like WWE can't afford to wait a year for potential huge draw matches based on how Cena came back in October for Hell In A Cell, Brock wrestling at RR, CM Punk returning at Payback last year.

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