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Wrestlemania 27 Dream Card


Occasional Pre-Show
Match One: United States Championship: Rey Mysterio Vs Jack Swagger
Match Two: Big Show and Chavo Guerrero Vs The Usos
Match Three: Womens Championship: Melina Vs Beth Pheonix Vs Gail Kim
Match Four: WWE Championship: Edge Vs John Cena
Match Five: The Nexus Vs The Rock,Stone Cold, Orton, Goldberg, Show
Match Six: World Heavyweight Championship: Undertaker Vs Chris Jericho
match Seven: Intercontinental Championship: Kane Vs Sheamus
Main Event: Triple H Vs Shawn Michaels

Match One: Heated Rivalry reignited after rey comes back from injury and goes to raw and wins the title with swagger claiming to be the greatest american alive.
Match Two: standard tag match putting over the usos
Match Three: Qualtity divas match, giving the division more quality
Match Four: Greatest rivary of the modern era (last 5 years)
Match Five: The Nexus Piss Orton off and he promises to form a team of legends to take the nexus out for good also gives the legends less time in the ring making the match higher quality
Match Six: Good 50 min match
Match Seven: Kane putting sheamus over on wrestlemania in his last match ending with the undertaker coming out and slamming kane through the ring into oblivious ending his brothers career.
Main event: HBK wants revenge for his career being shortende by hhh furthering his back in 2002.

tell me what you think, if you dont like it tell me your matches for your dream wrestlemania 27 cad
Well to you the truth man these matches just would not do it for me. My WM 27 dream card would have to be something like this:

Match 1: Hart Dynasty Vs. The Usos

Match 2: Melina Vs. Lita

Match 3: Miz (C) Vs. Kofi Vs. CM Punk Vs. Dolph Ziggler Vs. JOMO (C) in a winner takes all championship scramble

Match 4: TLC 3 Hardys Vs. E and C Vs. Dudleys (C) for Unified Tag Team Titles

Match 5: Kaval Vs. Bryan Danielson

Match 6: Y2J Vs. Goldberg

Match 7: Undertaker (C) Vs. Wade Barret for World Championship

Match 8: Triple H Vs. HBK

Main Event: Randy Orton Vs. Heel John Cena (C) for WWE championship
I like how you gave reasons for your matches, but they make very little sense. The Usos could definitely use the rub from Big Show, but please team him with somebody other than the jobber to Hornswoggle. Orton is still the legend killer. What sense does it make for him to go and get 4 of them to battle Nexus. Undertaker lasting 50 minutes is laughable. Maybe 15 minutes. And Kane putting Sheamus over? Sheamus is the champion on the #1 show. He is so over Kane right now, that Kane needs Sheamus to put him over if they ever fought.
One match, winner take all. Doink vs. David Arquette... EVERY CHAMPIONSHIP ON THE LINE. Well, I guess I'd want Arquette to end Undertakers streak too...
Match 1: Hart Dynasty Vs. The Usos ( ladder match )

Match 2: Shemus Vs Drew M

Match 3: Bourn Vs Kaval Vs Danielson ( US title )

Match 4: Cena Vs Wade ( last man standing nexus banded from ringside and the match )

Match 5: Taker Vs Kane ( champ ( world title vs the steak )

Match 6: Orton ( champ ) Vs Y2J ( WWE title Jericho wins the Rumble )

( and the match that we all want to see )
Im gona go ahead and play the role of a critic and quote every single one of your matches and then give my analysis for fun and because Im BORED.

Match One: United States Championship: Rey Mysterio Vs Jack Swagger

Adequate. They could probably make a good match...except one thing...Jack Swagger is in SMACKDOWN!, and you're sending Rey to Raw?...

Match Two: Big Show and Chavo Guerrero Vs The Usos

Haha..ha..ha...dat was a joke right?...Chavo, the guy that jobbed to Hornswoggle not too long ago and is now waisting his time bc he doesn't even have any camera time? that guy? in Wrestlemania?....really?

Match Three: Womens Championship: Melina Vs Beth Pheonix Vs Gail Kim

meh...thats okay...probably would have crossed out Kim for McCool...you kno because of her having more star power

Match Four: WWE Championship: Edge Vs John Cena

the words, "Been there, done that" come to mind

Match Five: The Nexus Vs The Rock,Stone Cold, Orton, Goldberg, Show

hmm. a little far fetched dont you think. Why is Show there?...He's fat...And shouldn't Cena be in the team with Orton, he is the main target of the Nexus...No seriously, why is show there?

Match Six: World Heavyweight Championship: Undertaker Vs Chris Jericho

Ok. Now this is good. Undertaker's still gona win right?

match Seven: Intercontinental Championship: Kane Vs Sheamus

Match is good. But the reason for it..."WHAT?!" Kane puts Sheamus over??? I think by that time Sheamus will be over already (as a heel). Undertaker ends Kanes career? again..."WHAT?!" BTW Sheamus is already in the main event stream.

Main Event: Triple H Vs Shawn Michaels

Well, who wouldn't want to see another one of these guys' matches. Would be really awesome...but instead of the "revenge" part. I think it would be better if it were just a friendly match.

Overall, I give your card a 5 out of 10. Adequate. This was fun!...I spent 10 minutes on this.
First let me say, I think you are wrong about Edge Vs. Cena being The Best Rivalry in the "modern era" (Last 5 Years)...

I think there are numerous rivalries better. In no order except for the one I consider the best feud/rivalry of the last 5 years, here is a few...

#1. HBK Vs. Undertaker
Randy Orton Vs. John Cena
HBK Vs. Randy Orton
DX (Together and Apart) Vs. Vince McMahon
Randy Orton Vs. Triple H
Edge Vs. Undertaker

Back to the topic...

Opening Match: US Title Triple Threat: Ted Dibiase Vs. R-Truth (C) Vs. Evan Bourne

Ted Dibiase wins the match when Bourne misses The Air Bourne and is thrown out of the ring. Dibiase hits Truth with The Dream Street and wins The US Title

2nd Match: 20 Man Battle Royal: Mysterio Vs. Sheamus Vs. Tarver Vs. Migilicutty Vs. Otunga Vs. Randy Orton Vs. Big Show Vs. Swagger Vs. Cody Rhodes Vs. MVP Vs. Goldust Vs. Santino Vs. Kozloff Vs. CM Punk Vs. Chavo Vs. The Usos Vs. The Harts Vs. Dolph Ziggler

Since MITB is now a PPV, this takes the place of the match at Mania... The winner gets a title shot whenever he wants it... Final 4 ends up as Rey, Orton, Show and Sheamus. Rey gets eliminated by Sheamus. Show goes out by Sheamus and Orton. Then Orton gets rid of Sheamus to win the title shot.

3rd Match: TLC Match: Edge Vs. Christian

This is a RAW Vs. Smackdown Match. Christian ends up defeating Edge with The Killswitch.

4th Match: Kaval Vs. Wade Barrett

HUGE build up for this... The 2 NXT winners go at it... In the end, Wade Barrett wins by some sort of interference.

5th Match: IC Title: Kofi(C) Vs. Drew Mcyntire

Drew Mcyntire wins The Title in a classic match.

6th Match: John Morrison Vs. The Miz

They start a feud, a month or 2 leading up to this. The Miz wins the match.

7th Match: Goldberg Vs. Chris Jericho

In Goldberg's final match, he beats Chris Jericho in about 4 minutes...

8th Match: World Heavyweight Championship: Casket Match: Undertaker Vs. Kane(C)

Undertaker wins The WHC and ends Kane's career by slamming the lid on him in the casket.

9th Match: John Cena Vs. The Rock

The Rock was the leader of The Nexus and it leads to WM and Cena Vs. The Rock FINALLY happens! The Rock gets the win, when Daniel Bryan runs in and screws over Cena, to shock everyone.

Main Event: WWE Championship: Triple H Vs. Shawn Michaels

HBK's final match... In a classic, he beats Triple H and wins the WWE Title... As he celebrates in the ring, Orton's music hits and he says he wants his title shot... Orton beats HBK and wins the WWE title... HBK is cheered as he leaves the ring and Orton celebrates in the ring as WM ends!

NO offense but if that was the card I prob wouldnt buy WM. Heres how I'd like it.

US Title: Miz vs JoMo
Submission Match: Kaval vs Bryan Danielson
IC Title: Matt Hardy vs Kofi (Heel) NO DQ
Tag Titles Elimination Match: Harts vs Usos vs The Dudebusters vs The Gatecrashers
Grudge Match: Wade Barret vs Chris Jericho (face) Lumberjack match with Raw and Nexus superstars.
TLC for the WHC: Edge vs Christian (Rumble winner)
Sheamus vs HHH (Hunter returns at the rumble)
WWE Title Randy Orton vs CM Punk
Main Event: The Undertaker vs John Cena (heel)
I had a dream that Cillian Murphy and Michael Caine were fighting for the right to be in more Christopher Nolan films if that counts. Murphy won.

But yeah, Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan main event. Because I like them both, therefore they'll work well together.
1. Miz vs Alex Riley vs Bryan Danielson (teacher vs former students for ultimate bragging rights) **whoever scores pinfall is new US Champ**

2. Kofi, Dolph, MVP, Mercury- Fatal 4 way for IC belt

3. CM Punk, Gallows vs Headbangers- SES vs Hardcore Metal (opposites tag team lifestyles..)

4. Ted Jr. vs Dashing Cody- "Who became better after Legacy" match

5. McCool/Melina/Natalya/Phoenix vs Trish/Victoria/Lita/Jazz- battle of the eras with the other divas, past & present as lumber jacks

6. Sheamus vs Wade Barrett - NO DQ- "who will be the one to ultimately rule RAW/WWE when all is said and done?"

7. HHH vs Undertaker- the match for ending HBK's career, HHH wants to end THE STREAK

8. Scott Steiner/A-Train/Rock/Big Show/Test (u said dream)/Goldberg vs Gabriel/Slater/Otunga/Sheffield/Tarver/Young - battle of heavies vs former rookies-

9. Jericho vs Bret Hart- 2 out of 3 falls- student of the Dungeon vs Dungeon Master

10. Kane vs Batista for WHC - Inferno Match

11. Cena vs Edge fo WWE championship- 3 stages of hell
World Heavyweight Championhip
John Cena vs. The Undertaker (c)

WWE Championship
Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett (c)

Sheamus vs. Goldberg

Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan

CM Punk vs. Christian

Intercontental Championship Series
1) Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler
2) Kofi Kingston vs. Cody Rhodes
3) Final Bout

United States Championship
Evan Bourne vs. Skip Sheffield (c)

Tag Team Championship
Jericho/Show vs. Miz/Alex Riley (c)

Edge vs. Drew McIntyre
Fuck if I know.
Match 1 : Kaval vs Daniel Bryan vs Justin Gabriel - The U.S Champ - Winner: Daniel Bryan (Miz tries to interfere but Daniel Bryan chases him up the ramp)

Match 2: 3 on 3- Serena, CM Punk, Luke Gallows vs Natalya, Tyson Kidd, David Hart Smith - Tag Team Titles - Winner: SES

Match 3: Submission Match-Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle- Winner: Kurt Angle

Match 4: Sheamus vs Wade Barret- Winner (interference from Nexus): Wade Barret

Match 5: Past vs Present match- Lita, Trish, and Mickie vs Melina, Maryse, and Michelle McCool- Winner: Lita,Trish, and Mickie

Match 6: IC Title Ladder Match- Rey Mysterio vs Jeff Hardy- Winner: Jeff Hardy

Match 7: Fatal 4 Way for the WWE Championship- Randy Orton vs Edge vs Batista vs The Miz - Winner: Edge

Match 8: WHC Championship No DQ- Kane vs Big Show-Winner: Kane

Match 9: John Cena vs The Leader of Nexus.... THE ROCK- Winnner: The Rock

Match 10: The Undertaker vs HHH vs HBK- Winner: The Undertaker (HBK and HHH double team Taker untill HBK turns on HHH screaming that he can win on his own. Taker tombstones HBK and then double chokeslams both of them for the win)
match #1 submission for ic championship bret hart vs chris marsters
match #2 money in the bank john morrison vs rey mysterio vs kane
First off, why are people putting the Rock and Austin and Goldberg? How old are you, 10?

U.S Title/I.C Title Extreme Rules: Daniel Bryan (c) vs. John Morrison vs. Evan Bourne vs. Dolph Ziggler (c) vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Christian

With MITB now getting it's own PPV, this match can used as the big multi-man spot-fest to get the crowd pumped. TNA had a gimmick match that was very similar to this at Bound For Glory, the Monster's Ball. This is a two fall match, with each fall for a belt. Mainly there to get the crowd pumping at the beginning of the PPV and satisfy everyone looking for big spots off high things through tables. Can also be used to switch belts between shows and unify the titles with one man winning both falls.

WWE Tag Team Championships Tag Team Turmoil: The Hart Dynasty (c) vs. The Usos vs. The Dudebusters vs. The Gatecrashers vs. Santino & Koslov vs. Drew McIntyre & Cody Rhodes vs. Darren Young & Percy Watson

Now with one singular tag team title, it's perfectly acceptable for such a thing to happen. WWE have the talent to make a successful division, a match like this would put the limelight on it.

Chris Jericho vs. C.M. Punk

It looks like Y2J is coming back as a face, so this match-up would be perfect. A good set-up would be Y2J returning at the Royal Rumble and eliminating Punk, which would in turn make Punk set out on a crusade against Jericho, stating that Y2J used to call the masses parasites and hypocrites, and he now has become one himself. These two men are the best mic workers of the last few years, so I have no doubt the buildup would be great, and is there any need to doubt the possible in-ring chemistry between these two?

10-Man Tag Team: Nexus (Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel, Michael Tarver, Heath Slater & David Otunga) vs. Genesis (Kaval, Michael McGillicutty, Husky Harris, Eli Cottonwood & Lucky Cannon)

A match like this you'd have to be careful with in order to ensure you don't stink the joint out, but if it was to be exactly what it's designed to be, fast paced gang warfare. I'd have Kaval eliminate Barrett from the Rumble in shocking fashion, only to have Nexus retaliate by invading Smackdown and crippling Kaval. Then, during the Elimination Chamber, have Kaval return by running through the crowd, climbing the Chamber and busting through the roof, and ideally hitting a big Ghetto Stomp on Barrett from one of the pods causing him to be eliminated. Then, as Nexus are furious outside the structure, have Genesis make their debut by assaulting them also. From there, it goes to a "Which NXT season had more talent?" squabble.

John Cena vs. Triple H

With HHH likely to be revealed as the mystery GM and the puppeteer of Nexus, he'll be likely Hunter will be the monster heel authority over the next few months. I'd have him abusing his power with Cena by authorizing multiple Nexus beatdowns, degrading him constantly and keeping him away from the WWE championship, finally the board of directors would step in and announce a showdown with Cena at Mania with HHH's GM responibilities on the line. This is the kind of match that you can really only have at a Mania.

Big Show vs. Alberto Del Rio

Quick men's filler match with Big Show getting sick of Del Rio's bullying tactics and tells ADR to try it on him. I'd personally book it with a segment with Alberto hitting Show with his Bentley backstage to give ADR a bit of an edge going in.

Sheamus vs. The Undertaker

I for one don't see Taker retiring at this upcoming Mania, it's beyond me that someone could come so far and not go for the big 20th match. I'd have Sheamus go after the streak, to which Undertaker is generally unresponsive. This angers Sheamus, to the point that he attacks Paul Bearer and disposes of the urn, weakening the Phenom. Have it then revolve about Taker accepting and Sheamus constantly making Taker crumble, making everyone wonder if Taker can pull one more out the bag.

World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat: Kane (c) vs. Edge vs. Rey Mysterio

I wouldn't really put this match up to much, with SmackDown's main event group looking as slim as it is. (Hell, I had to put in a current Raw star to get a decent match.) I would fully expect Edge to have been chased off to SmackDown by this stage by the GM and gone back to being a face, as I just don't see him as a useful heel these days. I'd have Kane regain the WHC at Elimination Chamber, and then have some of typical Smackdown Beat The Clock stuff-up with both Edge and Mysterio getting the same time. Really just a quick one to get Edge his 10th World title win.

United Divas Championships Handicap: Laycool (c) vs. Beth Phoenix

I don't see any kind of one-on-one diva match that would be worthy of getting a Mania spot and I'm sick of seeing a 8-diva/lumberjill match, so make things interesting and have both Layla and Michelle try to fend off the strength of Phoenix.

WWE Championship: Randy Orton (c) vs The Miz w/Alex Riley

With The Miz on the roll he's been on, it would make sense to have him make his full-blown transformation into main-event star. I would make things interesting by having Miz cash in his MITB and lose, forcing him to make himself another path to the promised land, that being the Royal Rumble. I would have Randy hold the belt all the way from NoC to WM to really give him an established run, and would really give Miz the rub when he wins the strap. Having this match last would really set the tone for the following year and say "This guy is the next big thing." Miz can hold himself with the promos, though Randy would need to be watched carefully to ensure he isn't going through the motions like he tends to do sometimes. The in-ring aspect would worry me as well, but the fact is these two are the fastest rising face and heel in the company, so they need to deliver the goods.

And scene. That's how you do a fantasy PPV card, n00bs.
this is what i would like to see at WM as my dream card, all are currently on the roster (except goldberg who is thought to be coming back for mania anyway?) and the wreslters in bold are my pick to win

wwe tag team championship: ezekiel Jackson and evan bourne vs (c) Kane and matt hardy

MITB: John Morrison vs Christian vs Drew McIntyre vs Zack Ryder

IC Championship: (c) Rey Mesterio vs Wade Barret

Sheamus vs The Miz

wwe championship: (c) Randy Orton vs Edge vs C.M Punk vs Triple H

womens championship: Michelle vs Layla

John Cena Vs Goldberg

World Heavyweight Championship: Undertaker vs (c) Chris Jericho

thats pretty much just off the top of my head, but i think theres some pretty good matches there.. obviously the tag one isnt so good but at least its more thought then the wwe are putting into it :p
1- Misterio vs Sheamus (Misterio)
2-Evan Bourne and Christian vs The dudebusters Tag Team Titles (Dudebusters)
3-MITB (R-Truth)
4-Orton vs Jericho (Jericho)
5-Kelly Kelly vs Mcool vs Vicky Guerrero Triple Threat Divas Championship (Mcool)
6-Edge vs Del Rio WHC (Edge)
7-Team WCW (Diesel, Big Show and Booker) vs Nexus vs Corre
8-Miz vs Morrison vs CM Punk Triple Threat WWE title (Punk or Morrison)
9-Cena vs The Rock (Cena) just kidding, Rocky all the way! :lmao:
10-Undertaker vs HHH career ending match w/ Shawn Michaels as Guest referee (HHH)

Let me know what you think!

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