Wrestlemania 26 Observer Match Ratings


RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
They're finally in.

Miz/Show vs. Morrison/Truth 1/2*
Orton vs. Rhodes vs. Dibiase **3/4
Money in the Bank ***3/4
HHH vs. Sheamus ***1/4
Mysterio vs. Punk ***
Hart vs. McMahon "I wouldn’t even try to rate this because the whole thing went over my head, and everyone else’s." (Bryan went into negative *** territory for this which I fully back.)
Jericho vs. Edge ****
Ten-Woman Tag DUD
Batista vs. Cena ***1/2
Taker vs. Michaels ****3/4

Funny, it appears Meltzer gave the show pretty much the exact same match-by-match ratings that I did.
Eh? He's given them to the WWE before, just not in over a decade now. Which I disagree with. I don't think HBK/Taker 2 was a 5 star match though. It was close, but it wasn't 5 stars.
Totally disagree with you. Hart/McMahon sucked. Big time. It went over about as well with the crowd as a wet fart. If the crowd doesn't give a fuck about your match, it's not going to be very good.
Umm...yeah, KB, that's kind of the point of a wrestling match. Don't give me that shit, in every one of your reviews from the Attitude Era you take a shit on the midcard and opening matches because, and I quote, "the crowd could not care less". If the crowd does not care for the match going on in the ring, you have failed at your job. That's about as cut-and-dry as professional wrestling goes.
Bret Hart posted the following on his official Facebook page concerning his bout against Vince McMahon at WrestleMania 26:
"As for WrestleMania, I can't begin to describe the flood of excitement that pulsated through me at seeing the sight of that massive stadium filled with fans. Although I know it was far from my greatest performance, I can proudly say it was one of my most glorious victories I've ever had. Once upon a time in my wheelchair after suffering my stroke in 2002, thinking how impossible it was to even conceive of such a moment makes me as proud as ever of anything I ever did in a ring."

As far as the 5 Star thing, it's been since 1997 since the WWE got a 5 star match, which is complete bullshit, and it's hard for me to take the man seriously. I think he does a decent job, but there have been a handful of matches worthy of a 5 star standing since then by the E or F.
Nope. Never once agreed with that. The live crowd means dick to me. When I watch a match, it's about me. The match is designed to entertain me. Not the people there, not people with me watching, it's about me. Sometimes the crowd appears to agree with me, sometimes they don't. Doesn't stop me from thinking a match was great, like I said Hart/McMahon was. I loved it. The crowd hated it. Doesn't mean it was bad.
Agree completely there Shocky, quite a few matches over this past decade should have gotten the five-star treatment, but Meltzer seemingly just like refuses to give a WWE match five stars.

On the Bret thing, I'm glad it meant alot to Bret, good for him. Doesn't make up how bad that match was. Even by Vnce McMahon Wrestlemania No DQ match standards, it was shit.
Bret Hart posted the following on his official Facebook page concerning his bout against Vince McMahon at WrestleMania 26:
"As for WrestleMania, I can't begin to describe the flood of excitement that pulsated through me at seeing the sight of that massive stadium filled with fans. Although I know it was far from my greatest performance, I can proudly say it was one of my most glorious victories I've ever had. Once upon a time in my wheelchair after suffering my stroke in 2002, thinking how impossible it was to even conceive of such a moment makes me as proud as ever of anything I ever did in a ring."

EXACTLY. This wasn't supposed to be some wrestling clinic. It was about Bret getting to say good bye and end the Montreal feud. That's it. It came off perfect.
Whatever you want to believe KB, but it certainly did not "come off PERFECT". If it came off perfect the crowd would have been behind Bret all the way and he would've left to a long standing ovation. Instead everyone was busy getting food and taking a piss. You can have a good no DQ brawl without actual good wrestling KB, but this was NOT one of those cases. Vince has had good street fights at Mania before, this just wasn't one of them.
I think Bret should have involved himself more.

And I blame the crowd for being failures for most of that night, and because of the open-air stadium. However, some blame must be placed on Hart and McMahon.

If they sped the pace up, added some more chair and weapon shots, and gone straight for the sharpshooter with McMahon selling the hell out of it, it would have been better.

But the ending left me with a big smile on my face regardless.
Whatever you want to believe KB, but it certainly did not "come off PERFECT". If it came off perfect the crowd would have been behind Bret all the way and he would've left to a long standing ovation. Instead everyone was busy getting food and taking a piss. You can have a good no DQ brawl without actual good wrestling KB, but this was NOT one of those cases. Vince has had good street fights at Mania before, this just wasn't one of them.

Keep going Sid. Keep telling me what I'm thinking.
Keep going Sid. Keep telling me what I'm thinking.

Umm, what? Where in that paragraph did I even once imply that I was saying what YOU were thinking? Oh, right, never, not even once. You made a point, I countered that point, at no point whatsoever did I try to "tell you what you're thinking" KB and I'm not even sure where you got that from. Seriously, where are you getting this from?
I also believe the crowd is a major part of the show's atmosphere and that matches are worse if the crowd is shit.
You said it came off as perfect (i.e. IN YOUR OPINION)

I said it did not come off as perfect (i.e. IN MY OPINION)

What part of that was me telling you what you were thinking? That's right, none of it,
And again X has to prove that he is right and everyone else's opinion is wrong because the Meltzer formula says so.

Dude, BRET HART BEAT UP VINCE MCMAHON! Take the smark glasses off for 8 seconds and have some damn fun.
And again X has to prove that he is right and everyone else's opinion is wrong because the Meltzer formula says so.

...Umm...huh? No KB, I've been saying since Wrestlemania 26 that the match wasn't good. Meltzer's ratings did not come out until late last night, early this morning. How again am I trying to prove I'm right because the "Meltzer formula says so"? I said the match was shit before Meltzer even commented on the match. I'm able to form my own opinions you know.

Dude, BRET HART BEAT UP VINCE MCMAHON! Take the smark glasses off for 8 seconds and have some damn fun.

I saw it KB. It just wasn't a very good beat down/brawl.
I know I know that. I've also very rarely seen you go away from his formula. And yes I know you disagree with him at times.

Whatever man. Keep telling yourself that because "the crowd was bored it sucked."
That was only one of the reasons why it was a bad match KB. I've provided several others, I even went in-depth about it in the thread on the match. Don't really feel like arguing this anymore, just don't accuse me of being a Meltzer ********er if I'm saying things and rating matches days before Meltzer does. If anything Meltzer is ripping ME OFF! :D
Might have something to do with hating the fuck out of Meltzer, Alvarez and all of the other ***** associated with their stuff.

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