Wrestlemania 27 announcing assignments


Pre-Show Stalwart
WZ just posted that as of now the WM 27 announce assignments are: Josh Matthews and Booker T, with Jim Ross possibly calling the main events.

I was thinking about this and I think this could possibly bring the show down a little. The commentary is very important in my opinion, and Matthews and Booker seem kinda sketchy to me.

Just a quick off shoot.... maybe bring the Rock in for commentary as well?

What do you guys think?
Are you worried?
Do you have other ideas you think may be better?

After all, this is the biggest event of the year.
Yeah.... Josh Matthews is easily the best commentator right now, so this works. Booker isn't exactly ideal for a show this big, but Matthews is more than capable of carrying him through it.

Honestly, I hope they bring J.R. back for one more event. I think it does no harm to have him do this and let him retire from announcing the right way instead of having him go out due to his health. I think it would actually be a lot of fun to hear Booker and J.R. together actually.

If it goes down this way, I won't be disappointed.
Josh Matthews has earned his place at WrestleMania. The guy's had a great year from NXT to SmackDown and now the lead announcer on RAW. The guy is obviously being groomed for the Jim Ross position while Michael Cole continues on his path of destruction. He's fully deserving of his spot behind the booth at Mania. I don't really have problem with Booker being there either, BUT I think they'll need a third man if Booker is to the announcer. Jim Ross is most people's dream, and it's a possibility for sure. I think they should have him from the start of the show, but if they bring him for the main event matches only, I don't have too much of a problem.
A bit stunning, but the right decision im thinking. Especially if JR comes in for the big ones,which I really like the thought of. Adds a prestige and atmosphere to things.

Booker T is pretty fine for what he is, and with more seasoning, will be pretty good. Mathews I would say is probably the best they have right now, and I think he and Booker will make a good, and most importantly, non-distracting, team for the show. I remember last year repeadetly yelling at the TV "Stryker will you PLEASE shut THE FUCK UP"....Just tooooo much, especially for Mania, were moments and matches are meant to speak for themselves.
I'm perfectly fine with this. Josh Matthews is a very underrated announcer and he is more then good enough to call Mania. Booker T is still new to the whole announcing thing but he has improved every week and will do a fine job. If JR is there to call the Main Events with them then that would be a nice added bonus.
I actually like the idea of this and I am hoping that it is not too early for both of these guys, especially when you consider that if they completely blow it, they wont get another shot to prove to us what they can do. Still, you have to believe that this is very refreshing and you have to give credit to the WWE for hanging their hat on a shaky peg that could fall.

The great thing about these two, as NorCal correctly pointed out, is that they will not distract us from the action. Now, I appreciate that Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler were building a feud on the commentary desk but so many times it took me out of the action and made me want to punch a kitten. Both of them needed to learn to shut the fuck up and just call the action. Their commentary skills have not been demonstrated to the best of their ability because they were always far too busy being little bitches and arguing over The Miz or Daniel Bryan. I think that the commentary desk has found more of a rhythm now that Josh Matthews has joined and I think that he should be rewarded for his hard work.

Both Booker and Matthews have been a breath of fresh air through both shows and I am looking forward to seeing them call the action at WrestleMania. The best thing about this is that JR might come back and call some of the main events. You have to think that is Cole and Lawler were on the desk at the time, there is no way that JR would get the time and respect he deserves and the matches he would be calling would suffer. I also believe that if Lawler and Cole are on the desk for the earlier matches, then they are going to be squabbling over the first matches and that would draw the attention away from the show. I suspect that is why they seem to have been removed and I commend that.

Still, getting back to the initial point, I think that this is a good plan and perhaps Matt Striker could also be added to the mix. I don't know how I would feel about that but you feel as though there would be a little more stability about the desk then. Either way, I am genuinely excited about the prospect.
personally i would have josh, booker t and jim ross to do announcing duties at wrestlemania, it would probably best to have an experienced voice on hand in JR as well as josh and booker since its the biggest show of the year
I'm a big mark for great/entertaining commentary, always have been. That being said, I'm not sure how I feel about this pairing.

Matthews is definitely the best play-by-play man they have, but I don't find him interesting. Unless he's going back and forth with Cole, he bores me. Booker has great energy, but I don't know how entertaining he and Matthews will be. I doubt there will be much banter, or back-and-forth.

Some people think up-tempo commentary is distracting, and I disagree. I think Monsoon/Ventura, Monsoon/Heenan, Jim Ross/Jerry Lawler were great teams, not only because they knew what they were talking about, but the banter was great. Jim Ross made each match feel like a big deal, and I haven't seen that from Josh Matthews.

Adding Jim Ross to the fold wouldn't provide any banter among the guys, but it would add excitement. Jim Ross pops wood, verbally, during big moments. Haven't seen the same from Matthews, not sure if it's in him.

I'm hoping for a good dose of Jim Ross, who can undoubtedly add some much needed energy and fire to the broadcast.
WrestleZone has learned exclusively the announce team, as of this evening, for Wrestlemania 27 will be Josh Matthews and Booker T, with WWE Chairman Vince McMahon's plan to have Jim Ross as the special announcer for the Lawler vs Cole, WWE Title, and Undertaker vs HHH main event as well.

"Everything may change 100 times between now and Wrestlemania," a key WWE insider told us this evening, "but right now Vince likes the idea of JR calling the main event and also he likes Josh Matthews and Booker getting the chance to step up and call the show."

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