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Wrestlemania 26 card


Pre-Show Stalwart
I couldn't find another thread for this, and if there is one, I'm sorry.

Every year we make our dream cards for Wrestlemania with ridiculously high-profile matches that we know won't happen. It's not a bad thing, because in all honesty, WWE has the talent to make dream matches happen at the Big Dance. But their booking is becoming almost as bad as TNA's! So, how about an accurate WrestleMania 26 card, using all the resources WWE has to work with.

Basically, no cards with things like Undertaker vs. Sting...

How would you book Wrestlemania 26 using what talent WWE will have to work with come April?

Here's what we know WWE has got going on:
-MITB will most likely happen again.
-Bret Hart has signed a short-term contract that extends past the date of Wrestlemania. This means that IF Vince decides he wants Hart to wrestle at Mania, he has the power to book him. People will argue that Hart won't wrestle at Mania, because it's just too good to be true. I'm not confirming or denying that Hart will wrestle, I'm just saying that the power to book the Hit Man now resides in the palms of Vince McMahon.
-Undertaker will win. Argue if you want to, but he's going to win.
-WWE has no power to book the Rock, even if he guest hosts in January. Therefor, speculate all you want, but it's up to the Rock. So I'm not going to put him on the card.
Again, this is NOT a prediction. This is just how I would choose to book Wrestlemania if I could.

1.) ECW Title Match: Christian(c) vs. Tommy Dreamer (Title vs. Career)

2.) Rey Mysterio vs. Batista

3.) Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Kofi Kinston, Shelton Benjamin, the Miz, John Morrison, Drew McIntyre, Evan Bourne, Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler

4.) Matt Hardy vs. CM Punk (I Quit Match)

5.) Women's Champ vs. Diva's Champ: Melina(dc) vs. Beth Pheonix(wc)

6.) World Title Match: Undertaker(c) vs. Chris Jericho

7.) Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart (w/ Mr. McMahon as guest referee)

8.) WWE Title Match: John Cena(c) vs. Edge vs. Randy Orton

I would pay money to watch a card like this. And honestly, it's not too much to hope for! It takes care of a lot of epic feuds that have been built up this year! First off, I would say you should have Legacy vs. Hart Dynasty as a dark match for the Unified Tag Team Titles. Hopefully Legacy will get the titles soon, as DX is just going to wear them around and it's going to stop them from having any actually decent single programs.

Let's start off with the ECW Title match. I think that with Tommy Dreamer on his way out, WrestleMania would be a perfect time for him to face his long-time rival Christan in a title vs. career match. In the end I would have Christian take a heel turn and screw Tommy out of the victory and his career, but it most likely won't happen. If the match were to take place, it would probably be a great match between friends with a lot of respect for one another. A good way to send Tommy Dreamer off.

Rey Mysterio and Batista could end now. They've had a lot of matches together, but with Mysterio taking on Taker at Royal Rumble for the World Title, I see Batista screwing him somehow. I think Mania is the best way to end it all.

The MITB ladder match. I know, why didn't I book Morrison and Kofi in the main event...? Well, because if we're going to have a ladder match, I want them in it. I would book Morrison to win the match, overcoming a lot of enemies (McIntyre, Miz, and Ziggler) to become the new #1 contender.

Wrestlemania should be were Matt Hardy finally draws the line and ends CM Punk's tyrannical reign over our memory of Jeff. Matt hates Punk, and Punk hates Matt. Punk "retired" Jeff, so of course this is Matt's turn to get revenge once and for all. I would book CM Punk to win here and get the big heel push.

World Title, Undertaker vs. Jericho. This is a match I want to see, and it's one that Undertaker could believable win and Jericho still wouldn't look bad losing. These two are veterans and can put on one hell of a match. Enough said.

Cena vs. Edge vs. Orton. I know, you're all thinking "what?!?" as well as "OH MY GOD NOT ANOTHER CENA vs. EDGE or CENA vs. ORTON match!!!" Well, I would book Edge to make a surprise return and win the Royal Rumble this year. I would then book him to feud with Undertaker going into No Way Out to make it look like he's choosing Taker to fight. And then at the last minute he cashes in Raw and makes the jump. Orton should be champ at this point, and Cena will want his belt back... It makes sense to put three guys who know each other extraordinarily well together. Two epic feuds in Cena vs. Edge and Cena vs. Orton with Edge vs. Orton there as well. This match would be the only way to get a good match out of Cena at Mania. End the feuds between all three of these guys, and give Edge the win and the title on Raw.

HBK vs. Hart II. This is my wishful thinking moment. But like I said, if Vince wants it, Hart just gave him permission to do whatever the hell he wants. This match will sell out Mania on it's own. Everyone wants to see it... Now it's a possibility. I don't have to go into any detail on the promo leading up to it, because...well, it's Hart vs. HBK. I think Bret should say he wants Vince, and Vince makes HBK vs. Hart for Mania. Vince says he'll prove that Bret screwed Bret by being the Special Guest Referee of the match. With how much HBK and McMahon hate each other, Hart will have no doubts about Vince this time around... IN the end, I think Vince should try and screw Bret again by giving a fast count, but HBK will break it up and get in Vince's face. HBK hits Sweet Chin Music on Vince and he turns around into the Sharpshooter by Bret. A new ref runs down and ends the match as HBK taps out to Bret Hart at Wrestlemania.

Well, there you have it. It's how I think WWE could best book Mania this year with the talent it has. Oh, I couldn't think of anything for Kane, MVP, Henry, or Swagger to do... Honestly I think WWE has found the same problem. If you guys can book them, go for it.
how bout vince mcmahon vs. bret hart.. imagine bret getting vengeance over the montreal screw job. they could do some wonderful promos and storylines for this match. and another idea....since shawn micheals challenged the undertaker to a rematch at wrestlemania 26, why not spice it up and make it a triple threat with john cena as the third man. Undertaker has never defended his undefeated wrestlemania streak in a triple threat. just some ideas
Okay check this out!

Big Show vs. Shaq
Felt I had to throw Show in here...

Jericho vs John Cena
Bored as hell of Cena... lets move him to smacdown and mix things up!

So many to choose from! But I'm going to say:
Christian. Shelton Benjamin, Miz, Swagger, JoMo, R Truth, CM Punk, Kingston
We know CM punk isn't realy headed to the ME anytime soon on smackdown, so have the 3 timer back in it and see if threes a charm.

HHH vs. Orton vs. Edge
Edge is suprise 28th entry and cleans house in the rumble.
At the EC, HHH or Orton become champ, and soon after the other the number one contender. For months Edge targets the WHC, but weeks before WM26 decides to make it a triple threat at WM for the WWE Championship.

Undertaker vs. Kane vs. Batista
Kane qualifies on SD! along with Baista when both are simultaneously eliminated from a Battle Royal. Kane vows a new reign of terror, and at WM26 we see the retun of the mask!

Shawn Michaels (with McMahon)vs Bret Hart
Most of you may want Undertaker vs HBK but meh... I'd rather see a vengeance/ revenge match between these two. I think it would have an amazing build and be a clasic. In the end HBK betrays McMahon and loses doing so.


Drew McIntyre vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Finlay vs. Mysterio vs Matt Hardy vs. Knox
This would be my wrestlemania card that i would want to see and i think could logically happen

Dark Match- unification of the womens titles
Michelle Mccool vs Mickie James vs Melinia vs. Gail Kim

Money in the bank ladder match: Adam Morrison, drew macyentire, shelton benjamin, The miz, Big show, Kofi Kingston, CM punk, Shaemus

Christian vs Ezikel Jackson for the ECW championship
Chris Jericho vs Edge

Randy Orton vs Ted Debiase

Undertaker vs HBK (Streak vs Career match)

Vince Vs. Brett Hart (Streetfight)

Batista vs Rey Mysterio for the world heavyweight championship

HHH Vs John Cena for the WWE championship

Lets look at why I think each match could actually happen, the money in the bank match over the past few years has had high flyers with a couple big guys in it. CM punk can say he is going to win it for a third time in a row and that he is the king of the match. I honestly would have Morrison take this match with Kofi being a close second.

The ECW title match is just filler as it has been the last couple of years, I would give the title to jackson so that christian can be drafted away to smackdown.

Y2J vs edge is a match that will most likely happen if edge is healthy enough to do it. I personally would love the match and it would be fresh to see edge as a face and the promos between these two could be classic. Edge of course wins you dont miss almost a year of action and lose in your first match

Randy vs Ted has been a match that I think everyone has predicted for a long time i can see Ted eliminating randy in the royal rumble and then eliminating him in the elimination chamber. TEd would go over in this match propelling him up the ladder

HBK vs undertaker II - when shawn laid down the challenge i was stoked i hope it goes down if this match is given 3 plus months of build it could be a huge draw for the match add in the career stipulation and it throws out the idea that the undertaker is guranteed to win. Personally I would love to see shawn win in an absolute classic match.

Brett vs Vince- Who honestly doesnt want to see this match it could probably sell the ppv by itself. It would have to be a street fight though because neither man could put on an actual wrestling match.

Rey vs Batista- i really feel the WWE has dropped the ball on this feud when batista destroyed rey he should have stayed away and come back and screw batista out of the title. In my card rey wins the rumble and batista takes the title at the rumble sets up a great match but batista retains

HHH vs Cena - The WWE title is the hardest match to really predict at this moment i would love to have shaemus go in as the champ but there is no way he could carry the belt into mania. As much as people have complained about these two they have only had a handful of one on one match and their match at wrestlemania was quite entertaining. Cena wins here but the MITB winner ends up cashing in because its pretty much the only thing we havent seen the winner do so morrison walks out WWE champ.

This card has the potential to sell pretty big who doesnt want to see vince and brett fight or HBK and undertaker fight one more time. The mid card and tag titles are left off because i would rather give time to the big matches id throw a dark match in for the tag titles but there arent that many teams worthy of the spot. The two title matches are really hard to call right now but that is probably the best thing well thats my card id buy that PPV and i am sure alot of other people would
This is my Wrestlemania Card for this year:

Celebrity Fight
Big Show vs ???- i really dont see him with Shaq considering that Wrestlemania is about the same time as the NBA playoffs so i kinda think that might not fly.

MITB Ladder Match
Morrison vs Miz vs Punk vs Benjamin vs Kofi vs Evan Bourne vs Tatsu vs Kane

Unified Tag Titles
Legacy vs Hart Foundation

ECW Title
Christian vs Regal Vs Jackson Vs Kozlof

WWE Title Match
Sheamus vs Otron(C)- Orton wins the RR and Challenges Sheamus for title

World Title Match
Batista(c) vs Rey Mysterio

Chris Jericho vs Edge- there is still alot of talk from Jericho about how edge is weak and i think edge makes his return for Wrestlemania for this match.

HHH vs HBK- DX will break up either at the RR also there are hints there too during the Hornswaggle segment HHH put a match where he was beating HBK on the TV. I think it might be a prelude to WM

Undertaker vs John Cena- The two biggest faces of the WWE going at it in the Biggest Stage. They could have wrestled on Raw for superstar of the year but i think they wanted to save it for Wrestlemania.
Wrestlemania 26 (my version)

2 out of 3 falls match
Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels
They did it last year and won match of the year and possible match of the decade, and as if this match needs more exctiment but in a 2 out of 3 falls match it would seem more intense and Michaels could at least claim he pinned taker once, they already started teasing us this past monday why not continue

Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon (Street Fight)
Why not Vince did it to Hulk Hogan (Mr America) so why not Bret Hart even though i highly doubt this match would happen

WWE Championship
John Cena vs Triple H.
Lets face Sheamus isnt going to headline mania, they did this at wrestlemania 22 and had a great back and forth action why not do it again we have seen enough triple threat matches at mania, hopefully Triple H can win the rumble and Cena can win back the WWE Championship

World Heavyweight Championship
Rey Mysterio vs Chris Jericho

These 2 already had a great feud early this year why not continue it on the biggest stage of them all, both men were wasted at wrestlemania last year and if Triple H doesnt win the rumble why not Jericho he is the only top dog in the company that hasnt won one yet and hopefully Mysterio can capture the World Heavyweight Championship sometime in the near future.

ECW World Championship
Christian vs Matt Hardy

I know Matt isn't on the ECW roster and i know there is other guys before him in the sense of a title shot but why not Hardy was a great ECW Champion and if he doesnt win the ECW Homecoming i dont see Christian dropping the title any time soon this could be a great match if the storyline is played out correctly.

Unified Tag Titles
Hart Dynasty vs Cryme Tyme

Yes we have seen these two go at it a million times but neither teams have held the Unified tag titles this could be a great opener to the pay per view you have 2 perfectly built tag teams and all 4 men making there wrestlemania debut, have Hart Dynasty do what they promised to take the titles from D-X and well the WWE are running short on tag teams they dont have too look far for there opponents

Randy Orton vs Ted DiBiase
Ted isn't going to stay heel forever he would soon eventually turn on Orton to promote his new movie but they dont have to make him face to be face let DiBiase come out and say he wants to see how he fares of against the best in the business he extends a challenge to his mentor.

Money in the bank ladder match
R-truth vs John Morrison vs Shelton Benjamin vs Kane vs Big Show vs Sheamus vs MVP

I dont see why we need 9 people in the match when just 7 would do, 3 high flyers 3 monsters and MVP, if Morrison or Benjamin or MVP don't win the money in the bank it would be another failure match

Womens Championship
Michelle McCool vs Beth Pheonix vs Mickie James

I have never been a big fan of the womens division but now that smackdown has 3 of the 4 best divas in the company today why not give the 3 a match at wrestlemania, i just feel sorry for Melina

Battle of the brands
CM Punk vs Kofi Kingston

In a match that could both bring the 2 back on the main event status, whats going to be smackdown's top heel in a few years if his not there already and Raw's biggest face in the next few years squaring off

Intercontinel Championship
The Miz vs Jack Swagger

Couldnt leave these 2 of the card 2 of the biggest egos in wrestling today going at it to call themself intercontinel champion this would be a great match filled with both techincal wrestling and alot of dirty moves

WWE Title Match
Randy Orton(c) vs. Ted DiBiase
Randy Orton will beat Sheamus for the WWE title before Wrestlemania and Ted Dibiase will win the Royal Rumble setting the much anticipated match-up between two members of Legacy.

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match
Edge vs. Chris Jericho(c) vs. Christian
Chris Jericho will be victorious over the Undertaker with a big help from the Big Show. Meanwhile, Edge made his much anticipated come back at Smackdown during Y2J’s Highlight Reel Show ending into Edge giving the Y2J the spear. Christian then got an invitation from Vince McMahon to be included in the match with a stipulation that if he wins he will drop the ECW title and join Smackdown and if he losses he will still drop the ECW title and get FIRED.

Icon vs. Boss
Bret "The Hit Man" Hart vs. Vince McMahon
Bret Hart will get his revenge at Vince McMahon. This is more than 10 years in the making and it will be one of the highly anticipated match of the card.

DX vs. DX
Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels
Remember Triple H handing the Match of the Year Slammy Trophy to HBK during the awards night. Now think about Triple H challenging HBK to a match… his reason: “He wanted to set the stage for another Match of the Year Candidate for 2010”. I’m saying that they will break up before Wrestlemania but it is possible for them to keep the titles and have a sort of a friendly exhibition match between two friends.

Icon vs. Icon
John Cena vs. The Undertaker
After losing to Sheamus at Royal Rumble, John Cena’s patience will burst and it will trigger a heel turn. He will blame the fans for his downfall. He’s now back to square one and wanted to prove the world that he is the Greatest Superstar in the WWE Universe. We can see the return of the ‘Thuganomics’ here. John Cena comes out of Smackdown and challenge the Undertaker to a match. This match will have the billing of Icon vs. Icon in it, similar to the Hogan/ Rock match.

Batista vs. Rey Mysterio

Battle of the Giants
Big Show vs. Shaquille O’Neal
Big Show will challenge the Big Aristotle to a match at Wrestlemania. For weeks, the fans and the Big Show will never hear anything from Shaq. Until 2 weeks before the big event, Shaq will come out to Raw and will give the fans and the sporting world something to talk about… “BIG SHOW I’LL SEE YOU IN WRESTLEMANIA”
Ladder Match for the WWE Intercontinental Title
John Morrison vs. Drew McIntyre(c)

United States Title Match
The Miz (c) vs. Jack Swagger

10-man Money in the Bank
Sheamus vs. Kofi Kingston vs. MVP vs. Mark Henry vs. Zack Ryder vs. R-Truth vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ezekiel Jackson vs. William Regal vs. Dolph Ziggler
Sheamus will lose his title to Randy Orton before Wrestlemania and will request for his inclusion in the Money in the Bank.
WWE Divas Title Match
Melina vs. Maryse
WWE Women’s Title Match
Michelle McCool vs. Micki James vs. Beth Phoenix
Money In The Bank Match
John Morrison vs. The Miz vs. Evan Bourne vs. Yoshi Tatsu vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Vladmir Kozlov vs. Jack Swagger vs. R-Truth
The winner of the MITB will have to be John Morrison. This will be the best thing for him at the moment. Kozlov and Swagger will be in their to give the match a Powerhouse feel. Morrison, Bourne, Tatsu, Benjamin and Truth will give it a High-Flyer feel.

ECW Championship
Christian(c) vs. William Regal vs. Kane vs. Ekizel Jackson
I would like to see William Regal take this out to prove him as a Main-Eventer. Kane switches over to ECW to get back the ECW World Title. Christian will lose the Title and hopefully move to Raw but he will probably go to Smackdown. And Ekizel will just be in there to compete with Kane.

Intercontinental Championship
Drew McIntyre(c) vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Matt Hardy
Matt Hardy should be the winner taking his Career going nowhere at the moment. Dolph get's his One Million'th IC Title shot and loses again. Drew then has a fued with Matt Hardy.

Grudge Match:
Randy Orton vs. Kofi Kingston
What more can I say. But Kingston will finnaly get a BIG win over Orton.

Loser Switches Brands
Chris Jericho vs. John Cena
It's simple, these two should and have to switch. Jericho for the win and John Cena goes to Smackdown.

Unified Tag Titles
Legacy(c) vs. The Hart Dynasty
With Bret Hart in WWE, he somehow helps the Hart Dynasty pick up the win.

World Heavyweight Championship
Batista vs. Rey Mysterio(c) vs. Undertaker
Their fued finnaly makes it to WM. Undertaker, Batista and Mysterio are the best on Smackdown and they go head to head with Taker winning.

WWE Championship
Sheamus(c) vs. CM Punk vs. Triple H
Who would of thought this would happen. Sheamus at WM and Retaining his Title to further prove his dominance by defeating the two top stars of the WWE.

Major Grudge Match
Shawn Michaels (w/Mr. McMahon) vs. Bret Hart
After years, Bret Hart will get his revenge on Michaels and McMahon. Some altercation will happen between Michaels and McMahon then Bret Hart will put both of them in the Sharpshooter and pick up the win.
WWE Heavyweight Championship
Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton(c)

Triple Threat Match: World Heavyweight Championship
Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk(c) vs. Edge

DX Explosion
Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels

Non-Sanctioned Match
Rey Mysterio vs. Batista

Breaking the Streak
John Cena vs. The Undertaker

13 Years in the Making
Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs. Mr. McMahon

Women's Championship
Beth Phoenix vs. Michelle McCool

Fatal Four Way Match: Vacant Unified WWE Tag Team Championship
Drew McIntyre and Sheamus vs. MVP and Mark Henry vs. The Hart Dynasty vs. Legacy

Money in the Bank Ladder Match
The Miz vs. The Big Show vs. Evan Bourne vs. John Morrison vs. Kane vs. R-Truth vs. Shelton Benjamin

ECW Championship
Christian vs. Matt Hardy
diva battle royal

batista v big show

regal v mcintyre

christian v shelton v bourne v chavo v miz v ziggler v matt h v rey

legacy(C) v hart dynasty

hbk v taker

swagger v john m

brett hart v orton

edge v jericho(C) v cena

hhh v sheamus v kofi









Wrestlemania 26 Matches

Sheamus "The Celtic Warrior" vs The Ultimate Warrior (2010 Hall of Famer)
Chris Jericho / Big Show (c) vs Edge/Christian - Tag Team Championship
John Cena (C) vs Batista (2010 CO Royal Rumble Winner) vs Triple H - WWE Championship
John Morrison vs Rey Mysterio(C) - World Championship
Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker II - Streak vs Career - Bret Hart - Referee
Randy Orten vs The Rock
David HArt ( Bulldog 2010 Hall of Famer ) vs The Miz(c) - US Championship
Cody Rhodes vs Ted Dibase Jr ( Million Dollar Man 2010 Hall of Famer) - Grudge Match

Divas Invitational with Trish Stratus (2010 Hall of Famer)

- Womens Title Unification - Michelle Macool (c) vs Melina (c)

Smackdown vs Raw Battle Royal

Kane , Evan Bourne , Swagger , MVP , Mark Henry, Kofii or other scrubs

If Jeff Hardy Returns then add this:

Jeff HArdy ( With Matt) vs CM Punk - No D.Q

2010 Hall of Fame:
Trish Stratus - Presenter - Melina
Jake the Snake Roberts - Presenter - StoneCold
Warrior - Presenter - no one... he just appears lol
Million Dollar Man - Presenter - Ted jr
British Bulldog - Presenters - Bret Hart and The Anvil
Paul Bearer - Presenter- Kane and Undertaker
Arn Anderson - Presenter- Triple H

WWE Title: Sheamus v John Morrison: I think Sheamus needs to hold on to the title, and I don't want to see him against Cena. So find a way to get Morrison to RAW, and have these 2 young starts shine on the big stage.

WHC: Undertaker v John Cena: Cena wins the Rumble, says being a fan of WWE, there is only one thing left for him to do-end the streak. This could've been teased more had the Undertaker beaten Orton on RAW and he and Cena fought for Superstar of the year.

Chris Jerhico v Edge: This has been teased since Edge's injury. Should be a good match.

Tag Team titles: DX v Hart Dynasty: Wuth Bret Hart coming in, this has to happen. There is just too much history, and too much that the fans would love to see. Even have the Hart Dynasty go into Wrestlemania as chanpions.

Randy Orton v Ted Dibiase v Cody Rhodes: Only one has turned on Orton, but he insists it is a triple threat match. During the match, the onther one turns on Orton.

MITB: Kofi Kingston v Dolph Ziggler v Evan Bourne v Miz v R Truth v Jack Swagger v CM Punk-Punk doesn't win, but I can't think of anything else for him, so you tease him winning for the weeks leading up to the event.

Batista v. Rey Mysterio: Obvious reasons. You could even have Mysterio toy with Batista leading up to this-he knocks Batista out or the Rumble, he costs Batista a title shot or the title itself.

IC Title: Drew McIntyre v ???: I don't know really. I took out Morrison and Ziggler. Maybe Matt Hardy? Maybe someone coming over from ECW?
Money in the Bank: Zack Ryder vs. Yoshi Tatsu vs. Evan Bourne vs. Jack Swagger vs. MVP vs. R-Truth vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Big Show

IC Title: Drew McIntyre vs. John Morrison (c)

Vladimir Kozlov & Ezekiel Jackson vs. Christian and his mystery partner Edge

8-Man Womens Match: Michelle McCool vs. Beth Phoenix vs. Mickie James vs. Natalya vs. Melina vs. Maryse vs. Kelly Kelly vs. Gail Kim

WWE Tag Titles: The Hart Dynasty vs. Legacy (c)

Steel Cage Match: Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker (Undertaker's career is on the line)

World Heavyweight Title: Rey Mysterio vs. Batista (c)

WWE Title: Triple H vs. John Cena (c)
This is NOT a prediction this is how I would book WM26 .


WWE Championship Match "Fatal Fourway"

(C) John Cena -VS- Carlito -VS- MVP -VS- Jack Swagger

World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match

(C) Rey Mysterio -VS- Batista -VS- Edge

WrestleMania Rematch

Undertaker -VS- Shawn Michaels

Grudge Match

Vince McMahon -VS- Bret "Hitman" Hart

Intercontinental Championship Match

(C) Drew McIntyre -VS- R Truth

United States Championship Match

(C) The Miz -VS- Primo

Unified Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Match

(C) DX -VS- The Hart Dynasty (w/ Bret "Hitman" Hart) -VS- Legacy

Title -VS- Title Match to Unify the Woman's division

(C) Michelle McCool -VS- (C) Melina

Six Pack Cruiserweight Challange to reinstate the Cruiserweight title

Hurricane -VS- Kung Fu Naki -VS- Jimmy Wang Yang -VS- Even Bourne -VS- Slam Master J VS Zack Ryder

10 Man Money In The Bank Ladder Match

CM Punk VS Shelton Benjamin VS Randy Orton VS Kofi Kingston VS John Morrison VS Sheamus VS Chris Jericho VS Chavo Guererro VS Matt Hardy VS Dolph Ziggler

ECW Championship Scramble Match

(C) Christian -VS- Goldust -VS- Tommy Dreamer -VS- William Regal -VS- Big Show

That is my WM26 line up like it or not this would be a great card top to bottom ...bottom to top .. like or not I don't really care ..
Undertaker VS. Shawn Michaels - S/ref - Bret Hart

i believe that HBK will win the Royal Rumble this year, sparking this match into life.

John Cena VS. Batista

Assuming cena winS title from sheamus at Elimination chamber or the Rumble.

Chris Jericho vs. Edge

it has been talked about for A long time now. everyone feels it is going to happen, and jericho is one if no the best at what he does

Jeff hardy vs. CM Punk

WHY NOT???? - He can still do what needs to be done elsewhere, one more match in WWE for now anyways, it gets CM Punk some credablility outside MITB at WM, and against JEFF with the history is a great Setting

Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix vs. Gail Kim vs. Natalya Neidhart

I feel the womens divison lacks good wrestlers and two title are not justified. Can give the Womens/Divas title some prestige.

Shelton vs. Matt Hardy vs. Kane vs. Chris Masters vs. Drew Mcintyre vs. Sheamus vs. John Morrison vs. Swagger

As said it is going to happen.

Orton w/bob orton vs. Ted di Biase w/Ted snr

played SVR 10 and got me thinking of legacy a bit, Ted needs pushed and what a place and time against the best heel of this day and age.

Triple H vs. Kofi Kingston

like before. kofi could do with a heel turn a believe, for us to see if he can do it would be good. And going up against WWE's head of talent basically can give him a good match.

Christian vs. The Miz

I feel the United States title is higher prestige than ECW but its a main title aswell at the end of the day, and it gives more for Miz to brag about on his honour list.

The Hart Dynasty vs. Rey Mysterio & Evan Bourne

Basic opener match high flying stuff to happen.

Dark match - 15 man Battle Royal
Big Show vs. mark henry vs. Khali vs. primo vs. shad vs. dolph vs. jtg vs. escobar vs. chavo vs. regal vs. ezekial vs. koslov vs. carlito vs. cody rhodes vs. mvp

something for others to get involved in.
wwe title match:
edge vs orton(C) vs triple h

world title match:
Cena vs undertaker

former tag champions collide:
chris Jericho vs big show

Ted DiBiase vs Cody Rhodes
NOTE: after ted leaves legacy randy sends cody in to take him out

US title:
the miz vs Jack Swagger

ecw title:
Yoshi Tatsu vs Christian

Tommy Dreamer vs cm punk vs Kane vs matt hardy vs Sheamus vs Kofi Kingston vs Evan Bourne

batista vs rey Mysterio

wrestling's past vs wrestling's future:
John Morrison vs Shawn Michaels

Dream match street fight:
bret hart vs vince mcmahon
After much thought and with recent events here are my thought on WM XXVI.

Drew McIntyre v R Truth (IC Title)

Matt Hardy v CM Punk (Grudge Match/Street Fight)

Batista v Rey (I Quit match)

Women Match (Hope to unify the belts but I really could care less bout womens division)

Orton v Ted Debiase (Rhodes will start off in Orton's corner but will eventually screw Orton)

Hart Dyanasty(w Bret) v DX(w Vince) for the Tag titles

Taker v Cena (Streak Match) I believe Taker is considering retirement soon.

MITB Yoshi Tatsu v Evan Bourne v JoMo v The Miz v Shelton Benjamin v Kane v MVP v Mark Henry ( I predict the Miz may win this)

Fatal Four Way for the WWE Title Sheamus(C) v Kofi Kingston v Swagger v Big Show

Jericho v Edge (World Championship match)

ok before everyone flips let me explain a little here..... first off IMO Edge will be returning and winning the Rumble, and leading up to the Chamber PPV he wont know what Title he is going for until Jericho wins the Belt at Chamber. Bret will not wrestle but he will pick the Dynasty to represent him and Vince will pick DX for more than obvious reason. Upon the ending of the match DX will lose Vince is irate and starts getting in Micheals face blaming him and then BAM superkick to the face, pissing HHH off thus begining the end of DX. The rest is self explanitory pretty much.
Undertaker (c) vs. John Cena

This would close the show. I would enforce the "I will not lose again until I become champion" angle. Despite it being Undertaker, I would find it hard to have WWE have Cena lose if they are really emphasizing those bold statements he made. Of course, I would have Undertaker win nonetheless. I do not know how I would end this match but it would have to be in a chaotic fashion. I've always been one to say that Cena's heelturn (yes, it is inevitable) HAS HAS HAS to be a Wrestlemania moment, and VERY PREFERABLY it would have to close a Wrestlemania. However, i can't see Cena turning heel unless he were to win this match. And I would definitely not want that to happen. Also, if he were to turn heel it would have to do Hogan/Austin wm 17 status, in which he sides with a very hated heel(s) in the process.

Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart

I might be dreaming but God I hope this happens. It'd be hard to turn Shawn heel and I wouldn't do it because then the company would seriously lack a good amount of babyfaces. I'd have both of them go into the match as faces but keep the animosity and hatred between them alive. Have it seem like Vince is going to HEAVILY favor HBK, albeit Shawn always bitchin about how he doesn't need help to do something he's already done (beat Bret). Triple H would be incorporated into the storyline somehow but he would mainly focus on his own mania match. I would have these two (if Bret were to be in good shape) tear the house down for at least 20 minutes, ending in Bret having Shawn in the sharpshooter. He would have this locked in for around 2 minutes straight and Shawn finally taps out. However, Vince, as the ref, initially hesitates whether to call for the bell while Shawn is tapping, but eventually does and then automatically leaves the ring in visible anger. Bret is celebrating for a couple minutes when Shawn gets up, stares at him for a while, then turns around and leaves the ring. After he is about half way up the ramp, he stops and turns back. He gets into the ring and shakes hands with Bret and they embrace with a hug and raising each others hands. I think this would be a good way to close this long story and I think Shawn would be willing to do this.

Randy Orton (c) vs. Triple H vs. CM Punk

I'm one of you who absolutely hates having Orton and Triple H in the same match, especially at another Wrestlemania. But I could not figure out where else to put Hunter. I'd have Orton beat Sheamus for the title sometime around No Way Out (elimination chamber), maybe in the actual Elimination Chamber match. CM Punk could win the Rumble (maybe) and then suddenly move to Raw to challenge the WWE Champion. Close a Raw with CM Punk talking to the Raw GM (or guest host) after he attacks Orton telling him or her that he has decided to challenge the wwe champ instead. The GM/guest host asks him if he wants to make it official and Punk says yes. The GM then says it will happen, however he/she had already scheduled a No.1 Contenders Match for the following week. So Punk would have to be in a Triple Threat at Mania (good way to turn the tables on a good heel like Punk). Triple H wins the match the following week. I would like Orton retain here, seeing how he would have recently won it the following month or so. I would not even mind Punk taking this. ANYTHING but Hunter.

Edge vs. Chris Jericho

Hopefully Edge makes his return by then and this storyline would definitely have to happen. I shouldn't need to elaborate on this much because you all know how it would play out. Edge, as a face, wins this. I would expect this two to put on a Wrestlemania classic.

Christian (c) vs. Batista

After Batista fails to win the Rumble or any assurance of a title match at Wrestlemania, he goes to bitch and complain to Teddy Long. Teddy then states if he can win a match later that night against a big game, then he would grant a surprise something that would like like very much. Batista wins the match and the following week on ECW, Batista attacks Christian setting up their feud. Batista would then go on to beat Christian at mania, who has had the title for quite some time now. That would be Christians goodbye to ECW tho, as he is set to be a main eventer on Raw or Smackdown.

MVP vs. Jack Swagger vs. The Miz vs. Rey Mysterio vs. John Morrison vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Shelton Benjamin

I think all these guys have what it takes to put on an excellent MITB. Unlike guys like Mark Henry, Kane, and Finlay who have been in past ones despite being completely unsuited for this kind of match. I also think every single one of these guys besides maybe Shelton or MVP (who I have lost hope in), are legitimate threats to winning this, which will make the match very unpredictable. I would give it to the Miz because he is by far the most impressive up and comer WWE has today. And it's been a while since a heel has won this match.

Legacy (c) vs. Hart Dynasty

I would have Bret and/or Orton screw DX in a title match against Legacy. If it were to be Bret and he were the GM of Raw, he would make this match to help out his dynasty. Legacy is also a very legitimate tag team that has yet to win these titles. I think either team winning would be good, but I would love it for the Hart Dynasty to do so.

Kofi Kingston vs. Big Show

Have Kofi eliminate Big Show from the Elimination chamber the previous month. And thanks to Big Show annihilating Kofi after he eliminates him, Kofi is easily pinned by another superstar. This starts their feud and ends with a street fight at Mania. This match can even be for the US Title if one of them were to beat Miz a month or two prior.


We gotta have the ladies on the card. Have this stupid battleroyal again, give them their card spots, and get it overwith. I'd give it to Maryse. Something else besides her amazing looks to brag about.

What do you guys think?
After much thought and with recent events here are my thought on WM XXVI.

Drew McIntyre v R Truth (IC Title)

Matt Hardy v CM Punk (Grudge Match/Street Fight)

Batista v Rey (I Quit match)

Women Match (Hope to unify the belts but I really could care less bout womens division)

Orton v Ted Debiase (Rhodes will start off in Orton's corner but will eventually screw Orton)

Hart Dyanasty(w Bret) v DX(w Vince) for the Tag titles

Taker v Cena (Streak Match) I believe Taker is considering retirement soon.

MITB Yoshi Tatsu v Evan Bourne v JoMo v The Miz v Shelton Benjamin v Kane v MVP v Mark Henry ( I predict the Miz may win this)

Fatal Four Way for the WWE Title Sheamus(C) v Kofi Kingston v Swagger v Big Show

Jericho v Edge (World Championship match)

ok before everyone flips let me explain a little here..... first off IMO Edge will be returning and winning the Rumble, and leading up to the Chamber PPV he wont know what Title he is going for until Jericho wins the Belt at Chamber. Bret will not wrestle but he will pick the Dynasty to represent him and Vince will pick DX for more than obvious reason. Upon the ending of the match DX will lose Vince is irate and starts getting in Micheals face blaming him and then BAM superkick to the face, pissing HHH off thus begining the end of DX. The rest is self explanitory pretty much.

Orton v Ted Debiase is way to soon ted is nowhere near main event and the wwe wont build him up quickly and waste it when they could do it over time and make it more enjoyable and its not looking like edge will be returning and if he does i dont think he win the rumble its to much like cena in 2008 and the Hart Dyanasty are nowhere near dx so that wont happen and big show doesnt deserve a wwe title match and kofi is not there yet and neither is swagger
WWE Title - John Cena d. Batista

WHC - Undertaker d. Randy Orton

ECW Title - Christian d. Bryan Danielson

Unified Tag Titles - Hart Dynasty d. DX

Money In The Bank - Shelton Benjamin d. R-Truth, Kane, CM Punk, The Miz, John Morrison, Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes

Intercontinental Title - Drew McIntyre d. Sheamus

6-Diva Tag - Michelle McCool, Beth Phoenix, Maryse d. Mickie James, Melina, Maria

Extreme Rules Match - Chris Jericho d. Big Show
First RAW of 2010 hosted by Bret Hart

WWE Championship Match
John Cena def. Sheamus (c) via countout

Divas Championship
Melina (c) def. Maryse

Tag Team Match
The Hart Dynasty def. DX

Royal Rumble

Evan Bourne vs. Christian (c) for ECW Championship
Evan Bourne wins the ECW Homecoming Battle Royal which Big Show is involved in. At the event Christian is about to hit the Killswitch when Jeri-Show come out and say it is now a Fatal-Four-Way Match. They say Big Show got cheated in the ECW Homecoming Battle Royal and as Jericho provided the theme to the event he should be in it as well. They say that the ECW Championship is the worst championship but it won't be here for much longer as they have insider knowledge. They say one of them will also win the Royal Rumble match later tonight. Jericho then tries to run the ring but Big Show keeps pulling him back allowing time for Evan to Air Bourne and win.

Evan Bourne def. Christian (c), Chris Jericho and The Big Show for ECW Championship

Women's Championship Match and World Heavyweight Championship Match of Some Kind

WWE Championship
John Cena def. Sheamus (c) via Disqualification

Royal Rumble Match
Chris Jericho wins it

Elimination Chamber

Sheamus (c) vs. Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Kofi Kingston vs. John Cena in an Elimination Chamber Match for WWE Championship
Kofi Kingston eliminates Cody Rhodes with Trouble in Paradise after Rhodes pushes Orton out of the way.
(Legacy eliminate each other in the Royal Rumble Match causing tension between all three. Over the weeks leading up to the event, Orton & DiBiase start to look close and stop talking when Rhodes goes by them and walking in and out of the locker room at the same times ect. Orton lets Rhodes get pinned by Kingston even though he caould stop the count. When Rhodes is eliminated, Orton disposes of Kingston and gets Rhodes to his feet. They stare at each other and talk until DiBiase comes from behind and hits Dream Street on Rhodes. DiBiase can then be heard saying "Me and Randy are the future. He punted me in thhe head not you. He did it because he new I was his Legacy", meanwhile Orton is hovering over Rhodes like a Viper. DiBiase and Orton embrace but when Orton goes to Punt Rhodes. DiBiase stops him from behind and gives him Dream Street, thus signifying the end of Legacy.)
Sheamus eliminates Ted DiBiase with Irish Cross Kick (before DiBiase could pin Orton)
Sheamus eliminates John Cena with a Crucifix Powerbomb (after Cena is perched on the top rope going to give Kingston a superplex, Sheamus gets him from behind like when he won the title at TLC with the superplex scenario.)
Randy Orton eliminates Kofi Kingston with the RKO
Randy Orton eliminates Sheamus with a Punt Kick (after Cena gets in the chamber when the door is unlocked for Kingston to go out. He distracts Sheamus so when he turns around he gets punted.)

Randy Orton def. Sheamus (c), John Cena, Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase for WWE Championship

Jeri-Show vs. Christian and Mystery Partner
Edge’s smoke goes off but ST Louis’ own ECW Champion Evan Bourne comes out. Jericho has the Walls of Jericho on Christian but then Edge’s smoke goes off again with his pyro and a code like when Jericho re-debuted. Christian hits the Killswitch and wins it for his team.

ECW Champion Evan Bourne & Christian def. Chris Jericho & The Big Show
Big Show chokeslams Jericho after the match and the code comes up again revealing Edge and his theme music hits. Christian then waits at the top of the ramp and Edge comes out. They shake hands and run to the ring as Jericho escapes the other side only to be thrown back in by Big Show. Edge then spears Jericho and then E&C give him a Con-Chair-To.

The Miz (c) vs. Jack Swagger vs. MVP vs. Mark Henry in a Fatal-Four-Way Match for United States Championship
Jack Swagger def. The Miz (c), MVP & Mark Henry for United States Championship

DX (c) vs. The Hart Dynasty w/ Natalya for Unified Tag Team Championships with Special Guest Referee Bret Hart
David Hart Smith puts Triple H in the Sharpshooter & Tyson Kidd puts HBK in the Sharpshooter and Bret Hart does a Screwjob.

David Hart Smith & Tyson Kidd def. Triple H & Shawn Michaels (c) for Unified Tag Team Championship

Drew McIntyre (c) vs. John Morrison vs. R-Truth vs. Dolph Ziggler in a Fatal-Four-Way Match for Intercontinental Championship (Doesn't Matter who wins)

Melina (c) vs. Natalya for Divas Championship with Special Guest Referee Bret Hart
Mr. McMahon comes out and says that he is not allowing another Screwjob like earlier tonight and he is now the Special Guest Referee and not Bret Hart.

Melina (c) def. Natalya for Divas Championship with Special Guest Referee Mr. McMahon

Batista vs. CM Punk vs. Kane vs. Rey Mysterio vs. The Undertaker vs. Matt Hardy in an Elimination Chamber Match for World Heavyweight Championship
CM Punk is the last person to enter and out of no where Edge attacks CM Punk like when he attacked Kofi Kingston last year and once again locks himself inside a pod.
Edge has to beat Batista to finish the match as it will hurt his face turn pinning any of the five other men.

Edge def. Batista, Kane, Rey Mysterio, The Undertaker & Matt Hardy

WrestleMania 26

DVD-26th Anniversary, 26 Man Over-the-Top-Rope Battle Royal
Carlito vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Chris Masters vs. Primo vs. Santino Marella vs. Charlie Haas/Tyler Reks vs. Eric Escobar vs. Finlay vs. The Great Khali vs. Jimmy Wang Yang vs. JTG vs. Mike Knox vs. Shad vs. Slam Master J vs. Caylen Croft vs. Ezekiel Jackson vs. Goldust vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. The Hurricane vs. Paul Burchill vs. Trent Barreta vs. Vance Archer vs. Vladimir Kozlov vs. William Regal vs. Yoshi Tatsu vs. Zack Ryder

Winner is either Ezekiel Jackson, Vance Archer, Vladimir Kozlov, Yoshi Tatsu or Zack Ryder

WWE.com-Miss WrestleMania Battle Royal
Mickie James vs. Maryse vs. Alicia Fox vs. Jillian vs. Brie Bella vs. Nikki Bella vs. Eve vs. Kelly Kelly vs. Gail Kim vs. Rosa Mendes vs. Katie Lea Burchill vs. Maria vs. Michelle McCool vs. Layla vs. Beth Phoenix

I would say the winner is Maryse to give her a Divas Championship oppurtunity. She is presented the crown, sash and septar by Tiffany & Santina Marella.

Kane vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Christian vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase vs. R-Truth vs. John Morrison vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Drew McIntyre in a 10 Man Money in the Bank Ladder Match
I don't know who would win but this is Tommy Dreamer’s Retirement Match. With the ending of ECW, which is explained later on, Tommy said this would be his last match unless he won.

The Hart Dynasty (Natalya & Unified Tag Team Champions David Hart Smith & Tyson Kidd) vs. Divas Champion Melina & The World’s Strongest Tag Team (MVP & Mark Henry) in a Winner Takes All, 6 Person Tag Team Match for Women’s & Unified WWE Tag Team Championship

CM Punk & Luke Gallows vs. The Hardys in an Extreme Rules Tag Team Match
As Lita goes out with Punk, you could get Lita to accompany The Hardys to the ring unexpectantly and send Lita off better than when she retired as a hell and when ahe returned and got rid of Jillian singing with the help of Trish Stratus and turned face. Jeff could also pin Punk to gain some revenge.

Team Xtreme (The Hardys w/ Lita) def. CM Punk & Luke Gallows

United States Champion Jack Swagger vs. The Miz vs. ECW Champion Evan Bourne in a Triple Threat Match for United States Championship and Unification with ECW Championship
After WrestleMania, ECW is scrapped as there are rumours going around that this could happen. Even if it is replaced with another show the ECW Championship couldn't be used so this is a way to send it off with the respect it has left.

Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon in a Street Fight
This won't happen but I just thrown it in there as I couldn't think of anyone to fight for Bret but if it did happen, of course:
Bret Hart def. Vince McMahon via submission with the Sharpshooter

Edge (c) vs. Chris Jericho vs. Batista vs. Rey Mysterio in a Fatal-Four-Way Match for World Heavyweight Championship
I wouldn't who would win this match and at first I was thinking two singles matches but then I thought of the history between these our men and it would be a great match.

John Cena vs. The Big Show vs. Randy Orton vs. Sheamus vs. Triple H in a WWE Championship Scramble Match
Sheamus couldn't handle a one on one match but with four of the biggest stars I think he could pull it off, especially if he was the least entrant into the match meaning he would have the least time in the match. Personally I liked the Scramble Matches and it could work if pulled off correctly. For example, stopping the clock to allow the superstars to enter as they usually would and providing a longer and more derserving WrestleMania Match.

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker in a 2 out of 3 Falls Match
If anyone evry defeats The Undertaker I think its the worst thing that could happen and severley damage 'Takers reputation in my opinion. Michaels can say he is that confident that he can even beat him twice. Another reason is that with a 2 out of 3 Falls Match, Shawn could pick up at least one victory over 'Taker at Mania without officially winning the match.
DVD MATCH- a 5 on 5 Womens title vs Divas title match
4 smackdown and diva champ vs 4 raw and womens champ

DVD MATCH- a 26 man battle royal for a shot at the ECW title
Tommy Dreamer would be the winner

Money in the Bank 8 man- JoMo vs Bourne vs Benjamin vs MVP vs Henry vs Kane vs Kozov vs Tatsu vs Christian
JoMo will win this and go on a quest for the World title

WWE Tag Team title match- The Chosen Ones(McIntyre and Ziggler) vs Legacy
McIntyre and Ziggler will win

ECW title match- Zack Ryder vs Tommy Dreamer
Ryder win and Dreamer has only till Backlash to regain and keep not only the ECW title but ECW

Intercontinental title match- Jericho vs Mysterio vs Batista
Jericho win

United States title match- The Miz vs Swagger
Miz wins

World Tag Team title match- Show and Khali vs Regal and Jackson
Regal and Jackson win

Orton vs Kingston- Kingston will overpower the Viper

3 Stages of Hell( 1. Falls Count Anywhere) (2. Hell in a Cell) (3. Casket)
Taker vs Kane
Taker win

WWE title match( A Belfast Brawl)
Sheamus vs HBK vs HHH vs Cena
HBK wins

World title match (Tag Team match)
Straightedge Superstars vs The Hardys
Punk wins and teaches the fans a lesson for the last time and no more drugs :)

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