WPWF Attitude Feedback Thread

Christian Battlez

Getting Noticed By Management
Please place all feedback regarding WPWF Attitude in here. Thank you :) Constructive Criticism is greatly appreciated. If you have any creative ideas please feel free to PM them to me and not place them in the thread. This is for your review of the show only. Thank you :)
Attitude is now up :) Make sure to check it out and place your feedback in this thread. Three new champions were crowned at the show! Check it out!
Great read!

Only thing is that the matches got a little hard to read. Lots of detail which is great, but try and space it out a little. One big block gets to be too much and get lost. Just put some spacing in and it will be great.

Can't wait to read the next one!!
I will definitely be checking this out when I get home from school. I've always enjoyed your work CB, so I expect some juicy greatness here. I'll have some feedback/review and I'll probably edit it into this post.

EDIT: My Review

Fantastic show Battlez and welcome back to the book this section man. Only problem I had with the show was reading the matches, as it was blocked all together in the quote. Maybe separate it with some commentary or just paragraph it out to make it easier to read. Other than that the show was fabulous. Loved the backstage promo with Morgan and Super Mex, I lol'd. The King and JR bit was humorous to kick off the show. I like the interesting twist with JR looking like the heel. Wish the King would have stuck around, would have made the commentary more entertaining. I think you got the right two guys in the tourney winning with Orton and AJ and Morgan/Hernandez winning the titles amongst a stacked tag match is awesome. Daniels, I hate him so he shouldn't have won haha. All seriousness though I expect to see some interactions between him and MVP, so that should be interesting. Looking forward to show 2.

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