Wow.. The Creative Team is actually being.. Creative

Dirty Spamchez

Pre-Show Stalwart
For once, they're being creative. They have started making good storylines. For one, on Raw with Snoop D O double G. He made some great matches and everything flowed so well with him. HBK/Y2J, Cena/Triple H and all the other matches. He did that weed segment and with the Charlie Brown/Santino moment. Most of this is done by creative (the script and everything). And the thing with the spear to Chavo, imo, was freakin awesome, so was the spear.

The Orton/Cena feud finally coming to an end at Bragging Rights in a 60 minutes Iron Man match. Finally something good from the WWE Title scene. I just hope after this it's not Orton/Cena vs Triple H.

Another thing I really like is the Fatal Four Way match between Taker, CM Punk, Batities, and Rey Misterio. This match is my favorite out of the Bragging Rights matches. We get to see Rey vs Punk which is awesome. Rey vs Undertaker, which is a very rare interaction (and has only happened once in a WWE Title tournament on SD). It is really great seeing Rey and Taker finally face off in a high profile match and one that will last more than 5 minutes. And Taker vs Batista is also great. Batista's best opponent and feud, imo, because they had some crazy matches (Hell in a Cell, Last Man Standing, Cage Match, WrestleMania match all for the World Title). One of my favorite feuds. This match is pretty much a crazy combination of star power and, imo, will be the show stealer.

And this whole SmackDown vs Raw Bragging Rights match is also good. But the teams have been given very limited amount of time to create a spark for a feud, they were only given one week, given that the teams only interacted once on Raw before the PPV. SPOILERS>>>
The SmackDown team changes to Jericho, Kane, Matt Hardy, Finlay, R-Truth and the Hart Dynasty as a result of 4 of the other members losing the match which really changes a lot of components for this match. It sucks that Cryme Tyme is out, imo.
Kind of glad that it happened though(referring to the spoilers). I really am impressed with this match and can't wait to see the result and which team the crowd will cheer for. I'm rooting for Team SmackDown. I really hope this SmackDown vs Raw feud will carry on to Survivor Series, which will be awesome and will get good timing (3-4) weeks to really intensify the brand feuds.

Some other good matches are John Morisson vs The Miz: IC Title vs US Title: SmackDown vs Raw, The SmackDown vs Raw divas match and last night's ECW main event, Jericho vs Christian, which was a solid, awesome and out of the ordinary main event. We got to see a former tag team and classic rivals in a match again.

Your thoughts.
HIAC had a great card too, and that quickly became a terrible PPV. I'm really loving the direction WWE is taking, but I'll hold my expectations neutral til I see it come to fruition. I'll actually be in attendance Sunday!

The only other fear I have is that this PPV will be a set up for SS.
raw has finally got it (kinda). raw is starting to come out of the slump its been in for like ever and is going to become interesting again. that's what it looks like. they finally got something right. that's all i have too say.
HIAC had a great card too, and that quickly became a terrible PPV. I'm really loving the direction WWE is taking, but I'll hold my expectations neutral til I see it come to fruition. I'll actually be in attendance Sunday!

The only other fear I have is that this PPV will be a set up for SS.

On your first point I agree Hell in a Cell was average at best, but I actually disagree with you on your second point the WWE should use BR to build up Survivor Series.

SS is one of the big four and with BR about a month before it must be used to set it up the WWE needs big numbers here.

Most of if not all WWE's PPV's have been lackluster this year maybe they are finally starting to turn it around ?
raw has finally got it (kinda). raw is starting to come out of the slump its been in for like ever and is going to become interesting again. that's what it looks like. they finally got something right. that's all i have too say.

But at the cost of Smackdown losing some of it's luster imo.
I don't find the ppv concept, raw vs smack down tag match, iron man match, or this ppv creative until they are actually done, and are indeed good. It has been just too much now when wwe thinks they put out a good idea, but just fail to pull through when it comes time for it. For example:

Kane and burlap bag-just shitty. when you get everyone thinking something great with kanes mask will happen and then just fuck it over, it's not good.

Million Dollar Mania- Too fake. The key word is too in the sentence just because it is impossible to randomly call someone, then somehow they are in the audience of that show, and the camera is able to point right at them.

Cage matches- These are terrible now. They aren't entertaining, and there is even a door that opens when someone gets close to it. If this was real, the match would last maybe 5 seconds.

Overall, they need to make it good for it to be creative.
On your first point I agree Hell in a Cell was average at best, but I actually disagree with you on your second point the WWE should use BR to build up Survivor Series.

SS is one of the big four and with BR about a month before it must be used to set it up the WWE needs big numbers here.

Most of if not all WWE's PPV's have been lackluster this year maybe they are finally starting to turn it around ?

I actually agree with you and I guess I wasn't lucid with my point of view.

If this PPV is more than just a transitional event, then SS is even bigger and more important. I would love to see a couple new feuds brought on (Orton/Ted maybe?) and development to lead into SS. That means BR could have one of those "Wow.. that just happened" moments.
Im happy too to see something fresh within the titles scene. The whc bouts have been great,but the wwe title has been the handover title between Cena and orton.

Now anythings possible and you kind of have a grasp that your not sure who will win the 60 minute iron man match,its hard to pull off ..and keep in mind HBK/Angle and Bret Hart and HBK have had incredible matches under the stipulation.

The smackdown bragging rights team has changed too,great to see Hardy and the Hart Dynasty in there..shouldve kept Ziggler instead of R-Truth though.
I won't say anything about Smackdown because in my opinion, it's been doing just fine, and has been for months.

Though they still have a long way to go to become truly entertaining again, Raw is finally starting to look like it may have SOME direction.

Ever since the guest host thing started, Raw has been a mess. There are hardly any fueds, storylines are weak and underdeveloped, and half the roster seems to be in limbo each week. All because a majority of the time and effort is spent putting over the guest host, and building the whole show around him/her.

While Raw is starting to straighten itself out, overall it's still a bit of a mess. The only continuing stories happening are Orton/Cena (which is about to end), Orton/Dibiase build up, and Swagger's win streak. Right now, a chunk of Raw's talent is fueding with Smackdown for a one-off match, and the US champ is fueding with the IC champ, again a one time thing. The diva's champ is doing nothing (as usual), the tag champs are split for now, and everyone else not involved with Bragging Rights is doing absolutely nothing.

Luckily for the WWE, Survivor Series is up next, which means they can just slap some teams together and have them feud with each other and not have to focus on individuals as much. After that, then we'll see if Raw has improved.
SPOILER........................Just to let you know in the smackdown match was whoever got pinned lost the spot. Therefore, Matt Hardy is the only one in. Not the entire team. JTG loses his spot. So the team will now be Jericho, Kane, McIntyre, Escobar, Hardy, Shad, and Ziggler. It is good to pay attention. It was the same deal as the team from Raw had on monday night. If any of the team members got pinned they lose their spot. Peace
Thank goodness they at least booked Matt Hardy into this match. He's an incredible performer and shouldn't be left off the PPV.
In some ways creative is getting creative but why take JTG out of the match. He is so good and he even wrestles in timbs you take him out and the match loses excitement. I like that matt is in it but he should have repalced Escobar that would make for a good dynamic for a feud between the two. But also R-truth should not be jobbing to McIntyre. some may not remember but McIntyre made his first appearance in WWE around Fall of 2007 on SD and partnered up with Dave Taylor. He was on tv for a few weeks and then went to dark matches for close to two years. I went to a SD/ ECW in Nov of '07 and saw Drew in a dark match and then I went to another SD/ ECW/superstars back in june and he was still in dark matches. I mean come on and now you're gonna bring him back and the frst thing you do with him is get him to be introduced by Vince who says he will be a future world champ. For one that's alot of pressure and two R-truth has so much more to build upon. he's older so make money off him while you still can. WWE needs to push black wrestlers. The only one I've seem with a World strap is Booker T, i don't count the Rock i consider him another Samoan champ alongside Yokozuna. Great wrestlers like R-Truth and Shelton deserve a great push. Especially R-truth cause he has the whole package of ring and mic skills. So creative you're doing ok but you're still not running on all cylinders.
SPOILER........................Just to let you know in the smackdown match was whoever got pinned lost the spot. Therefore, Matt Hardy is the only one in. Not the entire team. JTG loses his spot. So the team will now be Jericho, Kane, McIntyre, Escobar, Hardy, Shad, and Ziggler. It is good to pay attention. It was the same deal as the team from Raw had on monday night. If any of the team members got pinned they lose their spot. Peace

No. The Creative Team actually did change it all.
Shad's sick and is unable to make it to bragging rights.
JTG got pinned in the match that hasnt happened yet there's two out.
Eric Young and Drew McIntyre dont have the experience or skill IMO yet to represent Team SmackDown

There's 4 out.

Jericho and Kane are captains so they're not going anywhere.

So the creative team decided to change all of them.

it was one of the better guest host Raws (I hate the whole concept) but did HHH really have to bury SD! on the mic so badly? And why go over clean on the #1 contender for the WWE title going into a PPV? made no sense to me.
It has not been confirmed that ERIC ESCOBAR,McIntyre,or Ziggler are out. Shad was sick and unable to compete on smackdown. Where are you getting your information? I could be wrong, but I don't believe I am. If I am I apologize.
I think Raw seems to be getting a little better creatively speaking. We just need to see where they will take things at and after bragging rights. As for Smackdown, Can we please cancel all smackdown shows. They have good wrestling talent, but everyone sucks on the mic. Mostly all of smackdowns talent are mid-carders at best. How can you be creative with average talent. If we all stop cheering Undertaker.........maybe he will go away. Can anybody see any of these guys on smackdown being future world champions? Perhaps John Morrison but thats it. I think we need to go back to one show and cut a lot of people. Unify all titles and build stonger fueds and development some new talent. Just not who they have now.

Also if creative did change the team...........they are idiots. Make your team weaker that makes sense...........not.
Well if it is the case that the whole team is being replaced, I for one am glad to see the hart dynasty finally doing something!!

Sure cryme tyme are cool, but I think the hart dynasty have so much more potential in terms of being a heel team and having great fights with some teams other than cryme tyme (although those fights ARE good, but not after the hundreth time!). Besides with the probable break up of legacy there needs to be some more heel teams other than Jerishow.

This could really be a potential platform to actually push them into the mainstream tag picture. I mean, you have to consider it interesting that they haven't had a shot at the Jerishow's titles yet, maybe their next in line.....
I have to disagree with the Hart Dynasty. I can't stand them and they should not ride off of something they had nothing to do with. It tarnishes the Hart name. Just Vince using the Hart name to get people over.......sad. I do agree we need more heels. I think if you change cryme tymes gimmick the sky is the limit for them, but until that happens they will never be taken serious. So maybe it would be better to go with the Hart Dynasty in this contest.
No. The Creative Team actually did change it all.
Shad's sick and is unable to make it to bragging rights.
JTG got pinned in the match that hasnt happened yet there's two out.
Eric Young and Drew McIntyre dont have the experience or skill IMO yet to represent Team SmackDown

There's 4 out.

Jericho and Kane are captains so they're not going anywhere.

So the creative team decided to change all of them.


Who the hell is Eric Young? lmao It's Eric Escobar...

Ziggler should have been in instead of someone.

Do you guys like the fact that Finlay is in the match or no?
TomTheGame, unfortunately, I think Cryme Tyme has been buried so long they are going to eventually lose credibility. It's obvious from watching the guys how much potential they have and how athletic they are. Still, every time they get in a high stakes match, they do the job. There have been tons of teams in WWE history which have been completely over with the fans, had great ring skills and still never got over that final hump. What about The Killer Bees back in the day?! They put on some great matches with The Hart Foundation, but they never really got the big push. They definitely didn't get a title run. The same is true of The Rockers. At the height of their popularity in WWE, they were probably the most over team on the roster, but they never got the straps either.

The Hart Dynasty is still new. They are just being introduced to many fans. They're building momentum slowly. It's very likely they have a tremendous future ahead of them. It's clear that everyone on the boards are marking out for them, so that's a good sign.

Of course, it doesn't mean WWE has anything in store for them. Aside from JeriShow finally putting some luster back on the tag titles, no other team in the E has anything close to a storyline, so it will be interesting to see what they have up their sleeve for the Harts. The possibilities excite me!
I agree it was a good episode of raw, Also thought they did a good job with Ecw this week Christian vs Jericho was nice, Was suprised to see Christian get the clean pin. Look forward to Miz vs Morrison....... Btw how do u post the spoiler bar?
it was one of the better guest host Raws (I hate the whole concept) but did HHH really have to bury SD! on the mic so badly? And why go over clean on the #1 contender for the WWE title going into a PPV? made no sense to me.

Triple H buried smack down on the mic badly because he is trying to at least hype up the match, and it is just necessary at that time. The smack down team at that time was just awful, and Triple H's character during DX is to pretty much make fun of everyone, and that is what he did.

wwe had cena lose to triple h because this is their next way to make it seem like "Cena is against all odds, and has no shot to win." to have cena lose going into the ppv makes him look weaker than orton, so it makes him look like the underdog which, for some reason, wwe still thinks he can pull that off. In no way is Cena ever an underdog anymore because they have over done it too much. Pretty much every match you here Michael Cole say something along the lines of "i dont like cena's chances here, Cena is against all odds here, how can Cena prevail." I'm sick of watching that. It isn't just not entertaining, it's not just a stale gimmick, it is also just boring.
wwe had cena lose to triple h because this is their next way to make it seem like "Cena is against all odds, and has no shot to win." to have cena lose going into the ppv makes him look weaker than orton, so it makes him look like the underdog which, for some reason, wwe still thinks he can pull that off. In no way is Cena ever an underdog anymore because they have over done it too much. Pretty much every match you here Michael Cole say something along the lines of "i dont like cena's chances here, Cena is against all odds here, how can Cena prevail." I'm sick of watching that. It isn't just not entertaining, it's not just a stale gimmick, it is also just boring.

Of all the stupid pathetic and unexplainable things Raw and creative does this is king. How on gods green earth is John Cena a six time world champion a underdog ? He has beaten everybody in the WWE that their is to beat, Rey Mysterio is an underdog heck HBK is more of an underdog John Cena is not.

It frustrates me but then again I know they are trying to trick ten year old kids but even they can't be that naive can they ? I mean they see their little hero winning all the time so why would they believe he is ever going to lose when he drops a single digit number of matches in any single year ?

This proves creative is still lazy and lacking John Cena is the definition of a stale gimmick, it's gone on since 05-06. Yeah he was a "marine" for a little while but his whole year long title reign was based on the underdog role.

As much as people critisize the likes of Triple H and Randy Orton at least they have freshened up their gimmicks ! The Legend Killer the Viper The Game DX it keeps them relevant.

Batista is guilty of this as well but everybody knows he sucks has anybody ever gotten more of an unwarranted push based off one feud ?

Anyways rant finished it's just annoying to me I've been watching wrestling for most of my young life and I hate when my intelligence is taken for granted.

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