Wrestlemania 26- All Purpose Thread (Do NOT post entire Mania cards in here)

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Pre-Show Stalwart

There were getting to be too many Wrestlemania 26 threads with matches, scenarios, how Wrestlemania is shaping up, etc. We haven't even had No Way Out, or even the Royal Rumble for that matter yet, and all the Wrestlemania threads are hogging up the entire PPV section.

I decided to merge ALL Wrestlemania Discussion into one thread.

What I am asking, however is NOT to post your ENTIRE MANIA CARDS IN THIS THREAD. It does not produce good discussion, which is the goal of the thread.

Feel free to discuss one or two matches you would like to see and why you think they would be good for the show, however please post your Wrestlemania cards in THIS THREAD:


Thank you.

After SmackDown on Friday you just have to think this is a possibility. Undertaker may lose at survivor series, and after team up with Kane to take the Unified Tag Titles. They can hold the titles till Royal Rumble, while putting over new and young talents, drop the belts at the Rumble, starting a feud between the two leading up to Wrestle Mania 26. I think that would play out awesome. Tell me what you think.
That could happen but haven't we seen Undertaker vs. Kane a hundred times already? I mean they already faced each other in two Wrestlemania matches. One at Wrestlemania 14 and the other at Wrestlemania 20. So every six years they should have another match at Wrestlemania? They need to have Undertaker against Jericho in the main event at WM26 since Edge is probably going to be out for good. I really don't know what you can do with Kane, maybe put him against Batista or Punk.

The point is though we have seen dozen of tag matches and casket/inferno matches with Kane and Undertaker. Those 2 have had every match under the sun between each other. What else could these 2 do against each other?
I sincerely fucking hope not. We've seen these two wrestle twelve thousand times, and it hasn't been exciting since Wrestlemania 14. Their last match at Wrestlemania was atrocious, and the only reason it's remembered as anything but is because of the return of the Deadman gimmick. Kane hasn't been interesting in years (basically since he lost the mask), and I'd rather see 'Taker feuding with someone like Jericho than see him face his kayfabe brother for the ten thousandth time. Who would actually want to see that? I think that match might break the record for most amount of money ever bet on the vBookie here, it would be a glorified squash match.

Let's hope and pray this is not what we see at Wrestlemania 26. Because that would be just awful.
i think this is going to happen as this could be takers last year and its already known he has offered the match to kane and told him he will be the he wants to end the streak just hope they are both face and they shake hands or something at the end to show each other respect
I sincerely fucking hope not. We've seen these two wrestle twelve thousand times, and it hasn't been exciting since Wrestlemania 14. Their last match at Wrestlemania was atrocious, and the only reason it's remembered as anything but is because of the return of the Deadman gimmick. Kane hasn't been interesting in years (basically since he lost the mask), and I'd rather see 'Taker feuding with someone like Jericho than see him face his kayfabe brother for the ten thousandth time. Who would actually want to see that? I think that match might break the record for most amount of money ever bet on the vBookie here, it would be a glorified squash match.

Let's hope and pray this is not what we see at Wrestlemania 26. Because that would be just awful.

I have to say I agree 100% on that. Watching Kane and Undertaker go at it has indeed grown rather stale. Kane is not interesting at all. He went from essentially being a masked version of the Undertaker to essentially being a more important version of Mike Knox. All Kane does now is randomly put over newer talent. I too would much rather see Undertaker wrestle Jericho, as I believe a match at Wrestlemania between the two would obviously be better then the one on Smackdown.
I would say that I would be 100% behind seeing Kane v Undertaker for the 10,000th time at Wrestlemania 26...why? Because I like when Kane and Undertaker work against each other. Simple as. I think if it was built up after them winning the tag titles, they could start a feud which would lead to Mania. Im sorry to those of you who disagree but I'd rather see this than Jericho/Taker any day. If it is to be Jericho though, I would hope the match would be much better than the SD! effort, because it didn't inspire me to want to see it at a Wrestlemania. So yeh, I'd rather see Kane and Taker. Looks like I'm breaking the chain of those firmly against it...
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... Back in 2004 the build up was awesome and it marked the return of the undertaker's deadman persona, Kane doesnt have any momentum right now and its not a credible opponent since he has lost 2 times to him already, it should be chris jericho or john cena...
Taker vs. Kane at Wrestlemania sounds like a great idea. The real drama of the Undertaker's Wrestlemania matches are centered on the streak. The quality of "workrate" is secondary.

Kane should end the streak. He's had the most history with the Undertaker, and I think it would be fitting for the younger brother to end the older brother's streak. Few storylines could be more compelling than Taker vs. Kane, for the final time, at Wrestlemania XXVI.

It took the Rock three tries to beat Austin. Maybe the third match would be the charm for Kane.
I would also really like to see Kane vs Taker at W26, they always put on awesome matches, and besides, haven't we practically already seen many matches played over ten thousand times. Especially on Raw, compared to what you see on Raw, I mean nearly every main event has either had Triple H, Cena or Orton, and the have faced each other so much, and when you compare that to Taker vs Kane, it seems like Taker and Kane hardly ever wrestle, at this moment its like one massive 12 year rivalry that they have going on! And they only face each other like once or twice a year, I always look forward to seeing a Kane vs Taker match.
That could happen but haven't we seen Undertaker vs. Kane a hundred times already? I mean they already faced each other in two Wrestlemania matches. One at Wrestlemania 14 and the other at Wrestlemania 20. So every six years they should have another match at Wrestlemania? They need to have Undertaker against Jericho in the main event at WM26 since Edge is probably going to be out for good. I really don't know what you can do with Kane, maybe put him against Batista or Punk.

The point is though we have seen dozen of tag matches and casket/inferno matches with Kane and Undertaker. Those 2 have had every match under the sun between each other. What else could these 2 do against each other?

What else could they do? How about retire together? I know it's a longshot, but I wouldn't mind seeing these two go at it one more time at WM if they were retiring together. UT can't have much more left in him. It's downright painful to watch him move around the ring together. Kane's had quite a long career now too, so who know how much longer he'll stick around either.

I understand wanting to see UT against someone new like Jericho or Cena. Honestly if either of them ends the streak, it would mean very little. Neither of them need the rub. And as far as one of the younger guys ending it, I honestly can't think of any of them being worthy yet to be the one to end it.

So with that being said, I'd be all in favor of the 2 them riding off into retirement together at WM 26. I'd have Kane win too. UT retires after having his streak broken and Kane retires having taken something his brother held so dear.

If that match was to be true then they would be doing it to totally end Takers streak & would pretty much show a sign of him retiring after that. Taker would not beat Kane for the 3rd time that would be a waste & make Kane even more weak.

Although with the looks of whats happening now it does look like they will have one more battle but with gold on the line & hate to say but maybe a ladder involved as well. I think you all know where I'm going with that.

They already did Taker/Jericho on Smackdown & will meet again at SS in that 3 Way. I really think John Cena should be #18 this year. Mayber Jericho could be #19 next year. In conclusion - Taker's WM Streak will not be broken ever.
Sorry if this sound stupid but WM26 UT and Kane vs Jerishow, tag team buried alive match? Jerishow buries kane and ut and gets the bragging rights of burying the brothers of destruction together thus ending one of the most dominant tag team forces forever. Bring Paul Bearer in the next night with the urn and the ashes of both UT and Kane and have him spread them all over the ring?
I just love seeing The Brothers of Destruction team up any time I get the chance to. However, I just don't like seeing them go against each other. It was great seeing Kane come to The Undertaker's aid on Smackdown! However, I cannot, in recent memory, remember any time that I've seen Undertaker come to Kane's aid when he was in trouble. However, that could be due to the fact that Kane isn't attacked nearly as much as Undertaker.

But, when it comes to seeing Kane vs. The Undertaker... I think it's still a possibility. At Wrestlemania? Let's hope not. I think it's a possibility just because I don't think that WWE is lookin to have Kane turn face yet. He might team up with Undertaker on Smackdown... everything's good and fine, and then he goes on to attack him afterwards. That's your typical storyline of "betrayal".

But, I really don't see any reason for The Undertaker and Kane to fued again, unless it's for the World Heavyweight Championship. That would be the best way for me to like any type of fued between the brothers. I wouldn't be surprise to see them fued again, or possibly facing each other at the 3rd Wrestlemania ever. I just hope that if it happens, it's more interesting.
This match does not need to happen ever again... much less at another Wrestlemania.
In 1998 they had a great Wrestlemania match... the incredible hype and circumstances that led to the encounter (which i won't post cause they are well documented... well everywhere) were simply magnificent! So much emotion and passion were invested by anyone watching at that time. I'm soo happy i got to see it all unfold as it happened.
Years later in 2003 Kane buries Undertaker alive at Survivor Series! Although we knew at some point he would return and fight Kane. His bell tolled at the Rumble of '04 yet no Undertaker appeared. We all knew Wrestlemania would be Kanes judgement day, however the slow build up and mind games made it very intriguing. Would Kane end the streak with a second chance or would Taker extract his revenge on his brother? After all the hype we got a good match, yet nowhere near the intensity of the first Wrestlemania match.
Now to the present... Although Undertaker is a timeless character and can still bring it against Shawn Micheals as well as some of the younger talent that with their own speed and manuevers can keep a match interesting, It is a completely different thing to ask him to put on Wrestlemania caliber match with Kane... another big man who... to be perfectly honest has contributed greatly to WWE but is FAAAR from GREAT in ring worker. "Big Man" matches are very hit and miss... and at this stage in their careers i don't think its a good idea at all.
But the biggest reason i have for this not to happen is because i am attending Wrestlemania 26 (which will be my second one, X-7 the first) and i am, hoping, praying, begging and pleading to let me see The Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho... What a spectacular match these guys would be able to have! It would certainly be a classic "of all time" match. They have so limited a history involved with each other, a nice build up from say the Rumble to Mania would be fresh and FAN-freakin-TASTIC!!
but thats just one mans poorly written opinion -Tdub
Of course we're NOT going to see this feud again. Even Vince wouldn't be dumb enough to try and put an over glorified jobber to stars like Kane up against Taker and try to have us believe he might be able to do it. Kane is not interesting anymore, creative does practically nothing with him right now and the match with the Undertaker at Wrestlemania is becoming more of the attractions rather than title matches themselves. WWE will not put Kane in their biggest spectacle of the year. We will see most likely Undertaker vs Jericho as it should be. The only other person I could see facing Taker at Wrestlemania would be HHH. They (to my knowledge) have not faced off a whole lot over their careers.

HHH's WM this year deserves a whole entire thread to it as well for possibilities. (Maybe I'll start it!)
Ok so it's unlikely, but who better to re-mask kane than the undertaker, i mean that's why kane burried taker if you remember, because he decided his american badass gimmick was weak and taker came back unstoppable, why would taker not do the same in return? As for the match, yeah so we've seen them fight 100 times, but taker is where he is today still because of his ability to adapt, he's like the wrestling world's madonna (shoot me now for that comparison, but its true!) So why can't he and kane do something new and innovative, it wouldn't be the first time. But that said, its more likely to be Cena vs Undertaker at WM as it's seeming to me that Taker is becoming sort of a 'rite of passage' in the industry to some. Maybe even for a unified title. guess we'll have to wait and see though
I always love seeing the BOD together, it's just awesome having having two crazy looking huge guys in the ring that are pretty talented as well. However, I don't think they should have another match, at least at Wrestlemania.

As it's been said above, they've faced each other a million times, who wants to see them again? badstreet did mention them retiring together, but I strongly believe someone should beat Taker in his last match, and Kane definetly shouldn't be the one to do it. I'm not even sure there's any long term implications are far as them teaming up. It may be for this week only just to promote SS.
Every time DX ends, we always get this HHH vs HBK feud. I personally love these feuds. These guys are the top of the business guys and they always put on a show. This time around, why not put the best of feuds on the grandest stage of them all... WM26!

Last time we had HHH vs HBK, HHH was the super heel. This time, HBK needs to play this role. We need to bring back up what happened after the original break up of DX. HBK needs to finally admit that HHH is the one that benefited from HBK taking hiatus for his back injury because its TRUE! HBK's career would have been even bigger than it is now if it wasn't for that back injury. HHH I believe has had a much better career than HBK and HHH has HBK to thank for it (and of course marrying the boss' daughter helps). Its this kind of stuff WWE can use to put this feud on top of the WM card this year.

Any thoughts?
ZZZZZzzzzZZZzzzzzZZZZzzzzZZZZ I don't want to see Michaels job to HHH again. While the whole DX thing is getting old because it's just the two of them, another feud looks like it's probably gonna happen due to the upcoming triple threat match. I can see HHH winning the strap and Michaels going for it at WM, breaking up the friendship one more time, just to kiss and make up after the match. ZZZZZZzzzzzZZZZZZzz
Ya, this doesn't excite me too much. While it may make sense, no one wants to see the same thing over and over again. I'm not sure where the current incarnation of DX is leading, but I fear it may be exactly what you suggest.

HHH/HBK feuds were good at first, but the more and more they're done and the older and older these guys get, the less interesting they are.
Until WWE makes another young star a super face I don't disagree with this main event. Hell, lets go ahead and throw The Undertaker in the mix and unify the world championship. He isn't doing anything major with it on Smackdown anyway. The only star on Smackdown getting any recognition for the world title is Batista and I still don't understand why. Back to more important things, a triple threat would be awesome Undertaker/HHH/HBK at WM26 to unify the world titles.
I say if this match happens again. Then it might be UT last match. I mean who better to pass the torch to then Kane. I hope it happens with the title on the line. This will be Kane first ever WM main event. (correct me if i'm wrong) I say Kane wins it, UT makes a speech about it. And I agree with somebody saying this earlier about UT remasking Kane. Its gonna give him a new look. He can be dominant like he was in 1997, 98. Making him the new UT.

Now if its the same regular Kane vs UT match with nothing on the line, but UT streak, then i disagree. But I wonder If the outcome will be different? Probably not!
Yeah, I was thinking this when HBK came back and DX reformed and it looks like that's the direction that WWE is heading with this. I think Triple H (most likely) or HBK will win the title off Cena at Survivor Series by pinning the other. Whoever wins the title will turn heel, as they're both overdue for it, and it'll set up a feud between the two. I'm hoping it's HBK who wins, I'd like to see him have one last good heel run before he retires just because I think he's a great heel, but it might not be in the cards. I see the feud continuing on to WrestleMania at that point. The problem is, initially I thought Shawn was going to retire around WrestleMania, but I guess that's not really the case anymore? If he still plans on retiring around WM this year, I know he definitely probably wants Triple H to send him off just like he did Flair. But, if that's the case, I think both guys would want to be faces for the WM match. Regardless of HBK's plans or not, I think we're going to see this match at WM 26 but depending on those retirement plans it might be slightly altered.
I don't like the sound of this, unless one of them makes a major heel turn, which would probably be HHH, but it's really hard to choose right now, it probably depends on what happens at SS and Royal Rumble, and as to who wins the Royal Rumble. I'm kind of looking forward to this Wrestlemania, usually by now I'd know what the matches would be, as would many of you, but this year it seems very hard to tell...and hopefully Edge will be back in time for a Wrestlemania match!
Fucking hell, I still remember WrestleMania 20, all that build up Kane had only to pretty much get owned by Undertaker and lose all of his momentum. It just shat all over the legacy of their WrestleMania 14 encounter which was fucking excellent.

If it does happen then Kane should go over, while I am of the opinion that he is way past his sell by date fact is it'd be absolutely pointless to have Taker go 3-0 against Kane at WrestleMania, it'd also make Kane look more like shit than he has done recently.

Still, I dont actually see it happenning at all.
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